Chapter 146 The danger in Huainan?

Huainan, Shouchun, General Mansion.

Yuan Shu's angry curse suddenly came from the main hall where Shenggeyanwu was playing.

Then a group of scantily clad dancers came out quickly.

in the hall.

Yuan Shu looked at Yan Xiang who had received the news in front of him with disbelief.

"how can that be?"

"The army on the west route and the army on the south route are nearly 40, and Lin Fan only has more than [-] at most. How can he withstand the two-pronged attack?"

"Aren't you joking?"

Yan Xiang smiled bitterly and said: "Lord, I just got this news, and I don't want to believe it either, but the scouts from Xiaopei and Pengcheng came back with the same news, which proves it is absolutely correct."

"The mountains of corpses and seas of blood outside Xiaopei City and Pengcheng are not fake."

"Lin Fan defeated the coalition forces and defended Xuzhou."

"From now on, the sky is as high as the birds can fly, and the sea is as wide as the fish can leap. It is absolutely impossible to stop Lin Fan's rise."

"The worst thing is that Huainan will bear the brunt of Lin Fan's attack."

Yuan Shu's face was gloomy: "Trash, trash!"

"Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Liu Yao, Zhang Yang, etc. are all trash!"

"Even Xuzhou, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, can't be taken."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, his eyes flashing with darkness: "When you asked Sun Ce to represent me in Huainan, Sun Ce did not perform well from the beginning to the end."

"The scouts also reported that a team of tens of thousands of people had bypassed Ruxukou and headed straight for Jiujiang."

"Although his identity has not been confirmed, he is definitely Sun Ce from the Northern Expedition."

"Under the bed, there is Sun Ce, a fierce tiger, eyeing me. Plus, Lin Fan, who covets me in Huainan, now we are wolves in front and behind, what can we do?"

"Originally we only had to watch out for Lin Fan, but now it's good that Sun Ce has also become a serious concern."

"Tell me, what should I do?"

Yan Xiang's face was full of bitterness: "Don't worry, my lord. No matter how courageous Sun Ce is, he would not dare to fall out with my lord, especially when all the heroes in the world just failed to attack Lin Fan."

"The one we should be most wary of is Lin Fan in the north."

"How to survive until the next time the coalition of princes launches another crusade."

Yuan Shu's eyes flickered: "After such a huge defeat, who is still willing to be Lin Fan's enemy?"

"If 40 people are no match for it, who else can gather so many people?"

Yan Xiang shook his head: "You can't say that. Lin Fan is a traitor recognized by the world. He and the princes are on the same mountain and cannot coexist."

"The greater his power, the more he will arouse the jealousy of others, and the more he will attract a joint crusade from everyone in the world."

"If nothing else, Yuan Benchu's son in the north was killed by Lin Fan. How can he not avenge this great hatred?"

"When Gongsun Zan is no longer entrenched in Youzhou, he will immediately go south."

"As soon as Yuan Shao takes the lead, all the princes will naturally be willing to respond."

"But before that, we have to survive Lin Fan's counterattack during this period!"

After hearing what Yan Xiang said, Yuan Shu, who was angry and worried, calmed down.

He knew that it was difficult for his family to compete with Lin Fan.

But being unable to capture Xuzhou does not mean that Huainan cannot be defended.

To the north of Huainan is the danger of the Huaihe River. Although Lin Fan's cavalry is strong, he has no navy.

With a solemn gaze, Yuan Shu nodded slightly: "How do you think we should defend Huainan, sir?" Yan Xiang paced back and forth for a while, with a dazzling color in his eyes: "Strengthen the walls and clear the fields, abandon the surrounding counties, use Yangzhou as the center, and Hefei and Xuyi as the two wings."

"As long as these three cities are defended, Lin Fan will not dare to continue southward even with thousands of troops."

After a brief silence, Yuan Shu frowned: "This means giving up Chaoxian, Juchao, Shuxian and other large areas of land surrounding Chaohu Lake."

"If Sun Ce really has different intentions and looks at Lujiang after taking Jiujiang, what should he do?"

"Are we going to give away our land to others?"

Yan Xiang shook his head confidently: "Absolutely impossible!"

"Although Sun Ce is out of the lord's control, he is still nominally his subordinate. If he starts a war at this time, he will have to bear the responsibility of being disloyal and unjust, colluding with the traitor Lin Fan, and colluding with each other."

"Sun Ce is not stupid and will never get involved in Huainan."

After saying this, Yan Xiang paused for a moment and said calmly: "Master, we don't have much time. Lin Fan may go south at any time."

“If you don’t prepare until then, it will be too late!!”

Yuan Shu paced back and forth in the main hall for a while, then solemnly nodded: "I will do everything as you said!"


Yan Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, his face lit up with joy, he clasped his fists and left.
Jingzhou, Xiangyang.

Zhou Mufu, in the study.

Liu Biao is on top of the throne, with Kuai Yue, Cai Mao, Wen Pin, Zhang Yun and other confidants standing below.

After listening to Wenpin's report about the Battle of Xuzhou, the whole study was completely silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

After a long while, Zhang Yun sighed: "I didn't expect that the nearly 40 coalition troops of the princes could not do anything to deal with a mere bandit."

"After the defeat of Xiaopei and the defeat of Pengcheng, Lin Fan is now as powerful as a rainbow. He has established a foothold in Xuzhou. If he wants to destroy him, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky!!"

"But fortunately, he is not on the border with us. Although he has long-term worries, he has no immediate worries."

Cai Hao nodded in agreement: "Yes, the external worries will be shared by the princes of the world, but the internal difficulties in Jingxiang need to be resolved as soon as possible."

"Although Zhang Xiu from Wancheng nominally surrendered to the lord, the lord of the alliance of princes asked him to send troops on behalf of Jingxiang. He pretended to be ill and refused to go, which shows that he has great ambitions. I think he should be wiped out to stabilize the situation in Jingxiang."

Wenpin frowned: "No!"

"Although Zhang Xiu is ambitious, he only has one county. The north can block us from Cao Cao, and the west can block us from Li Jue and Guo Si. It is of great use."

"Coupled with the new defeat of our army, the losses are not small. It is too far-fetched to send troops at this moment. If Zhang Xiu cannot be destroyed, the northern barrier will instantly become a disaster and directly threaten Xinye and Dengcheng. The situation will be even worse."

"Maintaining the current delicate relationship, driving away wolves and devouring tigers, and letting Zhang Xiu guard the north for us is the best strategy!"

As soon as the words came out, Zhang Yun on the side sneered: "It seems that General Wenpin's courage was also broken by the traitor Lin Fan!"

"I don't even have the courage to send troops to Wancheng."

"If you dare not lead the troops to attack Zhang Xiu, I can lead the troops there."

"If Wancheng cannot be taken, I am willing to issue a military order."

Wenpin had an angry look on his face: "Lin Fan is the greatest threat in the world today. The alliance of multiple princes cannot capture Xuzhou. In the future, when Lin Fan stabilizes the situation, strengthens his troops, and marches out of Xuzhou, who can stop his progress?"

"Although it is a foreign enemy, this foreign enemy is too powerful and needs to be eradicated as soon as possible."

"Although the encirclement and suppression failed this time, it was because of improper cooperation among various ministries, and it was not entirely a fault of the war."

"Therefore, the top priority is to work with the imperial court to recruit elite soldiers and generals to encircle Xuzhou and deal with Lin Fan."

"Or recruit and sell troops to consolidate our own strength. It is not appropriate to start a war again, especially not to start a war with Zhang Xiu of Wancheng."

"My lord, please think twice!!"

Having said this, Wenpin knelt down on one knee, his face full of expectation and solemnity.
(End of this chapter)

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