"Later, my brother Quan went to Beijing to take the exam, including wedding arrangements, betrothal gifts, and outings. My mother begged my uncle to help me with money and people. When my sister-in-law Feng gave birth to my first brother, it was hard for her to give birth to her. It was me. My sister-in-law spent a lot of money to invite Mrs. Wen and the doctor to come over. It can be said that none of our brothers and sisters in the Li family have benefited from my mother."

"Later, my eldest brother went to the capital to take care of the family affairs, so I, eldest brother Feng, and my eldest sister-in-law were left to handle the family affairs together. It was my mother who taught me how to deal with people and treat guests with courtesy. My eldest brother only learned this when he was older. My mother contributes money, people and efforts to the accountant, including my second uncle’s brothers, and does everything possible to support them.”

"When it comes to supporting my mother in old age, I really can't be ranked. If you talk too much, my sister-in-law thinks you are jealous of the gifts my mother gave to the Wang family. Moreover, my mother's body is not suitable for living in the capital for a long time, and my family does not agree with her. She stayed in the capital. My grandpa and grandpa bought her a village and a shop in the early years. They were afraid that we would not be able to take care of her when we flew to the capital. They had already left a way out for my mother, and they were afraid that my brother and I would not be able to take care of her. Filial piety."

"That's it. I know my mother is respected by others, but I didn't expect my elders to love my mother so much."

"Because of tutoring, our family is very united. My mother is very grateful. When she and my father got married, the whole family supported her. My father also spent some money on studying. My mother said that if a family wants to prosper, it must All men, women, and children in the family must work together and unite as one, and no one can be lazy or have a wrong idea. The elders should set an example and set an example for the children, otherwise the children will learn nothing."


"Don't be burdened. My mother is here. You can take good care of her and make her happy. Brother Chun and I are biological sons. She will not be stingy in giving to our brothers what she can give. There is a reason for not giving. She will give to the clan. We work hard, spend money and provide people, so that we two sons-in-law can get the support of the clan. In the future, our career will be more stable. With the backing of the clan, we will not be afraid of being bullied when we go out. In fact, my mother insists on staying in her hometown. It is our consideration that no one in our hometown can speak for us, and no matter how many tribesmen we do, they may not remember it. Only by friendly exchanges can we go further."

"I'm being shallow. If we have the opportunity in the future, let's find a place closer to our hometown to go out."

"Okay, but it may take a few years. My second brother will be sent away soon. He has chosen his hometown to be the county magistrate. The emperor has agreed and will leave in autumn."

Brother Rui chose the original position of county magistrate and went down to work as county magistrate to accumulate political achievements. He happened to include Lijia Village and regarded the five villages as one county.

He might stay for a few more years, do some political achievements, and be promoted when he comes back.

"It turns out that my second brother has made arrangements a long time ago. If you look at it this way, I am not as good as my mother in many places, and my vision and strategy are far behind."

"It doesn't matter. My second brother and I have agreed that when he returns to the capital, I will be the county magistrate near my hometown, and we can go home."

"Okay, I really like my hometown. It's really comfortable to live there. I feel very peaceful and at ease. There are no turbulent calculations and intrigues in the capital. I work at sunrise and rest at sunset. It's really comfortable. .”

Xu Jing also smiled.

"But before that, wife, if you can give me a child, my mother will definitely love you more."

Live, live, no one is afraid of whom. "

Xu Jing's neck is very cute.

The couple got tired of leaning together again.

Not long after, Yulan was diagnosed with pregnancy. It was later than expected, but it didn't hinder her too much. It didn't matter if she left by boat.

Xu Jing became pregnant soon after, as if pregnancy could be contagious. The two of them got pregnant one after another, which made Sister Feng very happy, and she was busy taking care of them both.

Xu Jing has her family taking care of her. They have their own yard. The yard is clean and there is no nonsense. Pregnancy is a happy event, so she only needs to care about the pregnancy.

Wrote a letter home to announce the good news.

Xiaoya took the letter and hurried to Xiuniang to tell her the good news.

"Auntie, Yulan and Xiaojing are both pregnant, and our family is about to have a baby."

"What a great joy. Go and pick up some supplements for pregnant women as gifts. Don't let the two children suffer."

"Okay, just leave it to me."

"Brother Jin, you are going to have a younger brother and sister." "You want a younger brother, let's play together."

Brother Jin can already speak, speaks very eloquently, and walks steadily. He can no longer be shut up. He plays around in the village all day long and already has friends.

"You just know how to play. Have you memorized today's book? Have you practiced your handwriting?"

Xiu Niang's face was straight.

Brother Jin has already started enlightenment. He doesn’t learn much every day. He memorizes the Three-Character Sutra, memorizes arithmetic, and writes a few words on the sand table for fun. He doesn’t teach much. He only spends an hour a day, learning good habits every day, and learning for the superior clan. Lay the foundation.

"It's over."

"Recite it to me."

"Well, in the beginning, human beings are inherently good..."

Brother Jin stood there shaking his head and started to recite.

He could not memorize the whole text, but he could already memorize several lines. He would teach a little bit every day, practice calligraphy, and then learn arithmetic for a while. He would be rewarded if he did well. When he got up early, he would go for a walk with Xiuniang and his grandparents to practice Wuqinxi to strengthen his body.

Xiaoya looked at her son with a relieved and happy smile.

Not to mention that it was a surprise to come back this time. My son's living habits and enlightenment were taught very well. Even though he is young, he is polite, polite and well-educated. Enlightenment has also begun to learn. He has a lively and cute temperament, sweet mouth and can act coquettishly, which shows a little grievance. I haven't eaten before. The elders taught the children very well and did not delay the children at all.

After hearing that Brother Jin had finished carrying it, Xiu Niang nodded with a smile, took out a small snack from the building and handed it to Brother Jin, "I'm going to reward you. Brother Jin carried it really well. Don't be proud. Your little friend has carried more than you. You have to keep working hard, otherwise you won’t be the smartest kid if you are outclassed by him.”

Brother Jin was eating snacks and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yeah, yeah, I'll carry it when I get back. I'll definitely be able to surpass him. I'm the smartest little cutie."

Xiu Niang squinted her eyes and smiled, coaxing the children to be positive and love learning. This also needs to be cultivated, with coaxing, deception, praise and encouragement.

"The small class will tell stories in the afternoon. You can take your friends to listen together. There will be delicious food after listening."

"Okay, I'll call them together this afternoon."

"Be good, go play, don't go up the mountain."

"I know, uncle and grandma, I'm leaving."

Brother Jin swung his short legs and went to play with the children in the same village.

Xiaoya didn't care about the child, someone was following her.

"Auntie, this year's medicinal materials have also arrived. I have someone register them and send them to the pharmacy."

"Well, just leave it to Xiaozhu."

"Auntie, Brother Rui and his wife will be county magistrates in the autumn. Do you have any next plans so that I can prepare in advance?"

"I'm thinking about developing sericulture and silk production, and the other is to catch grain. This is the main task, opening up wasteland and farming. When your brother comes back, I will talk with him in detail and discuss the specific details."

"to make."

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