Mr. Bo, my wife is going on a date with someone again.

Chapter 230 I don’t want to see you but I force you to see me.

Chapter 230 I don’t want to see you but I force you to see me.
"Just talking nonsense in front of the media about you being his girlfriend makes you so moved that you want to marry me?" The man's voice became lower and lower, and every word had a grainy feel, like it was on a person's heart. Mo Guo said, "Shen Wanci, you are not the kind of little girl who was still immersed in the literature of the boss when she was a teenager. Is this kind of low-level teasing worth touching you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a country dog. I just like this." Shen Wanci pulled his hand off her arm: "It's better than some people. After three years of marriage, no one knows that I am him. wife."

Bo Jingzhou pursed his lips: "If you want to make it public..."

Shen Wanci knew what he was going to say just by listening to the first half of the sentence and interrupted: "No, everyone knows now that we are divorced, so it would be rude to argue any more. Let me remind you again, you just said that not long ago "Whoever talks about getting back together is a dog," so Mr. Bo has had enough of being a human being and is he ready to be a dog?"

Bo Jingzhou's handsome face alternated between green and white, and his jawline was tense. He was so angry that he wanted to crush the incomprehensible woman in front of him to death on the spot.

Shen Wanci took advantage of his self-esteem to be stimulated by her, opened the car door again, got in, started the car and drove away, spraying the exhaust fumes in Bo Jingzhou's face.

At the entrance of Chanson Garden, Jiang Yazhu hummed, turned around and got into a Rolls-Royce with the door open.


On the weekend, Shen Wanci and Qin Yuezhi made an appointment to eat at a newly opened Internet celebrity hotpot. Halfway through, they received a call from the mysterious boss, "Come to the villa, I have something to do."

"Now?" Since signing the contract, the person seemed to have disappeared. She tried to contact him to find out about her mother, but no matter whether she sent a message or called him, nothing happened.


"Can you..."

It was already twelve o'clock. Qin Yuezhi finally made an appointment at the internet celebrity hot pot restaurant after three days. Shen Wanci didn't want to let her down, so she wanted to ask the other party if she could go there after dinner, but she didn't finish her words. , the phone hung up.

Shen Wanci took a breath and said to Qin Yuezhi with an apologetic look: "Yuezhi, they're looking for me over there. They say they have a job, so I have to go there."

Qin Yuezhi frowned: "That mountainside villa?"


"I'll go with you." Without waiting for Shen Wanci's consent, Qin Yuezhi had already turned around and headed towards the villa. "I've asked about it. No one has lived in the villa for many years. Where can't the cultural relics be restored?" Repair, the other party insists on letting you go over there, if something really happens, no one can hear you even if you shout at the top of your lungs, I always feel that that person has evil intentions."

If you really want to be upright, you won't be afraid to show your face. You say you are interested in Wan Ci's skills, but you don't invite her sincerely. First, you let two men who don't know anything make a bad face, and then bring out Wan Ci's mother. He took a photo with someone whose face couldn't even be seen clearly to seduce him, and then he pretended to be innocent and covered himself up like a mummy, for fear that others would see his face.

This set of tricks is not something a good person would do.

Qin Yuezhi's worries were also Shen Wancci's worries, but if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. She had already prepared for this when she chose to expose herself, "Don't go, if something really happens." , the two of us fell in together, and there was no one to help call the police."

"I'm just going in this time to check in. If something happens in the future, if I'm familiar with the geographical environment, I can lead the police to run faster and gain a few more minutes of rescue time."

Shen Wanci: "...Although it makes sense, I always feel that you are cursing me. You step on every step. Can you shut your crow mouth? What if it works?"

"Oh, you also hurry up, and the bad spirit is bad."

The car parked at the door of the villa. Because it was halfway up the mountain with lush vegetation and no one had lived there for a long time, it always felt a bit eerie. I didn't feel this way last time I came here. This time I guess it was because of Qin Yue's words. influence here.

Before getting off the bus, Qin Yuezhi sent his location to Qin Heyi, "If I haven't contacted you in 10 minutes, call the police. I'll accompany Wan Ci to see the address of her new job." After saying that, she said, "Click." I took some photos of the villa and sent them.

A few minutes after ringing the doorbell, the servant came to open the door. The interior of the villa was no different from the previous time. "Sir, sir, is waiting for you in the study on the second floor."

Shen Wancci thanked her and prepared to go upstairs with Qin Yuezhi.

The servant stopped him and said, "Sir, he doesn't like meeting strangers. Please wait in the living room for a while."

Although Qin Yuezhi was worried, he respected the other person's quirks before breaking up, "If anything happens, just call, or just shout."

She paused and said, "If you don't come out in 10 minutes, I will go up and look for you."

The soundproofing effect of the villa is very good. If she is really malicious, she might even install a signal jammer. She was looking at her mobile phone the whole time. The signal was full and she could receive and send messages normally, but she didn't know what was going on upstairs.

Shen Wanci was moved and said, "Okay."

In the study room on the second floor, she opened the door. The ultra-thick blackout curtains were tightly drawn inside, making it pitch dark.

Because of the light coming from the corridor, I could barely see the man standing in the shadow of the curtains.

They are all so dark, and they are so well disguised. Either they are mentally defective, or they are preparing to do something big, and they are afraid of being seen by others and leaving a clue.


"On the desk." The man's voice sounded clear and smooth, but I didn't know whether it was the original sound or a changed one.

Shen Wanci didn't care whether he agreed or not. He directly touched the switch on the wall and turned on the light. There was an early Qing Dynasty painting on the desk. The damage was average. Any master who could complete the repair independently could do it:

"I want to see the job my mother took before she died."

Although I don't know if my mother's death has anything to do with the painting, the coincidence of the painting's appearance and then sudden disappearance can easily arouse people's suspicions.

"Not for now."

"When will that happen?" She would sign the contract entirely because the other person mentioned her mother and acted like he knew everything about her past.

"Miss Shen, let me remind you that our relationship is just an employment relationship. You have no right to ask me for this. As for the painting, you will be able to see it when you are qualified enough."

Shen Wanci sneered and refused to give in: "What does it mean to be qualified? You can't wait for me to be seventy or eighty years old, right?"

"Don't worry, you can wait that long, old man..." He paused, probably because he almost said the wrong thing, and there was some irritation suppressed in his voice: "We can't wait that long, you want to see that painting as soon as possible? Just show off your ability in painting. When you reach your mother's level, even if you don't want to see her, I will force you to see her."

(End of this chapter)

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