Three Kingdoms: defect to Liu Bei and backhand intercept Mrs. Hu Mi

Chapter 115 Cao Cao: Haha, the fish is hooked!

Chapter 115 Cao Cao: Haha, the fish is hooked!
Allied rear camp.

The flames shot into the sky, and the shouts of death were deafening.

The chaos in the rear camp also led to riots in the middle army and the front camp.

However, because of Wenpin and Cao Ren's early arrangements, there was a lot of movement, but the chaos was not big.

More than ten miles away, in the woods.


Rapid footsteps sounded.

Lin Fan, who was standing on the boulder and looking up at the stars, came back to his senses.

Looking at Zhao Yun who was breathing heavily, he smiled and said, "What's the matter, Zilong is so panicked?"

Zhao Yun ignored the salute and gasped: "My lord, something serious has happened!"

"Something bad is happening!!"

"The shouts of killing in the coalition rear camp were deafening, and the fire shot straight into the sky."

"Now we have no contact with General Zhang Liao and General Gao Shun in the city. They will definitely think that the chaos caused by the princess's attack."

"If we go out of the city to support, I'm afraid we will fall into the trap immediately."

Yue Fei on the side was equally shocked: "My lord, you have said everything correctly."

"Cao Cao really put on a good show and spared no expense."

"Should we find a way to notify the general in the city?"

Lin Fan shook his head: "Don't be impulsive, for good fortune and misfortune lie ahead, and misfortune lies behind blessing!"

"Sometimes bad things happen and good things happen. Who knows until the end?"

"Carry the Wei army and advance towards the coalition forces first. Do not attack without my order. Anyone who disobeys the order will be subject to military law!!"


Yue Fei and Qu Yi clasped their fists to accept the order, turned around and left.

When they walked away, Lin Fan looked in the direction of Xiaopeicheng with a calm expression: "Chen Gong, Zhang Liao, you won't let me down, right?"

Xiaopei, on the city wall.

Chen Gong, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun stood side by side.

Looking at the chaotic coalition camp, Zhang Liao couldn't suppress his inner excitement: "The coalition's offensive situation has been weak in the past few days. In the past, daily attacks could occasionally scale the city wall, like a trapped beast still fighting."

"But since three days ago, the city wall has not been climbed once."

“The so-called success is achieved in one go, then it becomes weak again, and in three cases it is exhausted.”

"The flaws of the coalition forces were revealed, and the lord finally took action!"

"The cavalry attacked the rear camp for only two quarters of an hour, and there was so much movement."

"It is possible to kill the coalition forces in one fell swoop and seize the Chinese army's commander's tent."

"Apart from the Beiwei Army at my lord's side and the Eighteen Cavalrymen of Yanyun, who else in the world has this ability?"

"Brother Gongtai, General Gao, we should also go out of the city to respond to our lord's actions."

"Attack from both sides and defeat the coalition forces!!"

"Otherwise, if you go too late, you may not even be able to drink the soup!"

Gao Shun raised his brows, his cold eyes filled with fighting spirit: "I will gather the army right away and go out of the city to kill the enemy!"

Zhang Liao nodded slightly and was about to go down to prepare.

Chen Gong, with a serious brow, spoke.

"Two generals, don't be anxious!"

"I have something to say!"


Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were stunned, with a flash of confusion in their eyes: "Mr. Gongtai, do you still have any questions?"

Chen Gong said calmly: "Don't you think everything is going smoothly? It's too smooth?"

"Too smooth?"

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked at Chen Gong in confusion: "What does this mean?"

Chen Gongdao: "As soon as the coalition forces showed signs of exhaustion, my lord seized the opportunity to attack. Isn't this a coincidence?"

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked at each other: "Mr. Gongtai, do you think the commotion outside the city is not caused by the master?" Chen Gong hesitated and shook his head: "That's not what I meant. I'm afraid that it might be a conspiracy of the coalition forces. If we send troops without permission, aren't we falling into a trap?"

"My lord has entrusted Xiaopei to us. Xiaopei must not allow any loss."

Zhang Liao frowned slightly, his eyes a little unkind: "Mr. Gongtai, your words are a bit unfathomable!"

"Other than my lord, who else could make such a big fuss?"

"The shouts of killing are fake. Are the flames soaring into the sky also fake?"

"There is no basis for this. It is too much to ask us to stay in the city and ignore our lord and brothers Paoze who are fighting outside the city, right?"

Gao Shun used to respect Chen Gong, but he also felt that what he just said was too much.

"Mr. Gongtai, the outcome of a war is often decided by a thought."

"This opportunity must not be missed. It will never come back. Don't ignore the overall situation just because of a little doubt!"

"If you are afraid of loss, we will leave you 2 people to defend the city in case of any eventuality."

Zhang Liao frowned and was about to refute, but when he saw Gao Shun's expression, and even a hint of evil in his eyes, he stopped talking and looked at Chen Gong with interest.

Chen Gong is a smart man. How could he not understand what Zhang Liao discovered?

Knowing that he had offended these two people, although Chen Gong had a bad feeling, he still put it behind him and stepped forward with a wry smile: "The two generals misunderstood. I never stopped you from leaving the city. I just hope that everything will be done." It’s more secure.”

"The lord may be outside the city. Since I am loyal to him, how can I have other ideas?"

Gao Shun's face softened a lot: "You can't have your cake and eat it too. The melee outside the city is still going on. The coalition front camp is starting to prepare. We can't continue to waste time and delay the opportunity to fight!"

Zhang Liao nodded and looked at Chen Gong.

Although he didn't say anything, his meaning was clear. If Chen Gong couldn't come up with a good solution, he would leave the city immediately.

Chen Gong paced back and forth, and suddenly a flash of determination flashed in his eyes: "To prevent Cao Cao from cheating, we will attack in three directions."

"The first step is to fall into the camp and break into the former army camp. Even if there is an ambush, the defense will not cause too much damage."

"The other two groups took advantage of the trapped camp to rush into the front camp and attack the central army from the left and right to cope with the chaos in the rear army when the lord is in the middle army."

"How about this plan?"

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun both thought for a moment and nodded.

"This plan works!"

"But the number of people trapped in the camp is too small, so we need the cooperation of shield soldiers. The greater the momentum, the greater your chances!"


The three of them agreed to make preparations separately.

About a quarter of an hour.

"Creak." There was a sound.

The Xiaopei city gate, which had been closed for two months, slowly opened.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten thousand elites, led by Gao Shun, quickly rushed towards the coalition front camp! !
The smile on Wenpin's lips grew stronger after witnessing this scene. He gave a few instructions to the messenger soldiers on the side and immediately arranged the next ambush battle in the front camp.

The news soon spread to the Chinese army commander's tent.

Cao Cao, who was originally restless, heard the news from Wenpin. The anxiety and worry on his face disappeared instantly, and was replaced by deep excitement.

He picked up the wine bottle on the desk and handed it to Xi Zhicai beside him: "Zhicai, everything is as you expected."

"The fish is hooked!!"

"We will spend the night in Xiaopei City tonight."

"Drink a drink with me and celebrate in advance!!"

Xi Zhicai took the wine bottle and drank it in one gulp: "Chen Gong, although Zhang Liao is not weak in ability, he lacks news from the outside world."

"How can they not take the bait by taking advantage of information errors?"

"Even if they hesitate in their hearts, the person outside the city may be Lin Fan, their master. How can they stay here?"

"From beginning to end, this plan can be a conspiracy or a conspiracy. They can't avoid it."

Cao Cao stroked his beard and laughed: "Well said!"

"If you don't plan for the overall situation, you can't plan for a city. If you don't start from the overall situation, how can you come up with this wonderful plan to destroy the city?"

"Come here, send an order to the rear camp of Xu Chu and Xiahou Dun. The commotion continues to be loud, but the elite troops move forward. After destroying Zhang Liao's troops, they should attack Xiaopei City and prepare to break the city!!"


(End of this chapter)

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