Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 202 Inviting the Emperor to Inspect the Construction Site

Chapter 202 Inviting the Emperor to Inspect the Construction Site
When Emperor Longqing voluntarily gave up his candidacy and personally recommended Jia Qiong to be the president, Jia Qiong successfully became the first president of the Freemasonry.

Jia Qiong then issued equity certificate documents and a copy of the shareholder convention to each shareholder.

This unique shareholders' meeting made Freemasonry a transcendent existence.

It not only has close ties with the imperial court, but will also be an independently operated commercial entity.

The development direction of Freemasonry will be led by Jia Qiong, the helmsman.

The shareholders' meeting ended successfully. Emperor Longqing planned to go back to the palace directly. When he was about to get in the car, Jia Qiong had a sudden idea.

He said: "Your Majesty, the new road from Weishui Pier to Anhuamen is scheduled to start construction at noon today.

It's rare for you to leave the palace, so why not go and inspect it and relax? "

Zhang Chunyang immediately objected: "Jia Qiong, the emperor has a body of thousands of gold, it is already very risky to come here today, how can you still go outside the city.

If something happens to you, will you bear the responsibility? "

Luo Jin on the side also said: "What Mr. Zhang Ge said is true. The emperor is responsible for the country and the country, so he must not be careless.

Jia Qiong had ulterior motives in allowing the emperor to venture into dangerous territory, and his intentions were to be punished! "

Faced with the questioning of the two bachelors, Jia Qiong did not panic and snorted coldly: "When did Dachu Shenjing, outside Chang'an City, become a dangerous place.

The emperor loves his people like a son and is admired by the world. Who would murder the emperor?

Even if there are only one or two young men, with me, Jia Qiong, by your side, I will be able to block all the open and secret arrows for the emperor. "

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

"Your Majesty, you must never believe in slander."

"Jia Qiong shall be punished!"

The emperor's travel originally required arrangements in advance and strict deployment to ensure absolute safety.

Jia Qiong suddenly asked the emperor to leave the city, which was indeed inappropriate. The Fujian Party seized the opportunity and began to denounce Jia Qiong.

However, Emperor Longqing was now very kind to Jia Qiong, and he also admired Jia Qiong's vigorous energy.

He decided to support Jia Qiong, so he said nonchalantly: "My dear friends, you are making too much fuss, it's just a trip out of the city, what's the big deal.

Jia Qiong, I will go with you to the construction site to inspect and see how your road is being built.

I also leave the responsibility of guarding to you. "

Jia Qiong clasped her fists excitedly and said, "I thank you for your trust, and I will defend you to the death."

Zhang Chunyang and others were indignant when they saw this scene, and Zhang Chunyang wanted to continue to persuade.

Emperor Longqing waved his hand and said: "My dear friends, you are all wearing official uniforms, so you don't need to follow me. You can go back to work."

The emperor had opened his mouth, and the Fujian party members could no longer argue. The ministers had no choice but to bow down and accept the order.

Jia Qiong deliberately showed a proud expression and continued: "I heard from my grandfather that the emperor used to love horseback riding and archery.

The government is busy, so the emperor may not have ridden a horse for a long time.

The road outside the city is bumpy and the ride is uncomfortable. The emperor would like to take a ride on horseback. "

When Emperor Longqing saw his young and energetic performance, he shook his head helplessly and said: "You, you, okay, let's go on horseback.

Jia Qiong did not hesitate at all, and immediately led a pure white tall horse and helped the emperor sit on it.

This is one of the ten royal horses given to him by Emperor Longqing, and it is also a rare horse from the Western Regions.

Immediately, he turned over and mounted Chiyan, and gave the order vigorously and resolutely: "Lou Yi, Xiao Ling, lead people to protect you from the front and back.

Feng Ziying, Liu Xianglian, and Yun Tao, follow me to escort the emperor and set off! "

Everyone agreed with a roar, and Lou Yi led three royal guards and ran out first to clear the way.

Emperor Longqing then followed on horseback, with Jia Qiong and four other guards on the left and right, and Xiao Ling and four other royal guards following him ten steps behind.The group of people walked slowly along Zhuque Street towards Mingde Gate.

"Hurry, hurry, catch up, keep the emperor safe!"

As the emperor's guard leader, Ji Hongzhang didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly ordered the guards of Luanyi Division to follow him.

Seeing this, Dai Quan hurriedly climbed into the carriage.

The emperor did not allow his courtiers to follow, so only Prince Gong and several princes in civilian clothes chased after him on horseback.

The ministers looked at this scene and were surprised by Jia Qiong's holy family.

The emperor's behavior can be regarded as putting his life and safety in Jia Qiong's hands. How much trust does this show.

With Jia Qiong's treatment, he is regarded as a trusted minister. As long as he doesn't make any mistakes, he will become a very popular minister sooner or later.

Emperor Longqing was busy with state affairs every day and rarely had the chance to relax.

Only during the Lantern Festival, she would occasionally leave the palace incognito at night and take her young children out to watch the fireworks show.

He was very excited about this unexpected trip and kept pointing out the shops along the road.

"Fourteenth Brother, the last time I came to Zuixian Tower was more than 20 years ago.

Compared to that time, nothing seems to have changed. "

Prince Gong smiled and said: "Yes, I came here last month. His Lotus White is the most authentic. I often come here to drink."

Emperor Long Qing nodded and said: "Haha, you'd better be at ease, his wine tastes really good.

Hey, Renjia Shoe Store, this is also a time-honored brand.

Their shoes are very comfortable and better than those made by the palace. "

Prince Gong shook his head and said: "It is far worse now than before.

Old Mrs. Ren passed away many years ago, and her descendants' craftsmanship is not good enough. "

Emperor Longqing said regretfully: "Hey, that's such a pity.

I remember that there used to be a lot of small stalls here, and one of them sold bracken bracken that tasted particularly good.

Why are there none now, otherwise I would definitely have a bowl. "

The second prince, Prince Duan, knew about this and said, "Back to my father, there were too many stalls on Zhuque Street in the past few years, which affected the traffic.

The Ministry of Industry banned the setting up of stalls here, and all the stalls that had been set up here were moved to nearby branch roads. "

Emperor Longqing frowned and said, "Such a wide road can't accommodate a few stalls."

The princes looked at each other and didn't know how to answer.

Jia Qiong said: "Your Majesty, there are many shops on both sides of Zhuque Street, and goods are often transported.

Those stalls occupying the road are really inconvenient, and the two parties often have disputes because of this.

The stalls were moved to a nearby branch road, so their business would not be affected. "

When Emperor Longqing heard this, his brows widened, he nodded and said, "So that's what happened."

The emperor's performance made several princes pay more attention to Jia Qiong.

Speaking of the time when Jia Qiong first won the top prize, many Huang nobles today thought that Jia Qiong was just a young talent with a great reputation and a rich background.

Now in their eyes, Jia Qiong has been upgraded to an important minister in the DPRK who can influence the situation of the DPRK. Although his position is not high, his every move is related to the situation of the DPRK.

Emperor Longqing had so much trust in Jia Qiong, so the weight was even more important.

Several princes who are interested in vying for the throne have begun to think about how to win over Jia Qiong. Even King Jia has begun to think about how to resolve the conflict with Jia Qiong.

(End of this chapter)

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