Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 223 Ugly officialdom

Chapter 223 Ugly officialdom

In the evening, Jia Qiong came to Jinfeng Tower for a banquet.

The leading civil servants in Henan, including the governor Zhao Luping, the envoy Xie Qi, the envoy Chi Yang and others, including the prefect of Luoyang Liu Chungui, were all there.

Governor Zhao Luping introduced the officials present to Jia Qiong, and Jia Qiong exchanged greetings with everyone.

As a guest, Jia Qiong was asked to sit at the main seat, but he refused and took the seat.

These officials in Henan invited Jia Qiong to the banquet. In addition to establishing friendship, they naturally had other motives.

Everyone knows that Jia Qiong is a popular figure in front of Emperor Longqing and is responsible for managing the important department of the Mutual Aid Department.

This time he suddenly appeared in Luoyang, and they had not received any news before.

This couldn't help but make them suspect that Jia Qiong came with some special mission.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone got down to business. Governor Zhao Luping asked: "Master Jia, I don't know why you came to Luoyang this time."

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "Everyone should know that I am now in charge of the Mutual Aid Department and have hundreds of thousands of disaster victims under my command.

Winter is about to come, and the victims need to survive the winter to keep out the cold. The Mutual Aid Division needs a large amount of high-quality coal. This is mainly why I came here this time.

However, before I set off, the emperor also temporarily asked me to inspect the disaster relief situation in Henan. "

When everyone heard this, they realized that it was indeed the case. Jia Qiong could not have appeared in Luoyang for no reason. It turned out that he wanted to inspect the disaster.

Governor Zhao said: "I see, speaking of it, we in Henan would also like to thank Mr. Jia.

You have helped our province resettle hundreds of thousands of disaster victims, greatly reducing the pressure on us. On behalf of all my colleagues, I would like to offer a toast to Mr. Jia. "

"Haha, Mr. Zhao, you are too polite. We are all sharing the worries of the imperial court, so why should we say thank you?"

Jia Qiong picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Governor Zhao, then drank it all in one gulp.

The Chief Secretary is the main person responsible for disaster relief. Xie Qi smiled and said: "Master Jia, if there are any omissions in our disaster relief work in Henan this time, please give me some advice."

Liu Chungui, the prefect of Luoyang, echoed: "Yes, yes, please give me more advice."

Jia Qiong said: “Don’t worry, gentlemen, I am here mainly to inspect the coal mine.

I also know that disaster relief is not easy. As long as we let the victims have food to eat, I will not get too involved in disaster relief issues.

A few days ago, victims of the disaster in Baoding Prefecture rioted and looted market towns.

The emperor suspected that local officials had corruption problems, so he ordered me to inspect the disaster relief situation in Henan.

I also hate corrupt officials the most. If I know that someone is taking bribes, bending the law and enriching his own pocket, I will not turn a blind eye. "

The meaning of Jia Qiong's words was very clear. He was here to investigate corruption, which made some people nervous.

During disaster relief, it is very common for officials to take advantage of the situation.

It's just that some are more restrained and don't cause trouble.

If you look closely, very few people are clean.

Governor Zhao had just taken office not long ago, so he was not able to get involved in the disaster relief work, so he was naturally not afraid.

He smiled and said: "Master Jia said that corrupt officials are the most abominable.

If such scum are found, I will punish them severely. "

Xie Qi echoed: "Governor Zhao is honest and upright in his actions. All the officials in Henan follow Mr. Zhao's example. Mr. Jia, please rest assured that the officials will govern with integrity."

"Yes, yes, yes, Governor Zhao is very strict. No one will dare to act recklessly."


At this moment, Yun Tao hurried upstairs, leaned over and reported in Jia Qiong's ear: "Sir, someone in the posthouse is complaining about injustice.

Sue the Luoyang magistrate for embezzlement, perverting the law, and withholding disaster relief food..."

Jia Qiong raised her hand to interrupt Yun Tao and said, "I know, go down and keep an eye on him."

"It's my lord." Yun Tao seemed to have lowered his voice, but in fact everyone present heard it.

Everyone's expressions instantly became very exciting. They had just finished swearing that Henan officials would govern the Qingming Festival, when someone came up to complain.

It is better to go to the post house to complain to Jia Qiong. This is obviously because Henan officials are protecting each other, and the people have no way to complain.

Of course, the one with the ugliest face was the defendant, Magistrate Liu.

This man's face was now blue, his forehead was sweating, and he couldn't sit still.

Governor Zhao angrily shouted: "Prefect Liu, what's going on?"

Liu Chungui stood up quickly and said: "Master Zhao, this official has never done anything corrupt and perverted the law. Please be careful."

Ambassador Xie, who always showed Liu Chungui's filial piety, said carefully: "This time Luoyang Prefecture has done a good job in disaster relief. This is obvious to everyone. Is there any misunderstanding?"

Liu Chungui hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, in order to provide disaster relief, Xiaguan has opened three porridge factories and releases porridge twice in the morning and evening.

Your Majesty has definitely not deducted relief food. Sir Jia, please tell me. "

Jia Qiong waved her hands and said with a smile: "Master Liu, don't be impatient, I am not a person who only listens to others.

I will investigate this matter in detail. If what the complainant says is untrue, I will not unjustly accuse you.

My lords, official business is of paramount importance, so I will spare no compensation and take my leave. "

After Jia Qiong finished speaking, he stood up from the table and walked away.

Governor Zhao snorted coldly, glanced at Xie Qi, and said to Magistrate Liu: "Looking at the good things you have done, the officialdom of Henan has been completely disgraced by you."

After saying that, he walked away.

Magistrate Liu was originally a member of the Chief Envoy Xie Qi and was not on the same side as him, so Governor Zhao would naturally not be merciful.

At this moment, he was angry on his face, but he was laughing secretly in his heart, thinking that it would be better if Xie Qi was involved in this matter.

After Governor Zhao left, other officials also stood up and left. In the end, only Xie Qi and a few officials from his group were left.

Xie Qi said with a gloomy face: "Let's all disperse. Mr. Liu will stay here for a while."

After the other officials left, Xie Qi glared at Liu Chungui angrily and said, "Liu Chungui, didn't I tell you not to go too far? How could something like this happen again?"

Magistrate Liu said with a mournful face: "It's unfair, sir. I follow your wishes and the porridge factory will put out the porridge on time every day.

Although the porridge is a bit thin, it won't starve to death.

Which yamen does not do this now? How could anyone file a lawsuit against me?

Do you think it was arranged by Governor Zhao? "

Xie Qi frowned and said: "Whoever arranged it, please hurry up and tell the porridge factory to start serving porridge normally tomorrow. It must be thick enough to insert chopsticks."

"Yes, I will order you to go down immediately."

Now when the government opens a porridge factory, grain is transported from the charity warehouse based on the number of victims, and each person has half a liter of rice per day.

Corrupt officials either falsely report the number of victims or deduct per-person quotas.

Anyway, it is porridge. The amount of grain used in thick porridge and thin porridge is naturally different.

Liu Chungui just withheld some quotas and enriched his own pockets.

However, the victims could still stutter to some extent and would not starve to death. Normally, no one would complain. No wonder Magistrate Liu felt that he was wronged.

The person who complained was actually arranged by Jia Qiong in order to have an excuse to take over Jin Yiwei and make things easier.

So early the next morning, Jia Qiong came to Luoyang Jinyiwei Qianhu Office, showed Emperor Longqing's handwriting, and temporarily took over Jinyiwei.

On the surface, he wanted to investigate disaster relief matters in Henan, but in fact, his main arrangements were aimed at the White Lotus Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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