Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 221 Ominous Premonition

Chapter 221 Ominous Premonition

A few days later, Chang'an City, the Zen room of Tianyue Temple.

As the sun set, the old monk in rags was sitting on a futon with his eyes closed and chanting sutras. Suddenly he heard a slight "dong dong dong, dong, dong dong" knock on the door.

He hurriedly stood up and opened the door, put the visitor into the Zen room, leaned out and glanced around the door, and then closed the door.

The visitor saluted the old monk and said, "I see the protector on the left."

The old monk nodded, sat back on the futon and asked, "Master Jiang, why are you here this time?"

Master Jiang replied: "Dragon protector Zuo, Master Yin of Puji Hall reported a plan to the general altar, wanting to join forces with Shandong Puxin Hall to seize the imperial grain transport fleet.

The General Forum is a little undecided, so I sent me to ask for your opinion. "

The old monk frowned when he heard this, and asked, "What do the Holy Mother and the other protectors mean?"

Leader Jiang said: "The Holy Mother and the Queen Protector are both hesitant.

The right protector had gone south to preach in the south of the Yangtze River a few days ago and could not be contacted at the moment.

The former protector felt that this plan was feasible. If the food route was cut off, hundreds of thousands of victims in Guanzhong would definitely cause trouble. We just took this opportunity to stir up the situation in the capital. "

The old monk said with an ugly face: "To rob the imperial grain transport fleet, the imperial court will definitely send a large army to destroy it. This kind of thing must never be done.

I have sent a special message to the Holy Mother saying that the time is not yet ripe and we must be careful not to attract the attention of the court.

What happened when victims of the disaster in Baoding Prefecture looted the market town a few days ago? Was it us? "

Master Jiang said cautiously: "Guardian Zuo, that action was not authorized by the Holy Mother. Zhu Mei of Jizhou Pushan Hall made his own decision."

The old monk snorted coldly and said: "I have long warned the Holy Mother not to rely too much on that old prince.

He just treats us as pawns and doesn't care about the life and death of our brothers in the church.

If Zhu Mei is really good at making decisions this time, she is probably under his orders. "

Leader Jiang said: "Guardian Zuo, if it hadn't been for the secret support of the old emperor in these years, we wouldn't have been able to develop so fast.

Moreover, the old emperor did not promise that after he ascends the throne, he will recognize the legal status of our White Lotus Sect and allow our White Lotus Sect to preach freely like Buddhism and Taoism.

We have benefited from it, but it cannot be justified if we do not contribute. "

The old monk sneered and said: "We should have secretly accumulated strength and instigated them to kill each other, so that we could reap the benefits.

Now we have become a knife in the hands of others, which is really ridiculous.

You go back and tell Our Lady that the time has not come yet and you must not act rashly.

If we start an uprising now, even if we can cause some harm to Dachu, our followers will be strangled to death by the officers and soldiers, and our many years of business operation will probably be destroyed. "

Master Jiang said: "Guardian Zuo, there have been constant natural disasters in recent years, and we have nearly [-] followers of the White Lotus Sect in various places.

This year's locust plague has affected several provinces and affected millions of people.

Isn't it the best time for us to start an uprising? "

The old monk shook his head and said: "You are too naive.

Now that there is no war on the border, Dachu has one million border troops and more than 20 Beijing troops can be dispatched at any time.

One hundred thousand ordinary people with hoes can make huge waves. "

Leader Jiang argued: "There are so many victims in the north now. If we raise our arms and call out, millions of victims will respond. How can the government and army suppress them?"

This is a good opportunity for us to expand our strength. "

The old monk said helplessly: "If it were three months ago, you would have thought so.

But if you still think this way now, it is really a fool's errand.

I have also informed the general altar of a series of measures taken by the imperial court. This locust plague cannot bring them down.Although there are some corrupt officials in various places who are deducting disaster relief food, the overall situation is still stable.

When we jump out at this time, we are hitting the stone with an egg.

I still say the same thing, we should still act secretly now, accumulate strength, and wait until the appropriate time to do something big.

King Yan is talking nicely now, just because he wants us to consume the energy of the imperial court. Who knows what he is thinking in his heart.

I'm afraid that if he really becomes the emperor, he will destroy us first.

You should truthfully report my intention to the Holy Mother. Now that you are still full of anger, please do not act rashly. "

Captain Jiang said: "Yes, my subordinates must report truthfully.

If the protector had no other instructions, his subordinates would leave. "

The old monk said: "The imperial court has decided to send a censor to investigate the matter in Baoding Mansion. It is estimated that they will set off after deciding on the candidate in the next two days.

Let Pushantang prepare a scapegoat, and don't let the court find out about us. "

Captain Jiang raised his hands and said, "Yes, the protector may have other instructions."

The old monk shook his head and said, "It's okay, go ahead and be careful on the road."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

But it was said that after Master Jiang left Tianyue Temple, he did not leave the city immediately. Instead, he walked around in a big circle and finally entered a brothel in Pingkangfang.

As soon as the old bustard saw him, he greeted him warmly: "Hey, isn't this Mr. Jiang? You haven't been here for a while.

Where did you go to get rich? We, Miss Xiaodie, are looking forward to you. "

Captain Jiang smiled and said, "I have no choice. To do business, I have to travel here and there. Does Miss Xiaodie have any guests today?"

The old bustard said hurriedly: "No, no, Mr. Jiang, please come upstairs."

Captain Jiang arrived at Xiaodie's room with ease. He was obviously a familiar guest here.

Xiaodie welcomed him into the room with a smile on her face, and Captain Jiang hugged her anxiously and threw her on the bed. After a while, the two got down to business.

Xiaodie asked: "Why did you come to Beijing this time?"

Master Jiang said: "Pujitang wants to join forces with Puxintang to rob the grain transport fleet, and the general altar asked me to seek the opinion of Zuo Zuo.

This old guy didn't agree. He asked me to tell the Holy Mother that the time was running out and I had to continue to accumulate strength.

He is very wary of the old emperor and has repeatedly reminded the Holy Mother to be wary of you. "

Xiaodie smiled and said: "The older you are, the bolder you are. If you listen to him, when will we be able to seize the country?"

You don’t know how long you will have to stay in the valley, or when you will be able to enjoy the glory and wealth.

The strategy of robbing the grain transport fleet is very good. The old prince will definitely support it. You have to find a way to facilitate this. "

Captain Jiang nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do.

Protector Zuo is an old guy who always goes against the old emperor. Should we get rid of him? "

Xiaodie shook her head and said, "No, the information provided by Guardian Zuo is very important to us, so we can't touch him yet."

Captain Jiang nodded and said, "Okay, let's keep that old thing first.

Xiaodie, you said that I have done so many things for the old emperor, what official position will he give me when he becomes emperor? "

Xiaodie smiled and said: "Don't worry, when the old emperor achieves great things, you will have endless glory, wealth, beautiful houses, and even me."

(End of this chapter)

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