Siheyuan: He Yuzhu’s Sunshine Farm

Chapter 219 The person who can’t forgive He Daqing the most

Chapter 219 The person who can’t forgive He Daqing the most

As soon as He Yuzhu arrived in front of the middle courtyard of the courtyard, he heard the sobbing in the courtyard. When he went in, He Yuzhu found He Yuzhu leaning against He Daqing's arms and crying non-stop.

Seeing this scene, He Yuzhu felt a little sad in his heart, because He Yuzhu actually knew that He Yuzhu had always longed for his father's love. When he was a child, although He Yuzhu had always been strong, He Yuzhu secretly saw He Yuzhu crying alone. She thought Want fatherly love.

So later He Yuyu asked Yi Zhonghai for He Daqing's address and took the initiative to write a letter to He Daqing. Unfortunately, He Daqing did not reply, which disappointed He Yuyu.

It's just that He Yuzhu didn't know whether He Daqing didn't want to reply to this letter, or whether Yi Zhonghai didn't help He Yuzhu send it at all. You must know that at that time, Yi Zhonghai had great power in the courtyard.


At this time, He Daqing also saw He Yuzhu and discovered He Yuzhu's arrival. He Daqing obviously felt guilty, but He Yuzhu showed a faint smile: "Are you back?"

The words "You're back" made He Daqing's eyes turn slightly red, and then he nodded with sobs: "You're back, you're back, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

No one expected that He Yuzhu would accept He Daqing's return so easily. You must know that He Daqing's departure really caused a disaster for He Yuzhu and He Yuyu.

It was the 1950s when He Daqing left. Life at that time was very hard, especially in cities. Without tickets, you really couldn’t get anything. There were many tickets, and the tickets for passage could be divided into "food, clothing, "Use" three categories.

Food stamps, such as food stamps for buying rice, meat stamps for selling chickens, ducks, fish, pigs and other meats, salt stamps for buying salt, stamps for stamps, bean stamps, various vegetable stamps, etc.

Cloth tickets are also required when buying cloth and clothes. In addition, there are cotton ticket tickets, cotton ticket tickets, undershirt tickets, vest tickets, chemical fiber ticket tickets, etc.

In terms of usage, when buying washing powder, handkerchiefs, soap, matches, paper, bicycles, watches, etc., you must also use the corresponding ticket.

At that time, there were all kinds of bills. The scope, geography, variety, length, and quantity of bills were extremely rare in the world.

As soon as He Daqing left, where did He Yuzhu get these bills? Without the bills, tell me, how can you survive?

Fortunately, in the 1950s and 1960s, food was rationed in cities and divided into small and large portions. The monthly supply standard for most adults was between twenty-five and a half kilograms and thirty-two and a half kilograms.

However, when considering the food demand characteristics of people engaged in different industries, there are also differences in the supply of food stamps.

For example, urban residents receive twenty-five and a half kilograms of food stamps, while government officials and teachers receive more, twenty-seven to seventy-eight kilograms.

There are more physical education teachers than other teachers. This is also because physical training consumes more energy and requires more food. Front-line workers do manual labor and receive more food stamps. The monthly supply is more than 30 kilograms of food stamps.

Because middle school students are in the period of physical growth, they are allocated twenty-eight to thirty kilograms of food stamps. Underage children are given food stamps of different standards according to their age groups.

In short, at that time, as long as a child was born in the city, he would go to the public security station with his birth certificate to apply for household registration, and then go to the grain station to apply for a grain and oil supply station. Grain and oil would be officially supplied in the second month, and each person would have to pay four taels of vegetable oil per month.

Farmers in rural areas are also called "agricultural households". The rations are determined by the village. Each person receives about three hundred kilograms of raw grain (i.e. rice) a year. After the autumn, the public grain is "divided" into a one-time final settlement. If the ration standard does not meet the The population standards in cities and towns are also difficult to meet the needs of farmers engaged in manual labor. Therefore, farmers who have physical strength will also grow some melons, potatoes, beans and vegetables to have enough food and clothing. Peasant families with little ability and physical strength can only starve without harvesting their young crops.

At that time, people's wages were not high and they basically had no extra money. But just like modern people save money, people save some food stamps in case of urgent needs at home. At that time, food stamps could be sold for money, and could be exchanged for eggs, tea oil, cloth stamps, etc. Therefore, food stamps have become a kind of "valuable securities". Although they are illegal, some people are trading them secretly.

He Yuzhu couldn't feed his sister with those rations, so after He Daqing left, He Yuzhu dropped out of school and started his own struggle to survive.

The 50s and 60s were an era when people didn't have enough to eat. At that time, when people met and greeted each other, they would just ask: Have you eaten? What did you eat?

The dishes on the dinner table are all vegetarian, and eggs and pork are all enjoyed during the Spring Festival. The staple foods of northerners may be corn, sorghum, sweet potatoes and other miscellaneous grains. Corn flour, steamed buns, and sweet potatoes have become the staple foods of northerners, and dumplings can only be eaten during the Chinese New Year. It can be seen that staple food plus vegetables were also the three meals a day for ordinary people in cities in that era.

In that era, all the supplies were not for the common people to buy what they wanted. At that time, people could buy whatever the grain station supplied. At that time, pastries and snacks sold in food stores, and steamed buns, fried dough sticks, dry rice, steamed cakes, vermicelli, dumplings, wontons, etc. sold in restaurants all required food stamps. In addition to rice and flour, grain stations often sell miscellaneous grains, such as dried yams, corn, sweet potatoes, etc. During the holidays, they also sell some glutinous rice and "Fuqiang powder" for people to make dumplings and rice dumplings. At that time, tickets and vouchers were issued for the mung bean cakes for the Dragon Boat Festival and moon cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Although it was difficult to move without tickets in that era, some tickets were issued all year round, such as food stamps and oil stamps, to ensure the normal life of the people. Some tickets are only issued during major festivals and these supplies will be supplied. For this reason, when the festival comes, relevant units such as grain stores and department stores have to "organize supply sources", that is, they go to other places to purchase supplies. When the supplies are purchased, they issue corresponding tickets so that people can have a chance to eat.

Therefore, in that era, during the Chinese New Year, people lined up in long lines to buy things in markets, shops, department stores, and grain stores. Although queuing is tiring and rushing to buy things in the crowded crowd is hard, it is also very happy to be able to eat food that is not available on ordinary days and enjoy things that are not available in ordinary days. Therefore, the older generation will recall that the 50s and 60s were the most "festive" and "festive" years. During the Spring Festival, you could eat meat and sweets that you couldn't eat on weekdays, have tooth festivals, wear new clothes, and be grand. Very happy experience.

Students who go to school usually live in dormitories and eat in the cafeteria.

The variety of dishes is very simple. It is a very delicious and luxurious enjoyment to have a meal of stir-fried meat! At that time, city people didn’t enjoy much fruit, and their lives were very simple!

But rural areas are not as good as cities. After farmers pay the public grain, they receive corresponding grain according to their work points calculated based on the labor force they contributed to the production team. The production team eats whatever they grow in the fields.

If you are in a land of plenty, you can fish and catch shrimps, and in the mountains you can hunt some game, which can be used as non-staple food. It is also very miserable if you live in rural areas with harsh conditions.

Therefore, in rural photos from the 50s and 60s, almost no farmers are obese, and many are skinny, even skinny. For his sister, He Yuzhu started a life of picking up snails, touching snails, catching fish, and catching loaches and eels. These were all taught by his aunt. After leaving Sijiu City and walking more than ten miles north, there are many At that time, no pesticides were used in the paddy fields, and there were many snails.

When the sun was about to go down and the weather got cooler, the snails came out from the depths of the hidden quagmire, stretching out their two beards and moving leisurely.

Children have sharp eyes and can pick one up every few steps.

Along the Tiancheng, looking all the way, there will really be more and more snails.

At this time, it is time to see who has quick eyes and quick hands. You must know that He Yuzhu is not the only one picking up snails, but there are many other children.

You know, put the snails you pick up home into a wooden barrel or a small pottery jar and keep them for a few days. When cooking, put the pickled mustard juice in and steam them until cooked. It is another delicious farm dish.

So if you don't hurry up, it's very likely that this thing will be picked up by someone else.

After picking up the snails, He Yuzhu couldn't go home yet. He had to wait until dark before he started catching loaches. You know, loaches are very sensitive. Whenever someone makes any movement, they will muddy them. Wherever the water splashes, they will burrow deep into the mud. Got it.

He Yuzhu often takes a "mace" specially designed to catch loaches. The pole is three or four feet long, and one end is filled with densely packed sharpened wires. Like a mace, when he finds a loach, he has quick eyes and quick hands. Once the stick is down, the loach will be gone. Turn over the white belly and poke it in the wire.

A more effective way to catch loaches is to catch them with a net - the net is very dense, but does not need to be very large, and is made into a dustpan shape.

Loaches have a special characteristic. In hot weather, they will gather together in cool places in the corners of the fields to enjoy the coolness. Loach hunters can catch dozens or hundreds of them in one net!

Of course, He Yuzhu didn't have a net, so he could only catch eels one by one. He had to keep doing it until night. Some people would ask if he could go home at night, or not, because he had to catch eels at night.

Eel fishing is a technical activity, and the methods include fishing, luring and trapping. All three methods require earthworms as bait.

When I was a child, I went fishing for eels. Adults considered it a serious matter, but children thought it was just fun.

Fishing: The eel fisherman carries a wooden bucket in one hand and a wire hook about a foot long in the other hand. Thread an earthworm through the hook and wrap the thread around the earthworm to prevent the earthworm from slipping out when the eel bites the hook. Eel fishing is mostly done at the water level at the feet of the paddy fields. As long as there are holes on the feet of the fields and the mouth of the hole is smooth, it means that eels often come in and out. However, the hole is unfathomably deep and has many twists and turns, just like the Monster Cave in Journey to the West. People are However, it has no choice but to use earthworms to lure it out. Strangely enough, in nature, one thing descends upon another.

The eel fisherman only needs to put the hook with earthworms inserted into the hole and move it a few times. There will be movement in the hole immediately. An eel will bite the hook suddenly and be dragged out of the hole by the eel fisherman and put into a portable wooden barrel... …Often when the fish is caught in a field of tens of meters, more than a dozen fish can be caught.

Lure: In the evening, people insert dozens of bamboo sticks covered with earthworms on the edge of the field in advance, inserting one every ten steps, and the bamboo sticks must be soaked in water. After dark, it is the most active period for eels to forage. They will dig out of the mud and approach the bamboo sticks with earthworms strung on them.

This kind of eel fishing requires the cooperation of two people. One person holds a lamp for lighting, and the other person holds a wooden bucket in one hand and an eel clip (made of bamboo) in the other hand to catch the eels that are biting earthworms. The eels eating earthworms under the light are really diverse. Some are chewing on bamboo sticks with earthworms on them and rolling around, some are dragging the bamboo sticks and preparing to escape, and some are entangled in bamboo sticks and eating earthworms as if they are afraid of being robbed... so eel hunters You have to be fast when patrolling back and forth. If you take a slow shot, the earthworms on the bamboo stick will be eaten by the eel, or even the bamboo stick will be dragged away by the eel without a trace!

Bo: The eel's bamboo cage has a wooden stopper at one end. You can pull out the stopper to pour out the contents of the cage. The other end is an upside-down bolt with an open mouth. The eel can only enter but not get out because of the barbs. A bamboo stick with earthworms on it is inserted into the cage. Before dark, the eel people bury dozens of cages scattered in the paddy fields. Half of the cages are immersed in mud and half of them are immersed in water. A handful of mud is placed on the cages to expose the water, so that they can be easily identified when the cages are collected the next morning.

Early the next morning, under the morning light and dewdrops, the cage keeper retrieved the cages he had placed last night one by one from memory. There are dozens of cages, and occasionally some are missing. Pick up the cages and go home, remove the cork from each cage, and pour all the eels in the cage into the barrel. There are occasional water snakes in the cage, but they are not poisonous.

He Yuzhu can only fish. If he is lucky, he can catch more than ten fish in one night. If he is not lucky, he can catch none.

After a busy day and night, He Yuzhu would go home with thirty kilograms of snails, five to six kilograms of loach, and three to four kilograms of eels. If he met someone buying them on the road, he would sell some, or exchange them for some eggs.

Some people will definitely say, Hey, these things can be exchanged for a lot of things. To be honest, these things were really not a thing in the 1950s and 1960s. Ten eggs can probably exchange for everything.

He Yuzhu relied on doing these things to raise his sister. During this period, no one in the courtyard was willing to help He Yuzhu. This is why He Yuzhu developed an unruly character. , I don’t have a good face at all, and I don’t like the uncles in this courtyard.

Later, Yi Zhonghai, an old man, helped to get He Yuzhu into the canteen of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. From then on, He Yuzhu truly had a job of his own, and he would no longer experience the sufferings he had suffered before.

So everyone thought that He Yuzhu would never forgive He Daqing, but no one expected that He Yuzhu easily accepted He Daqing. Not only that, He Yuzhu was also very good to He Daqing. After recognizing He Daqing, he immediately gave He Daqing After finding a house, He Daqing said he didn't want to be too far away from his grandson, so he wanted to live in a courtyard.

He Yuzhu also found a way to find a single-room hut for He Daqing in the front yard. Now He Daqing lives next to the third uncle. Then he bought a lot of things for He Daqing, such as a TV, a refrigerator, and an electric fan. Everything he could buy was bought. Well, in this way, He Daqing attracted the envy of many people around him.

He Daqing himself was also very satisfied, but there was one thing that He Yuzhu noticed. He Daqing was a little afraid of the first uncle Yi Zhonghai. Whenever he saw the first uncle Yi Zhonghai, He Daqing always lowered his head and did not look at Yi Zhonghai. He Yuzhu clearly felt that there was something wrong between Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing.

(End of this chapter)

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