Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 304 Bad Premonition

Chapter 304 Bad Premonition

Since late June, the Yellow River has entered the main flood season. Urgent memorials from all over the country are flying towards the Daming Palace like snowflakes, and there is a gloomy atmosphere both inside and outside the court.

In order to reduce the flood control pressure in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, Emperor Longqing finally made up his mind.

He adopted the suggestion of Jiang Yungong, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and decided to dig the Yellow River embankment in Henan and restore the ancient Yellow River path in order to divert floods and ensure the stability of the rich areas of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River.

In July, Zhao Luping, the governor of Henan, was ordered to dig up the Puyangkou embankment, and the roaring Yellow River poured out.

The raging floods spread for nearly a hundred miles. Fortunately, the imperial court had previously stopped the laborers from digging the river channels. The floods eventually flowed to the ancient Western Han Dynasty Road as scheduled and did not flood further.

The Yellow River has since been divided into two, with one still flowing to the southwest, passing through Henan, South Zhili, Jiangsu, and taking over the Huaihe River to merge into the East China Sea.

One line turns north from Puyang, passes through Shandong and Hebei, and seizes the Daqing River from the southeast of Ji Town and flows into the Beihai.

This artificial diversion of the Yellow River caused some losses, but it also diverted floods and preserved the downstream Jianghuai area. Overall, the benefits outweighed the disadvantages.

However, under the instigation of well-intentioned people, millions of people in Hebei, Shandong and other places were affected, and their hearts were in turmoil, with undercurrents surging.

Fortunately this year, Emperor Longqing's small treasury was abundant with money, and Jia Qiong brought back a large amount of funds from Japan, so that most of the people could receive compensation and resettlement, so large-scale civil unrest did not break out immediately.

However, since August, warnings have been sent from Liaodong Town, Xuanfu, Datong Town, and Guyuan Town in Jiubian.

The grassland tribes, which had been peaceful for several years, began to mobilize frequently, the army gathered, and the intention of going south to plunder was very obvious.

The floods have not receded, and beacon smoke is rising at the border. Dachu is really in trouble both internally and externally this year, and is in a precarious state.

Japan, Honshu Island, Yoshino.

Ever since Jia Qiong recruited Fang Guozhen, Ashikaga Takauji's defeat was actually doomed.

Jia Qiong did not rush to send troops. Instead, he trained Japanese soldiers and recruited Fang Guozhen's troops, and resettled tens of thousands of people and family members who relied on Fang Guozhen to Kyushu Island in batches.

The Chu army failed to attack, forcing Ashikaga Takauji to continuously increase his troops, trying to eliminate the Southern Dynasty as soon as possible to reverse the situation.

However, although Jia Qiong did not send a large force to Honshu Island, Xu Shan has been bringing a small number of troops to help the Southern Dynasty suppress the battle to ensure that the Southern Dynasty will not be completely wiped out by Ashikaga Takauji.

Therefore, although the Southern Dynasty was at a disadvantage, it tenaciously defended the Iga defense line and consumed the Northern Dynasty's troops.

During this period, Emperor Murakami sent envoys several times to urge Jia Qiong to send troops, but he was delayed for various reasons.

It was not until mid-July, when the basic training of 50,000 Japanese soldiers was completed, that Jia Qiong decided to send troops.

He still adopted the originally planned strategy, making full use of the advantages of naval forces and military strength to land from all sides, and attacked steadily, gradually encroaching on the sphere of influence of the Northern Dynasty.

Feng Ziying, Liu Xianglian and Zhang Hongqing each led 5,000 Chu troops and 10,000 Japanese troops, and landed on Honshu Island in three groups.

Feng Ziying landed from Ishimi Province in the southwest and launched an attack on Nagato, Shufang, Anyi, Bizhong, Bingo, Izumo, Hoqi, Inpan and other places in the west of Honshu Island.

Liu Xianglian landed in Dewa Province in the northwest and attacked Mutsu, Ueno, Shimono, Hitachi, Musashi, Kai and other places in the northeast.

Zhang Hongqing landed from the Owari area in the south and launched an attack on Mikawa, Mino, Toe, Suruga, Izu, Sagami and other places in the southeast.

Jia Qiong himself led 20,000 people to reinforce Guandong and contain the Northern Dynasty's troops so that they did not dare to divide their troops for rescue.

In order to eliminate the Southern Dynasty as soon as possible, Ashikaga Takauji concentrated all his troops on the Kyoto front line, leaving other areas empty of troops and unable to resist the Chu army's offensive.

If the Chu army goes all out, the battle may be over in a month.

However, Jia Qiong ordered the troops to advance steadily, dig three feet into the ground, maximize the results of the battle, and collect as much loot as possible.

Therefore, it was not until mid-September that the Chu army captured more than half of the area. Ashikaga Takauji has about 40,000 troops left, surrounded by Tamba, Hanoi, Yamashiro and Omi.

At this time, the total strength of the Chu army and the Southern Dynasty reached 80,000, and Ashikaga Takauji was at the end of his rope and unable to recover.

The reason why he can still fight trapped beasts is because Jia Qiong doesn't want to waste too much troops to attack the city.

At this moment, Jia Qiong received a military report from the country.

In the Chinese army's tent, Jia Qiong frowned slightly as he looked at the military report in his hand.

Xu Shan and Wang Guangyang stood on both sides, looking at each other with doubts on their faces.

The three of them had just been discussing military affairs, and the military report had just been delivered, and the two of them didn't know what was written in it yet. "

After Jia Qiong read it, he handed the general's report to Xu Shan and said, "This is the military report sent by the Ministry of War in early August. There are changes in the Wala and Jurchen ministries. I am afraid there will be large-scale closures this year."

Xu Shan hurriedly took the military report. After reading it, he handed it to Wang Guangyang. He frowned and said, "There are warning signals from Liaodong to Guyuan. This is not like an ordinary robbery. I am afraid that Wala and Jurchen will make a big move."

Wang Guangyang also finished reading the military newspaper at this time, and he said: "This year's Yellow River floods are serious, judging from the news coming back from the front.

The disaster-stricken area in the north is large, the people affected are large, and there seem to be remnants of the White Lotus Sect operating around. The situation is very serious.

The Oara and Jurchen invaded on a large scale. If the war on the nine sides becomes tense, the imperial court will definitely dispatch troops from various places to go north.

If another large-scale civil unrest breaks out in the Central Plains by then, the consequences may be..."

Wang Guangyang didn't finish his words, but both Jia Qiong and Xu Shan also understood the urgency of the situation, especially Jia Qiong.

He thought of the surging wave of peasant uprisings in the late Yuan Dynasty and the many reckless heroes who were unknown where they were hiding, and his bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

After thinking for a moment, Jia Qiong said loudly: "Come here!"


Several guards heard the sound and came in, clasping their fists and obeying the order.

"I am ordering Feng Ziying's troops to capture Fengneng County within three days and cut off the connection between Hanoi and the mountain city. There must be no mistake!"


A guard took an order flag from Jia Qiong and left quickly. Jia Qiong took out another order flag and said: "Instruct Zhang Hongqing's troops to march with all their strength. Yinyu Mountain must be captured within five days!"


Another guard took the order and left. Jia Qiong waved his hand to let the remaining two guards go down and said to Xu Shan: "Cousin, you go and inform Nanchao to prepare. Tomorrow we will send troops to the post. Within ten days I will Take Kyoto!"


Xu Shan took the order and left, and Jia Qiong said to Wang Guangyang: "Guangyang, please send someone to notify Qi Xiang and let him prepare for the return journey.

I will take 20,000 people back in half a month and let him prepare supplies. "

Wang Guangyang said hesitantly: "Master Marquis, you are the governor of Japan. It seems inappropriate to return to Beijing without an edict. Why don't you write a letter first to ask for permission?"

Jia Qiong shook his head and said: "That would take too long, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in time..."

(End of this chapter)

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