"Also, I met Uncle Xu Jiexu. From his mouth, I learned some stories about the relationship between you back then. It may not be all, but it sounds like there is a lot of regret between you.

"I don't know if you ever blamed him for leaving without saying goodbye. He had actually been performing missions secretly during those years. The letter you wrote to him after giving birth to Wen Yan was sent to his home that year.

"It's just a pity that he has an ignorant and bad friend who is jealous of money. When that scumbag saw the money you sent, he secretly opened the letter and never returned it to him. Until a few days ago, this past incident Only then could he see the light of day again.

"Also, he was seriously burned in an explosion while performing his mission. But God was wise, the police caught the bad guy, and he was successfully rescued.

"But unfortunately, he was disfigured. He was completely unrecognizable. If I hadn't seen the photo of you all that he kept in his pocket watch, I wouldn't have known that Wen Yan looked so much like him. He was so handsome when he was young. , Auntie, you have good judgment, it would be better if you didn't leave so early. No, it should be said, it would be better if you didn't separate in the first place."

"But we can't turn back time. These are things that have already happened. Apart from coming to see you today, I actually have another thing that I'm not sure about. That is that I don't know how to deal with the relationship between me and him. relationship. If it were Wen Yan, what would she do? "

Having said this, Wen Yan took a deep breath: "When I first came to this world, I would deliberately try to separate myself from the original Wen Yan. But then I gradually understood that I am actually her now. She was part of who I am now.

"Well, after saying so much, I still don't seem to know what to do. Auntie, no, I should call you Mother Wen. Mother Wen, if you find Wen Yan over there, if you are willing to do it in this If you want to show me the way, can you give me a dream?

"I will come see you again when I have time. Oh, by the way, I promised Uncle Xu that if I find your resting place, I will tell him the address. Maybe he will come over to see you soon. I'm leaving."

Wen Yan took out a wet tissue from her bag and carefully wiped the dust on the tombstone before standing up.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Shen Jingxiu at the bottom of the stairs.

Shen Jingxiu happened to be looking at her too.

His eyes were deep and firm, as if he had been standing there motionless.

If Wen Yan was still a little hesitant just now, now she suddenly found a sense of security.

She waved to Shen Jingxiu who was at the bottom of the steps, and a smile appeared on her face again.

Wen Yan walked very quickly when going down the stairs, and Shen Jingxiu stretched out his hand in vain after a few steps.

"Slow down, be careful where you step, don't be in a hurry."

Wen Yan shrank her neck: "It's too cold. I want to get back to the car quickly."

"Then you wait for me here and I'll bring the car over."

"That's not necessary. I can still walk this distance by myself. I'm just cold, not frozen, brother."

Shen Jingxiu chuckled, but quietly quickened his pace.

The car never turned off, and Wen Yan immediately came to life after getting in.

"It's so warm. I'm already hungry. Are you hungry? How about we find a place to eat in a while."

Shen Jingxiu raised his wrist and looked at the time on the dial. It was already past three in the afternoon.

The cemetery is located in the suburbs, and it will probably be past four o'clock when we arrive at a restaurant, which is just in time to have breakfast and dinner.

"Okay. Let's eat first, and then I'll ask the driver to pick you up and take you home."

"Let the driver take me home? What about you?" Wen Yan wondered. She looked at Shen Jingxiu curiously, "Why don't you go back with me after dinner? Today is not the weekend. Do you have other things to do?"

When Wen Yan asked, Shen Jingxiu answered truthfully.

"I received a call just now while I was waiting for you. I had to go to the Public Security Bureau. It was about Xu Jie."

"Then I want to go too! Did you have someone check his resume before and got the result?"

"Yes, the other party told me that he couldn't explain it clearly on the phone, so he gave me time to come over."

"Then I'm going too."

Shen Jingxiu glanced at Wen Yan: "Is your identity convenient?"

"It's convenient. If you're talking about my so-called celebrity status, brother, there's nothing inconvenient about it. People in the Public Security Bureau don't gossip like some reporters. And if I don't want to show up, I can wear a mask and a hat. alright."

"Okay," Shen Jingxiu looked ahead, concentrating on the road conditions, "Then let's go together. We will do this thing again today, and then we can go home."

"Okay." But Wen Yan glanced at Shen Jingxiu again, "Brother, can I discuss something with you?"

"what's up?"

Seeing Wen Yan suddenly being so serious, Shen Jingxiu couldn't help but turn his head and look at her.

"You said."

"That is, if I ask you for help in the future, or if there is something related to me, can you tell me first and don't make the decision alone. For example, about the matters between our Shen family and the Fu family, you and the four Brother told me in advance to leave it alone, so I would never ask again. But today, if I hadn’t asked about Xu Jie just now, then I would have completely missed it.

"Of course, I'm really grateful that you can help me deal with these complicated and troublesome things. I know the blessings in life, and I will ask my brother for more help when I encounter problems in the future! But I just don't want to be completely kept in the dark."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Yan's heart became alive again.

[There should be no problem with my wording this way. He shouldn’t think that I am too ignorant. After all, he is a tyrant, a tyrant, a tyrant. How can he be called a tyrant if there is no word "overlord" in the dictionary?]

Shen Jingxiu: "..." Who said he was the boss?

He just talks less and acts more resolutely.

But he listened to her appeal.

Effective communication is a bridge for the interaction of information, thoughts and emotions between people.

As long as it's not unreasonable, he will listen.

So, he nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I remember what you said, and I will communicate with you in time in the future. Is there anything else that I need to correct?"

"..." Wen Yan didn't expect Shen Jingxiu to be so easy to communicate with.

She was a little surprised, but it all seemed reasonable.

He seems to be difficult to get along with just because of his cold personality. In fact, he is very good at taking care of his family's emotions. Wen Yan felt relieved now.

"Thank you, brother. By the way, which police station are we going to? Why don't we just wait until we get out of the police station before eating."

"Let me navigate."

"I'll do it, I'll do it. Brother, just concentrate on driving. Just leave this little thing to me. From now on, you can take care of the big and difficult things, and leave the small things to me."

Shen Jingxiu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a smile unconsciously appeared on his brows.

"it is good."

Shen Jingxiu drove the car directly to the city bureau.

After making a call in the parking lot, someone was waiting for them at the door.

Soon the two were taken into an office, and a policewoman who was politely called Director Wang by Shen Jingxiu met them.

Wen Yan also called the person politely, took off her mask and shook hands with the person.

When Director Wang saw Wen Yan's straight face, a trace of undisguised surprise flashed across his face.

"You are, I know you, Ms. Wen. I have watched your program on TV before. At that time, I thought you looked familiar, as if I had seen you somewhere, but I couldn't remember it. I took out these again today. I didn't realize until I saw you again in the file that it was Comrade Xu Jie's face that looked familiar to me. All the information you want is here."

After Director Wang finished speaking, he took out a portfolio.

"That is to say, only after it has been declassified can I provide you with some of the information. If this was before the 809 case was solved, I would not reveal any of it. The information here is not all, you read it first and finish it. If you have anything else you want to know later, you can ask me and I will tell you everything I can tell you."

"Thank you."

Shen Jingxiu took the initiative to hand the portfolio to Wen Yan.

After Wen Yan opened it, she quickly went through all the paper documents.

After reading it, she naturally passed the document to Shen Jingxiu on the side.

While Shen Jingxiu was watching, Wen Yan was calming down.

When she was talking to Xu Jie, she felt that Xu Jie was not lying.

Everything I see now also confirms that what he said at that time was indeed the truth.

And the truth is far more cruel and shocking than what he simply stated in those few understatements.

The file contains a lot of what he saw and said when he was undercover, including the inhuman torture he suffered, as well as photos and recovery records after being injured in the explosion.

Not to mention the photos, Wen Yan couldn't bear to read the words just for a second time.

Apart from her identity as Xu Jie's daughter, as an ordinary citizen, Wen Yan also felt extremely heavy after seeing the experience of the anti-narcotics police.

What's more, she is a very emotional person.

Shen Jingxiu also quickly read Xu Jie's file.

Sensing Wen Yan's low mood, he frowned slightly.

"Are you OK?"

Wen Yan sighed softly: "It's not good."

"Have a drink of water." At this time, Director Wang personally brought two cups of hot water.

Just now she deliberately walked away so as not to disturb Wen Yan, but now that both of them had finished reading, she came over with water.

"I can very well understand your mood at this moment. Take a sip of hot water and relax. Every one of our comrades has paid and even sacrificed a lot for the country, the people and justice when they are on duty or even when they are not on duty. There is no division of labor. But it is understandable that the work of the anti-narcotics police is more risky. We are extremely grateful and admire Comrade Xu Jie for his great contributions and sacrifices to the anti-drug cause, and we deeply regret his experience. All of us are proud of Comrade Xu Jie.

"However, we also feel guilty, not only for the harm he suffered and the debt to his family. This is also a heartache for him. He has been undercover for six years and bedridden for two years. When Comrade Xu Jie woke up, his father had died of illness. , his former fiancée has also died, which is a thorn in his heart.

"But what is gratifying is that it turns out that he still has a daughter in this world, the fruit of his love with his wife. Originally, I shouldn't have handed over the information like this, but I thought it might be Xu Jie's daughter who wanted to know about his past. , I immediately went to dig out these files.

"You should have seen him before, right? Have you seen what he looks like now?"

Wen Yan nodded: "Yes, we have already met."

"Are you scared?"

"It really scared me when I first saw him, but he always paid attention to hiding his appearance, and I wasn't scared anymore."

Director Wang nodded: "This is also human nature. But it is not a choice he can make. He used to be very handsome. Although he has become like this now, he is still a hero in the minds of many people. He has always been .”

Director Wang said and took out another stack of envelopes.

"There are some things that are not recorded in the file because they were things he did after he left, but I think it is still necessary to tell you. Because he was seriously injured, he can no longer return to his previous job. The unit and the government have corresponding subsidies. In addition to In addition to the original salary, there were additional allowances. Except for sending a sum of money to his mother on time every month, most of the rest was donated to a special welfare school.

"He left almost nothing of himself. If you have seen him, you should know where he lives now and what kind of life he lives. The founder and principal of that school was born in an orphanage. She completed her studies. Later, she went back and founded a welfare school to teach orphans who were not adopted. Over the years, she has trained generations of talents and changed the fate of many orphans. Among them, Xu Jie has been the same for more than ten years. daily donations.

"These are the thank-you letters written by the children to Xu Jie. Xu Jie was unwilling to reveal his name at first, but later he was asked more frequently and provided the address of his work unit. These letters date back to more than ten years ago, and some of them are even recent. Some were sent a few months ago, you can take a look if you are interested."

Wen Yan randomly took out one letter, and it looked like a child's handwriting. It was so neat that some words were even replaced with pinyin.

Some of the handwriting in other letters was crooked, but without exception, their sincere gratitude to Xu Jie was expressed between the lines.

For a moment, Wen Yan had mixed feelings in her heart.

It turns out that with a mere mortal body, one can do so many meaningful things.

Some people are breaking the law, violating morals, and hurting others. Some people are defending the law, upholding morality, and guarding the people.

Some people are suffering in their fate and creating tragedies. Some people return to suffering to create life for children who are also struggling.

Both Xu Jie and the principal he has supported continuously for more than ten years are admirable people. (End of chapter)

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