I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 85: Dying young, Sun Ce: Was I assassinated?Da Qiao: I am a widow!

Chapter 85: Dying young, Sun Ce: Was I assassinated?Da Qiao: I am a widow!
Sun Fuzhong.

Sun Ce frowned tightly.

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are about to go to war in Guandu.

He also intended to take the opportunity to sneak attack Cao Cao's Xuchang and usher in Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty!
So he rewarded him with a hundred taels of gold and was listed on the reward list.

Curiously asked:

"Yuan Shao's 70-strong army is pressing down on the border. Does Cao Cao still have time to take care of me?"

"Is this Cao Cao really that awesome?"

Sun Jian and many princes were also quite surprised.

Cao Cao was also named and praised by the anchor.

Moreover, Cao Cao had a great reputation and was quite capable.

But Sun Ce is not weak either, and he is even known as the little overlord!

The level of the two of them should be about the same!

How could Cao Cao be so arrogant?
"Yes, my son Sun Ce is as brave as Xiang Yu! Cao Cao is afraid of Sun Ce when fighting alone. How did Cao Cao defeat Sun Ce?"

Su Yu was concentrating on confronting Cao Cao.

Before the fourth level, Cao Cao was suppressed and beaten casually.

After level four, Cao Cao had a big move, and his combat strength made a qualitative leap.

Neither of them dared to fight easily!

The line-up became easier.

Watching Sun Ce ask why the sneak attack failed.

Su Yu sighed slightly.

"This is not because Cao Cao has extraordinary abilities, but because Sun Ce disobeyed the law of heaven and was punished by heaven."

"The way of heaven?" Sun Ce was slightly startled.

He thinks that although he is not very superstitious, he is still quite religious towards the anchor.

"Although I have not worshiped the gods, I have never done anything disobeying the gods. How have I ever disobeyed the laws of heaven?"

Su Yu smiled softly.

Isn't your kid too deep into the drama?

But since he is the sponsor of the reward.

I will definitely continue to act with him.

Su Yu slowly spoke:
"The so-called way of heaven is actually the way of humanity."

"At that time, there was a Taoist priest in Ji who set up a monastery, burned incense and read Taoist books."

"After arriving in Jiangdong, Yu Ji often gave free talisman water to treat diseases of poor people."

"As time goes by, his prestige among the people is getting higher and higher, and many people even abandon their homes and careers to follow him."

"Everyone at that time knew about Yu Ji, but not about Sun Ce."

"Gradually, Sun Ce became afraid of Ji Sheng."

Everyone in the Three Kingdoms nodded thoughtfully.

[Cao Cao]: "Indeed, such Taoist priests are very good at deceiving people, such as Zhang Jiao."

[Liu Bei]: "The eyes of the people are sharp. They will trust whoever treats them well. You can conquer territory with force, but you can't make the people follow you!"

[Sun Quan]: "Liu Bei is the only one who is awesome!"

[Liu Bei]: "Thank you for the compliment!"

"In fact, the key reason for this is that Sun Ce and Xiang Yu have the same character flaws, that is, they are stubborn and have no tolerance for others."

"At that time, Sun Ce had just conquered Jiangdong and was very satisfied with his success. He suddenly found that the prestige of a Taoist priest was greater than his own. How could he not hold a grudge?"

"General Sun is a man who hates himself. If every time he is asked, he should say that he doesn't know, which is in line with his ears. If he is unable to understand the meaning, he will be in danger."

"Under Sun Ce's appearance of being brave and resourceful, he actually hides a jealous heart, and will vent his personal anger if he doesn't get his way."

"Sun Ce saw that everyone in the world worshiped the living god Yu Ji but refused to worship him."

"The anger in my heart increased sharply, and finally I had the murderous intention, and I forcibly killed Yu Ji."

[Sun Jian]: "Killing Taoist priests is disobeying the way of heaven? Everyone here has killed the Yellow Turban bandits. Do we all violate the way of heaven?"

[Yuan Shao]: "Yes, I remember that Cao Cao was once a brave general who conquered the Yellow Turban bandits. How come nothing happened to him?"

[Cao Cao]: "I didn't kill Zhang Jiao!"

[Yuan Shu]: "Could this Yu Ji be an immortal?"

Regarding the statement that killing Yu Ji is disobedient to heaven.Everyone in the Three Kingdoms didn't believe it.

Otherwise, they would still be scheming over how to lead troops and fight.

You can all become Taoist priests!
Sun Ce himself was also very puzzled, whether killing Yu Ji was out of jealousy or something else.

You won’t be punished by God!
Unless Yu Ji is also an immortal, but the anchor clearly said that Yu Ji is just a Taoist priest!

If he was truly an immortal, how could he be killed by a mortal like himself?

"I said, the way of heaven is equal to the way of humanity."

"Xu Gong submitted a petition to the Han Emperor, saying that Sun Ce was brave and should be recalled to the capital to control its use to avoid future troubles."

"This watch was obtained by Sun Ce's spies, and Sun Ce blamed Xu Gong and ordered him to be killed."

"After Xu Gong's death, his disciples lurked among the people, looking for opportunities to avenge him. Sun Ce was plotted during a hunting trip."

"The arrow was poisoned in the face, and the poison burst out from the back and died."

"He died before he left the army. It is a pity that a generation of young heroes fell like this!"

After hearing about his tragic end.

Sun Ce also woke up!

He could also hear the offensive remarks, and he quickly realized his problem clearly.

The anchor clearly pointed out his problem!

If he still refuses to listen, isn't he just a damned ghost who can't persuade you easily?

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu continued to persuade Fan Zeng and was defeated by Liu Bang.

Lu Bu didn't listen to Chen Gong's advice, and Baimenlou was beheaded!

In today's troubled times, only by listening to others' advice can we become bigger and stronger!
Sun Ce hasn't issued the order yet.

His men captured Xu Gong.

Tie them tightly into rice dumplings and throw them to the ground.

"My lord, as long as you give an order, Xu Gong, his three clans, and his followers will all be annihilated!"

Sun Ce looked at the culprit who killed him.

A surge of anger could not help but arise in his heart, and Huo De stood up!

The sharp blade from his waist was pulled out smoothly, flashing with an icy edge!
"In the world of kings, Sun Ce is also the little overlord of the three-thirds of the world."

"He had great ambitions to dominate the world. The fleet sailed towards the center of the separatist regime, but encountered wind and waves."

"The fleet is lost in the darkness. If it cannot find the shore, the consequences will be disastrous."

"A ray of light appeared in the darkness, giving the fleet direction."

"Sun Ce has been reborn!"

Sun Fuzhong.

The sharp blade in Sun Ce's hand slashed hard!
Xu Gong's face was pale, and big beads of sweat were dripping down like raindrops.

What was cut off by the sharp blade was not Xu Gong's head.

But the rope that tied Xu Gong was his arrogance and narrow-mindedness!

"Let it go!"

Sun Ce waved his hand, indicating that Xu Gong should be released.

He is a person who wants to achieve great things, and he cannot ruin future great things because of his own minor flaws!

There was a strange sparkle in his eyes.

Just like him in the world of kings, he has been reborn!

Xu Gong kowtowed crazily to thank him.

Zhou Yu smiled happily, picked up the wine bottle on the table and took a sip.

"Brother Bo Fu has received the guidance of the immortal, and the world is now in your and my hands!"

Sun Ce has now established a considerable foundation.

As long as he doesn't die, with his ability, he will definitely have an unlimited future!
Regarding Sun Ce’s experience.

Everyone in the heavens also has their own insights.

[Yuan Shao]: "I think Sun Ce did the right thing. He just killed a demon. Why did he disobey the way of heaven?"

[Liu Bei]: "The way of heaven is the way of humanity. Those who obey the people live, and those who rebel against the people perish! God help me, Shu Han!"

(End of this chapter)

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