Even Xiuniang didn't expect that the first batch of Zhiniang to come forward turned out to be illiterate aunts and elder brothers. They were willing to endure hardships and study hard, and they really learned it.

In fact, it is difficult to learn the loom, and the warp and weft threads of each pattern are different. You need to re-arrange the threads. If you mistake one thread, you will lose the entire cloth. Losing money on such expensive silk threads can make you bankrupt. Yunjin Kesi is like this If something can be used for currency circulation, you know how expensive it is.

At the same time, aesthetics must be taken into consideration, and the colors and patterns must be matched. My aunt and brother, who are illiterate and cannot draw, learned little by little, copied the paintings drawn by the children, and worked out the details little by little, and finally learned the job. , and did it brilliantly.

Xiu Niang is right, this perseverance and eagerness to learn is enough for children to learn for a lifetime.

With the money, several families in the village began to build houses again, preparing to marry their sons and daughters, as well as those who wanted to buy land and start small businesses, all with the help and guidance of the clan.

Xiu Niang helped draw the picture of the house. It is beautiful and can take care of a large family. It prepares for future additions and the convenience of life, etc. are all taken into consideration.

This is why the villagers were very envious and liked Xiu Niang's house when they saw it. They also wanted something similar, so they all came to her to help with drawings and guidance. Xiu Niang was not afraid of trouble and completed everything one by one. The villagers respected and maintained her very much.

Grandpa bought another batch of ancestral fields for the clan. This is a requirement of the clan. Some ancestral fields will be purchased regularly. They cannot all be used for business, and there must still be farming.

The fields are the foundation of farmers, and we must not forget our roots.

When Xiuniang came back from the capital, she also brought back a complete set of Torah books. Nowadays, the fixed curriculum of ethnic studies includes the explanation of the Torah. There are classes on the Four Books and Five Classics, as well as law classes, as well as general affairs and arithmetic. These are all required to pass every exam. There are compulsory courses, and if you fail to complete them, you will not only be punished, but you will also be kicked out of the clan school, which is very strict.

Especially those who fail to pass the law class will be beaten. This has been added since Xiu Niang entered the clan school. She must recite and read the law every day, and must take the law in every exam.

You have to arrest them from the very beginning of their lives. You are afraid that the children will be braver than their lives and do something big and shocking, and you will not be able to stop them.

General affairs are practical subjects. You can't just talk about it on paper. You have to do some practical work and don't talk too much. This person can be used as soon as he gets it. He can still be noticed and is not a waste.

Even if you fail the imperial examination, you can still do other things in the future, and you won't be completely useless. You can't farm or do any work. You can only shake your head and talk about it. Can you make a living?

When studying arithmetic, it is to prepare for the future. Arithmetic itself has a place in the court. The Ministry of Household Affairs has a special arithmetic. If you have this ability, you don’t need to take the imperial examination. After passing the examination, you can get an official position. To say the least, quit the clan. Learning to do accounting is also a way, so you don’t have to worry about not having enough to eat.

These are all professional talents, and adding them to ethnic studies will leave an extra path for the children.Needless to say, farming is the top priority of the court.

Nowadays, no one from outside is hired to build a house in the village. All the people in the village do it first. This is considered a project. Instead of paying people to do it, it is better to let your own son Huohuo do it and he will be good at it.

Grandpa asked ethnic scholars and village children to build several houses hand by hand. He didn’t ask outsiders to build them. If others didn’t let the children do it, Grandpa dared to do it.

Facts have proved that the children did not disappoint their grandfather. They made one-third less money than those outside. The children calculated the accounts carefully and did not waste a single piece of wood. They followed their uncle who knew carpentry and learned how to do it, and they could use the leftovers. Used to build cabinets, it works very well with careful budgeting.

Once you have it, there will be two times. If your child wants to learn a skill, the third grandfather will dare to let the child do it. If your own family doesn't care for your own family and makes people laugh at you for being petty, then just do it.Just like the ancestral halls and ethnic studies, the weaving workshops are all started by the village men. Isn't this what the Ministry of Industry does.

Now we are not looking for opportunities, but opportunities come to us. If there is any work at the county government, they are willing to come to the Li family's children to do it. If they do it well, it will be affordable and affordable. They can read and write, draw blueprints, and settle accounts. I will give you a first-class job. The arrangements are clear and the work is done beautifully and neatly. Who would you choose to do the work?

The children relied on their own hard work and steadfastness to clear the road step by step. At the same time, they admired the old village chief and Aunt Xiuniang even more, who have lifted them up to this day with their hands and feet.

Nowadays, more things are done to teach the children to read and learn skills. The family has two more masters. The Xie family and the Xu family have given war horses, bows and crossbows and other things, and invited more martial arts masters to come over, all of which are helped by the in-laws.

We simply divided the classes completely into small classes, middle classes, and large classes, and taught them separately.

The village also has weapons, crossbows, bows and arrows, and knives. While teaching the children, they patrol the village, and the village's defense gradually catches up.

The gentleman has acquired all the six arts, and even the girl is learning boxing and kicking skills. It’s okay if she can’t learn them, but it’s also good to exercise.

Parents don't care. If the master hits you in the clan school, it's your fault. No one will come to complain. Now the children are well taught and the elders are very happy. They won't ask the clan clan teacher why they beat their children. Children, parents and I all stay away from each other and don't even look at them.

The children of the clan still have to work together in the fields, and they also have to take over the work if there is any, but it is only a matter for the middle class and the upper class, so that they can make money for the clan.

They can also get some jobs when they go out, and they are paid for it, half of it is based on their ethnic origin, and the remaining half is divided according to their labor income. If they do a good job, they will be credited, and they will have another chance next time. A good marriage and a good future will be given priority in the future. Consider that there may not be a chance for sneaky tricks in the future.

The rules of the clan school are strict and there is a separate account book, and the money from the clan school is not distributed to the villagers, only the hard-earned money is given to the disciples who work. Most of the money is used to invest in the clan school to add equipment, such as the war horses needed by the six arts of the gentleman. Bows and arrows, wooden figures and stakes need to be replaced regularly, as well as buying books and rewarding pens, inks, paper and inkstones all require regular money.

The clan school is richer than the clan. It does not divide money but only goes in and out. This year, the ancestral field that my grandfather and second uncle bought was for the clan school. They also bought some forest land and wasteland for the children to use for horse racing and archery.

Xiu Niang herself often took her children to horse racing. Now almost all the girls in the Li family knew how to ride horses, swim in the water, etc. They would also ask martial arts masters to take them to the mountains for hunting. Gradually, they learned all these things.

Seriously speaking, Brother Chun's generation is really like a child of aristocratic family. A gentleman can master the six arts and the Four Books and Five Classics. The Li family has provided everything that should be matched and found the best masters to come over and teach the children. Come presentable.

The families who came to the Li family to talk about marriage were also of high status and reputation. The Li family's reputation gradually spread and was recognized by many families.

Xiu Niang found some formations from the book to play games for the children. This belongs to the art of war book. It is the simplest to arrange troops and formations. There are no secrets. She plays games with the children and trains everyone's unity. Awareness and responsiveness to cooperation.

In addition, the martial arts masters given by the Xu family and the Xie family have all been on the battlefield and are willing to cooperate with the Li family's teaching. Now the children are very busy and busy, and they have learned a lot. They have to be assessed in their liberal arts and martial arts classes. If they slack off even a little, they will be punished. If you quit the clan and study, this is not a place for you to retire. If you don't work hard, just go home and farm.

The children who have been expelled have to go home and find ways to make a living. Parents do not dare to complain. They all see how the clan educates their children. They spend money and cannot complain if their children cannot keep up. Ethnology.

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