my world double door

Chapter 115 Voluntary suicide

Chapter 115 Voluntary suicide
[The latest news is that Haohanxingyu Engineering employees went on strike collectively because they were dissatisfied with their boss’s seizure of farmers’ fields. We can see that it is exactly ten o’clock in the morning, but there is no one on the construction site. Only some farmers whose farmland has been destroyed are on the construction site. There is nothing they can do. According to the reporter’s understanding, they are helpless in the face of the domineering capital occupation...]


"[Zhengyi No. 9] will limit the flow of all these news and delete them. Don't let any natural users see it. By the way, who posted these news, which companies did it, and the reasons for doing this, try your best to find out for me."

While the car was driving on the road, Li Yang looked at the message Xu Yuan sent him again, cursed in his mouth, and then gave an unreasonable order to [Breeding No. 9].

[It was detected that these news had been funded for promotion. The website was promoting to fixed users based on the amount. Traffic interception was successful and the content was successfully changed. Viewing was immediately restricted on the grounds of announcing false news and false news alerts were sent to users who had already watched... 】

[Tianlian Network; Zhongyue Network; Wanxing Network; Tianyuan Network; Xiaocheng Network... The above companies are the sources of these news releases. The account authentication methods are all young people’s ID card authentication that is not related to the company. They have been retrieved. According to all information analysis, all companies received 50 yuan in remittances from "Wang Dabao", reporters and photographers each received 5 yuan in red envelopes, and each news item spent 1 yuan to buy traffic]

"Sure enough, they are paid to do things. Can you find out the people and bosses who were paid to publish news? It would be best to have their videos and operation records."

Li Yang made a sound at the corner of his mouth, and then asked [Breeding No. 9] while driving attentively.

[The computer camera shooting records and screen operation records have been retrieved. The images captured by the mobile phone camera have been retrieved. Related videos have been synthesized. Do you want to send them to you? 】

"Just show me a clear picture of what it looks like. The rest will be appealed to the court through these evidences, and they will be charged with the highest possible crime, and then they will find all the criminal and illegal evidence they can find. , print the materials together and submit them.”

After saying this, Li Yang frowned again: "According to this evidence and the current law, can these people be punished and put in jail?"

[Through the efforts of Breeding No. 9, you can be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison]

"Only five years?"

Li Yang tapped his fingers on the steering wheel: "If you forged evidence, can others see it?"

[The current history and process of the development of new definitions of science and technology obtained on the Internet are very different from the 'real' history. According to the current false definition of historical judgment, and the law of the development of science and technology of this 'false definition', in the next 500 years, the forgery of [Breeding No. 9] will Impossible to be discovered]

"Is the generation difference so serious?"

Li Yang's brows wrinkled, then relaxed, and he smiled: "In that case, let's make a ruthless one and let each of them go to jail for at least 20 years."


As Li Yang's order was issued, the printer in Li Yang's office of Haohanxingyu Company in Heyang City started running automatically, and each evidence report was automatically printed out. At the same time, Xu Yuan, who was waiting nervously, received the news from Li Yang and hurriedly went to Li Yang's office. She went to Yang's office to get the materials, and when she arrived, the printed materials were just finished.

At the same time, Gao Yuan, who was promoted to a new platform through Li Yang's company and was doing some small business, received a message from Li Yang asking him to help sue some people. Gao Yuan had no reason to refuse and immediately set off to go to the court Li Yang said. When he arrived, he met Li Yang's secretary and classmate Xu Yuan. The two chatted for a few words, and Xu Yuan handed him a stack of documents.

Gao Yuan first read the documents carefully in the car alone, and then his eyes were shocked.

"It goes without saying that the other side will lose the case."

Gao Yuan rubbed his fingers excitedly. What lawyer doesn't like this kind of win-win battle? He ran directly to the court and started the prosecution process.


On the other side, the low-key Audi car that Li Yang specially replaced was parked outside his construction site, but he frowned when he looked at the empty construction site.

"Can [Breeding No. 9] find the location of Wang Dabao who sent money to those media companies?"

Li Yang opened the car door and walked around the scene without finding anyone. Then he returned to the car and asked with his eyebrows raised.

Without uncovering the people behind the scenes, it is useless to just deal with these big soldiers.

Since you haven't caught up, just go straight to the source.

[The target location has been locked through mobile phone signal: Dayou Hotel]

"Restaurant? Are you eating and drinking to celebrate?"

Li Yang frowned, let [Breeding No. 9] guide him, and drove towards the location.

Dayou Hotel was not too far away. Li Yang drove to his destination in just a few minutes. He parked the car outside, got out of the car and looked around, and found that it was a very inconspicuous farmhouse restaurant in the countryside on the roadside.

"She quite knows how to keep secrets."

Li Yang chuckled, then turned around and walked calmly towards the location.

"I'm not going to cook today, so don't come."

Just as they walked into the hall, a middle-aged woman frowned when she saw Li Yang walking in and shouted to drive him away. Li Yang glanced at her. The woman was stunned for a moment, said no more, and sat silently on the chair next to her. Close your eyes and rest.

"Hey, what about you..."

A few steps later, someone else bumped into Li Yang who walked in. He stopped with a dissatisfied voice before he finished speaking, and then calmly continued to do his own things.

There was a three-story building in front, and a courtyard in the back. There were bungalows in three directions of the courtyard. Li Yang went straight to the bungalow in the middle, and then found a bunch of turned off mobile phones in a basket.

"Even if the phone is turned off, the hardware for mobile phone reception is still there."

The corner of Li Yang's mouth curled up, and he looked inside. He found that the yard was really big. He searched around and found that there was a door in the right back room of the four rooms in the first bungalow. When the door opened, there was another door. Small yard plus a two-way room.

He frowned and jumped up to the strong courtyard. He found that there were three rows of private houses with various exits around him. He couldn't help but shook his head and simply let the people in the courtyard lead him there. He returned to a middle-aged woman who was blocking him from entering. In front of him, his eyes moved. The other party immediately stood up and took Li Yang to the room on the right, turning all the way. After a while, he heard loud conversations in a private room.

"While we are here, it doesn't make sense for us to do business. If he still does business, let him be a fool."

"In this three-acre land, if you want to make money but don't respect us, is there such a good thing?"

"Hey, you see what you are saying, what does it mean to be filial to us? It means to be filial to the leader. Come and give the leader a drink!"

"That's right. I heard that the boss of this company is from our hometown, and his parents and relatives are all in our town. Lao Bao, tomorrow you go to his parents' house to talk to his parents about business and borrow money. He made a profit. With so much money, you deserve to lend it to us poor people to spend money, right, hahaha."


The door was kicked open, and the people at the table who were pushing cups and replacing them were startled. They looked back hurriedly, only to see a young man appearing outside the door with a calm face.

"What the hell, how could you dare to kick down your grandfather's door!"

A thin, dark man with short dyed yellow hair and a pockmarked face put down his wine glass, stood up angrily and cursed at the young man at the door.

A middle-aged man with glasses sitting in the back showed dissatisfaction on his face. A middle-aged man with a big belly squinted his eyes and waved his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, thin man. Don't disturb the leader's pleasure. Get him out of here." Go away, cut off the foot that kicked the door down and teach you a lesson."

"Okay, big brother, second brother, seventh brother, come here."

The black-handed man agreed, then greeted the two men with equally fierce faces and stood up directly, but the next moment, the noisy box immediately fell silent.

"You are so majestic. You are ready to cut off people's feet, and you also use other people's relatives to do things. Who gave you the courage?"

Li Yang walked to the box, looked at a circle of men with fat faces, snorted softly, and stood calmly in the door frame: "Everyone took their mobile phones over and started recording with the front camera. Tell me your name, your ID number, where you live, who is in your family, and who are your friends and relatives."

"Tell me all the illegal crimes and bad things you have done, and tell me what evidence you have to prove it, from the first one you did to the latest one."

"Including your friends, relatives, and family members who have done bad things, who you know, when and where they did it, what bad things they did, and how to find the evidence. Explain clearly one by one."

"In order to avoid noise confusion, come one by one, sit on the most important one, and you start."

Li Yang looked at the fat man at the end who was respectfully called the leader by everyone, and spoke indifferently, his voice fell, everyone went out one by one, walked out from him, went to the place where the mobile phone was placed in the middle, turned it on, and then Turn on your phone's camera, use the front camera, and wait for the recording with a dull expression.

The first one to start has already started recording.

"My name is Xiao Yongzheng, and my ID number is 3..."

"In 2007, I received 10 yuan from Wang Dabao, a sand dredging businessman in the town, to build his battlefield..." "..."

"We have made a secret rule. Anyone who does business worth more than one million yuan in this county must respect us, otherwise no one will be able to do it. For this reason, I convinced the leader..."


"Haohan Xingyu built a factory with an investment of over [-] million. Such a big business actually doesn't respect us. Even if others agree, it's useless. I want him to let everyone who does business locally know that he wants to do business. It must have our consent.”

"I first asked some reporters to report fake news, and then asked my subordinates to deliberately cause trouble and stop their projects. Then I spread fake news on the Internet to guide public opinion. It is too easy to guide public opinion in this era. Those people As long as the news is sent out, just believe whatever it says..."

"We plan to go find his family later and let his family's pain threaten him..."


"My name is Wang Dabao, and my ID number is 3..."

"In 2007, in order to make better money, I gave Xiao Yongzheng 10 yuan..."


"If he doesn't agree, he will run his construction site. If he doesn't agree, he will smear his company. If he dares to continue to oppose us, then his family will be tortured until he is killed, so that he can understand what he is. Dare you not give me money..."


As the sun went up, Li Yang's face became increasingly gloomy. He took a few mouthfuls of food and waited for the group to continue talking.

It wasn't until 03:30 in the afternoon that the last of the group finally finished speaking.

"Brother Dabao asked me to chop off one of his feet, so I decided to chop off his legs..."

"I deeply realized my mistakes and how wrong and hateful my previous actions were, so I decided to commit suicide."

After the thin man finished speaking, he added the last sentence like everyone before him, and then stopped recording.

"Send the video you just recorded to your circle of friends first, then share it to your circle of friends through your video account, with the text: Voluntary suicide."

Li Yang ate the yellow light in his hand and said casually: "In addition to Moments, Penguin Space, short video platform, and various news platforms that can be contacted, send them together, and send them in bulk to everyone in your mobile phone contacts. , with text message: Voluntary suicide.”

"Each of you already has a criminal certificate document on your mobile phone for your friends who are not involved in this matter. Share this document on social platforms, submit it to your superiors for reporting, and send it privately to Everyone in your contact phone."

"Dig a big hole in the ground next to it, line it with wood, pour oil on it, then pour oil on yourself, jump in, and light a fire."

After Li Yang finished speaking, he looked at the middle-aged woman aside and chuckled: "Auntie, remember to be a good person in the future. Wait for 30 seconds after they are all lit, then lead your family to bury the pit, and then Explain all the bad things you have done, take a video and post it on social platforms and circles of friends, so everyone can see what kind of people your family is like, ah."

The middle-aged woman nodded numbly, Li Yang chuckled lightly, turned around and rode away with a smile.

After he left, the men who were sitting around eating and drinking in the car started to show off and shared the video they had just taken on their WeChat Moments with the text: Voluntary suicide, and then posted it to various social platforms and news platforms.

He sent out the files that appeared on his phone, and then took all the tools he could find and started digging a hole in the land on one side.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Two strong men were holding shovels, and they dug the fastest. The others tried their best, and those who didn't have tools just held the soil with their hands. They dug until seven o'clock in the evening. They took turns to take over. The hole was finally dug out.

They immediately threw all the firewood and quilts they could find into the big pit. They took out all the oil in the car and cooking oil in the kitchen and poured it on themselves first, then on the wood and quilts. , lined up closely, jumped into the pit and stood in line.

"Wow, wow..."

The two men used shovels to dig up the slope that was accessible for entry and exit, threw the wooden ladder out of the pit, and then returned to stand on the combustible material.

The other two tied each person's legs and hands with wires, and then tied their own legs and one hand tightly.


The only movable hand took out the lighter from his trouser pocket, and lit the flame against the oil-filled quilt under his feet.


There was a roar, and the flames burned fiercely from the pit, and it burned into a raging fire in an instant.

The flames filled the entire pit at a very fast speed, instantly igniting everyone's clothes, and the raging fire quickly devoured everyone.

After three seconds...


"Help, help!!"

"Ah, it hurts!!!"

The severe pain instantly pulled them out of their hypnosis, but the blazing flames that followed quickly confused them. The unimaginable pain was transmitted from all over their bodies burned by the flames, leaving them with nowhere to hide.

"Help, help!!"

They ran around desperately, jumping when their hands and feet could not move, but the steep pit firmly restricted them in place, and there was no way to get out of the pit.

“Put out fire with earth!”

Someone in a hurry started to frantically try to free their hands from the iron bars, and then pulled away the soil to try to put out the fire, but they didn't take any action.


Piles after piles of soft soil were carried by people on wooden boards and quickly dumped inside. At first they thought someone was extinguishing their flames, and they actively cooperated to put out the fire, until more and more soil was dumped...

"What are you going to do? Don't fall down. Don't fall down. I am Wang Dabao!!!!"

"Don't fall down!! Please!! Don't fall down!! Don't..."

A series of frightened roars came from the pit, but the soil continued to pour into the pit unaffected.

The screams echoed through the night, but no one responded for a long time.

After a while, the pit was filled up, a layer of renovated soil appeared on top of the pit, and everything was roughly restored to its original state.

The aunt and her family who dug the hole threw away their shovels, turned on the video recording, told the scandalous things they had done and their faces one by one, and shared them on their social software.

Tonight, another earthquake swept through the entire Heyang City.


"Leader, my workers were arrested even though they were protecting themselves. We agreed at the time that I would build an industry here and promote the development of my hometown. It is a good thing for the country and the people. I guarantee that I will give the green light all the way. Now the factory is still It was not built yet, and something like this happened. Do you think this is appropriate?"

In the car, the leader whom he met frequently during the Chinese New Year was sitting in the back seat of Li Yang's car. Li Yang looked back at his face and couldn't help but speak.

"I feel sorry for you about this, but don't worry, I have released all the workers on your construction site."

"However, I hope you can understand that sometimes, there are some things that I am powerless to do. I hope you can believe me that I have tried my best to deal with these things for you."

The leader rubbed his brows tiredly, then clasped his hands and looked at the figure sitting in the driver's seat with a strange expression: "I can't stay longer. Just now, something happened to those who made things difficult for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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