Douluo: Meet the Master

Chapter 244: Martial arts shocked Flanders and defeated the Demon Cult with one move

Chapter 244 The martial arts world is shocked! Flanders defeated the Demon Cult with one move

Facing the magician's sneak attack, Flanders responded calmly and used his inner strength to resist the magic light. "Hahaha, Flanders, you will definitely die today!" The magician smiled ferociously, activated his staff again, and a stronger magic light came.

"Die!" Yang Wudi quickly turned his sword and dissolved most of the magic light.The rest were blocked by Flanders in time, but he was also slightly injured.

"Damn magician, look at my freezing weather!" Liu Erlong put his palms together and shot an icy blue light at the magician.The magician retreated hurriedly, and the ice light passed by him.

"Poison Smoke Palm!" At this time, Yan Xiaoxing also joined the battle group, clapped his palms, and two balls of black smoke rushed towards the magician.The magician swayed and dodged the black smoke attack.

At this moment, there was a "whoosh" sound, a long sword fell from the sky, and the sword god Reiner appeared behind the magician. "Death, magician!" A dazzling sword light flashed across, and before the magician could react, one of his arms had been cut off.

"Damn it, Sword Master!" The magician rolled in pain and hurriedly activated his staff to escape.

"Chase!" Flanders hurriedly led people in pursuit.But the magician had fled into a cave and completely disappeared.

"It's a pity that he ran away." Flanders was a little annoyed.

"Thank you to the Sword God for your help, the magician returned without success." Yang Wudi thanked Liner.

"I'm just passing by. Your own strength has driven away the magician. I'm glad to be congratulated." Reiner said with a smile.

Everyone returned to the academy, and Flanders quickly recovered from his injuries.But he had a vague feeling that this was just the first step of the magician's temptation.A bigger conspiracy is yet to come, so we must be more vigilant!
So Flanders strengthened the defense of the academy and sent people to search for the whereabouts of the magician.Finally, the spies brought back news and found traces of the magician in a deep mountain valley.

"Very good, let's go and exterminate them immediately!" Flanders decided to take action himself.

The next day, a large group of people came to the deep mountains and deep valleys.I saw that there was no grass growing here, the wind was howling, and the black fog was thick. It was obvious that the magician had laid many mazes.

"Proceed carefully," Flanders reminded.

At this moment, a dozen demonic wolves with fangs jumped out of the black mist and rushed towards everyone.Yang Wudi swung his long sword and killed everyone left and right instantly.Liu Erlong also used the ice and snow to freeze some of the demon wolves.

After a fierce battle, everyone finally reached the bottom.I saw the magician sitting on a boulder meditating, surrounded by various mechanisms and magic arrays.

"Magic, suffer death!" Flender's face darkened, and he directly transformed into a sword net and enveloped it.

The magician opened his eyes suddenly and hurriedly resisted. "Flanders, you're dead!" He roared angrily, slammed the staff, and an illusion of a giant dragon flew out from the head of the staff, heading straight for Flanders' vitals.

"Die!" Yang Wudi and Liu Erlong immediately joined the battle circle and defused the dragon's offensive.At the same time, Flanders pushed his palms hard, and a wave of air hit the magician.The magician's expression changed drastically and he retreated hastily.

"Death!" At this moment, an angry shout was heard, and the sword master Reiner descended from the sky with a fairy sword in his hand, and pierced the magician's chest with one sword.The magician screamed and fell to the ground, blood spurting out.

"Magic, your days are over!" Flanders pointed his sword directly at the magician's throat.

"Stop, I surrender!" The magician raised his hands and begged for mercy, "Let me go, I will leave immediately and never harm the world again!"

Flanders pondered for a moment and finally nodded in agreement.The magician staggered up, fled away, and disappeared into the mist.

"Thank you Sword God for helping me again! Today I am happy to eliminate evil and harm the people!" Flanders was full of gratitude.

"You are already strong enough to stand on your own, keep working hard." Reiner encouraged, and then he also took off.Everyone cheered.Under the leadership of Flanders, they successfully broke through the many mazes set by the magician on their return journey.

This time, although he failed to capture the magician, he at least shattered his conspiracy.Flanders also once again saw the magician's strength and cunning.After returning to the academy, he immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss long-term defensive countermeasures.

At the same time, Flanders is also reflecting on the fact that he still needs to work harder to protect the right path from the intrusion of dark forces.Next, he decided to retreat for several months to push his martial arts to a new level!
After Flanders and others returned to Shrek Academy, they discovered that the celestial phenomena had been very different recently. A dazzling meteor frequently appeared in the sky. Its wake was thousands of miles long, emitting a strange blood-red light.

"These meteors appear too frequently, so there must be some ominous omen." Flanders stared at the sky, frowning deeply.

"The dean is right, we must find out the origin of this meteor to prevent accidents." Yang Wudi also looked serious.

So, Flanders led his core disciples to the observatory on the top of the academy, activated the Milky Way telescope that penetrated the fog, and carefully observed the orbit of the meteor.

"No, the tangent line of this meteor means that it will most likely fall on our planet!" Flender's face changed, "It seems we must be prepared to deal with it!"

Just a few days later, Flanders' prediction came true. The meteor was finally unable to resist the pull of gravity and fell burning deep in the dense forest of the Z7 area.

When Flanders and others rushed to the crash point, they saw that the vegetation here was completely burned, and the core of the meteor had been deeply buried in the soil.

"Be careful! There is strong radiation left here!" Flanders ordered everyone to step back.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently, and countless tentacles stretched out from the pits, and a huge monster rose into the sky.It was covered with tentacles, had sharp teeth, its eyes were bleeding, and it made a weird roar.

"This is a flesh-eating monster from the Stark planet. It was genetically mutated after being affected by radiation!" Flanders suddenly changed his color.

Seeing the sudden violent shaking of the ground, Flanders and Yang Wudi immediately went on alert.
I saw countless tentacles stretching out crazily from the pit, and a huge eight-clawed monster soared into the sky.

Its body is covered with thick tentacles, and the tips of the tentacles are covered with sharp suction cups.

His eyes glowed with blood-red light, he opened his huge mouth and let out a deafening, weird roar.

"This is the man-eating eight-clawed beast from Star Stark. It suffered a terrible genetic mutation after being affected by meteor radiation!" Flanders's face suddenly changed, and he immediately ordered: "Be careful of its suction cup attack! It can pass through the suction cup. Drain the life force!"

"Watch the move!" He took a sudden breath and moved the Canglong Out of the Sea. The sword energy surged out and quickly transformed into a giant ice-blue dragon that rushed towards the eight-clawed beast.

"Go to hell!" Yang Wudi's eyes were filled with cold light, his long sword flashed with lightning, and with a sword technique from the Flying Immortal, the sword light pierced the air and quickly shot towards the eight-clawed beast.

Seeing this, the eight-clawed beast roared angrily, and its four tentacles suddenly shot out, trying to entangle the ice dragon's sword energy.

"Broken!" Flanders shouted, and the Ice Dragon Sword Qi turned into thousands of cold rays, instantly cutting off four tentacles.

"It's so powerful!" Yang Wudi quickly slashed out with his long sword. The long sword in his hand turned into pieces of sword shadow, and three more tentacles were cut off.

The eight-clawed beast was heartbroken with pain, its eyes were filled with blood, and it rushed towards Yang Wudi violently, spitting out fishy smoke from its mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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