Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 162 Dai Quan assists the emperor and is shocked

Chapter 162 Dai Quan assists the emperor and is shocked
A formal brothel in ancient times was an elegant place.

The guests of those famous prostitutes were either celebrities or princes.

Just like the celebrities and idols in modern society, although their social status is not high, they all earn well.

Therefore, brothels have always been one of the pillar industries in ancient times and a large taxpayer.

It has made indelible contributions to the fiscal revenue of all dynasties.

The 300 formal brothels with business licenses in Pingkangfang pay more than [-] million taels in taxes and fees every year. Are they possibly short of money?

With Yang Wanwan as a role model, other brothels would not dare to neglect. In order to avoid being shut down, they all expressed their willingness to pay fines.

There are dozens of brothels and brothels, and it is inevitable that there will be a few rich and powerful children who rely on their status.

Originally, Jia Qiong was still thinking about how a few would jump out and cause trouble.

But because these brothel owners gave in too quickly, the government officials had no chance to close the shop, so naturally no one jumped out to cause trouble.

That night, there was a lot of excitement in Pingkangfang, and there was a lot of traffic in front of the Chang'an County government office.

Jia Qiong worked hard all night, visited more than a dozen brothels, plundered a large amount of money, and offended many people at the same time.

The next day, more than [-] pamphlets on the impeachment of Jia Qiong were submitted to the General Affairs Department early in the morning.

Wu Heng, the general envoy, immediately discovered the anomaly. He temporarily withheld all these documents, and then sent his confidants to inform Wang Yu.

It was not until his confidants came back with Wang Yu's message that Wu Heng handed these memorials to the Chief of Ceremonies.

Master Wu didn't know that Jia Qiong and Dai Quan had become enemies.

In addition to the secret certificates that can be delivered directly to the emperor, there are two channels through which the official documents of Dachu can be delivered to the emperor.

One is to have the Secretary of General Affairs check and submit it to the cabinet, where the cabinet ministers will make a draft plan and then submit it to the emperor for instructions.

The other is that the Secretary of General Affairs first sends it to the Supervisor of Liturgical Affairs, who then compiles and summarizes it, lists the key points, records it, and then delivers it to the emperor.

Therefore, the eunuch Bingbi, the eunuch who is the ceremonial supervisor, is called the internal minister. The ceremonial supervisor is a means for the imperial power to restrict the power of the prime minister.

The importance of the general envoy is reflected in this. Not only does he have the power to return "unqualified" memorials, he can also decide to whom the memorials should be sent first.

Sometimes the same memorial, delivered to the emperor through different people, will have completely opposite effects.

Nowadays, the eunuch Bingbi, the eunuch in charge of etiquette, and the father-in-law in the Ming Palace, feel that he has seized the opportunity.

So I immediately sent someone to investigate the cause and effect of the incident.

Because he knows very well that what is stated in the impeachment memorial cannot be the whole truth. It is either to avoid the important points or to take them out of context. This is the usual method of officials.

Originally, it was normal for a memorial like this, which was not particularly important, to lie in the ceremonial office for three to five days before being sent to the imperial court.

However, because Dai Quan gave the special green light, within two hours, these dozens of excerpts about Jia Qiong's performance were delivered to Emperor Longqing's desk at the speed of light.

Emperor Longqing was so angry that he cursed when he saw so many memorials about impeaching Jia Qiong for disrupting public order in the capital and wantonly exploiting the people.

"This bastard is really lawless, what is he going to do!"

Dai Quan was secretly proud and said to himself that Jia Qiong would definitely eat melon this time, so I just stepped on him to relieve his hatred.

He immediately said: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, it's not worth getting so angry.

The servants don't think it's a big deal, but those officials just like to make a fuss out of a molehill. "

Emperor Longqing glanced at Dai Quan in surprise and asked, "Oh? Do you know what's going on?"

"Back to the emperor, I heard this from the boys who were out shopping.

In the past few days, Chang'an County government officials have been searching for rebellious parties, and I heard that many people have been arrested.

The county government also posted notices asking some merchants to pay large fines, otherwise the stores would be closed.

Yesterday, Mr. Jia personally brought people to the door to collect fines. There was a lot of commotion all night.

However, according to slave girl, Master Jia also did this to complete the errand assigned by the emperor.

It's just that I was impatient and had no experience, so I did bad things with good intentions. "Emperor Longqing was very angry and planned to directly order the cabinet to convict Jia Qiong.

But after hearing Dai Quan's words of openly begging for mercy and secretly making a fuss, he actually suppressed his anger.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Xuan Jia Qiong enters the palace!"


When Jia Qiong received the imperial edict, he had just returned from the bank.

He didn't dare to delay. He didn't even have time to take a bite of the meal. He quickly took the account books he had just compiled and entered the palace with the eunuch who passed the order.

All the way to the Yangxin Hall, Jia Qiong saw Emperor Longqing sitting at the table eating, and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Your Majesty, Jia Qiong, comes to see the Emperor. My Emperor bows down to you."

Jia Qiong hunched over and waited for a long time, but did not hear Emperor Longqing calling Pingshen, so he secretly raised his eyes and took a few glances.

But he saw that Emperor Longqing was still eating his meal slowly and had no intention of paying any attention to him.

She didn't even look at him, obviously planning to leave him alone.

Dai Quan stood aside to wait on him, glancing at him from time to time, with a look of gloating on his misfortune.

Jia Qiong had been busy all night and had not bothered to eat in the morning. Now, smelling the aroma of the food, her stomach began to growl.

He thought that it would be quite tiring to stand bent over like this all the time, and let the eunuch laugh, so he had to find a way to break the situation.

He rolled his eyes, took the idea into consideration, secretly took out the account book from his sleeve, and threw it on the ground with a clatter.

When Emperor Longqing heard the sound, he turned around and met Jia Qiong's peeking eyes.

Jia Qiong hurriedly lowered his head. Emperor Longqing snorted. Seeing that what fell on the ground was an account book, he became curious and finally said: "Get back on your feet."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Jia Qiong thanked him, then picked up the account book and straightened up.

"Your Majesty, I have raised some donations for the Emperor in the past few days, which can be put into the internal treasury to prepare for the locust plague this summer."

Emperor Longqing was furious when he heard this and scolded sternly: "You still have the nerve to say it!

My South Study Room can hardly fit in your excerpts of exploiting the common people.

I didn't believe it at first, but it turned out that you did this just to seek credit and flattery. You are simply a bastard.

Do you think I am an ignorant and ignorant king?Do you still have national laws in your eyes? "

Jia Qiong quickly defended: "I am reporting to the Emperor that what I have done is reasonable and lawful. I have never exploited the people. Please observe clearly."

Emperor Longqing snorted coldly and asked: "You are not exploiting the people, so where did your charity come from?"

Jia Qiong replied: "Back to the emperor, the Golden Tiger Gang has sold more than [-] women over the years.

These people were bought from the major brothels in the capital. Don't they know that these people were kidnapped?

I thought of our emperor's benevolence and could not bear to use harsh punishments. I only fined them a small amount of money. How could I exploit the people?

This is already an extremely generous act, and they should be grateful.

I didn't expect that they would have the nerve to find someone to sue the minister. It's really unreasonable. "

After listening to Jia Qiong's explanation, Emperor Longqing felt that it made sense.

He nodded and said: "Well, those brothels do deserve punishment, so what you did is not too outrageous.

By the way, how much fine did you charge? "

"170 taels."

"……How many?"

(End of this chapter)

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