So no one can see Liu Cixi now!
Especially those bastards in the entertainment industry, they will run away as far as they can and die holding on to their filthy money!

Ye Fei and Reba were at the door. They had rang the doorbell more than 20 times, but no one opened the door.

Reba looked at Ye Fei helplessly: "What should I do? There seems to be no one."

Ye Fei touched Reba's head: "It's okay, at worst we'll come back in the evening. If it doesn't work today, come back tomorrow, come back the day after tomorrow, come back the day after tomorrow... there will be someone at home one day!"

It seems that Ye Fei wants to spend it to the end!
Who made his Reba like this science fiction novel so much? Who made his Reba want to make this science fiction film so much? Of course, he would do his best to satisfy Reba's needs.

Reba's needs were his needs.

So he will go to great lengths!
You can't just give up without seeing anyone, right?
He won't give up anyway!
He has made up his mind, even if Liu Cixi opens the door and rejects him, he will never give up!
He wants to take this matter down completely for Reba!

Reba was very moved.

She hugged Ye Fei and said, "Then let's come at night."


So the two people left.

Liu Cixi inside the door breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally left.

But at night.

Ding dong!Ding dong!Ding dong!

The doorbell rang again.

Liu Cixi rolled her eyes directly, then looked at the door and found that they were a handsome man and a beautiful woman. Both of them were very good-looking. The woman next to him looked familiar, like a female star.

Then Liu Cixi saw Ye Fei holding a science fiction novel in his hand, which was his three bodies.

Could it be a fan?
Ding dong!Ding dong!Ding dong!

When Ye Fei rang the doorbell for the second time, Liu Cixi opened the door directly.

Ye Fei and Reba were ecstatic!
They finally met Liu Cixi in person!

"Hello, Writer Liu, we are your fans."


"How do you know my address? Actually, I don't like others to disturb me, but let's forget it this time. I won't do it next time."

"What's the matter with you?"

Liu Cixi smiled and said she should be more enthusiastic towards her fans.

However, he also has his own personal life, and he definitely doesn't want to be disturbed too much by these readers and fans.

For example, people who come to your door to disturb people are actually very serious nuisances!

But he was his fan after all, so he still chose to forgive, but he also said he would not make an exception.

Ye Fei walked up with a smile on his face and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, but we have important things to do. We want to take pictures of all three of you."

"Take pictures of my naked body?"

Liu Cixi's eyes narrowed.

I was thinking, which domestic film and television company is this? It’s such a bastard!
Did he really think that Liu Cixi was made of clay?

The clay figurine also has three points of anger!

He has already said that he won't shoot, and if he doesn't shoot, he won't shoot. That is a huge disappointment to the domestic entertainment industry, so he hates domestic film and television companies, and hates them even more for coming to him!
"Yes, we really want to cooperate with you!"

"No matter what the request is, we..."

Before Ye Fei finished speaking, he heard a bang!
boom! ! !
The door has been slammed shut.

Both Ye Fei and Reba's eyes widened!
How is this going?

Didn't we have a good chat?

Just now, Liu Cixi was looking at them with a smile, her expression was that of looking at her fans, with a look of doting on her face.

Why did he suddenly turn his face?

They don't even understand what's going on!
The mood swings of these writers must be too great!

"Uncle, what should I do?"

Reba is a little embarrassed and doesn’t know what to do!
Mainly because this scene happened so suddenly!
They were talking nicely one second, but suddenly they turned against each other. Don't be too quick. They didn't even have time to react!
They are not the kind of dull people who cannot detect words and expressions. If they observe specific expression changes, they will pay attention to their words.

but.This moment is too fast!
Ye Fei patted Reba's shoulder and said comfortingly: "Liu Cixi seems to be in a bad mood today. We won't disturb him today. Come back tomorrow!"

Reba nodded.

The two people could only return in despair.

On the road.

Ye Fei began to analyze: "It seems that I said that I wanted to cooperate with him in film and television, and then he was so angry. It seems that he does not want us to cooperate with him in film and television."

"How is this going?"

Reba touched her chin and said, "Don't he want his novel to be made into a science fiction film? He just wants his novel to remain in the form of a novel forever?"

Ye Fei frowned and analyzed: "Probably not! Novels and film and television are two different forms of expression. Obviously, the success of film and television will inevitably push the novel to a higher peak and allow more people to accept it!"

"And since he has finished writing his novel, he can still earn a little more royalties. What's wrong with that?"

"He actually has nothing to lose!"

"And if his erotic novels are filmed by us, they will definitely be carried forward and will definitely not disgrace his science fiction novels."

Reba nodded quickly after hearing this, she also thought this was the truth!

But when they think about it this way, they can't understand it even more.

Liu Cixi shouldn't be so fierce!
Ye Fei immediately called Sun Li.

"Sun Li, are you there?"

"What orders does the boss have?"

"Please check, what kind of people have visited Liu Cixi in the past few months."

"Okay, I'll try my best!"

Then Ye Fei and Reba fell asleep.

After a day of running around, they were indeed very tired.

Early the next morning.

They got up very early.

After breakfast, they went directly to Liu Cixi's residence.

ding dong ding dong ding dong...

Ring the doorbell like yesterday.

But after pressing the button for a long time today, Liu Cixi didn't come out.

They can only return in despair!

This situation lasted for three or four days, and Liu Cixi did not open the door.

Ye Fei and Reba were sure that Liu Cixi must be at home.

Because when they came one time, they saw Liu Cixi opening the door to get takeout, but they didn't catch up.

Later, they kept waiting where they were, but no takeaways were delivered to Liu Cixi. It seemed that Liu Cixi stopped buying takeaways after that incident.

Liu Cixi did not see them on purpose.

This is troublesome.

You can never wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.

Just like you can never communicate normally with someone who rejects you.

But Ye Fei doesn’t give up!

He is willing to fight to the end, and Liu Cixi will eventually see his sincerity.

For Reba, I will fight to the end!
At this time.

Sun Li called.

After several days of investigation, Sun Li has obtained detailed information.

"Boss, I've found it!"

"In the past few months, more than ten film and television companies have approached Liu Cixi." (End of Chapter)

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