Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 219 The first familiar name

Chapter 219 The second familiar name
Jia Qiong and his party arrived in Luoyang at noon on the third day and came to the inn where Feng Ziying and others stayed.

Jia Qiong and others entered the inn directly without noticing that not far from the inn, a man drinking tea at a street tea stall had been quietly paying attention to them.

This person is Wang Gui. He has actually been monitoring the situation in the inn to prevent Xue Pan and others from being unreliable.

When he saw Jia Qiong and his entourage arriving in such a hurry, he knew that Jia Qiong must have arrived in person and that he had made the right move.

He immediately paid for the tea and turned to leave.

In the guest room, when Xue Pan saw Jia Qiong, he smiled and asked for credit: "Brother Qiong, I have made a great contribution this time. You have to thank me properly."

Jia Qiong said: "Brother Xue did have merit, but you were lucky this time. You must not act so recklessly again in the future."

Xue Pan heard this and said angrily: "I drank too much. I won't do it again next time."

Jia Qiong nodded and said, "It's been a long time since you came out. Auntie and Sister Xue are very worried.

You can go back to the capital tomorrow. I have specially brought Jin Yiwei to escort you back. "

Xue Pan also wanted to see how Jia Qiong would deal with the White Lotus Sect, but of course he didn't want to leave first. He said, "How can I leave first by myself.

No, no, I have to go back with you, Brother Qiong. "

Jia Qiong shook his head and said: "You don't know martial arts, and it's not convenient for me to take you with me when I do things.

If you don't want to leave, that's fine, but you can only stay in the inn and can't go anywhere to prevent the news from leaking.

It's your choice whether to go back or not. "

Xue Pan thought that it would be more uncomfortable to be trapped in the inn. It would be better to go back. He could only be discouraged and said: "Then I'd better go back."

Jia Qiong comforted him: "You have already done a great job in this matter. When I get back, I will ask the emperor for your credit, and maybe you can be admitted to the Imperial Guard.

But you have to keep your mouth shut, don't tell anyone about this, and don't drink much lately. "

Xue Pan said happily: "Brother Qiong, don't worry, I'll just keep this matter to myself and won't tell anyone."

Jia Qiong nodded, turned to Feng Ziying and asked, "Ziying, have you ever had contact with Wang Gui?"

Feng Ziying said: "Wen Long and I went to Wang Gui's hiding place and talked with him once.

But he was very cautious and didn't say anything practical to me. He was probably wary of me.

If you want him to tell everything, I'm afraid you have to do it yourself. "

Jia Qiong nodded when he heard this and said: "Wang Gui has already written about what the Lotus Sect is planning in his letter, but he only touched on it, and I'm afraid he is just waiting for a price.

What the White Lotus Sect has planned is not trivial. The emperor ordered me to come here just to find out the matter as soon as possible.

Let's have something to eat first, and then go find Wang Gui after eating. "

After dinner, Jia Qiong rushed to Wang Gui's residence with only Feng Ziying, Liu Xianglian, and Yuntao.

This is a small village in the south of Luoyang City. The yard where Wang Gui lives is on the edge of the village, surrounded by bare farmland.

When they arrived at Wang Gui's residence, they saw the courtyard door open far away and two people standing at the door, as if they were specially welcoming them.

Feng Ziying introduced: "The thinner one is Wang Gui, and the other one is Wang Jing, his cousin."

Yuntao looked around and said, "They seem to know that we are coming. They waited outside in advance. Is there any fraud?"

Liu Xianglian said: "Yun Tao is right. It's better to be careful. Let me go and investigate first."

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, if they had this intention, they wouldn't do such a thing to make us suspicious.

Moreover, the area is so empty, and there is no way to hide an ambush. How many people can be hidden in this small courtyard, and how many people can be kept here? "

Feng Ziying and Yuntao nodded after hearing this. The four of them no longer hesitated and continued to drive their horses forward, and soon arrived at the gate of the small courtyard.

Although Jia Qiong only wears casual clothes, he has a heroic figure, high-spirited momentum, and a sense of majesty that makes it easy for people to ignore his age.

Wang Gui secretly thought that he was indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men. He bowed his hands in a very respectful manner and said, "Wang Gui, a common man, pays homage to Mr. Jia."

Wang Jing also quickly followed suit and bowed in a very respectful manner.

Jia Qiong asked: "Wang Gui, do you know me?" Wang Gui said: "How many people can you have in this world when you are still young?"

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "Looking at your words and deeds, you should be a scholar. How could you join the White Lotus Sect?"

Wang Gui made a gesture of invitation and said: "This matter is a long story. Sir, please have tea in the courtyard. I will tell you slowly."

Jia Qiong nodded, jumped off his horse, and walked into the courtyard first.

There were only two low earthen houses on the north side of the fifty-sixty-square-meter yard, and a jujube tree was planted in the yard.

Now is the season when dates are ripe, but unfortunately this tree has obviously been visited by locusts, and only bare branches are left.

There is a small square table under the tree, with tea sets placed on it, and steam is still coming out of the teapot spout.

Jia Qiong pointed to the teapot and asked, "Wang Gui, you seem to know that I am coming today, so you are waiting for me specially."

Wang Gui nodded and said, "To be honest, I've been keeping an eye on what's going on in the inn these days.

I just saw you coming at the door of the inn, so I came back and made tea and waited for you to come. "

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "I see, you are more cautious."

After saying that, Jia Qiong sat down at the table, poured a cup of tea, tasted it, nodded and said, "Your yard is a little dilapidated, but the tea is pretty good.

I also drank the tea. Tell me, how did you join the White Lotus Sect? "

Wang Gui cupped his hands and said, "Cao Min is a local from Luoyang. His father runs an antique shop in the city, and his family was originally well off.

The brother-in-law of the Luoyang prefect also ran an antique shop. He was jealous of the good business of my shop, so he colluded with the Luoyang prefect to frame me, saying that my father was selling stolen goods.

My family property was taken away, my father died unjustly, and I could no longer take the imperial examination because my father was a sinner.

I had no way to report myself several times, and I was almost killed by them, so I had no choice but to escape from Luoyang and wander around.

I joined the White Lotus Sect just because I was desperate. I didn’t really want to be a thief. Please be aware of this. "

After hearing Wang Gui's words, Jia Qiong was not surprised at all. This was too common in feudal society.

In the original work, Jia She fell in love with some fans belonging to Shi Duozi, but he refused to sell them.

In order to please Jia She, Jia Yucun casually placed the stone idiot in jail and ransacked his home.

Jia Qiong said: "I will naturally verify what you said. If it is true, I will definitely give you justice."

Wang Gui bowed deeply excitedly and said: "If I can avenge my father, the common people are willing to hold whips and stirrups for you and tie grass rings to repay your great kindness."

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "If you can assist me in eradicating the White Lotus Sect, it will be a great achievement, and I will ask for credit for you.

I see that you are also a person with great ambitions. If you want any official position, please tell me and I will try my best to get it for you."

Wang Gui shook his head and said: "With my status, even if I become an official, I will be attacked and raped. I won't be able to last long.

If you don't mind it, I am willing to serve you, even if I am a small official. "

Jia Qiong pondered for a moment, thinking that this Wang Gui had extraordinary knowledge, courage and determination, and was definitely extraordinary, but he didn't know what his character was.

However, he happened to lack staff talents around him. Since Wang Gui was willing to serve, he accepted it first.

Over time, you will naturally know whether this person can be reused.

So Jia Qiong nodded and said, "Okay, I know you have ambition and talent.

If you sincerely join my army, I will guarantee your future. "

When Wang Gui heard this, he knelt down solemnly and saluted: "Wang Guangyang paid homage to his benefactor. He has never shown his true name to others before. Please don't be surprised."

Jia Qiong was stunned when he heard this. He was very familiar with the name Wang Guangyang. He was a prime minister in the early Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang once compared him to Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang.

Could the Wang Guangyang in front of him be the one in his memory?

(End of this chapter)

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