Jia Yujing of Red Mansion

Chapter 152: Taunting Eunuch Dai

Chapter 152: Taunting Eunuch Dai

At dinner time, Dai Quan came to Jia's house with the reward from Emperor Longqing and announced his decree to Jia Qiong.

Jia Qiong had a new understanding of how stingy Emperor Longqing was, and even began to sympathize a little with the trouble-making emperor.

Dai Quan was criticized by Jia Qionghuang last time, and he wanted to make up for it this time, so he came in person.

He did not leave immediately after announcing the decree. Jia Qiong was polite and he sat down.

"Master Jia, you are so rich, why do you still live in such a remote place?

It’s really hard to find a miscellaneous family, and it makes my back hurt from exhaustion. "

Jia Qiong understood it as soon as he heard it. He quickly weighed it and said calmly: "Father-in-law is joking.

I don't have much industry to make a living, not even an acre of land. I used to rely on charity from the clan, so how can I have any money?

I owe this house to my ancestors, otherwise I would have to sleep on the street. "

Dai Quanxin said you were a liar. I didn’t know how much you earned from selling books. Even the emperor was jealous.

He chuckled and said, "No way, Mr. Jia, I heard that you have made a lot of money just by publishing books. How can you have no money?"

Jia Qiong waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Rumors are purely rumors.

The little money I earned from publishing books has been spent long ago, and now I am extremely poor.

The emperor deducted my salary for another two years, and now I don’t even have enough money to go out to a restaurant. "

Seeing how dishonest he was, Dai Quan snorted and said, "The two ladies you married have generous dowries.

The total should be two to three hundred thousand taels of silver. Are you still short of money to spend? "

Jia Qiong came closer and whispered: "My father-in-law doesn't know, but of the two county heads in my family, the eldest lady is still a Hedong lion.

I am a sixth-grade official, and I don’t even have a salary now. I have no status in the family, and I can’t get any money.

You know, women are afraid that men will go out to drink wine when they have money.

My eldest wife has stipulated that my monthly allowance for a month is only two taels, and I will not be given a penny more.

Oh, sorry, I forgot that my father-in-law has never experienced this. "

Dai Quan was furious after hearing what Jia Qiong said. This was like scolding a bald donkey in front of a monk.

He stood up suddenly and said: "Master Jia is really honest and self-responsible.

When the Zajia family goes back, they must say a nice word for you in front of the emperor and say goodbye! "

"Father, take your time. Come and drink tea when you have time."

As soon as Dai Quan and his men left, Wang Yuyan and Qin Keqing came out of the side hall.

Wang Yuyan asked anxiously: "Husband, why do you want to ridicule this eunuch?"

Jia Qiong said solemnly: "My husband is honest and upright, how can I let a eunuch openly ask for bribes?"

Wang Yuyan said, "Husband, if you don't like these eunuchs, just keep them at a respectful distance. Why do you need to offend them?"

Qin Keqing also said: "Yes, husband, these eunuchs are the most vindictive. He will definitely find a way to take revenge."

Jia Qiong smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have my own reasons.

Let's go and try the delicious food given by Yu. "

Seeing that Jia Qiong didn't want to say more, Wang Yuyan and Qin Keqing couldn't ask any more questions.

Wang Yuyan suddenly said: "Husband, I feel what you just said is right."

Jia Qiong asked with a question mark on her face: "What did I say right?"

Wang Yuyan said bitterly: "You said that men go out to drink wine when they are rich, I think you are right.

So I, the Hedong Lion, have decided that your monthly salary will only be two taels from now on. "

Jia Qiong couldn't help but widen her eyes and asked in disbelief: "No way, you can hear what I said so quietly?
I did it just to shut up the eunuch's mouth. It was not from my heart. Madam, please don't misunderstand me. "

Wang Yuyan smiled and said, "I know, so I'm not angry."

"Can I add a little more, maybe ten taels."

"No, you still have to hand over all your money. If I find out that you have hidden it, you will have something to look at!"...

Jia Qiong naturally has his own reasons for treating Dai Quan like this.

But it was hard for him to say what he was thinking, so he just kept it vague.

You must know that Qin Keqing brought many servants and maids with her when she married, all of which were given by the royal family.

Although he sent part of it to the farm on the grounds that there was no room for it at home, there was still some left at home.

There is no guarantee that there won't be spies among these people, so even if he is at home, he needs to be careful about his words and actions.

In Cao Gong's Dream of Red Mansions, many people's names have hidden mysteries.

According to Jia Qiong's view when reading A Dream of Red Mansions, those who wear power represent power.

Whose authority does he represent?It definitely does not belong to Emperor Longqing, but to the Supreme Emperor.

First of all, Dai Quan is very old. When he discussed friendship with Jia Zhen, he discussed it from Ning Guogong.

Given his age, he could not be a confidant of the emperor.

In addition, he was in charge of three hundred dragon forbidden officers, and asked Jia Zhen to spend 1200 taels of silver to donate one to Jia Rong.

Longjingwei, also known as Longjingwei, is full of distinguished disciples. Others can't get in if they want to spend money. It's self-evident what it is used for.

Why did Emperor Longqing replace the authority of Captain Long with Jin Yiwei? To put it bluntly, it was to get rid of the control of the Supreme Emperor.

Therefore, Dai Quan must be the Supreme Emperor's spy at the Emperor's side, monitoring Emperor Longqing's every move on behalf of the Supreme Emperor.

Emperor Longqing's confidant eunuch should be Xia Shouzhong, the eunuch of the Sixth Palace.

Of course, he is not a good guy. Xia Shouzhong is very aggressive.

In the original book, he came to the Jia family many times to ask for bribes, and his appetite was astonishing.

Moreover, he only took money, but his attitude towards the Jia family was very unfriendly.

Even when he was granted the title in Yuanchun, when he came to announce the decree for Jia Zheng to enter the palace, he did so without any pretense and acted businesslike.

Without saying a word, not even saying why Jia Zheng was allowed to enter the palace, Jia Mu and others thought something was wrong.

This also reflects the attitude of Emperor Longqing from the side. The title of Yuanchun was just to win over the Jia family due to political needs. In fact, the emperor already hated the Jia family at that time.

Xia Shouzhong must have known this, so he dared to treat the emperor's relatives like this, and even kept coming to extort money.

If he were facing Xia Shouzhong, Jia Qiong would definitely not be so mocking.

Of course, Jia Qiong didn't just treat Dai Quan like this because he was not the emperor's confidant, he also had deeper considerations.

First of all, there is the need to create a character. Jia Qiong wants to make Emperor Longqing feel that he is dedicated to becoming a civil servant.

Qingliu disdains the idea of ​​making friends with eunuchs, which also shows that he doesn't have that big ambition for power. This is one of them.

Secondly, he also wanted to make Emperor Longqing think that he had a youthful spirit and would rather break than bend.

Because even in Qingliu, few people are willing to offend eunuchs, and most of them just stay away from them.

A smart person like Jia Qiong would not know that eunuchs are not easy to mess with.

But he still dared to offend Dai Quan, the Prime Minister of the Ming Dynasty. It was not because of his youthful spirit.

But it is such people who can make a jealous monarch like Emperor Longqing feel more at ease.

Jia Qiong knew that Dai Quan would definitely speak ill of himself to Emperor Longqing when he returned.

Such as neglecting the angels, being disrespectful to the emperor, etc.

But how much can Emperor Longqing believe when Dai Quan says bad things about him?For Jia Qiong, it may be a good thing.

Just as he guessed, as soon as Dai Quan returned to the palace, he put eye drops on Jia Qiong in front of Emperor Longqing and spoke ill of him in a roundabout way.

However, Emperor Longqing's reaction was very dull, and he obviously did not take his words to heart.

Dai Quan didn't dare to say anything more. He could only keep his dissatisfaction with Jia Qiong in his heart and planned to step on him again when he got the chance.

 I'm a bit confused about whether to accept Lin Daiyu or not. I'd like to ask everyone's opinions. There are 1 comments for those who want to accept them and 2 comments for those who don't want to accept them.
(End of this chapter)

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