Siheyuan: He Yuzhu’s Sunshine Farm

Chapter 162 Terrible Execution Power

Chapter 162 Terrible Execution Power

The 70s was a very embarrassing time in Sijiucheng.

On the one hand, the widening of streets and the development of the city have led to the demolition of a large number of ancient city walls and ancient archways. On the other hand, the reconstruction of the old city has not yet been carried out on a large scale. The hutongs in Laosijiu City maintain their original ecological appearance, and the road surfaces are not It is hardened and there is no perfect drainage facility. Residents in the entire alley use one public toilet.

People in Laosijiucheng still live in courtyard houses and bungalows in narrow streets. Each family is only twenty or thirty square meters. It is common for three or four generations to live under one roof.

These houses are managed by the Housing Management Department and are applied for by the unit. The better units are free to live in, while the worse ones have to pay a nominal rent.

There is public running water and a public kitchen in the yard. If someone cooks something delicious, the aroma will fill the yard, and you can't hide it.

Everyone has lived with each other for decades, knows each other, helps each other, and even knows how much savings each family has.

This is where the old saying comes from.

People's clothes are monotonous, but their hearts are strong and their spiritual world is rich.

On the street, men and women all wear gray and black, and the most popular ones are guard uniforms and guard hats.

At that time, in elementary school, if a classmate wore a guard hat, everyone's eyes would turn green with envy.

If you have a good relationship, you can borrow it to wear. If you can wear a guard hat and go home for the night, you will be a veteran.

One of the three most important items when getting married was a bicycle. Feige, Forever, Phoenix and Golden Deer were the four famous brands at that time.The bicycle is polished every day and tinkered with when there is nothing to do. It is afraid of being exposed to the sun during the day and wet when it rains. When sleeping at night, the bicycle has to be moved into the house.

Neighborhood relations at that time were also very good, probably because the three uncles lost their rights, Banggeng was arrested for another three years, and Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu of the Jia family did not act as monsters. At that time, the neighborhood relations in the courtyard also reached the level of The best time is basically when you lend me a bowl of noodles, I lend you a scoop of rice, you use my dustpan, and I use your basket.

Moreover, the doors of every house are not locked. Even if there are locks, they are only for show, either hanging or half-locked.Neighbors who need to borrow tools do not need to say hello when the owner is not at home. They can just open the door and return them directly after use.

You give me an onion, and I give you two heads of garlic.You eat my rice to see if it's fragrant, and I drink your soup to see if it's sweet or not.At that time, whenever I had something rare, I wanted to share it with my neighbors.Relatives and friends are here, bringing some snacks, stove food, candies, and pear paste.

The first thing that comes to mind is the elderly and children in the surrounding neighbourhoods, grabbing a handful for this one and a few pieces for that one.If someone has picked acacia flowers, pear leaves, etc., look at the lunch meals of the surrounding restaurants.

Especially on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, when it’s just dawn and the mutton-filled dumplings that they’ve been looking forward to eating for a whole year are ready, the first thing the children do is deliver dumplings to several neighbors.

When entering the door, you first kowtow to the elders to say hello, and then the uncles and aunts exchange dumplings, that is, they bring their own dumplings and bring back their dumplings.

Eating, drinking, sleeping, pots and pans, these things in life that no one can do without are the links that connect neighbors to each other.

Because the deaf old lady began to live in seclusion, Grandma Li is now the mainstay of the courtyard. Because Grandma Li is hardworking, kind, upright and reasonable, kind and kind, and has a warm heart.

The young couple of some family were at odds, or the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was tense. She would come forward and promise to make peace as before.

Even whose child was born on which day, and whose elder’s memorial day was held, they all remember clearly.

She also often helps deliver babies and handle the funeral affairs of the elderly.

He really fulfilled his role as the patriarch of the courtyard house. During the three years when Bangge was away, the neighbors in the courtyard house "not only swept the snow in front of their own door, but also took care of the frost on other people's tiles."

If you go out, call your neighbors. There may be quilts and clothes drying in the yard, or beans drying on the house and cooling off. If it rains and clouds, they will be taken back.

Then go with peace of mind, it's guaranteed to be foolproof.

If a family has a wedding or a happy event, or a child is one month old, the whole family must go out to make sure everyone and everything is available.All tools needed will be provided.If an elderly person is sick, he will save some eggs that he has been saving for a long time that he is reluctant to eat, and leave them for the children to exchange for pencils, erasers, and notebooks at the supply and marketing cooperative, and then put a few eggs in his arms and give them away.

When it comes to building a bungalow or taking out a brick bed, men do the work and women cook. There are dozens of people there. There is no need to ring the bell or broadcast. Everyone brings their own tools to the host's house early in the morning. Under the unified command of the great craftsman, the work was done in an orderly manner.

No one is lazy, no one is too arrogant, everyone is chasing after each other, full of energy, and the scene is lively and spectacular.After finishing their work in one go, they sat around, served a few pickled beans, bean sprouts and other side dishes, drank a few sips of sorghum white wine, ate two bowls of salty rice, and nibbled on three nests.I went to work humming a tune very satisfied.

Visiting each other's houses is a habit and a way of emotional communication. When they are free, at noon or in the evening, people can't help but go to their neighbors' houses to sit and chat.

Some people feel sleepless if they don't visit for a day, and some have to walk several houses to get a bowl of rice.

If someone doesn't visit for a day, the host's family will feel abnormal.At that time, visiting people also had special characteristics.

Men mainly do it for fun and to pass the time.Sit together and smoke, drink water, and talk.Let’s talk about the past, what’s going on in the factory, and discuss our current technologies, where we can find cheap rice, flour, grains and oils, and where we can get free pork.

Sometimes we also talk about history, family affairs, things in the Four Nine Cities, and the strange things we have heard.While we were chatting, you filled me with a tobacco bag and jar, and I filled you with a purse, exchanging shredded tobacco for a taste.

Elderly grandmothers and ladies like to sit cross-legged on the neighbor’s hot bed, and gather around the clay brazier in winter.

From time to time, special iron fire shears were used to pull the charcoal blocks in the brazier.

While warming their hands, they chatted, praising their daughter-in-law for being virtuous and filial, and praising their grandson for being smart and cute.During the off-farm season, young mothers and aunts would gather under the shade of trees or on the steps in the yard, collecting shoe soles or mending old clothes.

At that time, the shoes for adults and children in the courtyard were all made by women themselves, and the clothes took three years to make new, three to old, and another three to mend.

While they were doing needlework, they were talking about random things and chatting endlessly.Talk about what you saw, what you heard, what you thought about, it can be said to be all-encompassing.As the saying goes, "three women perform a show." They would laugh heartily at one moment and move their hands at another. The atmosphere was lively and lively.

It's just that these harmonious scenes are almost gone after Banggeng comes back.

On the second day after Bangge came back, Aunt Zhao in the front yard screamed early in the morning.

"No, no, my carp is gone. Come out and take a look!"

When Aunt Zhao shouted, everyone ran out, and then they saw Aunt Zhao crying one by one: "My wife is not in good health, so I thought about buying a fish to give my wife a supplement. I borrowed one from someone yesterday. I bought a carp ticket and spent [-] cents to buy a carp. I was planning to do it today, but who knew that when I got there in the morning, the big carp in the pond disappeared."

"Hey Aunt Zhao, why are you so bold and dare to keep carp in the pond?" A young girl on the side said with regret. "Ah, the fish in our yard used to be raised in the pond. Why can't they be released now? No one's fish in the yard was lost before?"

Aunt Zhao was a little at a loss.

At this time, Yan Bugui came over and said with some regret: "At that time, the bad guys hadn't come back yet. Now that the bad guys are back, how dare you steal what's yours and who's is stealing?"

"Oh. Oh my brain, how could I have forgotten this incident? Yes, there were no prisoners in our courtyard before. Now that stickman is back. My big carp, I still owe [-] cents. What should I do if someone else gives me a fish ticket?" As she said that, Aunt Zhao started crying sadly.

At this time, other people slowly gathered over. Seeing Aunt Zhao crying sadly, everyone felt sorry for her, but everyone did not come together to comfort Aunt Zhao and help Aunt Zhao like before.

Because everyone knew who stole the fish, and they did not dare to find out the fish thief. Not only that, after these people returned, they immediately told their children that they would not be allowed to enter at will in the future. If you happened to go to someone else's house and something was stolen from this house by Bangge, it would be hard to explain.

And from now on, everyone will start locking the door when they go out. Just like that, everyone's trust is gone because of a mouse dropping, and the original harmony in the courtyard is gone.

In this way, everyone began to live cautiously. However, even if everyone was careful, each family lost more things. Today the Zhao family lost a fish, tomorrow the Zheng family lost a piece of meat, and the day after tomorrow the Zhang family lost a piece of meat. Lost ten dollars.

There was even a family that lost a chicken. It was lost in the morning, and the Jia family stewed a chicken this afternoon. This caused dissatisfaction in the family who lost the chicken, and they rushed to the Jia family to ask for the result. But for the Jia family, that was Scoundrel to the extreme.

First of all, let the person who lost the chicken provide evidence. If he can't produce evidence, it means that the person who lost the chicken made a false accusation. Then the stickman will have to fight with the other party. In the end, the person who lost the chicken can't provide evidence and can only watch Jia Jia helplessly. The family members ate their own chicken in front of them.

You must know that this chicken was bought for the confinement of her little daughter. There is no difference between the Jia family and animals. However, everyone hates the Jia family deeply, but there is no way to cure them.

At this time, news suddenly came that the boss of Beautiful Country was coming to Sijiu City, and the ice-breaking between Huaxia and Beautiful Country began.

Before that, the key crackdown on gangsters in Forty-Nine City was also in full swing. Among them, Zhou Changli was listed as a key figure to arrest. You must know that the ones who carried out the key attack on gangsters in Forty-Nine City this time were not those from the public security station. Peace officers.

All the security officers cooperated, but the ones who actually performed this task were the Imperial Guards in the Forty-Nine City.

The purpose is to ensure the vital safety of the beautiful country boss this time.

You can't imagine how much hard work we have put in to welcome this beautiful country's boss. This beautiful country's boss really wants to go to the Great Wall to see it. On the 23rd, it is rare to have a whole day during the day. Good weather with clear skies and sunny wind.

Originally, according to the plan, the boss of Meimei Country and his party could have a wonderful tour of the Badaling Great Wall the next day, but in the evening, the sky in Sijiucheng began to become overcast, and a bone-chilling wind blew.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, heavy snow suddenly began to fall in the sky over Sijiucheng.

This made the beautiful country boss and his party a little embarrassed for a while. At the same time, our staff were also anxious.

According to the schedule set by both parties, the beautiful country and his party will set off to Badaling to visit the Great Wall on the morning of the 24th. However, the snow is not stopping, but is getting heavier and heavier.

At that time, someone suggested that our friends from beautiful countries should not leave any regrets during their trip, so we must go to the Great Wall. Can we postpone the visit to the Great Wall to the 25th?

However, according to news from the meteorological station, there will also be heavy snow on the 25th.

In this way, the recommendation cannot be pushed. The Meiliguo delegation will arrive in Hangzhou on the 26th, which means that there are only two choices left for everyone:

24. Cancel the tour of the Great Wall of China on the [-]th.

[-]. Eliminate all difficulties and dangers to ensure that the beautiful country boss can set foot on the Badaling Great Wall.

In the end, we chose the second option. Early the next morning, in order to ensure that the boss of Meiliguo could climb the Great Wall, 80 people from Sijiu City took to the streets. According to the itinerary, they set off from the resting place of Meiliguo and arrived at the Badaling Great Wall. It was about There is an 80km drive.

It snowed heavily all night, and the 80-kilometer road was already covered in snow.

However, instructions were issued one after another. All localities, units, schools, teachers and students, households, men, women, and children in Sijiu City all responded to the call and spontaneously went to the streets with brooms and shovels to clear the snow.

According to rough statistics later, the number of people clearing snow reached 80. From the resting place of Meili Guo to Badaling, which is 80 kilometers away, there was an endless stream of busy people.

At the same time, hundreds of water trucks were mobilized, filled with salt water, and sprinkled water along the road to melt snow.

This is a unique northern scenery. In the cold and windy night, snowflakes are flying and dripping water turns into ice. However, on the 80-kilometer road from the resting place of Beautiful Country to Badaling, 80 people are filled with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

There are sprinklers, forklifts, snow plows, snow pushers, and ice shovelers on the road. The atmosphere is lively but orderly. Everyone is divided into sections, performs their duties, and works together to make the road look brand new.

The snow kept falling, and sweeping it once failed, so people swept it two, three, four or five times, all night long.

This is a unique scene of an era and a unique memory of an era.

On this night, people used unique ways and full enthusiasm to show guests from afar what it means to have friends from afar, and what it means to be a great country with dignity and etiquette.

When the boss of the beautiful country got into the car and left the resting place, he couldn't help but be surprised by the sight in front of him.

After a night of heavy snow, the road looked brand new. The new asphalt road looked black and shiny. He couldn't help shouting excitedly: "It's incredible! What did you do? Where did the snow go this night?!"

The driver smiled and said nothing.

We drove forward all the way and drove a long distance. In the end, the entire road was cleaned extremely neatly for 80 kilometers. At this time, the boss of the beautiful country was deeply moved.

Do you think only the snow on the road has been cleared?
Haha When the boss of the beautiful country climbed onto the Great Wall, the scene shocked him again.

The entire Badaling Great Wall is winding and winding with no end in sight. Everything as far as the eye can see has been swept away, not even a single ice floe.

With such execution ability, do you think a dangerous Zhou Changli could escape?

(End of this chapter)

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