Siheyuan: He Yuzhu’s Sunshine Farm

Chapter 185: Warning Earth Dragon Turns Over

Chapter 185: Warning Earth Dragon Turns Over
Cliff Village. Ran Qiuye stood in front of his house, waiting for the arrival of a truck. Cliff Village now is much better than when He Yuzhu went there. At least with He Yuzhu's help, everyone can have enough to eat.

Those who feel this most are the children in Cliff Village.
In the past, children in Cliff Village had to do all kinds of farm work as soon as they returned home, but now they no longer do so.

When I came back from school on a hot summer day, I lay down on the kang, not to mention how cool it was. The children took a nap in the summer, and the mother had to cover them with a coat. The family sat on the kang, and the mother did needlework. The cloth shoes at that time , cotton-padded jackets, and gloves were all made by hand. The sisters played and slept.

As soon as noon comes, the smoke from the kitchen is curling up, which must be the neighbors starting to burn firewood for cooking. Occasionally, you can hear the crowing of roosters in the village. The whole village is silent, peaceful and clean, as if there is no room for any impurity pollution.

Sometimes I invite a few friends to play in the village or visit neighbors' houses. When I go out, I see ravines and hills in the distance and snow-covered terraced fields. Those fields are stacked one on top and gradually become smaller from top to bottom.

These fields were reclaimed one by one by Ran Qiuye and the villagers. They can grow crops and there are also walnut trees all over the mountains and plains.

In the past, Cliff Village was short of water, and there has been drought and water shortage for thousands of years. When He Yuzhu didn't go there, he used donkeys, horses, and oxen to go to the ditch to get water, or carried poles and buckets, or two people carried them. I got up at around [-] o'clock and went there, and came back for breakfast at [-] or [-] o'clock.

The children are on summer and winter vacation. In addition to playing, they also go to the ditch to carry firewood together. The place where they carry firewood is different from the place where they usually carry water. They have to walk a long way, up and down a long slope, and there are large areas there. There are streams and wild jujube trees all over the mountains and plains.

The children would look for dry branches, cut them with sickles, and put them neatly. When they had accumulated enough, they would tie them up with hemp rope and carry them home.

But now He Yuzhu directly invested 10 yuan to bring spring water from the mountain to Cliff Village and built a reservoir. Now Cliff Village really has no shortage of water. As long as there is no shortage of water, the bankers will If it grows well, Cliff Village will only get better and better.

At the same time, the truck came over, and Ran Qiuye immediately greeted it. Then he saw a girl being carried out of the truck. They were Xiaodang and Huaihua. The two people were actually seriously injured. Now that they came out of the hospital, they were worried about whether they would be able to get out. Come.

"Teacher Ran!"

Xiaodang and Huaihua finally saw someone they knew. When Teacher Ran said something, the two children shed tears. To be honest, these two children were not good people in the courtyard, but now He Yuzhu directly changed The plot has changed, and the two girls are really pitiful now.

Jia Zhang, Banggen, and Qin Huairu are really worse than animals.

Looking at the crying Xiaodang and Sophora japonica, Ran Qiuye also said with red eyes: "Don't cry anymore, don't cry anymore. You still have injuries on your body. It won't be good if you cry out about the injuries on your body. Let's go." Go back first, don’t worry here, we will definitely take good care of you.”

With that said, Ran Qiuye led the way, and the group carried Xiaodang and Sophora japonica into the village.

When they arrived at Ran Qiuye's home, Ran's mother was cleaning the house. After Ran's father left, Ran's mother was loaned out from the farm by He Yuzhu's connections, and then sent to Ran Qiuye's side. The mother and daughter lived together first, and also Can feel like home.

There is a large locust tree in the yard of Ran Qiuye's house. Its branches spread to the roof of her house. There are three bungalows built in the old yard, two of which are used as living rooms and one for storing food. This locust tree has two branches. Even a person can’t hold it in his arms until the time when the Sophora japonica rice is ripe!
Children in the village will climb up the trees to cut locust rice (the tool for cutting locust rice is a sickle tied to a very long pole, so that branches that cannot be reached by humans can also be harvested with this tool). The neighbor's family is over 80 years old. There is also a locust tree in front of Uncle Guan's house. The locust tree is right on the edge of the ditch (the topography of Cliff Village is quite different, so-called ditch edge!).

This uncle Guan can also climb trees and cut locust rice.

When Xiaodang and Sophora japonica entered Ran Qiuye's house, they saw this Sophora japonica tree. When they left, they also remembered this Sophora japonica tree in their hearts, so this Sophora japonica tree was quite important in the hearts of Xiao Dang and Sophora japonica.

In addition to locust trees, autumn is the season when walnuts are ripe. Xiaodang and locust trees help everyone in Cliff Village to harvest walnuts in the walnut fields. The harvesting tools are long wooden poles and snakeskin bags; an adult walnut tree has enough It is fifteen or six meters high. When people climb the tree, the walnuts on some branches are out of reach, so they need to be beaten with wooden poles. The walnuts with green skin are the most delicious. The children use knives to pry open the walnuts and remove the walnuts inside. Take out the kernels and peel off the outer skin of the walnut kernels. They will taste oily. This is probably the best way to eat walnuts. Sun-dried walnuts will taste bitter because of the outer skin.

Xiaodang and Huaihua stayed on the cliff for half a year. Later, Xiaodang and Huaihua left because it was too close to Sijiu City. Half a year later, Xiaodang and Huaihua came to a small village by the sea.

Don't think that hamlet is used to describe its smallness. In fact, hamlet is the name of the village.

According to the textual research on the inscriptions on the village stele and the Zhao family tree in the small village: in the first year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1403), people surnamed Zhao moved from Yunnan to Weichan Village in Chengyang, and then some people surnamed Zhao moved from Weichan Village to the small village. Xiwa became the first residents here and the founder of small villages.Later, people surnamed Xu, Huang, and Xin moved to Dongwa and Dongbeiwa one after another, and they all made a living by farming and fishing.They gathered to intermarry, reproduce, and form their own villages.Because the village is small, it is called a small village. It has a history of more than 600 years.

The small village is close to mountains and rivers, surrounded by rivers on both sides, with ditches and streams meandering crisscrossing the vast hillside fields. It can be said to be a rich land in Baochuan with a well-developed water system.

The Xiaocun River is an important part of the small village, and it was also an important factor in why people surnamed Zhao chose this place to settle down, start a business and reproduce.

It solves the needs for draft water, flood discharge, irrigation and farming, etc. that people depend on for their survival.There are many sweet water wells along the riverside of the village. The water in the wells is clear and sweet, and is deeply loved by people.

In the past, the mountains and high slopes in the small village were basically in a purely natural state with little human damage, so there were many springs everywhere. Spring water and mountain streams seeped out from the rocks and flowed uninterrupted all year round.

The Xiaocun River is mainly formed by the convergence of three source streams. The first source is the many mountain streams and springs flowing down from the mountains and highlands in the southwest foothills of Beiling Mountain, the west foothills and the southwest foothills of Jiading Mountain. They wind one after another to the middle of Jiashan Road today. , gathered into a river, flowing down through the Chongqing South Road Auto Parts Market and Chongqing South Road, forming a village-protecting river on the east side of the village, surrounding the village, to the foot of the second mountain in Nanshan of the small village, turning 90 degrees to the west , joins another source of water flowing directly from the east.

The second source is the collection of streams flowing out of the vast mountain slopes from the southern foot of Jiading Mountain to the north of Fushun Road. These two sources are called water sources by local people.

The river passes through the East Garden on the west side of Shandong Road, goes west along the foot of the mountain, and forms a Z-shaped confluence with the source water from the north. It is adjacent to the cliffs at the northern foot of the Nanshan Mountain in the small village, forming a small village river that flows continuously all year round, flowing through the houses. On the southern edge of the densely populated and prosperous village, it flows all the way to the west.

The convenient transportation and dense population in small villages have promoted the development of industry and commerce. Therefore, during the Republic of China and the early and mid-50s, the small villages and their surrounding areas had prosperous and developed industry and commerce of a certain scale.

In the small village of Henan in the northwest corner at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, looms roar all day long.There is a dyeing and weaving factory jointly run by several Changyi people including Li; in the small village No. 3, there is a weaving factory run by Zhang; and on Renmin Road there is a weaving factory run by Yang.Along the streets in Henan, there are family-style Yin's Dyeing Shop, Tan's Dyeing Shop, and Guo's Dyeing Shop at No. 43 in Xiaocun. There is also a dyeing shop in the courtyard at the west intersection of Qian Street in Xiaocun.

The main businesses along the Hebei side of the small village include the "Tianxianghe" tavern, which was built in the early 30s. There is a milk house near the East Garden at the east end of the village, which provides milk to urban residents.

On the front street are the "Small Village Medical Clinic" and "Pede Pharmacy" run by the Zhao family, Shi Daman's Acupuncture and Massage Clinic, the well-known Wang's Mill, the Wang's Carriage Shop for transportation, and Zhang's self-produced shoes. shop, Wanjia snack shop specializing in tofu soup and tofu nao, Wang Hongxi’s small butcher shop specializing in the production and sale of pig head meat and pig’s trotters, Wang Cake Shop specializing in the production and sale of honey sandwich, peach cake and cake, Xiaocun Yantang Grocery stores and Yang's grocery store, Liu's vegetable shop, Huang's bun shop, tea stove selling hookah candy, barber shop, small family photo studio, etc.

After the opening up, the Small Village Savings Office of the People's Bank of China was opened in the west of Qianjie Street, as well as the Small Village Grain Store, the Small Village Vegetable and Non-staple Food Cooperative, and the Xiaoyang Road Tobacco and Candy Store.

On the north side of the back street of the small village at the intersection with Xiaoyang Road, there is a reinforced concrete substation built during the Japanese occupation period. It was still in use until the late 50s when it was abandoned. Later, it was demolished and a high-rise building was built. It became Yuehui Commercial Building, and there was a coffin shop on the back street east of the substation.

After Xiaodang and Huaihua were brought here, they were arranged to live in a small tile-roofed house without a separate kitchen or bathroom. A chamber pot and a spittoon were the daily necessities.

At that time, infrastructure construction was not perfect, and water and electricity were often cut off during thunderstorms, so kerosene lamps became a must-have lighting tool for every household.The outer glass cover is made into the shape of a gourd with a slim waist and a big belly. On top is a lamp head shaped like an open-mouthed toad. There is a knob on one side of the lamp head that can turn the wick in and out to control the brightness of the lamp.

Soon after, the open spring breeze brought "Hong Kong style" clothing into the villages along the river.

The small village is full of fashionable young men and women wearing bell-bottom pants every time they go to the market; in the karaoke hall, the trendsetters wearing bat shirts and bell-bottom pants, with shoulder-length hair, toad glasses, and cassette radios on their shoulders are simply like a village. The most handsome guy on this street in Bazi.In addition, there are cultural shirts, floral shirts, pedal pants, fur coats, one-step skirts, shoulder-padded suit jackets, etc., old and new, all in full bloom.

However, the two sisters Xiaodang and Huaihua did not follow this trend. Instead, they stayed in the small village. Because the two sisters had reached the age of marriage, many people introduced the two sisters to marriage partners, but But neither of the two sisters was willing, and the two little sisters just lived dependent on each other.

Many years later, He Yuzhu met the two sisters once in the 90s.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

"Ah!" Banggeng's shout rang out in the courtyard. After Banggeng was beaten in the hospital, the family was originally planning to ask the hospital to blackmail them for a sum of money, but the hospital said that the beating was not caused by its own hospital staff. , it was someone who came to the hospital to see a doctor who hit you, so it has nothing to do with the hospital.

However, the Jia family insisted that they were beaten in the hospital, so the hospital was responsible. Moreover, their two girls were also missing, and the hospital had to pay 10 yuan in compensation.

The matter went on for a long time. The police station intervened, the street intervened, and even the district intervened. In the end, it was unanimously ruled that the hospital was not responsible for the two girls of the Jia family who left without saying goodbye, nor was it responsible for the Jia family's death that day. Instead of trying to be responsible, the Jia family faces three to six months of arrest for deliberately disrupting the normal working order of the hospital.

If the Jia family continues to cause trouble, then they will be arrested directly. If there is no more trouble, then the matter will be forgotten.

In the end, the Jia family had no choice but to let the matter go because they didn't want to be arrested.

Maybe it was because of such things that Banggeng was a little stimulated, so at noon, Banggeng would scream at home. Such a sound was very harsh, but everyone had no choice but to be yelled like this. The sound is harassing.

You must know that the current Jia family is really like mad dogs, biting whoever they see, because the two girls in their family ran away and extorted money but did not get it. More importantly, the hero of the stick has become a joke. , the 50 yuan monthly subsidy given by the above was also withdrawn. Now Banggan's family, except for Qin Huairu, has no income at all.

So the current Jia family is just trying to cause trouble and extort money from others, and the people in the Siheyuan have also learned the lesson. Everyone will not pick up the trouble of your family, and let's see what your family can do.

But just when Bangge was shouting at home, He Yuzhu was feeling very heavy at this moment. He called all his family members together, He Yuyu, Yu Haitang, Li Xiuniang, Grandma Li, Zhou Guoping, Zhou Guoan. Everyone was sitting down. Looking at He Yuzhu with a heavy face in the room.

He Yuzhu looked at his family and said, "Don't sleep tonight, everyone, because I looked outside and there seemed to be something abnormal."

"What's abnormal?" Grandma Li asked.

"Yes, brother. What's abnormal?" He Yuzhu looked at He Yuzhu in surprise and asked.

He Yuzhu looked at everyone and sighed: "I don't want to say this abnormal thing, because if I say it, I will feel that I have a mental problem. But if I don't say it, you will definitely not know what happened and you will be curious. Then I’ll tell you now.”

After He Yuzhu paused for a moment, he said something that made everyone present stunned.

He Yuzhu said: "I think the earth dragon will turn over tonight. Although the place where the ground dragon turns over is not here, there will be problems here."


In one sentence, everyone showed shocked expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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