Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 289 Landing in Satsuma Country

Chapter 289 Landing in Satsuma Country

Satsuma Kingdom belongs to the Western Kailuo and is located in the west of Kyushu Island. It is the settlement place of the Hayato clan.

The territory mainly includes the Satsuma Peninsula, Kawabe Islands, Mōjima Islands and other islands.

It borders Higo Province to the north, Osumi Province to the east, and Hyuga Province to the northeast.

Satsuma Country is surrounded by mountains, which is good for defense but not convenient for outward expansion.

Because of its location, most merchant ships coming to Japan for maritime trade docked here, so the Satsuma Kingdom was relatively prosperous.

At this time, Satsuma Kingdom was controlled by the Shimazu clan, and the current guardian name was Shimazu Sadahisa, who was over 80 years old.

According to the description of Nanmudu Village, Shimazu Sadahisa was a very shrewd old fox who had repeatedly swayed between the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Jia Qiong's first target is the Satsuma Kingdom located in the southwest corner of Kyushu Island.

The early morning sun shines on the calm sea, casting a sparkling golden light.

In the seaside town of Kino in Addo County, several fishing boats are fishing offshore.

A young man with his upper body naked inadvertently looked up to the west and vaguely saw a shadow on the sea.

He pointed in the distance and shouted: "Dad, look over there, there seems to be a merchant ship coming. Let's go to the dock to work. We can make much more money than fishing."

Another person on the fishing boat raised his head when he heard this, put his hand on his forehead, and looked into the distance.

After watching for a while, the old fisherman said doubtfully: "Where is this fleet? Why are there so many ships? It doesn't seem like they are merchant ships."

The young man asked: "Are they pirates? How dare they come to our Kino to cause trouble? Aren't they afraid that General Zongjiu will kill them all?"

The old fisherman said: "It doesn't look like a pirate. The ship looks like a giant Dachu."

The young man asked: "Dad, how did you know it was Da Chu's ship?"

The old fisherman said proudly: "You have forgotten Takeshita. When I was young, my father went to Dachu with a merchant ship."

Jia Qiong's fleet was sailing downwind at this time, and the speed was very fast. While the father and son were talking, the fleet was already close to the coastline, and the entire fleet was revealed in front of the father and son.

The father and son were so shocked that they could not speak. They just watched the fleet approaching from a distance, and then sailed past their fishing boat.

Kino has often had merchant ships come and go before, but they have never seen such a huge fleet.

Their fishing boat was as small as a turtle standing in front of a group of whales. It was shaken by the waves raised by the giant boat and almost capsized.

On the shore, the garrison on the dock also discovered the fleet, and they quickly sounded the alarm.

The town's garrison chief, Shimazu Munehisa, heard the bell and hurriedly gathered all the samurai sailors and rushed to the dock to prepare to meet the enemy.

But when he saw the huge fleet approaching like dark clouds on the sea, the knife in his hand fell to the ground with a thud.

Since Japan entered the period of melee between the Northern and Southern Dynasties 20 years ago, all the daimyo and generals have been busy expanding their armies and attacking each other, and they have no energy or ability to build large warships.

Most of the old warships were old and damaged. Now all the warships in Japan combined were probably not as numerous as this fleet. He could not imagine how many soldiers there were on board.

The first few giant ships were even more gigantic than he had ever seen in his life.

This made Shimazu Munehisa unable to think of any resistance at all. He quickly asked his soldiers to put away their swords and guns, and stood nervously on the dock, waiting for the judgment of fate.

On the main ship, Jia Qiong looked at the situation on the dock from a distance and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that the leading general here is a smart man."

Kusunomo Tomura said disdainfully: "That's Shimazu Munehisa, the son of Shimazu Sadahisa. The Shimazu family are just outsiders. They were originally a force in the Northern Dynasties. When they saw Ashikaga Takauji being defeated by us, they Surrendered to the Emperor.

Later, when the Northern Dynasties recaptured Kyoto, they immediately surrendered to Ashikaga Takauji, which was really capricious.

The country of Satsuma has a total population of just over [-], and it is surrounded by mountains on three sides. It is difficult for neighboring countries to send troops for rescue.

The general has an army of [-], and it will be easy to destroy the Satsuma Kingdom!
At that time, as long as the Shimazu clan is slaughtered, the Satsuma Kingdom will be yours. "

The Nanmu family was originally a large noble in Japan, occupying a prosperous area in Hanoi.

However, since Kusunoki Masako's defeat and the death of his younger brother Kusunoki Masashi in an assassination attempt, the Kusunoki family has lost its territory and status and has become a third-rate clan.

Nanmudu Village ventured across the ocean to seek help from Dachu in order to revive the Nanmu clan.

After more than 20 days of getting along, Jia Qiong has figured out the wishes of Nanmudu Village.

He promised Nanmudu Village that after the Japanese rebellion was quelled and the Japanese Protectorate was established on Kyushu Island, Nanmudu Village would be the daimyo of the entire Kyushu Island.

Under the temptation of such huge interests, he has now become a hard-core "dog legger". He will absolutely execute Jia Qiong's orders unconditionally and will take the initiative to help make suggestions.

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "Mr. Ducun, our country is sending troops to bring peace to the people of Japan, not to kill. How can we use weapons rashly?

Since the Shimazu clan are all smart people, they might as well try to recruit troops first. If they want to resist stubbornly, it will not be too late to use troops. "

After hearing this, Nanmudu Village immediately said: "The general is wise, that old fox Shimazu Sadahisa will definitely not dare to resist the Chinese army.

General, wait a moment. I will go ashore immediately and let Shimazu Munehisa prepare fine wine and delicacies for the general. "

Jia Qiong nodded and said, "Then it will be all your work, Mr. Ducun."

Nanmudu Village was the first to disembark for negotiations. Under the strong threat of force, Shimazu Munehisa did not dare to resist at all, and immediately expressed that he welcomed the arrival of the Chinese army and would definitely entertain them well.

Jia Qiong's army had been sailing at sea for 20 consecutive days. The soldiers felt physically and mentally exhausted, so Jia Qiong asked all the soldiers to go ashore to rest.

A total of [-] troops surrounded Kino, a small town with a total population of less than [-].

Seeing this situation, Shimazu Munehisa didn't dare to slack off at all.

He quickly brought out the best wine and food in Kino to entertain Jia Qiong's army, and immediately sent people to Kagoshima to explain the situation to his father Tsushima Sadahisa.

Regardless of whether it was in his previous life or this life, this was the first time for Jia Qiong to land on Japan Island. Naturally, he wanted to appreciate the cultural scenery of Japan.

He stationed his army outside the town and followed Shimazu Munehisa into Kino Town with only a few generals and a group of personal guards.

Most of the buildings in Kino Town are wooden structures with thatched roofs. The houses adopt an open layout, with elevated floors and far-reaching eaves.

The room was so small and exquisite that Jia Qiong had to bend down to enter the room. This was the reason why Japanese people were generally short.

The average height of Japanese men during the Northern and Southern Dynasties was just over 1.4 meters, and very few could reach 1.6 meters.

Jia Qiong, who is 1.8 meters tall, walks on the street as if he has entered Lilliput.

As a nobleman, Shimazu Munehisa was also able to speak Chinese.

He enthusiastically introduced the situation of Kino Town to Jia Qiong, led him all the way to the garrison mansion, and set up a banquet to entertain Jia Qiong and his party.

(End of this chapter)

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