Douluo: Meet the Master

Chapter 249 The sword of Flanders is invincible

Chapter 249 The sword of Flanders is invincible

Soon, the banquet hall was filled with sumptuous dishes and fine wines.After Flanders, Yang Wudi, Liu Erlong, and Yan Xiaoxing were all seated, Flanders toasted to start:
"On behalf of Shrek Academy, I would like to congratulate us on once again successfully eliminating the pest and eliminating the crisis in the D99 area, so that the people there can see the light of day again!"

"Cheers!" Everyone raised their glasses and cheered for this victory.

"I would like to toast the dean first. Thanks to your wise guidance, we can complete the task." Yang Wudi raised his glass to pay tribute to Flender.

"Haha, you and I, fellow seniors, don't need to be so polite." Flanders smiled and gave Yang Wudi a drink in return.

"Brother Erlong, you performed very well this time. That ice seal move directly trapped the Blood Evil Bear's offensive!" Flanders said approvingly.

"Thank you for the compliment, I also want to toast the dean!" Liu Erlong said happily.

"Come on, let's drink this together, brothers!" Flanders raised his glass, clinked glasses with the two of them and drank.

The three clinked glasses like close friends, and the depth of their friendship was undoubtedly evident.

Then, everyone started to drink sips at a time, laughing and having fun.The party didn't end until late at night.

The next morning, Flanders woke up in his room, feeling excited and full of energy.

With these brothers by your side, you will never be lonely on your martial arts path.The road ahead may be more bumpy, but with them together, we will be able to turn danger into safety and be proud of the world!
Recently, Flanders found that he had encountered a bottleneck in his martial arts training and was unable to make any more breakthroughs.In order to gain more power, he decided to practice in seclusion and sense the aura of heaven and earth.

At the suggestion of Yang Wudi and others, Flender came to a secret realm called "Lingyuan Gorge".The spiritual energy here is at its peak, making it an excellent place for cultivation.

Flanders found a cave in the deepest part of the canyon. The clear light circulated in the cave, and the true energy in the Dantian was automatically flowing, which refreshed his body and mind.He sat cross-legged and began to practice using his unique secret method.

A few days later, Flanders felt that the energy in his Dantian continued to surge, but he always felt that there was a lack of catalytic force.At this time, he suddenly took out a piece of luminous pearl obtained the day before yesterday from his arms.

It turns out that this night pearl is an ancient fairy treasure that has the miraculous effect of gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.With a thought in his mind, Flanders placed the Night Pearl on his dantian.Instantly, a ray of golden light shot into the Dantian, and Flanders felt his whole body's meridians vibrate, and his internal strength increased several times!
Catalyzed by the Night Pearl, Flanders entered a fugue state.He felt that his consciousness flew out of his body and came to a mysterious space, where vast spiritual energy flowed, and he could vaguely see countless immortals practicing in seclusion.

Flanders immediately understood that this was the psychic realm, and he was ecstatic.He visited the immortals one by one and asked them for secrets and ideas.Finally, a dragon fairy enlightened Flanders and taught him a dragon-like moistening method.

"This technique can be practiced slowly and you will make progress every day. You can practice it diligently." Longxian warned.Flanders thanked the Dragon Immortal Law and was overjoyed.

After being freed from his fugue, Flanders immediately comprehended the Dragon Elephant Moisturizing Technique.Sure enough, I feel that my inner strength is increasing day by day, and my magical powers are vast.

After coming out of seclusion, Flanders happily shared the incident with his disciples.Everyone is happy that the dean has added another magic weapon.

Yang Wudi was even more excited: "With this technique, Dean will definitely be able to advance further on the road to martial arts!"

Flanders smiled, but he was full of humility in his heart: "This is just a magic spell. We still need to study hard and practice hard to achieve great things."

Hearing this, everyone was in awe.The dean's humility and rigor are an important attitude in achieving great things.

Before leaving Lingyuan Gorge, Flanders came to the training cave again and sat there quietly for a long time.

He realized that the journey of martial arts was long and long.Don’t be complacent when you acquire a new method. You still need to maintain your original intention and curiosity so that you can continue to improve!
After successfully practicing in seclusion, Flanders' strength has reached new breakthroughs.But he was not satisfied with this and decided to enter the psychic realm again and ask the immortals there for more advanced cultivation methods.

This time, Flender chose to take Yang Wudi and several other disciples with him. "The psychic realm is full of unknowns and dangers. You must always be vigilant." Flanders warned.

"Yes, Dean!" Yang Wudi and others immediately focused their attention and got ready.

Soon, everyone arrived at the entrance to the psychic realm.I saw the mist here, and the fairy mountains surrounded by spiritual energy were vaguely visible.

"Be careful, there is a barrier ahead." Flanders ordered.Only a few light curtains appeared, blocking the way.

"Watch the move!" Yang Wudi pointed his long sword, and sword energy surged out, directly breaking the barrier.Everyone took advantage of the situation and broke in.

"There's an enemy attack!" As soon as he came in, he heard a roar, and more than 30 "wind and thunder beasts" that looked like leopards but had wings attacked him.They are fast and powerful, with thunderous claws.

"Counter it!" Flanders clapped his palms, and a powerful wave of air shot out, directly knocking back more than a dozen wind and thunder beasts.On the other side, Liu Erlong used the freezing method to seal another batch of wind and thunder beasts in ice.

"Up!" Yang Wudi drank blood with his long sword, and stabbed out with a fierce thrust. The sword energy surged and cut off the wings of several wind and thunder beasts.The last batch was also repelled by Flanders and Yan Xiaoxing.

"We successfully broke into the psychic realm!" Through the mist, the group came to the foot of the Fairy Mountain.As expected, the spiritual energy here is at its peak, and fairy beasts can be seen roaming everywhere.

"There are indeed immortals on that main peak!" Yang Wudi exclaimed.I saw several immortals in robes doing their exercises on the top of the peak.

"Let's go visit them." Flanders led everyone to the top of the mountain and respectfully asked the immortals for their secrets.

"You have good understanding. I will teach you a nine-turn golden elixir formula, which can be used to refine the elixir of immortality." A feather-robed immortal nodded in approval and taught Flanders a secret book.

"Thank you, Master Immortal!" Flanders was overjoyed.

"You should use this technique with caution in the future and don't let it be stolen by bad people." Yuyi Immortal warned.

"Yes! Disciples, please remember your master's orders!" Flanders and others thanked them again, and happily went down the mountain with the Nine-turn Golden Pill Secret.

This time Flanders led his disciples into the psychic realm, obtained more training materials, and will take a further step towards the path of martial arts!
After returning from the psychic realm, Flanders imparted all his experience to Yang Wudi and others.Everyone is excited about this harvest.

One day, Flanders was teaching Yang Wudi swordsmanship when suddenly, an emergency message came in.

"Oops, the D99 area has been attacked by a super mutant beast again, please support!" A panicked voice came from the communication.

"The situation is serious, we must go to support D99." Flanders said solemnly, and immediately took Yang Wudi and Liu Erlong to D99.

Arriving at the bloody battlefield of D99, I saw a huge "nine-headed thunder beast" with nine heads and eighteen arms, covered in scales and with electric current surging all over its body, roaring and attacking the city.

"It's the legendary nine-headed thunder beast, very scary!" Yang Wudi said in shock.

"We must work together to subdue it!" Flanders ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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