Not long ago, Barry got the memories of his future self.

His control over the Speed ​​Force continues to grow.

His speed is increasing almost every moment.

The understanding of the Speed ​​Force is also gradually deepening.

Until a certain moment, while running in the circle, he seemed to have broken the shackles of the universe in an instant.

The whole person instantly travels through the dimensions of time and space.

Break through the space-time barrier of the universe and enter a special dimensional space.

"Is this the Speed ​​Force space that I entered before?"

At this moment, Barry looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar scenes around him, and suddenly recalled the situation when he first met his future self.

"Great, I can finally fully control the Speed ​​Force and enter the Speed ​​Force space!"

The next moment, Barry became extremely excited.

Because during this period, almost everyone of them was constantly preparing to save the universe.

Cyborg also created a device that can connect to other universes not long ago.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

Only he, although he has also made great progress in how to control the Speed ​​Force, has never made it past the last step, allowing himself to break the shackles of time and space and enter the Speed ​​Force space.

Until this moment, he finally felt that his efforts during this period were not in vain, and he finally succeeded.

The intense excitement made Barry eager to rush back to reality and tell everyone the good news.

However, before he could leave the Speed ​​Force space.

A rapidly running figure suddenly appeared in the speed force space, and instantly passed by him like a bolt of lightning.

If he hadn't controlled the Speed ​​Force, he might not have been able to detect the figure that was faster than him.

"How is that possible? Are there other people in the Speed ​​Force space?"

At this moment, Barry's original thought that he was the only one existing in the Speed ​​Force space was completely shattered.

He wanted to catch up and ask what was going on, but he felt that with his current speed, he might not be able to catch up with him.

So I can only give up my thoughts.

However, the other party seemed to be aware of his inner thoughts. The figure that had run away quickly suddenly turned around and ran back along the previous route.


Then, with a flash of red and yellow lightning, the figure appeared in front of Barry almost instantly, and looked at Barry with an expression of surprise and amazement.

"you are?"

The TV version of The Flash looked at the figure in front of him who was also wearing a tight-fitting suit. With a surprised expression on his face, he seemed to suddenly understand something.

"I also want to ask this question, who are you? Why are you here?"

The shadow version of The Flash has only just gained control of the Speed ​​Force and has reached the conditions to enter the Speed ​​Force space.

He doesn't have a deep understanding of the multiverse, much less than the TV version of The Flash.

"It seems like this is your first time here!"

Looking at the figure in front of him who seemed a little confused about the situation, Barry seemed to recall his embarrassment when he first accidentally entered the Speed ​​Force space.

At first, he seemed to have met a somewhat vague figure here. Just when he was about to ask him what was going on, he was suddenly pushed out of the Speed ​​Force space and broke into Kara's universe.

"Don't panic, this is a process that we, as speedsters, must go through. The Speed ​​Force is the source of our speed, and the Speed ​​Force space is the bridge that connects the infinite universe and reality..."

"And we, just by passing through the Speed ​​Force space, can travel through the reality of the infinite universe at will, and can even break the timeline and go back to the past and future!"

Looking at the figure in front of him, Barry in the drama version can feel that he is not an evil person who uses the speed force to do evil.

So I don't care about acting as a mentor to help him quickly understand the role and true meaning of the Speed ​​Force space.

"Of course, I do not recommend that you use the Speed ​​Force to modify the time and reality of the universe at will, because this will have extremely unpredictable consequences!"

Of course, he did not forget to warn the other party that if the Speed ​​Force space is abused to modify time and the reality of the universe, extremely serious consequences will occur.

" do you know this? What on earth are you..."

The other Barry was a little surprised by the other party's sudden guidance and warning, and finally couldn't help but ask the other party's identity again.

"I'm the Flash, Barry Allen!"

Without hesitation, Barry reached out a friendly hand to the other party!

"Housechet! How is this possible!"

However, the other party's reaction seemed to be very exciting.

"Don't be too excited. The Speed ​​Force has incredible power. Sooner or later you will get used to this situation!"

Barry was not surprised by the other party's excited reaction. After all, when he first met people from other universes, he was in a similar situation to now.

"Okay...well, actually, my name is Barry Allen..."

Little Barry seemed to have finally recovered from the shock. While introducing himself somewhat strangely, he held the hand of Barry opposite him.

"This feeling is a bit strange..."

The scene of two people with the same identity introducing themselves to each other does seem a bit strange.

But that's the incredible thing about the Speed ​​Force.


Afterwards, the two people who had just met did not feel too embarrassed or unfamiliar because of the strange overlap in identity.

Instead, they started chatting excitedly like very close friends.

Of course, it is more about the TV version of Barry, who has a deeper understanding of the Speed ​​Force, imparting various knowledge and precautions about the Speed ​​Force to Barry, who is still a rookie.

And through a short conversation, the young Barry also benefited a lot.

Even though he had obtained memories of his future before, he still had no one to guide him, and his understanding and control of the Speed ​​Force was too one-sided.

The Flash in front of him seems to have a deeper understanding of the Speed ​​Force than he does in the future.

And he has richer experience in using the Speed ​​Force.

His use of the Speed ​​Force is also diverse, and he can manipulate the Speed ​​Force lightning generated when running for attack or defense.

Obviously, the other party's experience and experience in fighting crime far exceed his.

"Okay, let's share this knowledge about the Speed ​​Force. After that, it's up to you to carefully understand the Speed ​​Force and develop more ways to use it."

"In short, the Speed ​​Force possesses incredible power. Even now, I can't fully understand its secrets."

"Next, I have something very important to do, so... we have a chance, goodbye!"

The reason why he shared his knowledge with the Flash whom he met for the first time was because Barry could feel that the other person had the same heart of justice as himself.

Although he seems to be just starting out, if he experiences more things, he will eventually grow into a rare hero.

In this regard, he was not stingy in giving him some simple guidance and help. However, in fact, deep down in his heart, there was a reason for him to do this.

He has not forgotten that he is facing an extremely terrifying crisis, and the only way to prevent this crisis is to sacrifice himself.

And imparting his current knowledge to another Cosmic Flash he just met may be because he wants the other person to inherit his will, succeed him, and continue to uphold justice in the future world that has been successfully saved.

And this is the real reason why he did not recruit the young Barry to join the team to fight the upcoming cosmic crisis.


"It seems that he may be more suitable than me to take on the important task of saving the entire universe!"

However, at this moment, looking at the Flash who selflessly imparted his knowledge, young Barry suddenly had a special idea in his heart.

That is, handing over the cosmic crisis you encountered and the task of saving the multiverse that you were given to the other party.

Of course, this thought came to his mind not because he was afraid of the crisis of universe destruction.

He just couldn't believe in himself. He felt that his ability at this time was not outstanding, and he was absolutely unable to shoulder the important task of saving the entire universe.

He can sacrifice himself to fight the crisis, but he doesn't want the entire universe to have accidents because of his immaturity and lack of ability.

Obviously, the experienced and capable Flash senior in front of him seems to be more suitable to shoulder this important task than him.

"please wait for a moment……"

Thinking of this, young Barry no longer hesitated and shouted directly to Barry who was about to leave.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Although Barry wondered why he stopped him, he did not ignore him. Instead, he turned his eyes and looked at him with some doubts.

"Well... what I say next may be a little crazy, but please believe me!"

The young man Barry took a deep breath. He could not guarantee whether the other party would believe what he said next.

But, for the sake of all the universe, he had to do it right now.

"Huh? What is it that makes you so serious?"

Barry also felt the solemn mood of the other party at this moment, and his expression could not help but become serious, ready to listen to what the other party wanted to say.

"Can you believe that our universe is about to be destroyed?"

The moment the young man Barry said these words, Barry's expression instantly became extremely surprised.

"How did he know about this?"

There is no doubt that Barry is extremely confused at this moment about how the other party knew about this. He is obviously just a rookie who has just been able to enter the speed force space.

"Although this may sound a little crazy, for the sake of the safety of the entire universe, I still have to say it..."

"I hope you can take my place and save our universe!"

The future of the universe finally made young Barry strengthen his heart and slowly spoke out his request.

"Where did you hear the news that the universe is about to be destroyed?"

When the young man Barry finished speaking, Barry finally couldn't help the strong doubts in his heart and asked with a serious face.


"So, the other you in the future told you about the cosmic crisis?"

After young Barry's unreserved introduction, Barry finally understood everything.

The other party's source of information is different from his own. He got the news that the universe is about to collapse from another self in the future.

But it doesn’t matter whether the other party’s source is reliable or not.

The crisis the other party mentioned was obviously the same crisis that he knew was sweeping the universe.

"I know I look a little cowardly in handing over the responsibility of saving the universe to someone else."

"But I don't care what other people think. I just feel that you are more qualified than me to summon heroes from the multiverse."

"There is also a greater chance to save everything!"

Young Barry doesn't care what the other person looks like, he only knows that what he does is a beneficial thing to save the universe.

"Okay, originally I didn't want you to know about the existence of this crisis, but I didn't expect..."

"In that case, come with me first!"

In Barry's solemn expression, after a slight hesitation, he suddenly looked at the young Barry, and then said to him.

Immediately afterwards, Barry's figure turned into a bolt of lightning and ran quickly in the previous direction.


Seeing the other party suddenly leaving and asking himself to follow him, the young man Barry couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

However, after only a moment of hesitation, it also turned into a silvery-white lightning and chased after him.

Barry in front was obviously not running at full speed and was taking care of the young Barry following him.

However, their speed was still very fast. In just a moment, they crossed a long distance and arrived at a special area.

"here it is?"

The young man Barry stopped and looked at a huge cosmic sphere in front of the two people and a space gate in front of the sphere, and asked in surprise.

"This is what I mentioned to you before, the space-time passage to another universe..."

"Now, come into it with me and I'll introduce you to some friends!"

After looking at the surprised young man next to him, Barry slowly walked into the space door.

"Damn it, you have to experience something like this!"

Although there was some hesitation in his heart, he still strengthened his heart and followed.

The moment he crossed the space gate, the scene in front of him changed dramatically.

He came to a strange place in an instant from his original speed force space.

He couldn't help but look around, and there seemed to be a huge cave around him.

However, this cave seems a bit strange and is not an ordinary natural cave.

"Barry, are you back so soon? Have you marked the universes of all the targets we need to recruit next?"

The reason why Barry himself was the only one who entered the Speed ​​Force space just now is because he needs to mark all the target universes that need to be recruited next.

At that time, they will enter it one by one according to the marked universe number, and invite their partners to fight side by side.

"Not yet, but I have received a special message. In the infinite universe, we are not the only ones who are working hard to save all universes at this moment!"

Barry pointed behind him. Barry, a young man who had just walked out of the space door and was looking around with curiosity, said slowly to everyone.

...(End of chapter)

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