Soft and cute Zaizai wins in the era article

Chapter 284 He was liberated this time

She was still blaming Shu Yu at that time, but Shu Yu told her that Wen Minghua not only sent her clothes and jewelry every year, but also bought a set for her and Yang Jianguo from a courtyard house in Beijing.

She and Yang Jianguo didn't have time to go back and look, so Wen Minghua sent them photos in letters, telling them what the yard looked like, how it would be renovated, and what style the furniture inside would be made. Their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law communicated through letters.

"When we go back, we can make the bed and move in directly."

This is what Shu Yu said to her at that time while holding a photo of the decorated yard.

Shu Yu is her daughter. No one knows better than her as a mother what kind of temper Shu Yu has. If it were another mother-in-law, Shu Yu's life would not be as happy as it is now.

Could she not be grateful to Wen Minghua for tolerating her daughter?

How can we not be grateful to Wen Minghua for often telling Yang Jianguo to treat Shu Yu well in his letters?

Needless to say, she was grateful.

So when she learned that Wen Minghua was coming here to see her son and granddaughter, she was actually even happier than Shu Yu.

What she was thinking was that since she was grateful, she had to say it while she could still speak.

Many thoughts in Shu Yu's mother's mind flashed by when she saw Wen Minghua, and her face became more enthusiastic.

Wen Minghua held hands with her and followed her footsteps into the yard. At a glance, the two sons of the Shu family, namely Shu Yu's elder brother and younger brother, as well as his sister-in-law and younger siblings, were actually here this time, and they were all standing. Meet them at the door.

Wen Minghua felt funny in her heart when she remembered that the last time she went to the Shu family for the first time, she was not greeted like this by the entire Shu family.

Is this because Yang Jianguo is on the rise while their family is on the decline?

But regardless of whether it was true or not, Wen Minghua didn't show it on his face, and only exchanged pleasantries with Shu Yu's mother:

"What's the matter? If you miss me, just hang up the phone. We old sisters can chat on the phone and it won't affect anything."

She asked with concern about her and Shu Yu's father's physical condition.

"We are in a good time now. The country is getting richer and richer, and the children have become successful and started their own families. But we need to take good care of ourselves and live a few more years to watch our grandchildren go to college and start families."

Don't all the old people look forward to this? Why did they lose their hope after hearing Shu Yu's mother's words?

He's not even seventy yet. Even if he lives to eighty, he still has more than ten years left, right?

Shu Yu's mother obviously didn't have much confidence that she could live a few more years.

"I'm looking forward to it too."

But her health didn't allow it, and she wasn't as open-minded as Wen Minghua. She said she didn't care about her children's affairs, but she really didn't care.

When she sees her eldest son and his wife worrying about changing careers, she will stay up all night long. When she sees her second son and his wife getting angry about their child, she will also become anxious.

Both of them are in their forties, and if they really change careers and go somewhere else, can he adapt?

One's son is particularly disobedient, and the couple often quarrels over the child's affairs.

The only thing that gave her peace of mind was her married daughter Shu Yu.

But to be really worry-free, that was not the case. After all, she was still a little worried, that is, Yang Jianguo's second brother, whose wife gave Wen Ming a peanut, was actually his grandson.

So, next, she intentionally or unintentionally brought the topic to whose daughter-in-law gave birth to a daughter, and her sister-in-law gave birth to a son, and was treated favorably by her mother-in-law. At first, Wen Minghua didn't actually hear it. After all, she was a mother-in-law for the first time, and she really didn't have any patriarchal thoughts in her heart. But when she heard it, she felt something was wrong, and Shu Yu's face was ugly. Get up, what else doesn't she understand?

After understanding it, she was speechless at first, then funny, and then sad.

Speechless, Shu Yu's mother still didn't understand her, so she thought she would be an evil mother-in-law who disliked her granddaughter.

What's funny is that it's Shu Yu's mother's idea. She doesn't treat Shu Yu well enough to make her distrust her like this. How to improve her in this way?

What makes her sad is of course her love for her daughter.

She was afraid that Shu Yu, who was gone one day and had only given birth to a daughter, was about to change her career. With a mother-in-law like her who could earn money and a husband with a promising future, Shu Yu would be disliked by her husband's family and even her husband.

Thinking of this, Wen Minghua put aside the discomfort in her heart and turned to talking about Manni:

"When I was just born, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to feed her even though she was so little."

She gestured, and then let out a long sigh:

"Later, I was able to live with him, but at that time, there was no one to take care of my children, so I locked them in the house all day long, for several hours."

A child who has just been weaned and is less than one year old crawls around the house alone without anyone to talk to or change his wet clothes. Can he not get sick?

"Later, their father died, and I almost didn't think about following him at that time. If it weren't for Manni's crying, well..."

The original body is indeed gone.

The first time she woke up, she indeed heard Manni's cry, like a lost little beast. Such a helpless whimpering sound made her hug her and cry hard.

She patted the hand of Manni who was listening in rapt attention:

"With three naughty boys and two girls in our family, I can't get enough of them."

Wen Minghua smiled sheepishly at Shu Yu's mother:

"They are just two girls with different temperaments and personalities. One can choke people to death with her words and actions, while the other is so well-behaved that it makes people feel distressed."

Shu Yu's mother looked at Manni with pity, who was blinking her big eyes and looking particularly well-behaved:

"Who says it's not the case? My son is fine. This girl is married and she has endless worries."

The topic of the two old sisters turned to their respective daughters, from when they were young to when they got married and raised their own children.

Wen Minghua shook her head:

"It's better to be a girl. Look at Mianyuan and her sister-in-law, and look at Mianyuan's two younger brothers. I've been tortured to the point of losing my temper."

At this point, Shu Yu's mother shook her head and sighed,

"No, it's better to be a daughter. Not only is she more considerate as a mother, but she is also more obedient."

She didn't see her second daughter-in-law's face getting worse and worse, but Wen Minghua saw it and made some guesses, so she changed the topic again and said that she would stay here for a few days and asked her to go shopping with her. :

"Go to the beach and have a look. The last time I came here, I went back before I even had time to see it."

She also told Shu Yu’s mother that they would bring their cameras when the time comes.

"Let the Red Army take pictures for us."

As for Zhang Jin, this time he was liberated and no longer had to follow him around.

Shu Yu's mother nodded and agreed while not forgetting to look at her wife.

"Lao Shu is coming too."

Speaking of which, she and Lao Shu had not taken many photos in all the years they had been married. (End of chapter)

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