Three Kingdoms: defect to Liu Bei and backhand intercept Mrs. Hu Mi

Chapter 105 Xi Zhicai: Mr. Cao, you have to consider your retreat!

Chapter 105 Xi Zhicai: Mr. Cao, you have to consider your retreat!
A few days later, news spread that Yuan Shao had mobilized 30 troops from Hebei to attack Fan Yang.

This move shocked the world.

No one can figure out why Yuan Shao killed Gongsun Zan at such a critical moment. Who is the real enemy?
Don’t you know that all the princes are now responding to the emperor’s call to encircle and suppress Lin Fan in Xuzhou?
Shanyang County, inside the coalition camp.

Recently, Cao Cao was in high spirits. Because of Liu Bei's refusal and his rush to Yangzhou, he became the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces as he wished.

Coupled with Zhang Yang in Hanoi, Liu Biao in Jingzhou and other princes sending troops, the situation is getting worse and worse. Seeing that victory is just ahead, how can you be in a bad mood?

But the news that came from Yecheng early this morning made him not happy at all.

Because Yuan Shao did not send troops south to encircle and suppress Lin Fan, but instead went north to encircle and suppress Gongsun Zan.

In other words, there is no threat to Xiapi City in the north of Xuzhou.

"Yuan Shao is really a fool. Even if he can't see the threat, why doesn't he even take revenge for his son's murder?"

"Even if he has no plans and is incompetent, is it possible that people like Ju Shou, Xu You, Shen Pei, and Feng Ji are all trash and can't see where the big trouble is in the world today?"

"Lin Fan has only been rising for a few months and already has more than [-] troops. If he continues to develop, who else in the world can stop him?"

"We all will be dealt with by Lin Fan one by one in the future and become his prisoners!!"

Seeing that Cao Cao's scolding became louder and louder, he hesitated briefly and took two steps forward: "Yuan Shao is short-sighted. It is foolish to use large-scale troops against Youzhou at this juncture."

"But there's nothing we can do about it."

"It's just that the war is about to begin. As the commander of the coalition forces, what my lord has to do is to stabilize his mind and stay calm."

"Only in this way can we make accurate judgments."

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun all agreed: "What the military advisor said is absolutely true."

"Gongsun Zan robbed Yuan Shao's daughter-in-law and provoked Yuan Shao into a large-scale attack. He deserved it."

"Even without Yuan Shao's restraint, the combined forces on the west and north routes exceed more than [-]."

"This power is more than enough to wipe out Xuzhou and destroy Lin Fan!!"

Cao Cao shook his head: "I'm not annoyed by Yuan Shao's massive use of troops."


Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun were both stunned, their faces full of confusion.

Xi Zhicai frowned and explained: "The person my lord is worried about is the person who planned this behind the scenes!"

"Gongsun Zan has been unable to counterattack since the Battle of Jieqiao. He can only hide in a few fortified cities with tall walls and completely lost his ambition to compete with Yuan Shao."

"How can he have the courage to stroke Yuan Shao's tiger beard?"

"This time the princes of the world surrounded Lin Fan and Yuan Shao responded. Gongsun Zan can obviously breathe a sigh of relief. How could he get into trouble?"

"In addition, the ones escorting the wedding team are Qu Yi and his first troops."

"This crossbowmen defeated Gongsun Zan's elite cavalry from Baima Yicong in the Battle of Jieqiao. He and Gongsun Zan have a life-or-death relationship. How could he join Gongsun Zan?"

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun are not stupid people. They can hear the problems after just mentioning the drama.

There was a look of shock on their faces. They looked at each other and said in disbelief: "Who in Hebei has the ability to do such a thing if it's not Gongsun Zan?"

Xi Zhicai sighed softly: "Who do you think this matter is most beneficial to?"

"Benefits? Benefits"

Cao Ren's eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes were filled with shock: "Is it Lin Fan from Xuzhou?"

Xi Zhicai nodded slowly: "I'm afraid it's him!"

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun both looked shocked: "How is this possible?"

"Shouldn't he be tired of dealing with our strong attack now?"

"Why are you going to Hebei?"

"Isn't he afraid that his whereabouts will be exposed and Yuan Shao will kill him?"

Xi Zhicai sighed: "This is the terrifying thing about this boy." "Who would have thought of his courage before robbing Zhen Mi?"

"Since no one thought of this, how could his whereabouts be exposed?"

"The most dangerous places are often the safest places."

Cao Cao smiled bitterly and said: "If Lin Fan is really controlling everything behind the scenes, this boy is really powerful."

"With the strength of four liang and a thousand catties, Yuan Shao, the largest prince, was eliminated."

"It was originally seamless, but the encirclement from all sides instantly opened a gap."

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun still couldn't believe it.

"Lord, military advisor, we think it's still too far-fetched."

"Lin Fan left Xuzhou alone and went to steal a woman?"

Xi Zhicai said: "I heard news from Qingzhou that after the defeat of Xiapi, Lin Fan did not allow his army to enter Qingzhou. This obviously did not want to anger Yuan Shao. If the mastermind behind something cannot be determined, so many coincidences can Pointing at Lin Fan, isn't it still certain?"

"Maybe it's a coincidence?"

When Xiahou Dun said this, his confidence became a little weaker.

Cao Cao sighed quietly: "What Zhicai said is absolutely true. How can there be so many coincidences in the world?"

"The mastermind behind this matter should be Lin Fan."

"That means we missed the best opportunity to attack."

Xi Zhicai nodded: "But it's not too late now. The news from Jizhou came only because the scouts rode back on fast horses. How can Lin Fan move freely in the hinterland of Yuan Shao?"

"If we attack Xuzhou now, he may not be able to come back."

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed slightly, with fierce murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "Zixiao, Yuan Rang, you two inform all the princes that the army will set off tomorrow to attack Xiaopei."

"In addition, Liu Yao, the southern allied force, was ordered to lead his troops to attack Pengcheng. They must fight steadily and do not ask them to break Pengcheng, but they must not give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it."

Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun both clasped their fists and bowed before retreating.

After the two left, Cao Cao looked in Peng Cheng's direction with complicated eyes.

"Zhicai, what do you think about the success of this battle?"

"Can more than 30 people successfully defeat Xiaopei and Pengcheng?"

Xi Zhicai hesitated: "Master, do you want to listen to the truth or lies?"

Cao Cao was stunned: "Why do we still talk about these lies between us?"

Xi Zhicai sighed: "I analyzed Lin Fan's rise during this period and found that he is good at sneak attacks, field battles, and hijacking camps. Although the Eighteen Yanyun Cavalry under his command are small in number, they are also among the best soldiers in the world."

"As long as the more than [-] troops under his command defend the two cities, we will face the plunder of this elite cavalry day and night."

"If it goes on for a long time, regardless of whether there is enough food and grass, morale will definitely be extremely low."

"Master, do you think you have a good chance of winning?"

Cao Cao was silent: "I thought that gathering all the heroes in the world to jointly destroy Lin Fan was a sure thing."

"I didn't expect that Yuan Tan would die in vain before the war started, and now Yuan Shao has made such a big fuss in Hebei."

"If you give Lin Fan a chance like this, I'm afraid he will make the same mistake as the [-]th princes against Dong Zhuo!"

Xi Zhicai smiled bitterly: "So my lord, I have to think of a way out!"

"Consider defeat before victory?"

Cao Cao murmured, with a hint of unruliness flashing in his eyes: "I, Cao Cao, am not a coward. I will never bow my head or accept my fate."

"Destroy Xiaopei first, then Pengcheng!"

"We must take off Lin Fan's head!!"

(End of this chapter)

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