Siheyuan: He Yuzhu’s Sunshine Farm

Chapter 164 Banggen, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica were rushed to Beidaxun

Chapter 164 Banggen, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica were rushed to Beidaxun

"We don't want to!"

"We don't want to!"

The uniform rejection of everyone in the courtyard made Qin Huairu's family feel the crisis for the first time. To be honest, there was nothing that could be done about it, because this Qin Huairu family was so abominable.

You don’t know that since you, this awesome guy, came back, everyone in the courtyard has been in an atmosphere of trembling with fear. What’s even more disgusting is that this awesome guy steals everything. In this era where a little bit of salt is a good thing, you Who can bear to steal like this?

At first, one or two scoundrels can still succumb to you, but when there are more people, no one is afraid of you anymore, and the outbreak will become serious.

"Qin Huairu, let me tell you, I bought that old hen in my house to support my daughter-in-law's health. When my daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, it was like a trip to the gate of hell. Hey, your family is better off, just send my family home directly His old hen was stolen and he stewed it himself.

I came to you, but you asked me to provide evidence.

I have never seen such scoundrel people as you. My family lost the chicken in the morning, and your family stewed the chicken at noon. You still can’t provide evidence of buying the chicken, but you actually asked me to provide evidence. There is no such coincidence in the world.

What makes me even more angry is that after you finished eating the chicken bones, they actually fell at the door of my house. Your family's boss said that my daughter-in-law went crazy because she wanted to eat chicken, so she let my family eat chicken bones.

Qin Huairu, your family is orphaned and your mother is widowed, but your family is orphaned and widowed, which does not mean that you can be lawless. Today I must sue you and ask your family to get out of our courtyard. "

"Yes!" Another person from the courtyard shouted excitedly: "Yeah. You idiot, my family has saved meat tickets for half a year, waiting for my sister to come back, making her a meal of dumplings, Nono, my sister On the day he came back, my dad went to buy some meat. The meat he bought in the morning was stolen by your dick less than an hour after I bought it.

Your family blatantly cooked meat stew at noon. My dad was so angry that he cried at home.

I won't chop you up today, you really think we are easy to bully. "

With that said, the other party was about to step forward and beat Banggeng. At this time, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu immediately protected Banggeng behind them and shouted loudly: "What are you doing, what are you doing...!"

Hey Dongxu, Lao Jia, come and see these people bullying us! "

"Bullying you...?" Grandma Li said angrily: "I think your family bullied all the young and old men in our courtyard. Take a good look at your family and see who among us here has not been bullied by your family.

You can pretend to be pitiful. Let me tell you, there are no doors today. Let’s go and find the street together. "

Grandma Li took the lead, and everyone immediately followed. He Yuyu shouted loudly at this time: "We must let the street drive the Jia family out of our courtyard today, otherwise we will not leave in the street today."

"Okay!" Everyone in the courtyard cheered in unison.

At this time, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu's family were dumbfounded. No one thought that things would turn out like this. In the past, as long as you pretended to be pitiful, no matter how big the problem was, it would be solved. But why today? No more.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was also dumbfounded, because this was not the result she expected. In the past, as long as she acted up, someone would immediately come to say good things to her, but now, when she acts out, why are these things even more disgusting.

If my family is kicked out of the courtyard, where will my family go? To the courtyard?
You must know that the courtyard is not a good place. It is basically dirty and messy. It is incomparable to this courtyard house. This is a place for steel rolling mill workers to live. It is the best courtyard house around.

At this time, Mrs. Jia and Zhang wished that someone would come to save them. At the same time, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore. The first uncle Yi Zhonghai ran out of the room and shouted: "Everyone, slow down, slow down, can you listen?" Let me say a few words."

"Ha!" With a sneer, He Yuzhu looked at Yi Zhonghai lightly and said: "When Banggen's family stole food from other people's homes, you didn't say a word. Now when we sanction Banggen's family, you come out and listen to you. Say a few words?
Yi Zhonghai, who do you think you are? We want to hear a few words from you. "

"That's it. Yi Zhonghai, get out of here as far as you want. Last time my chicken was lost and his family was taunting our family, did you come out and say something?"
Labor and management haven’t even seen your shadow, and now you want to come out and say a few words, bah. Why should labor and management listen to you? "

The son of the family who lost the chicken was not used to Yi Zhonghai, and everyone was fed up with this old guy Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, you knew how to favor Qin Huairu's family when you were the first uncle. Now that you are no longer the first uncle, you still want to be partial and don't take pictures of yourself. What kind of thing are you now? Let me tell you, how cool is it? Where to stay?"

"Yi Zhonghai, stop being so arrogant. We must drive away Qin Huairu's family. If you are willing, just get out with them. You are Qin Huairu's family anyway, but don't even think about telling us any more nonsense.

Why Qin Huairu's family is pitiful? Qin Huairu's family is having a hard time.

Their poor family can steal our things. Their family is having a hard time, so we have to tolerate it for free. Damn you! "

Yi Zhonghai didn't say a word. Everyone just kept Yi Zhonghai's words in their mouths. Over the years, everyone has had enough of Yi Zhonghai, a sanctimonious old man who only knows how to speak for Qin Huairu's family. .

In fact, such a person is the worst thing. Today, he actually wants to repeat his old tricks. This time, everyone will not spare Yi Zhonghai.

You must know that Yi Zhonghai is nothing now, and he has even received a reputation. He actually knows that it is best not to come out, but when he sees Qin Huairu being driven away, he is worried that if Qin Huairu is gone, he will have no other half. , so I wanted to come out and say a few words, but who knew, I would be directly criticized like this.

It can be seen that everyone is fed up with this Yi Zhonghai, and they are even fed up with Qin Huairu's family.

In this way, Yi Zhonghai was scolded away in despair, and everyone also went to the street to report the problem. In the end, the solution given by the street was that first, Qin Huairu's family must return all the stolen things within a month, and secondly, Bang Gang, Xiaodang and Huaihua all went to Beidaxun to receive education.

This caused everyone to applaud.

On the other hand, Mrs. Jia Zhang shouted excitedly: "No, Beida Village is too desolate. You can't go to Beida Village. If you want to go, go to the surrounding areas. And you can't go to three people. You can only go to Banggeng alone."

"No...!" Zhang Yan directly objected: "If you are unwilling to end the street mediation, then I will report your matter now and ask you to leave Nanluogu Alley. We do not need people like you in Nanluogu Alley."

This time Zhang Yan's attitude was very tough.

Qin Huairu once again showed a pitiful expression: "Can you leave one to take care of us?" After speaking, Qin Huairu said to Zhang Yan: "Sophora japonica is still a child, she doesn't understand anything."

"No. They all have to go, and you are in middle age now and can't take care of yourself. Are you some kind of young lady?" Zhang Yan rolled her eyes.

This roll of eyes directly made Qin Huairu feel slightly scared.

"Okay. Here's the thing. Either your three children will go to Beidaxun, or your family will move out of Nanluogu Lane. By the way, when you go to Beidaxun, remember to return the things you stole from your neighbors." Zhang Yan was a little disgusted. Looking at Qin Huairu. "Director Zhang, how can you be so arbitrary? These people said that our boss stole their things, but they can't produce any evidence. They need to provide evidence to return the things, right?" Xiao Dang said to Zhang. the director questioned.

Zhang Yan snorted coldly: "Evidence...?

It's enough to have so many people testify. This shows that the problem in your family is very serious. Why don't they say that someone else stole something? Why do they all say that they stole things from your family? And it's not just one person or two people, it's a whole group of people here. Xiaodang, your attitude is really inappropriate. If you keep this attitude, then I feel that my request is not wrong. Your family is too violent.

You are going to Peking University to get an education. "

The final result was that Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu agreed to let their three children go to Beidaxun.

Two days later, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu went door to door to make money. On the fourth day, it was still snowing in the sky. Banggen, Xiaodang, and Huaihua got on the train to Beidaxun.

Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu burst into tears, but the entire courtyard was very happy.
By the way, the happiest person should be Yi Zhonghai. This is the situation he wants, so that he can be with Qin Huairu every day.

The most unhappy people should be Banggan, Xiaodang and Huaihua.

Especially Bangge, because Bangge was in prison, so he was not assigned to the farm. The place he was assigned to was the surveying team, hehe. This is not a good place.

Harbin is 102 kilometers north to Suihua, and then northwest to Bei'an and Qiqihar. The railway stretches in the vast Beihuang.

To the northwest is Xiaoxinganling.The further you go to the northwest, the denser the forest and the larger the mountains, and you enter the primeval forest area of ​​the Daxinganling Mountains.

The farther east you go from the railway, the deeper you enter the hinterland of the wilderness.In summer, there are thatches and thorns as tall as one person, as well as rivers, swamps, and eternal mud.Winter lasts for eight or nine months, a world dominated by storms, ice and snow.

Members of the survey team must carry tents and work in the field for many years.

They lit kerosene lamps and ate cornstarch and steamed buns.They have to conduct landform and landform survey in this vast wilderness, braving the severe cold of minus 30 to 40 degrees Celsius in winter to continue working in the field.

In summer, there are heavy rains, hail, and muddy swamps. If you don't pay attention, sinking will be a disaster.There are also countless small and big bites (poisonous mosquitoes) coming to visit.The difficulty is indescribable.!

Moreover, the people in these survey teams are basically prisoners.

Because Beida Village was being developed at this time, all branches were seizing the time to build houses and dig ditches.

The task of the surveying team is to find places where houses can be built and ditches can be dug. If other people make mistakes, at most they will be criticized and inspected, and in serious cases, they will be dismissed.

The people on the survey team are prisoners. If they are wrong, they will be put in solitary cells and sentenced to additional punishment.

One morning seven days later, Bangge was notified early that morning to go to the Bayingzi sub-site to level the pile heads (check the level of the pile heads) and put out the wires.

Everyone in the survey team went out.Banggan had no choice but to carry the measuring instrument, drink corn rice rice porridge (a kind of porridge cooked with grain crumbs), carry two steamed buns, and hitchhike off.

I was busy until after two o'clock in the afternoon before I finished measuring and leveling.As soon as I sat down in the work shed and wanted to take a rest, Director Li from the sub-field came in:

"The infrastructure department of the main site called and asked you to rush back immediately if something happens!"

"Hurry up and eat, let's go!" The cook is an old man in his 50s. He is lighting up the fire and boiling water while smoking his long dry pipe: "I will make some noodles for you right now. Although it is more than twenty miles away, this There are no people along the way, but the wolf is so powerful!"

The inmate team leader who was working on the construction came in from outside and shouted: "Master Jia, take a look again. Two piles have been calibrated as you said. Do they meet the standards?"

The old man said: "Go back quickly. You still have to hurry!"

"If you have to rush back alone, it will take more than two hours at least. Don't leave. Even in broad daylight, wolves eat a lot of people! I heard from a fellow villager that there was a Rebao at the Sanjingzi headquarters eight or nine years ago. The village over there was eaten by wolves."

Bangge couldn't help but froze, it was already very dark, and he really didn't want to leave, but he couldn't do it.

There was no other way, Banggeng had no choice but to leave bravely. Banggeng ran away from the scene and finished eating. It was already past four o'clock.It is only 12 kilometers along this old road to the main site, with grass and smoke on both sides, no trees, and no homes.

Bangge walked along quickly, looking in all directions along the way. Along the road, there was a telephone line newly designed and installed by Bangge and these people.

The 6-meter electric pole is buried about 1.3 meters into the soil and is 4.6 meters high on top. There are rungs on the electric pole, which are 3.8 to 4 meters above the ground.The sun was almost setting when we reached Baliwan.

The gloomy cold moisture around him penetrated through Bang Jian's clothes.

You should know that in summer here you can wear a shirt at noon, but you need to wrap up in a cotton jacket in the morning and evening.

But at this time, Bangge encountered the nightmare of his life. The so-called fear of wolves means that he encountered wolves.

Just when Bangge was walking forward quickly, wanting to go back earlier.

At this time, a big wolf with black and yellow fur strutted out from the grass on the right, following more than ten steps behind the stick stalk.

This wolf is very bad. If the stick goes fast, it will go faster. If the stick goes slow, it will go slower. If the stick stops, it will stop.

The stick boy turned around and picked up the measuring instrument's tripod and rushed towards it. It turned around and ran away without saying a word. When it saw the wolf running away, the stick stick also walked forward quickly, but who knew that the wolf would follow it again? , Banggeng was really frightened at this time.

Because it is true that wolves bite people to death here, Bangge simply quickened his pace.

At this time, he could clearly hear his own heartbeat in his ears, "dong dong..." In addition, Banggeng could also hear the footsteps of the wolf following closely behind him.

To be honest, Bang Gang had already greeted He Yuzhu's whole family at this time, because in Bang Gang's heart it was He Yuzhu who brought his son to this hellish place. He kept cursing He Yuzhu and his family. But before Bangge knew it, a group of wolves had quietly come up.

(End of this chapter)

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