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Chapter 225 Planning for the 2015 Bull Market

Chapter 225 Planning for the 2015 Bull Market

Qiao Xiaochan's home is not big, with two bedrooms and one living room, and looks very cozy.

The decoration of the house is also more feminine.

Wang Yang watched TV boredly.

Watching Qiao Xiaochan going in and out and busy.

After a while, Qiao Xiaochan asked him to wash his hands and eat.

"You can serve the last soup and eat it first. I'll be here soon." Qiao Xiaochan smiled.

Wang Yang got up and walked towards the bathroom.

After washing my hands, I sat at the dining table and looked at the table full of delicious dishes. I didn't expect that Teacher Qiao still had such a side.

You can open a restaurant with just this skill!

However, Wang Yang still didn't use the chopsticks first, and he still had to be polite.

"Why don't you eat it? You're welcome to eat it." Qiao Xiaochan came out with the last soup.

Behind him was a woman who could score ninety points for being pretty.

Wang Yang was startled by this, because he had an influence on this woman. He must have seen her somewhere, but he couldn't remember it at the first time.

Qiao Xiaochan was dressed very casually today, wearing a white short-sleeved upper body, a short skirt on the lower body, and an apron, looking like a young housewife.

Wu Qingyao, who was following behind, was obviously dressed up carefully.

She had delicate makeup on her face, was wearing a blue and white floral skirt, and black leather shoes on her feet.

"This is Wu Qingyao, your school girl. She came to help me today. Otherwise, it would be too much for me to prepare such a table of dishes by myself!" Qiao Xiaochan explained.

"Haha! It's really troublesome! Teacher Qiao, stop working and serve!" Wang Yang smiled slightly.

He was going to eat something and leave.


"Qing Yao, take out the bottle of medicinal wine in my room."

"Okay Teacher Qiao!"

"Let's just drink a little, not too much!"

Wang Yang smiled and said, "As the guest does, the host does as he pleases!"

Soon Wu Qingyao brought a bottle of medicinal wine.

Qiao Xiaochan poured Wang Yang a drink.

"Okay, okay! That's enough." Wang Yang pressed down on the cup to stop him from pouring any more.

"Look at you! This is good wine, my dad left it behind!"

"Ordinary people can't drink it!" Qiao Xiaochan rolled her eyes at Wang Yang.

Wang Yang laughed and fooled him.

Wang Yang felt a little guilty. He couldn't understand what Qiao Xiaochan wanted to do!

But he saw that the things soaked in the wine were all aphrodisiacs. He would definitely not be able to stand it after drinking this glass of wine.

Invite students to drink this wine...

Wang Yang was not good at making random guesses.

"Actually, there are two things I want to do to treat you to dinner today!"

"The first thing is to thank you for sending me home!"

"Come, teacher, give you a drink."

Wang Yang picked up the cup and touched one with Qiao Xiaochan!

Just took a sip and didn't dare to drink more.

It's not like he's never eaten anything.

Qiao Xiaochan was very unhappy when she saw that Wang Yang was just a baby, but she didn't say anything.

"Come to eat vegetables and try the teacher's cooking."

"Yeah!" Wang Yang obediently picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Qiao Xiaochan glanced at Wu Qingyao.

Wu Qingyao also looked at Qiao Xiaochan.

The two women looked at each other, each knowing what they were going to do next.

"Wang Yang! How does the teacher's cooking taste?"

Wang Yang hadn't swallowed the food in his mouth yet, "Yeah! It tastes great!"

"It's delicious, just eat more."

"Don't just eat the food, drink some wine."

Qiao Xiaochan raised her wine glass and clinked it with Wang Yang.

Wang Yang had no choice but to take another sip.

"Why didn't you show respect to the teacher? Why did you just take a sip? Isn't wine good for you?"

"No, no!" Wang Yang waved his hand!

I had no choice but to take a big sip.

"This wine is a good thing! It's so good for you."

"By the way, Qingyao, aren't you going to toast your senior brother?"

"Brother, let me toast you!" Wu Qingyao picked up the cup.

Wang Yang knew that today’s meal was not delicious!

Wang Yang also took a sip.

"You guys eat too."

"Teacher Qiao, just tell me! What do you want to see me for?"

"Drink this glass of wine first, and then I'll talk."

Seeing how much wine there was in the cup, Wang Yang gritted his teeth and drank.

Then I took several bites of food before finally settling down.

"Teacher Qiao, you can speak now!"

"What a good drinker, come and have a drink." He said and gave Wang Yangman another drink!

"If you don't tell me, Teacher Qiao, I won't dare to eat this meal." Wang Yang put down the bowl and chopsticks.

Seeing this, Qiao Xiaochan looked at Wu Qingyao beside her and sighed: "Actually, it's nothing. This matter is very simple for you. The teacher knows that you are different from other students."

"So I'd like to ask you a small favor."

Wang Yang looked at Qiao Xiaochan and smiled, "Teacher, please don't put a high hat on me. Just tell me if you have anything to say."

"It's Wu Qingyao. Your school girl wants to enter the entertainment industry. I know you have an entertainment company, so I want to ask your help to sign her up."

Qiao Xiaochan finished speaking.

Wu Qingyao stared at Wang Yang with a pair of innocent and clear eyes.

What did Wang Yang think it was?

That’s all it turns out to be!

Why does he think such a big battle is such a big deal!

"This matter is easy to handle! Wu Xuemei has good looks and will have no problem entering the entertainment industry."

"It's just that the entertainment industry is not that easy to deal with."

"It's okay for me to get the company to sign you, but you'll still have to work hard later."

"In addition, there is a mixed entertainment industry. There are all kinds of monsters and monsters in it. Are you sure you want to go in?"

Wu Qingyao nodded.

"I want to go in, I want to be a big star!"

Qiao Xiaochan: "We just know that the entertainment industry is a mixed bag and the water is deep, so we thought of letting you protect us."

"Wang Yang, what do you think of your junior sister's appearance? Is she pure and lovely? Not to mention that she is a stunningly beautiful woman who will conquer the entire country, but she can still be regarded as someone who is worthy of being a woman who would sink a fish and fall under the moon."

"I'm afraid that after she enters the entertainment industry, she will be missed by all kinds of people."

"So instead of doing this, I thought it would be better to give you an advantage. With you protecting me from now on, Qingyao will have less trouble."

"Qingyao, why don't you propose a glass of wine to your senior brother?"

Wang Yang frowned when he heard this.

This situation is wrong!

Aren’t you talking about helping to enter the entertainment industry?

It depends on the situation.

This is preparing to give Wu Qingyao to him!

Wang Yang waved his hand and said: "Teacher Qiao, I have a girlfriend, and the wedding is about to be held!"

"Wouldn't it be nice if you did this?"

Qiao Xiaochan stood up and walked towards Wang Yang.

"What's wrong!" He said and actually sat on Wang Yang's lap.

"Uh! Teacher Qiao, what do you mean?"

Qiao Xiaochan smiled sweetly: "It doesn't mean anything! That's what it means!"

"We've already made it clear that we're at this point, why do you continue to pretend to be confused?"

"You are a smart person and should know what we mean."

"I'm different from Qingyao. I just want a child. Instead of looking for someone else, it's better to find someone who knows everything. It's an advantage for you."

"Besides, you're not a good guy. I've heard rumors about your affair with a classmate in school."

"I will never want to get married again in this life."


The next morning!

Wang Yang, Qiao Xiaochan got up from the bed, got dressed, opened the door and went into the bathroom to drain the water.

To be honest, he still hasn't figured out why Qiao Xiaochan did this.

Wu Qingyao can still explain.

But Qiao Xiaochan really couldn't understand. By the way, are women today so courageous?

Are you so energetic?

Aren't you afraid of being cheated?

But things happen, and the most important thing is to deal with the things that follow.

It's also his fault that he can't control his crotch.

In fact, there is no need to care.

It doesn't matter.

It’s not like he can’t afford to take responsibility anyway.

After coming out of Qiao Xiaochan's house, Wang Yang came back directly by car.

Because the wedding rehearsal starts today.

This is quite time consuming.

It’s been a busy day.

Wang Yang was about to take a rest when his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller and it was Hu Lili.

"Hey! What's going on?"

"Mr. Wang! There is a document that needs your signature."

"If you need my signature, why don't you just ask Shi Wengang to bring it to me? Why don't you take the time to make a phone call?"

Hu Lili: "I actually want to meet you. I still don't know what I'm going to do this time."

"Okay then, come to my house!"

"Okay, see you in twenty minutes."

Wang Yang took a deep breath after hanging up the phone.

Hu Lili wasn't looking for him for anything else.

It's about Wang Yang's layout of the stock market.

Because Wang Yang’s layout of the stock market this time has been unprecedented.

With hundreds of billions of funds entering the market, it can easily capsize if you are not careful.

Therefore, Hu Lili must get the most accurate information, otherwise she will not know what to do.

Twenty minutes later, Hu Lili arrived at Wang Yang's house, covered in travel.

After getting off the car, I said hello to Xia Xiaoyu in the living room and went directly to the study on the third floor.

Wang Yang's study is very large.

The decoration is also designed by famous designers and is very elegant.

There are many books in the study room, but Wang Yang doesn't know whether he has looked through them or not.

"Here we come! Sit down, do you need something to drink?" Wang Yang was wearing pajamas and holding a cigar, very comfortable.

“Mineral water would be nice!”

"I'm so anxious now! Please tell me quickly, what is the specific situation?" Hu Lili couldn't wait to ask.

"Don't worry yet!"

"You go take a shower first, and then go to the cloakroom to change."

Hu Lili frowned slightly when she heard this, but she didn't refute.

Get up and walk towards the door.

For such an important matter, it is necessary to prevent eavesdropping.

Although there is a jammer in Wang Yang's study, there are some things that are hard to guard against, so it's better to be careful.

In the bull market of 2015, how could Wang Yang miss this opportunity?

Therefore, the amount of funds used this time is very large.

This made Hu Lili very uneasy.

After all, compared with foreign stock markets, the domestic big A's are really weak.

Hu Lili was really afraid that such a large amount of money would be trapped in a deep trap.

This is not a small amount of money.

Wang Yang didn't wait long before Hu Lili changed her clothes and came in.

"Okay! You can talk now!" Hu Lili sat down.

Wang Yang looked at Hu Lili opposite and smiled: "You are always so anxious!"

"Don't worry, I will tell you everything you need to say."

"With this layout, you can rest assured that you will never lose money, but make a lot of money."

"But it's easy to make money. The main problem is how the funds leave in the end."

Hu Lili sat up straight after hearing this: "You don't want to keep this money in the country?"

“It’s not that I don’t want to stay in the country, it’s that I don’t want to stay in the country for the time being!”

"How many people would not be tempted by such a large amount of money being left in the country?"

"After this bull market ends, my assets will at least increase dozens of times."

Hu Lili looked at Wang Yang in disbelief with wide eyes.

Who knows best how much money Wang Yang has?

Then this person must be Hu Lili.

Wang Yang is so rich, he can actually increase his wealth tenfold.

What a bull market this is!

Hu Lili said seriously: "Mr. Wang, are you kidding me?"

Wang Yang shook his head: "I'm not kidding. Do I seem to like joking?"

"We will definitely make money this time. The only difficulty is how to get the money out first."

“It’s easy to get money in but hard to get out.”

"You must come up with a charter for this matter."

"And it needs to be done as quickly as possible."

"Because the country will soon introduce policies and systems when this bull market ends, it will be difficult to get money out."

Hu Lili thought for a while and asked: "Approximately how much funding will there be?"

Wang Yang lit the cigar without haste, took a slow puff, and exhaled the smoke from his mouth.

"There is no upper limit on the base of 500 billion."

Hu Lili was stunned when she heard this and could not recover for a long time.

"Five hundred billion..."

It sounds like a lot, but it wasn't much at all in the super bull market of 2015.

The turnover this year reached 100 billion.

This time Wang Yang planned the stock market in advance, and he did so with leverage.

After this wave ends, hot money from the stock market will flow into real estate.

What follows is a surge in real estate.

Step by step, closely following domestic policies, it will be difficult not to make money.

But most of the money Wang Yang earns in China will stay in the country.

But some money needs to be transferred out.

The cunning rabbit has three caves!

To avoid being beaten by the autumn wind.

"Can you really make that much? Is the stock market really that crazy?" Hu Lili still couldn't believe it.

Wang Yang nodded, "It's crazier than you think."

"If you seize this opportunity, you won't have to worry about running out of money in your next life."

"You can follow and buy it yourself, but you can't let others know."

Hu Lili nodded.

"I will take care of this matter."

"I will contact those overseas banks."

"Don't worry about this. I want to ask how the land acquisition is going?" Wang Yang crossed his legs.

Hu Lili: "The land acquisition went very smoothly. According to your request, we will acquire all the suitable ones."

"However, this has made many real estate companies complain a lot. After all, we have so much land, but they can't get it."

"There are several real estate companies that want to cooperate with us in developing projects. What do you mean?"

"Ignore them for now, dry them out for a while, and then continue to take them."

"Especially Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, these economically developed areas."

"Don't be afraid of high land prices. As long as it's suitable, get it all." Wang Yang said domineeringly.

What shows is that I am rich.

Of course, he borrowed all the money for the land from the bank.

These banks like to lend money to high-quality companies like Wang Yang and others.

After all, Wang Yang's companies are in good operating conditions, and Wang Yang is a shareholder of major domestic companies.

If you really run out of money, you can make a lot of money by just cashing out.

Wang Yang began to purchase shares of these companies in 2010.

It is now the end of 2014, and the original purchase price has doubled several times, some have doubled more than a dozen times, and some are even more impressive, having doubled thousands of times.

This is the information gap.

For example, Wang Yang’s investment in MiHoYo and Bytedance has now brought him high returns. If he takes action now, he can make a lot of money.

But Wang Yang will definitely not take action now.

These are companies with unlimited potential, and Wang Yang is prepared to hold them for the long term.

 Asking for monthly ticket



(End of this chapter)

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