Chapter 120 Really good at it

She is also completely different from what Yang Jianguo said, who only went to elementary school and has little education.

She was uneducated, but the words she sometimes said, the things she did, her knowledge, and the carefree way she dealt with others all told her that her mother-in-law was anything but simple.

And most importantly, her mother-in-law raised the children in the family very well. According to her own private comparison, they are actually no different from her brothers in her mother's family.

The only problem they have is that they don't have an outstanding father. Otherwise, based on the performance of Yang Jianguo and his younger siblings, I'm afraid they would no longer be college students who have just been admitted to college.

On Saturday morning, Wen Minghua and Zhang Jin came out to get their certificates.

Holding a piece of paper with a sense of age in her hand, Wen Minghua felt extremely complicated in her heart.

She got married for the first time in her life. There was no kneeling down to propose with a ring in hand, no grand wedding, and no blessings from her parents. She just said "we have received the certificate" and she became a married woman.

"Let's go take a picture."

If there are no wedding photos, then they should take a photo of themselves together as a souvenir on the day they get their wedding certificate.

Her eyes were a little warm,

"After the photo is developed, you can send one to your sister."

Zhang Jin's eyes kept falling on the marriage certificate, and he was feeling excited.
"Okay, after taking photos, we'll go buy some more wedding candies for the colleagues in the yard and my unit to disperse."


In fact, she wanted to say no, but looking at Zhang Jin's excited face, she still swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

They only took a group photo, but within a few minutes the two of them left the photo studio, and then went to the mall. Under the surprise look in the salesperson's eyes, they exchanged fruit candies and two towels with red Double Happiness characters.

I also spent money to buy some candies that were free of charge, and then I took them and went to Zhang Jin's work first.

Zhang Jin was in the security department of the hospital. Because it was working time, there were many people there, and they were all men. As soon as the two arrived, they laughed jokingly at them.

Zhang Jin is thick-skinned. Although he has the title of deputy section chief, he usually gets along well with them. At this time, some people hooked up with him and laughed at him that someone finally wanted him.

Wen Minghua was not afraid of their direct and appreciative looks, let alone their joking laughter. Instead, she stood there openly and allowed them to see as much as they wanted. She also grabbed two handfuls of candies in her hand and put them on the table. On the desk in their office.

"Don't you mean we just know each other?"

The person talking to Zhang Jin was someone who had met Wen Minghua once before. He winked at Zhang Jin, but Zhang Jin slapped him in the face and said:
"It was true that we had just met each other at that time."

He didn't tell lies.

But when we met at that time, shouldn't he be allowed to turn the acquaintance into a very familiar one, and then turn the acquaintance into a very familiar marriage partner?

The man smiled and stretched out his hand,

"I didn't know I don't eat sweets, where's the cigarettes?"

Zhang Jin smiled, took out the cigarette from his pocket and put it in his hand.

"Share it with everyone."

There was a smile on his face that he couldn't hold back. After walking out of the door, Zhang Jin rubbed his stiff face, then patted the back seat of the bicycle and smiled at Wen Minghua:

"Let's go, wife, go home."

"..." Okay, this daughter-in-law sound doesn't sound bad.

On the way home from the hospital, Zhang Jin would say hello to everyone he knew, then stop his bicycle, take out a few candies from his bag and scatter them.

When he meets a smoker, he will hand him a cigarette and tell them that he and Wen Minghua have received the certificate.

Wen Minghua was embarrassed all the way, and her face froze with laughter. When she returned to the courtyard where their family lived, and met more familiar people, her face turned red even more.

Zhang Jin was really too thick-skinned. In her imagination, the two of them handed people a few candies casually and naturally. If people asked, they could just tell them that they had obtained a marriage certificate.

But as for Zhang Jin, he took her hand without hesitation and took the initiative to tell others that they had received the certificate while passing her candy and cigarettes.

This is so shameful!

Especially since there were people she knew well in this yard, she couldn't help but blush and feel embarrassed when she faced their joking looks and congratulations with smiles.

She really had never felt so ashamed in her two lives, but she couldn't say anything because they had never been away from anyone since they entered the courtyard, and they were always surrounded by people walking towards their third courtyard.

When they entered the hospital for the third time, Yang Jianguo and his wife, who heard the commotion, were already standing at the door of their home. Wen Minghua was even more embarrassed. Who knew what it would be like for her son and daughter-in-law to witness her remarry with their own eyes?
She couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pulled Zhang Jin, could she stop showing off and send the person away, otherwise she really wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl in.

Zhang Jin grabbed her hand with his backhand, and then walked towards Yang Jianguo with a serious face. In front of dozens of neighbors who came in, he said solemnly:
"Jianguo, don't worry and leave your mother to me. I promise that I will not let her suffer any injustice for most of her life."

Wen Minghua's hand that was about to break free stopped. She looked at Zhang Jin, who looked extremely serious at this time, and couldn't help but squeeze his hand tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

She actually didn't want to cry, and she didn't know why she cried, but she did laugh and cry.

Zhang Jin looked back at her, held her hand tighter, but turned his eyes to Yang Jianguo again.

Yang Jianguo twitched his lips. Facing the crowd of people who were silent and waiting for his response, he wanted to give Zhang Jin a good beating.

Just get married, why do you want to be so public?
But looking at his mother's face, which was filled with emotion and tears, he couldn't say anything.

"I am waiting."

So he'd better keep his word, otherwise, even if he takes off his military uniform, it won't make things easier for him.

Seemingly not hearing what Yang Jianguo said, Zhang Jin grinned again and then looked at Wen Minghua:
"Daughter-in-law, let's go, I will take you home."


Didn't you agree to come to their house? If you don't enter their house, which home will you go back to?

Just as Yang Jianguo was about to open his mouth, Shu Yu touched him from behind. He closed his mouth and looked at Zhang Jin steadily.

Wen Minghua was also surprised. They had said before that they could not live at home, but Zhang Jin did not tell her that they would move out after receiving the certificate.

She was so blessed that she glanced at the neighbors surrounding them and suddenly understood something. She blinked and said with a smile:
"Okay, go home."

Not surprisingly, Zhang Jin took her hand and walked towards Chen Guixiang's house.

He seemed to be prepared in advance. When he arrived at the door of the living room, he opened his palm to her, with a brand new key on it.

Wen Minghua secretly rolled her eyes, but she also secretly praised him for being really good at it.

When she unlocked the door, he stretched out his hand and pushed half of the double doors open with her.

(End of this chapter)

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