Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 264: Theory of Controlling Barbarians, Killing Knife

Chapter 264: Theory of Controlling Barbarians, Killing Knife
Yang Sicheng took the order and left. Emperor Longqing looked at the map for a long time before sighing and saying: "We have finally looked forward to a good year this year, but these Japanese pirates are here to cause trouble again. It's really annoying.

I only hope that Zhu Youzhen and Yu Wannian can put down the Japanese rebellion as soon as possible.

If it is delayed for a long time, I am afraid it will affect the tax collection in the Jianghuai area this year. "

Jia Qiong looked at Haozhou in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River on the map and felt inexplicably uneasy.

This place was originally a place where tigers and dragons were crouching in history. I don’t know how many tigers are crouching and how many dragons are hiding now.

What impact will this Japanese invasion have on these dragons and tigers?

"Jia Qing, what are you thinking about?"

After hearing Emperor Longqing's question, Jia Qiong hurriedly recovered his mind, raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have a concern that I would like to remind Your Majesty."

Emperor Longqing asked: "What concerns do you have, but it doesn't matter."

Jia Qiong said: "According to what Mr. Yang Ge reported, the Japanese pirates suddenly moved from Zhejiang to Jiangsu, and several forces acted at the same time.

Does this mean that the originally loose Japanese pirate forces have a tendency to unite, and some people have even unified some of the Japanese pirate forces.

If so, the threat from Japanese pirates will increase rapidly.

The imperial court must resolve this hidden danger as soon as possible, otherwise the stability of the coastal provinces may not be guaranteed. "

Emperor Long Qing nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, I have also thought of this.

It seems that we need to add a few more naval forces to prevent Japanese pirates. "

Jia Qiong said: "Your Majesty, increasing the navy can certainly prevent Japanese pirates from invading.

However, if there is an endless supply of Japanese pirates, it is not the best policy for us to just passively defend. "

Emperor Longqing said: "Oh, do you have any insights?"

Jia Qiong said: "I once wrote an article "On Controlling Barbarians". I wonder if the emperor has ever read it?"

Emperor Longqing shook his head and said: "I have never heard of "On Controlling Barbarians"."

Jia Qiong frowned when he heard this, and with a change of mind, he roughly understood the cause and effect of the matter.

He said: "It doesn't matter that the emperor has not seen it. Do you know where this Japanese pirate came from?"

Emperor Longqing said: "How could I not know that the Japanese pirates naturally come from Japan?"

Jia Qiong nodded and said: "Japan is currently in a period of melee between the north and the south, and a large number of defeated samurai and ronin have fled to the sea.

These people have considerable military power, but are not engaged in production, so they gather together to rob merchant ships and even invade coastal areas.

Of course, the reason why the Japanese pirates are so large now is because some coastal people have joined them, but the main force today is still the Japanese warriors.

I believe that if we want to control the Japanese pirate rebellion, we need to take a two-pronged approach in the general direction. One is to suppress it, and the other is to cut off its root causes.

If we only suppress Japanese pirates without eradicating their root causes, the Japanese troubles will continue and it will be impossible to completely quell them. "

Emperor Longqing sat back on the couch and asked, "How does Jia Aiqing think we can cut off its roots?"

Jia Qiong replied: "It is actually not difficult to cut off the roots of Japanese pirates. As long as the war in Japan is calmed down, there will naturally be no warriors running out to let Japanese pirates go."

Emperor Longqing asked again: "Then how can we quell the war in Japan?"

Jia Qiong said: "Now the East and the South and the North are at odds, and no one can destroy the other, so the two sides are fighting endlessly, and warriors are constantly fleeing and gathering at sea to cause chaos.

The Japanese are short in stature, and their weapons and equipment cannot be compared with ours. In fact, their combat effectiveness is not strong.

It was just because of their erratic movements that it was difficult for the imperial army to find them, which was why the Japanese pirates were so difficult to put down.

If the emperor sends an elite army to Japan to help one of the two dynasties, the North and the South, he can easily break this stalemate and quickly put an end to the war in Japan. "

Emperor Longqing obviously did not agree with Jia Qiong's plan. He shook his head and said: "This...how can we interfere in other country's affairs.

Furthermore, an expedition across the sea would definitely cost a lot of money and food.

It's okay if you win, but if you lose, wouldn't it be in vain? "

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I never do business at a loss, let alone doing business for the country. If we can completely solve the Japanese problem, even if it costs millions of silver, there is nothing wrong with it.

Furthermore, since our country is sending troops to help, naturally we cannot help in vain.

All expenses such as money and food for sending troops, ships to transport troops, pensions for soldiers killed in battle, etc., will naturally be borne by the other party.

Moreover, although Japan has a small land and few people, it is rich in gold and silver.

In the temples and shrines in Japan, the Buddha statues are all made of pure gold, but they are richer than those in our Dachu temples.

We send troops to fight, and the spoils of victory are naturally ours.

Your Majesty, that might be a huge fortune beyond imagination. "

Emperor Longqing finally became interested after hearing this. He sat up straight and asked, "Is this true? Do you know the situation in Japan so well?"

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "Your Majesty, a scholar can know the affairs of the world without going out.

I dare not say goodbye, but I definitely read quite a lot of books. "

Emperor Longqing was obviously moved, but he also had many concerns. He said: "Our Da Chu is a huge country and a country of etiquette. Isn't it inappropriate to send troops to other countries for no reason?

Even if I agree, the courtiers may not agree. "

Jia Qiong said: "Your Majesty, how can we send troops for no reason?

Japanese pirates continue to harass our coastal areas, killing my people and plundering our wealth.

Aren't they all Japanese? Naturally, Japan has to bear this debt.

Furthermore, our country is Japan's parent country, so we can't just watch the people there suffer from the war and just let it go.

When we send troops to the North, we will definitely be famous for our troops. "

Emperor Longqing nodded in agreement upon hearing this and said: "Yes, yes, Jia Aiqing's words make sense.

Those Japanese pirates were originally Japanese, and maybe they had Japanese support behind them.

Since Japan offends our imperial power first, we might as well send troops to pacify Japan and incorporate it into our territory. What does Jia Aiqing think? "

Jia Qiong shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, although Japan is a small country with few people, it still has nearly ten million people.

If you want to completely occupy Dongying Island, you may need to send hundreds of thousands of troops to garrison it for a long time.

Given the current situation in our country, I am afraid it is not appropriate to mobilize such a large force.

It is better to support a puppet first. The imperial court can then set up the Japanese Protectorate and send troops to garrison it to prevent them from starting another dispute. "

Emperor Longqing stroked his beard, nodded and smiled: "This is a good idea.

The Tang Dynasty once established the Protectorate of the Western Regions. It was truly a heavenly atmosphere, with all nations coming to court.

Although the Japanese Protectorate is not as good as the Western Region Protectorate, it can still enhance the prestige of our country.

Jia Aiqing, please outline your thoughts in detail. I want to discuss it with the ministers. "

Jia Qiong's mind changed, and he raised his hand and said: "Actually, the "On Controlling Barbarians" written by me earlier contains a very detailed discussion on this matter. I will write a new copy and give it to the emperor when I get back."

Emperor Longqing said: "By the way, you just asked me if I had read your "On Controlling Barbarians".

Why, has this article of yours ever been reported to the imperial court? "

Jia Qiong said: ""On Controlling Barbarians" was written by me during the one-year exam at Wansong Academy.

At that time, Master Li Yunli, the academic administrator of Zhejiang Province, very much recognized my article and said that he wanted to report it to the imperial court, so I asked this question. "

Emperor Longqing frowned and said, "It's impossible. If Li Yun had played it before, there's no way I wouldn't have had an impression."

Jia Qiong said: "Then maybe something went wrong. This minister doesn't know."

Emperor Longqing thought for a while and shouted to the young eunuch guarding the door: "Come, go to Xuantaichang Temple to see Li Yun."

(End of this chapter)

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