Siheyuan: He Yuzhu’s Sunshine Farm

Chapter 224 Bangge targets Yi Zhonghai again

The Asian Games in Sijiu City were officially held. Many, many years ago, our Chinese people had been silently supporting this Asian Games. In 1987, Yan Haixia, a fifth-grade primary school student from Jianhu County, YC City, JS Province, appeared in "Youth" She saw a proposal to donate to the Asian Games in the newspaper, so she sent the 1 yuan and 6 cents of the new year's money she had just received to the Sijiucheng Asian Organizing Committee. That year, the little girl was 12 years old.

In 1990, a reply letter from the Asian Games Organizing Committee made her the focus. Many media began to launch a campaign to find the first Asian Games donor. 15-year-old Yan Haixia was found and she was invited to Sijiu City to observe the Asian Games.

This is a microcosm of an era - recalling the 21.37-city Asian Games, Wu Shao, former director of the National Sports Commission and executive chairman of the 8.5-city Asian Games Organizing Committee, said in an interview with Outlook News Weekly that the total cost of hosting the Asian Games at that time was 2.7 billion. Yuan, the financial allocation was million yuan, but there was still a big gap. After the initiative to donate to the Asian Games was issued, people across the country participated and donated a total of million yuan.

In addition to Yan Haixia, an old woman donated a total of 10 yuan, 187 cents and 3 yuan from her pension saved over the past 1 years to the Asian Games; Uncle Kurban, who makes kebabs in Zhangjiakou, sold them to make up a round sum of 26 yuan. His son’s beloved motorcycle; Li Guixing, a 200-year-old farmer from Yimeng Mountain, took the 17 yuan saved by his family through frugality, ate and slept in the open air, ate steamed buns and pickled vegetables, and walked for days to personally deliver the money to BJ...

Statistics show that in Shanxi Province alone, there are more than 2700 million people in the province, 1000 million of whom have participated in donations; and in order to support the construction of swimming pools for the Asian Games in cities, Huaxia Xiangjiang businessman Uncle Ying personally spent million.

Years later, Yan Haixia recalled that donation and said, "This is not my business alone, this is the choice of our generation."

At that time, Sijiucheng was even more crazy.

The economy was not yet wealthy at that time, but the whole country regarded hosting the Asian Games as a top priority. This sense of honor and mission was deeply engraved in the hearts of every Chinese person.

The slogan "Everyone cares about the Asian Games and everyone contributes to the Asian Games" resounded throughout the country and became a buzzword for a time.

This kind of patriotic sentiment stirs up every Chinese person, and the reason is not difficult to understand - large-scale sports events have always been an excellent window for a country to show itself to the world. At that time, China, after more than ten years of opening up, We want to show a vibrant scene to the whole world, and the Asian Games is the best opportunity.

At that time, "Asian Heroes", which was played repeatedly in the streets and alleys, was not the theme song of the Asian Games, but it best reflected this inner emotion. The singer Liu also said afterwards: "In 1990, our slogan was to break out of Asia and go to the world. , at that time we were shouting to the whole world - world, we are here!"

In the Asian Games, Chinese athletes brought glory to the country with their best performances. Outside the games, the Asian Games became the focus of almost every Chinese person. During the games, many buses in BJ had a small blackboard hanging on them. "Today's Medal List" records the results of Chinese athletes that day.

Every time the conductor updated the numbers with chalk, there was a roar of cheers in the carriage.

In order to entertain the athletes at that time, to successfully host the Asian Games and to show the world the new face of my country's opening up, China at that time showed its ancestral specialty: Chinese cuisine.

During the competition, Sijiucheng held the "Asian Games Food Festival" for a whole month. Coupled with the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, this food festival can be called an unprecedented gluttonous feast.

Donglaishun's hotpot mutton, Quanjude's roast duck, Hongbinlou's whole-sheep banquet, Tongheju's imperial concubine's chicken, Claypotju's assorted dishes, and even the Manchu-Han banquet at Fangshan Restaurant are all here. Hotels all have special windows for food festival cabinets, where you can buy the top dishes of China at a lower price. By the way, those Asian Games athletes can still compete well...!

That year, BJ253 restaurants, including all time-honored restaurants, fully participated in the Asian Games Food Festival. In addition, 208 first-class chefs from all provinces and cities gathered in the capital, including Sichuan Feng Chaogui Long Chao Shou and Xi'an Fan Ji Roujiamo. , you can even eat all kinds of authentic ethnic minority food, which truly achieves "gathering famous people from all over the country, promoting flavors from all over the world, welcoming Chinese and foreign guests, and creating a happy Asian Games".

You may still remember "Panpan", the mascot of the Asian Games back then. In fact, there were many "auspicious dishes" at that time. In order to cater to the theme of the Asian Games, many chefs also created dishes with auspicious meanings at the food festival. This event was a great addition.

The Asian Games Food Festival played a major role in the success of the 1990 Asian Games. For many foreign friends who came to China to watch the games, they may forget the scores on the field that year, but they will never forget the unparalleled Chinese food in this life. . Although the photo is blurry, the memory will always be clear!

Of course, there are many positive things about the Asian Games, but the holding of the Asian Games has also made some people very angry. The most unhappy among them should be Qin Huairu's family of three.

Because of the Asian Games, the video room that Bangge stole from Yi Zhonghai was stopped. Why was it stopped?

Because now this video hall has begun to become a bad place.

Since the video parlor is profitable, requires little investment, and has quick results, many people have begun to eat this piece of cake. However, there is only so little cake. If you want to take more bites, you have to find another way, so the video parlor begins to play some things that cannot be played. Movie.

One night, reporters from Sijiucheng TV Station received a report that a certain video hall was playing a movie that could not be played.

Moreover, many migrant workers, even female migrant workers, watch these movies. He believes that the illegal behavior of these people will cause serious security risks to the local area.

Soon the TV stations in Sijiucheng established an undercover investigation team.

According to the direction pointed by the reporter, the vehicle passed through Lugu Bridge and turned south into an alley.

Here, the roads are severely damaged and full of large potholes filled with rainwater. Vehicles are struggling to move forward in the bumps, stirring up dirty rainwater from time to time. As the vehicle moves forward, the road becomes more rugged and desolate.

Every reporter is worried: if the other party discovers it, it will be difficult to escape (from this place).

The reporter said that the video studio is in a place called "Nanshan", and the street where it is located has no name. On the east side of the south end of this street, the reporter found the words "Video Hall" with a small door next to it.

This is where the whistleblower says plays movies that can't be played.

Reporters disguised as migrant workers entered the hall

In order not to arouse the other party's alert, the reporter decided to disguise himself as a migrant worker and pinned the shirt he took off around his waist or put it on his shoulders. The clothes were loose and the reporter in charge of the camera disguised the camera. Around 10 o'clock that night, the reporter walked into the video hall and found that it was divided into two parts. A video was being played in the large room. There were four benches lined up in the room. If the seats are full, it is estimated that 4 people can sit there. At that time, there were more than ten spectators watching in the room, and the air was polluted and choking. But what is played is not unplayable movie content, but Hong Kong and Taiwan martial arts movies.

Although the reporter was dressed as a migrant worker, he still aroused the other party's alarm.

Just as the reporter entered the door, a man in the inner room stopped the reporter. He asked with a strong Shandong accent: "Fellow, are you very unfamiliar?" The reporter quickly responded: "Oh, I just came here!"

The man asked again: "Fellow, what are you doing?" At this time, the reporter remembered what the whistleblower said. Most of the people watching the video were migrant workers from other places, because there are many construction sites here, as well as cement pipe factories and other factories that require a lot of migrant workers.

The reporter responded by saying: "He is from the cement pipe factory."

Seeing many drinks placed in the room, the reporter changed the subject and asked about the price of the drinks. Sure enough, when the other party saw the business coming, he was busy introducing the brand and price of drinks.

Ticket prices rise in the middle of the night

The man with a Shandong accent told reporters that he is not the owner of the video hall, but the house belongs to him. At this time, a young man with a Sijiucheng accent said: "The ticket price is 3 yuan for the first half of the night and 5 yuan for the whole night." The man with a Sijiucheng accent said that the video room belonged to him. He said he was from Miyun.

The young man who claimed to be from Miyun opened the drawer and rummaged through the items. The reporter found that there were many video tapes inside, but judging from the cover, these were not unplayable video tapes.

When the other party removed the things, there was a machete more than a foot long lying on the table! The reporter was a little nervous, wondering if he had been noticed by the other party. If so, the reporter's situation would be very dangerous. Even if the other party doesn't take action against reporters, they may not release the obscene video. If there is no evidence, our interview plan will be ruined.

Experience tells reporters that in this situation, one must not show any nervousness or anxiety. This is a psychological battle between the two parties. In order to eliminate the other party's concerns, the reporter drank with the "Shandong native". As the "Shandong native" drank, a strange smile appeared on his face: I know what you want to see! But those guys (mainly referring to the Miyun man) can’t! The reporter could tell that the "Shandong people" were irritating the "Miyun people".

But the "Miyun man" remained unmoved and even stared at the reporter's pinhole camera many times. The reporter was heartbroken. At that time, it was already 11:20 at night.

After drinking a few bottles of beer, the "Shandong people" became flushed and began to urge the "Miyun people" to play movies that could not be played. "Miyun Man" replied: "Don't worry, the movie is almost over."

The reporter was very excited to see that the plan was about to be realized. At this moment, the "Shandong native" suddenly asked the reporter: "Can you leave me a phone number so that I can contact you if I need anything?" The reporter immediately realized the other party's intention and "without hesitation" left him a fake phone number. Number. The "Shandong native" told reporters with a smile that the movies he had here were all real and the prices were cheap, each selling for 4 yuan.

The reporter was very anxious, fearing that procrastination would be detrimental to him, but he couldn't show it, so he kept toasting to the "Shandong people".

All this was seen by the "Miyun man". He may have really given up his worries about reporters. While the other two reporters walked out of the small room, he quickly reached into the sheets and took out some video tapes, and pulled out a Zhang walked outside the house. As he walked, he told reporters that if he rented these videos, the rent would be 2 yuan each.

While the "Miyun Man" was playing the unavailable movie, many young people lowered their heads and whispered in secret, then quickly walked out of the house. Obviously, the other party also knew that his behavior was illegal. They first went outside the house to observe whether there were any suspicious signs, and then closed the door to and from the video hall (Zhou's reporter believed that because the door to the video hall was closed, in the event of a fire, people watching the video would not be able to escape!).

Several young people did not enter the house, but squatted at the window of the video room to check for movement.

At this time, the reporter counted six or seven spectators in the room watching the unplayable video, but there were no female spectators inside. Their age is around 25 years old.

The reporter then recorded it and followed the report. You can imagine how much of a blow this report had to the video hall. Soon, all the media began to focus on the video hall. In less than half a month, those dirty Reports of disorderly video rooms began to be made, especially during the Asian Games. If foreign friends discovered these places, it would be the biggest shame of the Four-Nine City.

There were almost tens of thousands of complaint calls every day, so the pressure on my side was too great, so I quickly rectified the video hall and only allowed it to open if it met the conditions.

First, the size of the video hall must be as big as a basketball court. Any place smaller than a basketball court will be banned.

Second, the video hall must have smoking and non-smoking areas.

Third, the video hall must have more than three cleaning staff to clean the video hall at all times.

Fourth, the video tapes in the video hall must be purchased from regular channels.

There are twenty-one items in total. To be honest, as soon as these clauses appeared, 99% of the video halls in Forty-Nine City were wiped out. Except for He Yuzhu’s video hall, basically all the video halls in Forty-Nine City at that time were destroyed. , that was the total annihilation of the army.

Of course, this also includes the video room of Bangge's family. You must know that Bangge's video room is extremely bad. His video room started playing unplayable movies very early. It was just lucky that no one reported it.

Now that the above is doing this, their video studio will not be able to survive. If they want to meet the above requirements, they need to invest at least 50,000 yuan in it. In fact, this 50,000 yuan is not much. Bangge will use it during this period. The video parlor also made some money, but all the money Banggeng earned was given to his gambling friends.

At that time, because Bangge was rich, he was soon hooked into gambling, playing mahjong and Pai Gow. He could lose two or three thousand in a night. Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang didn't dare to take care of it, so they could only Let Banggeng lose money.

As of now, the family's savings are less than 2,000 yuan. At first, they didn't feel much about relying on the video studio. They could eat and drink when they should, but now the video studio is suddenly going to be banned. This time, Banggan's family is completely destitute.

However, Bangge still had an idea. He set his sights on the heads of the people in the courtyard. You must know that antiques are on the rise now, and many people have made a fortune relying on old things at home. There are many people in this courtyard. If you can get one of these things for young people and sell them, wouldn’t the money come from it?

(End of this chapter)

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