Zhong Zhiran's original plan was to go to the commune to say hello after bringing back the oil-pressing machine, and then go back to the brigade to install the machine. There would be a ribbon-cutting ceremony three days later, which would satisfy Director Miao's request to show off.

But the plan didn't change quickly. This time, the grain processing machine was pulled back. It was said to be done first. Before the oil press was pulled back, Zhong Zhiran was ready to cover it.

Director Miao knew that Zhong Zhiran went to the city the day before. His excitement was the same as that of Zhang Yougen and others. They sat in the office early in the morning and looked at the phone, as if they could see a flower.

He estimated that Zhong Zhiran would come over in person even if he didn't call him to inform him. The smile on his face had never stopped since early in the morning.

"Hey, I heard that two large trucks came from nowhere in our town. They were wrapped tightly in canvas. They came from the front and rear. I don't know what they were transporting."

Director Miao waited until noon. There were several calls, but none of them were from Zhong Zhiran, and he didn't see Zhong Zhiran. He originally thought that there would be no chance today, but he heard two lesbians passing by his door. A casual chat.

But then I thought about it, Zhong Zhiran was not such an unreliable person. He had to be steady. Only when his stomach began to growl in protest did Director Miao have to leave his office temporarily and go to the cafeteria to have a meal.

Before leaving, he specifically asked those who had had lunch to come and look at the phone. Once Zhong Zhiran called, they must go to the cafeteria and call him immediately.

The name Zhong Zhiran also became famous here in the commune. He was a person who Director Miao specially told to pay attention to.

Here Zhong Zhiran was sitting in the truck, directing the way along the way. He arrived at the struggle brigade near noon.

Zhong Zhiran once again saw the enthusiasm of the people in the struggle brigade, and he didn't know how the news spread. As soon as the car stopped, there was no need to call for people to unload the car, and all the people gathered over.

"Young men, all come over to help, and those with children should tell them to lean back and stop bumping into each other.

Anyone lifting the machine should be careful not to get it damaged. "

Everyone began to unload the truck in an orderly manner, Zhong Zhiran didn't have to worry at all.

"You're back so soon? Why didn't you just take the machine to the factory?"

Zhang Yougen, the team leader, and the old party secretary were also waiting at the team headquarters like Director Miao. This was the only way to the factory, so they would not miss Zhong Zhiran by waiting here.

"Uncle, this car is not an oil pressing machine. There is something wrong. The oil pressing machine will not come back for another two days. Director Yu of the city's oil pressing factory has gone to a meeting. I will go back when he comes back. Pull the machine.”

Zhong Zhiran said a few words in general, just to reassure everyone.

"Then what's on this car?"

"The grain processing machine is also my good luck. Do you remember that I said before that I wanted to open a grain processing factory in our brigade?"

Zhong Zhiran only told Zhang Yougen and the team leader about this matter. They were all very excited at the time, but after thinking about it, they stopped thinking about it. The machine was so easy to use, and the price was beyond the reach of their team.

"So you got a grain processing machine?"

Zhong Zhiran smiled and nodded. Although Zhang Yougen and the captain were a little shocked, they were much calmer than other village cadres.The machine was pulled back, but the ugly words still had to be said first. Zhong Zhiran didn't want to leave a mess for himself.

"Jiang Heng, help me take care of the driver."

Zhong Zhiran instructed Jiang Heng to be merciless, and Jiang Heng was also very happy. This also meant that Zhong Zhiran regarded him as one of his own, and only Tian Zeyu looked a little puzzled.

Why did these two people come back together again? And it seems that Jiang Heng listened to Zhong Zhiran a little too much. Another thing, why didn't Zhong Zhiran ask him to help take care of the driver...

Zhong Zhiran didn't know that Xiao Jiujiu was in Tian Zeyu's heart. After giving Jiang Heng instructions, he looked at these village cadres.

"I have something I want to discuss with you. How about we go inside and discuss it in detail?"

Zhong Zhiran's words brought all the village cadres, including the old party secretary, back to their senses, but the storm in their brains did not stop. Wasn't it necessary to open an oil pressing plant?Why is there another grain processing factory now!

Can such a good thing happen to the struggle brigade?I wouldn't dare to think so in my wildest dreams.

Zhong Zhiran learned the lesson from last time, and this time he spoke in a completely non-discussive tone, but the result made Zhong Zhiran very satisfied.

"I have been thinking about this grain processing factory for a long time. It will be opened in our brigade and bear the name of our brigade. The income will also go to the brigade's public accounts. There will be someone from the oil pressing plant to take care of it. The commune will also agree to this matter. There will be no What objections are there.

This grain processing machine was bought by me just like the oil pressing machine. I have only one request. Just like the oil pressing plant, I have to choose the person in charge. "

"You choose! Whoever you want to be elected can be elected. I will ask Yougen to go to the commune and report it later."

Unlike the last time we discussed the oil pressing plant, the old party secretary should be straightforward, and even the others didn’t have any objection.

"It's not urgent. Just wait until I get the oil pressing machine back and talk about it."

Zhong Zhiran was very satisfied with everyone's attitude. The next step was to discuss where to build the grain processing plant.

The only place with vacant houses in the brigade is near the oil pressing factory. Besides, putting the two factories together makes it easier to arrange for someone to guard them at night. After all, one produces oil and the other processes grain. There will definitely be stock in the warehouse, so the awareness of precautions is still Must have.

"It's best to be separated. There will be a lot of dust in the grain processing factory, and there is a high probability that nearby brigades and farms will come over for processing. It is best to stay at the entrance of our brigade. Firstly, it is convenient, and secondly, it is safer. There are quite a few children in our brigade, and it would be bad if they were bumped into by bullock carts and horse-drawn carriages on the road.

In addition, you should inform everyone in advance that it is best to ask your children to stay away from these two factories. "

The old party secretary had to lament Zhong Zhiran's thoughtfulness, while Zhang Yougen was a little proud of you. This outstanding young man belonged to his family and was his nephew. He completely forgot that they were fake relatives.

"Okay, I have written down what you said. Go home and have a meal. I just got the news that you are back. Your eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law went home to report the news to your aunt. I guess you will go back now. If you can have something to eat, take the driver with you. Don’t let people go hungry because of the good food.”

Zhong Zhiran thought about it for a while, and she had already explained everything that needed to be explained. She didn't need to worry about the machine. Judging from the cautiousness of the villagers, she was afraid that they would be more concerned about it than she, who spent money to buy the machine.

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