Chapter 124 The Qi Master War

This news from Mr. Hu was sent to the Night Patrol Department and the Solar Terms Masters Association at the same time.

Almost at the same time, the Night Patrol Department and the Solar Energy Masters Association received messages from Master Hu asking for help.

Night Patrol Division.

"Tiger-shaped evil spirit?"

"Could it be the tiger that boy Zhang Ding once talked about?"

"Have the great demons of ancient times begun to revive?" The director of the Night Patrol Department looked ugly.

However, since he had chosen to take sides, he naturally did not hesitate.

Immediately called the captains of the first team, the fifth team, and the ninth team to go to Master Hu's villa for support.

There are a total of nine teams in the entire Night Patrol Division. Among them, the captains of Team One, Team Five, Team Seven, and Team Nine are the strongest.

Now, Zhang Ding is already at Master Hu's place, and the director of the Night Patrol Department has transferred all the other three strongest captains there.

As for the rest of the team, there is no need to mobilize.

If the evil spirits that they and Mr. Hu can't solve, even if other people are mobilized, it will be useless.

The director of the Night Patrol Department led people to support Master Hu. However, just as they left the Night Patrol Department and walked halfway, they were stopped by someone.

The people who stopped them were from the Japanese Patrol Division.

"There are evil spirits ahead. We are setting up a blockade. Please return the way you came!" In front of the checkpoint, a captain of the Japanese Patrol Division said with a cold face.

The people from the Day Patrol Division seemed to be performing official duties. However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were deliberately obstructing the Night Patrol Division.

"Surround NMLGB and see who I am!" the director of the night patrol department stuck his head out of the car and cursed.

At this moment, a man in a white suit came over and said with a smile: "Lao Li, don't be so grumpy!"

"By the way, what are you doing with this large group of people? It's daytime now, and it's not under the control of your night patrol department."

"Lao Li, go back and rest. Don't get involved in this matter."

Obviously, the director of the Japanese Inspection Department also took sides, and he chose to side with Lin Jianye.

"Old Bai, if you don't speak secretly, are you helping Lin Jianye stop me?"

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?" the director of the Night Patrol Department asked.

However, the director of the Japanese Patrol Department also said coldly: "Now that I'm here, I've naturally thought about the consequences."

"Lao Li, don't pretend to be in front of me. Our eldest brother, not to mention our second brother, are you doing the same thing? Are you helping Master Hu?"

The conflict between the day patrol department and the night patrol department is actually more than just a day or two.

There have been conflicts between these two departments since their establishment.

Since more evil spirits appear at night, the weight of the night patrol department will be much greater.

The allocation of various resources, allocation of personnel, etc. will be biased towards the Night Patrol Division.

To put it bluntly, the day patrol department has been eating the leftovers of the night patrol department.

As a result, the people in the Japanese Patrol Division were naturally dissatisfied.

This time, Director Bai of the Day Patrol Department sided with Lin Jianye because Lin Jianye promised that after his father-in-law came to power, the Day and Night Patrol Department would be merged and he would be in charge.

It can be seen that Lin Jianye has made a lot of money for this plan!
"Old Bai, I'm not just trying to save Master Hu."

"Lin Jianye killed him with an evil spirit, a tiger, a legendary monster."

"Lin Jianye was able to let the tiger kill Master Hu, so he must have reached some kind of agreement with Xie Sui. Are you sure you want to cooperate with such a person?" the director of the Night Patrol Department asked sternly.

The director of the Night Patrol Department chose to side with Master Hu because, although Master Hu was overbearing, he had bottom lines and principles.

But Lin Jianye is different. Lin Jianye is a businessman by nature. He has no bottom line and no principles in doing things. He only cares about interests.In the eyes of the director of the Night Patrol Department, people like Lin Jianye are more terrifying than those evil spirits.

"Tiger, the great demon in ancient times?" The director of the Japanese Patrol Department hesitated slightly, but after a moment, he made some kind of decision.

"It's daytime now. Even if a big demon appears, it should be handled by our Japanese patrol department!"

"I will handle this matter, Lao Li, take your people back!"

"I really want to take over, let's wait until night!" The director of the Japanese Patrol Department looked businesslike.

at night?

The big demon that can make Lord Tiger ask for help shows how terrifying it is.

If we go there at night, we won’t even have time to collect Master Hu’s body.

"Old Bai, you are determined to walk all the way to darkness, right?" the director of the night patrol department said with a cold face.

The director of the Japanese Patrol Department did not show any weakness and shouted: "Old Li, don't lecture me here. During the day, I have the final say!"

Despite the fact that the Director of the Night Patrol Department is usually cheerful and cheerful, he looks like a good old man and a docile person.

However, when it came time to stand up and make a decision, he was not ambiguous at all.

"Shake people!"

"Hit us!" the director of the night patrol department said to the team captain behind him.

Logically speaking, it is definitely not appropriate for the people from the night patrol department and the day patrol department to fight.

However, the two sides were not in harmony, and now it was the director who gave the order.

Even if the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up.

So, the captain of a team decisively began to shake people.

The director of the Japanese Patrol Department also saw that war was inevitable.

The Night Patrol Division is stronger than the Day Patrol Division. When they arrive, I will still be unable to do it.

So, the director of the Japanese Patrol Department waved his hand and ordered: "Let me hold them down first!"

Although the Night Patrol Division is stronger than the Day Patrol Division, as long as these people are restrained first, they can still make the people who come come use rat weapons.

There are few people in the Night Patrol Division now, but their combat effectiveness is not bad!
There are all powerful people here, so even if there are many people in the Japanese Patrol Division, they will not be able to take them down for a while.

Soon, support from the Night Patrol Division arrived, and the two sides immediately became involved.

The Day and Night Patrol Division does not raise idle people. These are all solar terms masters, and they are all very strong solar terms masters.

The battle between solar term masters is very lively.

Although the people from the Day Patrol Division were no match for the Night Patrol Division, they delayed the Night Patrol Division and failed to allow them to support Master Hu in time.

At the same time, the same scene was happening at the Temperature Masters Association.

Chen Zhenglong led a group of folk solar terms masters and blocked the door of the solar terms masters association, clamoring for another fight with Mr. Tiger.

To put it bluntly, he just wanted to block these people from the solar term masters association and prevent them from going to support Master Hu.

There is no doubt that the solar term masters here are also fighting hard.

The solar terms master here is more lively than the day and night patrol department.

The Day and Night Patrol Department was an official agency, so they were considered colleagues after all. Although they had grievances, they still kept their hands open when they were beaten.He just wanted to subdue the other party and didn't kill him.

Here at the Solar Energy Masters Association, they are all going to hit you to death!
Especially Mr. Hu's subordinates, worried about Mr. Hu's safety, were even more merciless and fought hard to rush out to support him.

(End of this chapter)

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