Chapter 136 Wanwan Girl
Time flies like water, and the days when you can't pretend to be cool are passing by in a flash.

Before I knew it, more than a month had passed, and it was December 12th, and 15 was only half a month away.

After lying in the hospital for half a month, Wang Yang was discharged. Since coming out of the hospital, Wang Yang has been careful about his behavior.

Pay attention to your business honestly. If you have a woman, you can only do your career if it is risky.

He is still standing too low and cannot see things very one-sidedly. He wants to improve himself and stand higher.

As the old saying goes.

A man who is crazy will be knifed, a man who is crazy will be beaten.

As for Jiang Qiqi, he has only touched her once in the past month or so.

It's not that Wang Yang doesn't want to, it's that he can't. Life is still the most important thing.

If you don't even have a life, everything else is just talk.

The more discussion, the more understanding.

Other girls are completely incomparable.

The two hundred million dollars were not spent in vain.

No wonder some special women have become widows even after marrying several men. Their secrets are so profound.

Wang Yang is still too young, has experienced too few things, and has experienced too few women.

The things I didn’t have money to see before were just the tip of the iceberg in this world.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have suffered such a big loss this time, and I almost burped.

Sure enough, even if you wear Nike, you can't prevent it.

Wang Yang kept in mind what Master Tianshifu said, and he regretted putting a lighter on his body.

There was no pressure in this life, so Wang Yang quit smoking. Unexpectedly, the consequence of quitting smoking would be to spend an extra [-] million, otherwise nothing would happen.

Since he brought a lighter with him, his bad luck seemed to have gone away. It was really evil.

Wang Yang no longer panics wherever he goes, fearing that a car will rush out of nowhere or a flower pot will fall on his head.

In the piano room, Wang Yang played the piano leisurely, and the beautiful piano sound swirled and jumped in the classroom.

This is a new skill that Wang Yang has learned in the past month. He has not only learned piano, but also a series of musical instruments such as guitar and drums.

In the past, when I had no money and no access, I could only watch others playing piano and guitar with envy and show off. Now that I have money, Wang Yang also wants to try it.

You don’t need to learn too much, just understand a little bit.

After a month of practice, Wang Yang can already play a piece of music smoothly by himself.

"Wow! That's great. Husband, you are so awesome." Li Qianqian praised.

The corners of Wang Yang's mouth curled up slightly. Although nice words made people feel happy, Wang Yang felt disgusted with Li Qianqian, the flower snake.

"It's just so so." Wang Yang smiled slightly.

"Honey, I'm already hungry." Li Qianqian sat next to Wang Yang and hugged Wang Yang's arm.

"Are you hungry? Haha! It's okay. I have some food here, so I'll give you something to eat." Wang Yang took out a piece of black chocolate from his pocket and handed it to Li Qianqian.

"Why do you carry chocolate with you?" Bian said, tearing open the chocolate package.

"Yeah! It tastes good. Where are we going, hubby?"

"I have something to do later, so you should go back first!"

"Ah! No!" Li Qianqian said coquettishly while hugging her.

Wang Yang will spank you if you disobey.

"I'm not afraid."

"Ouch! I can't handle you anymore with my bad temper."

If you don't put on the roof for three days, you must be taught a lesson.

"Eh? Qianqian, your lipstick fell off."

"Ah? Really? I forgot to bring my lipstick."

"Use mine. I haven't used this lipstick before. I'm giving it to you."

"Xiaoyu, you are so kind!"

Sisterhood is deep!
After Zhao Xiaoyu received 50 yuan, her grandfather's illness was well treated and his life improved.

The only thing is that I feel sorry for Li Qianqian.

After all, what they said together at the beginning turned out to be a violation of the original agreement.

Fortunately, Li Qianqian forgave her generously, otherwise the good sisters would have nothing to do.

"Qianqian, is he good to you?" Zhao Xiaoyu asked with concern.

"Okay! Why do you ask that?"

Zhao Xiaoyu hesitated to speak.

"I, I saw the look in his eyes when he looked at you was cold and emotionless." Zhao Xiaoyu thought for a while before speaking out.

"This is normal!

Xiaoyu, you know.

He is so good.

Besides me, there are two senior students.

His love cannot be given to me alone. "

"Since I have chosen this path now, I have already made mental preparations, so you don't have to worry about me."

"Hey! Look how beautiful this necklace is! The latest model from Givenchy costs more than 2 yuan! He gave it away as soon as he said it would."

"And let me tell you a little secret, you must not tell anyone else."

Zhao Xiaoyu frowned slightly and asked curiously: "What secret."

"Put your ears close."

Li Qianqian whispered the two people's secrets in Zhao Xiaoyu's ear.

After Zhao Xiaoyu heard Li Qianqian's secret, her face turned red.

Zhao Xiaoyu stammered: "You, you want to die! Tell me about this kind of thing."

Li Qianqian smiled and said nonchalantly: "What's the point? If you're not together, why can't I let you know my happiness? Besides, we are good sisters, so of course we should share happy things together."

"Is he really as powerful as you say?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, let me show you the video."

"Why did you take a video?" Zhao Xiaoyu said in surprise.

"What's this? It's just a hobby. Do you want to see it?" Li Qianqian said indifferently.

"I'd better stop watching it!"

"It's okay, just watch for a while."

At the end of the day's class, Wang Yang listened to Hu Lili's brief report while walking.

Wang Yang's company has already produced mobile phones.

Tomorrow is the press conference for the new Aihua mobile phone.

Hu Lili asked Wang Yang if he wanted to attend.

"I won't go. It's all up to you."

"Mr. Wang, you have to come to the celebration banquet tomorrow night! Many colleagues want to report their work to you." Hu Lili said seriously.

Wang Yang thought for a while, "Okay!"

After all, as the boss, I can't really not participate in everything.

Now that the company is on the right track, his career is also booming.

Wang Yang also arranged something today, which was to short cotton futures.

Now is the right time to enter the market, as cotton futures have been falling for a year.

This wave of short selling ended, and Wang Yang made a profit of at least one billion meters in gold.

Many times, making money is not earned through hard work, but through luck, poor information, connections, and vision.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yang let out a sigh of relief and suddenly felt that too much money was not a good thing.

He walked to the school gate alone.

He didn't ride a scooter today because he had an appointment with Shen Mai, Mai Han and Xinyi to have dinner together in the evening.

After getting into the Rolls-Royce, Shen Mai, Mai Han and Xinyi were waiting for him in the car early.

Both of them were dressed coolly, even though it was already December and the temperature outside was only three or four degrees.

Han Xinyi wears a white long-sleeved upper body and a pleated short skirt on the lower body. A pair of white and slender legs are clearly visible.

Shen Maimai was dressed more conservatively today, wearing casual trousers and a long-sleeved woolen sweater.

As soon as Wang Yang got in the car, Shen Maimai rushed over and said coquettishly: "Junior, I feel so uncomfortable today. My aunt is here. It seems that I can't accompany you today."

Wang Yang smiled slightly, "Let me take a look at the wound. If it doesn't work, let's change the track."

"What if you leave Xinyi alone? You have to be considerate of your good sister!"

"Junior, no matter how bad you are, others are like this, and you don't feel sorry for them."

"Don't I feel bad? Didn't I say we could change the track? If you don't like it, we can do something new."

"Ouch! You are so bad." Shen Maimai tapped Wang Yang's arm with his little hand.

Wang Yang smiled evilly and pinched Shen Maimai's tender face to ignore it.

Han Xinyi hugged Wang Yang's arm and chuckled: "Maimai, you can't leave me alone. Before, I was slightly injured and couldn't leave the line of fire to accompany you. Now you can't run away from the battle."

During this period of time together, the relationship between the three of them can be said to have improved rapidly. Not to mention that the human form has become one, at least they can be regarded as inseparable.

Unless Wang Yang is not at school, the rest of the time is basically divided between Li Qianqian, Shen Mai, Han Xinyi and Wang Yang's remaining time.[-]. Li Qianqian and Su Miaomiao accompanied Wang Yang to learn musical instruments and music theory knowledge...

[-] Shen Mai, Mai Han Xinyi and others accompanied Wang Yang to practice equestrian, golf and tennis...

On Friday, I accompanied Wen Yao and Serena to eat and go shopping.

On Saturdays and Sundays, I accompanied Xia Xiaoyu to eat, go shopping, and travel, which was just in time to give Xiao Shen a holiday.

At noon, Wang Yang always ate with Shu Qingyu.

Basically, Wang Yang’s schedule is full seven days a week.

Today happens to be Thursday, the day to spend time with Shen Mai, Mai, and Han Xinyi.

Sure enough, time management was arranged.

Even if there were a few more, it wouldn't be so messy.

Here I have to mention a time management guru.

Wang Yang's schedule tonight is to practice equestrian.

The three of them were silent all the way and quickly rushed to the racecourse.

Han Xinyi was not interested in riding horses at all, so she stayed in the car and waited.

Wang Yang followed Shen Maimai into the racecourse.

The decoration of the racecourse lobby is very elegant and was designed by internationally renowned masters.

This one only accepts members.

The annual membership fee is not cheap, costing more than 200 million, not counting the cost of hiring a coach and riding venues.

But this little money is a drop in the bucket for Wang Yang.

His money will increase tomorrow. As long as he doesn't commit suicide, he will never be poor in this life.

Wang Yang carried his bag and went into the locker room to change clothes and said hello to the coach.

"Coach Ding, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."Wang Yang said politely.

Ding Kai glanced at his watch and said, "Haha! It's okay. Why is Mr. Wang so late today?"

"Uh! Well! Yes, there was a bit of a traffic jam on the road, which delayed the time." Wang Yang said perfunctorily with a soft smile.

"Okay, Coach Ding, let's get started!" Wang Yang patted the dark horse beside him.

"Well! Let's start then!"

"This time, ride it by yourself. Don't go too fast, just at a normal speed."

"Okay, Coach Ding." Wang Yang nodded to Ding Kai, then stepped on the stirrups and climbed onto the horse's back.

In fact, riding a horse can be said to be easy or difficult.

Preparation before riding is just like before taking off on a plane. Before riding, we need to check the safety of the horse.

First, put on protective gear, then put down the horse's pedals on both sides and check the girth.

Tighten the girdle to prevent the saddle from sliding during riding, and be careful to hold the reins the entire time.

After the inspection is completed, you can prepare to mount your horse with peace of mind.

Mounting is generally done from the left side of the horse.

Step on the pedal with your left foot, grab the back saddle of the saddle with your right hand, and then jump over with your whole body.

After sitting on the horse, adjust the reins immediately, check again whether the girth is tightened, adjust the sitting posture, and then start riding.

After mounting the horse, the rider should ensure a balanced sitting posture, with the ears, shoulders, hips and heels forming a straight line when viewed from the side;

Elbow-hand-rein-horse's mouth form a straight line;

Viewed from behind the horse, the shoulders and body form a cross
The correct riding posture not only ensures the rider's control, stability and safety.

This is also the reason why most equestrian enthusiasts have tall and straight bodies.

Before getting ready to dismount, first control the horse to stop and take off the pedals.

Pass the reins of your right hand to your left hand.

Hold the reins with your left hand and grasp the hair on your fingertips.

Place your right hand on the hilt, tilt your upper body forward, and lean your body against the horse.

Cross your right leg from the hip, lie on the horse's back, and then slide off the left side of the horse to complete the dismount.

Do not let go of the reins after dismounting.

Put the footpegs away and loosen the girth so the horse can relax freely.

Finally left the racecourse with the horse.

One more thing, don’t wear brightly colored clothing when riding a horse to avoid scaring the horse.

The most important thing is to hold the reins the whole time!
Horses are very understanding of human nature, so don’t be too afraid.

It only took Wang Yang less than two days to learn to ride a horse. Although he is not very proficient, he can still ride alone.

Wang Yang rode around the racecourse for about half an hour and then came down. He was still not very happy riding like this.

If the racecourse was bigger and the horses could run, it would be great.

But don’t worry, once you master it, go to Inner Mongolia, where the grasslands can let horses run to their heart’s content.

Wang Yang dismounted, handed the horse to Ding Kai and asked him to lead the horse away.

"Junior, why don't you ride?" Shen Maimai stepped forward and thoughtfully handed Wang Yang a bottle of water and a towel.

In the past, Wang Yang would have to ride for at least an hour.

Wang Yang took the water, took a sip, spit it out, and then wiped his sweat with a towel.

After strenuous exercise, you should not drink water immediately. You should wait for a while. This was taught by the coach, and Wang Yang listened very much.

"I'm late today, don't I have to play golf later?" Wang Yang explained.

"Oh!" Shen Maimai took the towel thrown by Wang Yang.

"Okay, wait for me here, I'll take a shower."

"Don't you need me to accompany you?"

"Aren't you a relative here? You can't help even if you come in?"

"It's okay, I can."

Wang Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Xiao Nizi is really becoming more and more sensible.

After half an hour.

Cough cough cough!Ugh~
Shen Maimai rinsed his mouth in front of the sink and rubbed his sore face.

Wang Yang changed his clothes and sat in the hall waiting in a good mood.

"Hello sir! Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?"

Wang Yang is playing with his mobile phone seriously!

Suddenly I heard someone asking, and I looked sideways, why does this woman look so familiar?
Come on, isn’t this sister Zhilin!
Why is she here?

Is she also...

No way!No way!No way!
probably not.

"Hello, do you have any questions?" Wang Yang asked with a slight smile.

"Excuse me, where is the bathroom?" Sister Zhilin's voice was sweet.

"Over there" Wang Yang pointed casually.

"Forget it, let me take you there!" Wang Yang said enthusiastically.

If it were another actress, Wang Yang might not be interested, but in the future he would marry Sister Zhilin from Xiaozhi.

Wang Yang just wanted to be a Cao thief.

Kindly help the other person first and broaden the road.

"Thank you very much." Sister Zhilin smiled politely.

Wang Yang took Sister Zhilin to the girls' bathroom, and just happened to see Shen Maimai coming out of it.

"Junior, why are you here?"

"Wait for you!"

At this time, Sister Zhilin nodded gently to Wang Yang, "Thank you! I'll go in first."

"Yeah!" Wang Yang nodded.

"Junior, do you know her?" Shen Maimai looked at Wang Yang and didn't even look at Sister Zhilin carefully.

"Of course I do, don't you?"

"The beauty who just entered has won the 2010FHM Top [-] Most Beautiful Women in the World for four consecutive years."

"Ah! Who is it?" Shen Maimai asked curiously.

She doesn't care at all about beauty contests.

She only cares about what bags to buy tomorrow, where to eat the day after tomorrow, and where to play the day after tomorrow.

As for the beauty champion, she is useless and cannot be used as food or money.

"Lin Zhilin."

"Lin Zhilin turns out to be her! I heard that she is very beautiful." Shen Maimai said in surprise.

Wang Yang patted her butt and said, "You go find Xinyi first and I'll come over in a moment. I have something to talk to this sister Zhilin about."


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(End of this chapter)

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