Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 279: The chief minister stepped down, and the situation in the government changed drasticall

Chapter 279: The chief minister stepped down, and the situation in the government changed drastically.
From the end of May to June, several major events occurred in the DPRK and China.

First, Zuo Yimin, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, was transferred to the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Hubu in Nanjing. The former Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Punishments, Yin Handong of Jingzhao Prefecture, took over the charge of the Ministry of Punishments.

Immediately afterwards, the Jinyi Qianhu Office in Fujian Province reported a case of land occupation.

The evidence in this case is conclusive, and there are many officials involved, and most importantly, relatives of the chief assistant Zhang Chunyang are involved.

Zhang Chunyang had no choice but to plead guilty. Emperor Longqing immediately demoted Zhang Chunyang out of Beijing and assumed the post of governor of Sichuan. The backbone of the Fujian Party suffered heavy losses.

The chief minister of the cabinet was vacant, and Emperor Longqing issued an order to re-elect the cabinet ministers.

After being recommended by the officials and the court, Li Shirui was promoted to bachelor of Zhongji Palace and Prince Shaofu, and resigned as bachelor of the Hanlin Academy.

Zhu Chen, the Minister of Rites, and Han Dong, the new Minister of Punishments, were elected to the cabinet.

In the same year as Xiao Mo, the Minister of Civil Affairs, Wen Jianlong, the former governor of Gansu Province, took over the position of bachelor of the Hanlin Academy.

After these adjustments, the structure of the imperial court changed.

The Fujian Party lost its positions as Chief Assistant and Minister of Punishment one after another, its strength was greatly reduced, and it was already in decline.

The royal party won the position of chief minister and added a cabinet bachelor.

On the surface, it seems that its power has greatly increased, but it has lost the important position of the Hanlin Academy. It is difficult to determine whether it is a gain or a loss.

The Xiao Party obtained the Hanlin Academy, and there was no doubt that its strength was greatly enhanced, and it was enough to compete with the Wang Party.

The neutral faction occupied three seats in the cabinet, which also greatly increased their strength, giving Emperor Longqing greater control over the court situation.

During this period, the situation in the DPRK was inevitably somewhat turbulent, but generally it was stable.

In the current cabinet, except for Luo Jin and Jia Qiong, who are mortal enemies, Xie Qian has no close friendship with him.

The other four people all have a close relationship with him, and Jia Qiong's hidden strength has become stronger.

In early June, the plan to send troops to Japan was also formulated. However, because Emperor Longqing suddenly fell ill, the plan was submitted for seven or eight days without any movement.

It was not until late June that Jia Qiong received the order to enter the palace to meet the saint.

Jia Qiong came outside the Yangxin Hall and said to the young eunuch at the door: "Eunuch Lao has announced that Jia Qiong is here to see you."

The young eunuch entered the hall to announce that while Jia Qiong was waiting, he heard a slight cough coming from the hall. When he entered the hall, he smelled a strong smell of medicine.

Jia Qiong stepped forward to pay homage and said, "Your Majesty, Jia Qiong, is here to see the Emperor. I, the Emperor, bow down to me in peace."

"Be flat."

Emperor Longqing was sitting on the couch, still wearing heavy clothes in the summer, and his face was pale. It was obvious that he had not recovered from his illness.

Jia Qiong said: "Your Majesty, you are feeling ill and you should rest more."

Emperor Longqing waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I just feel the cold occasionally.

I have read the instructions for sending troops to Japan, and I have done a good job.

Mr. Yang Ge said that you did almost all of this yourself, and praised you greatly, saying that you have Zhang Liang's talents. "

Jia Qiong said: "Old Yang Ge praised me so much that I really don't dare to accept it."

Emperor Longqing asked: "I heard from Yang Qing that you intend to take the initiative to serve as a general?"

Jia Qiong bowed and said: "Yes, the plan to send troops to Japan was proposed by me. I also know Japan well and am confident about this battle.

In addition, I also want to gain some experience in leading troops through this battle, so I would like to ask the emperor for permission. "

Emperor Longqing said: "It is too dangerous to go to sea to fight. I heard that there are often strong winds and huge waves on the sea. If we encounter difficulties, I will see..."

Jia Qiong heard that Emperor Longqing seemed not to agree, so she hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it is true that there are often strong winds and huge waves on the sea, but there are patterns that can be checked and it is not difficult to avoid them.

I have consulted a lot of information and found that sudden storms at sea usually occur in the three seasons of summer, autumn and winter, with the highest number between June and December, and relatively few in spring.

Therefore, as long as we send troops in early spring, we can avoid danger at sea to a large extent. Emperor Longqing pondered for a moment and said, "It seems that Jia Qing really wants this opportunity to lead the army." "

Jia Qiong replied: "Yes, I really want this opportunity.

Doesn't the emperor want his minister to change his military position?

I am a civil servant, I have not had the opportunity to lead troops before, and I lack experience and qualifications.

In normal times, it is indeed difficult to have the opportunity to direct a war.

Sending troops to Japan is not a difficult battle. According to the minister's plan, only [-] new troops and [-] naval troops are needed.

Moreover, this battle is fought in Japan, so even if it fails, it will not have much impact on my country, Dachu. It is a good time for me to accumulate experience. "

Emperor Longqing asked: "By the way, I also want to ask you, why don't you use elite frontier troops or directly mobilize troops from the Beijing camp, but instead use new troops organized and trained by the Jiangbei camp?"

Jia Qiong replied: "Back to the Emperor, Jiubian and Jingying have important responsibilities and should not be touched lightly.

Moreover, it is a long way to deploy troops from Jiubian or Jingying, which will waste food and grass.

Moreover, many soldiers in the north suffer from seasickness and are not suitable for fighting at sea. They may not be accustomed to the local conditions in Japan.

The new troops organized and trained in Jiangbei Camp were basically common people from Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas. They were familiar with water and were more suitable for the expedition to Japan.

Another point is that although the veterans are more powerful, they have no prestige and it is difficult for them to be able to command them in a short period of time.

After the new army has undergone rigorous training, although its combat effectiveness will be slightly lower, it is enough to deal with the Japanese army, and it is easier to control. "

Emperor Long Qing nodded and said: "It seems that you have considered it carefully.

Let's do this. I'll think about it again, and I'll also have to ask for your opinions.

Anyway, it will only be suitable to send troops in the early spring of next year, so there is no rush to determine the commander issue at this time. "

Emperor Longqing still had some concerns. Now he regarded Jia Qiong as a loyal minister, and Jia Qiong was also the husband-in-law of his two daughters. Emperor Longqing did not want him to take risks.

But what Jia Qiong said makes sense. This is indeed a good opportunity for him to accumulate qualifications and experience.

If Jia Qiong can win this battle beautifully and eliminate the Japanese pirates, his qualifications and prestige will be enough to take over the Beijing camp.

This made Emperor Longqing somewhat hesitant and wanted to seek opinions from all parties.

Jia Qiong is not in a hurry. Whether in the Ministry of War, the Fifth Army Governor's Office or the cabinet, he has enough connections to speak for him.

So Jia Qiong didn't say much, raised his hands and said, "Yes, I understand."

Emperor Longqing then asked some more details, and Jia Qiong answered them one by one.

At this moment, the Queen and Princess Mingyue walked in from outside. They came to deliver medicine to the Emperor.

Upon seeing this, Jia Qiong hurriedly saluted the two of them. Princess Mingyue bowed and returned the salute, then raised her eyes to look at Jia Qiong. Their eyes met and they quickly looked away.

The queen nodded to Jia Qiong and said, "No courtesy."

She walked to the bed again and said, "Your Majesty, it's time for you to drink medicine."

Jia Qiong hurriedly said: "The emperor has not recovered yet, so he should rest more, so I will leave first."

Emperor Longqing nodded and said, "That's fine. I'll ask someone to tell you if something happens."

"Yes, I retire."

The queen said at this time: "Mingyue, please send Mr. Jia out."

Princess Mingyue didn't expect her mother to say that. She was ashamed and happy in her heart, so she softly agreed and walked out of the palace with Jia Qiong.

(End of this chapter)

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