Marvel: Spider-Man?No, I'm Superman!

Chapter 198 Heading to the end of time, the shocked survivors

Peter is like a ghost traveling through time, visiting the development and evolution of the Time Variation Administration.

Of course, he didn't have much interest in the history of the Time Administration.

After just a brief observation, he traveled through time and arrived before the timeline completely collapsed, causing the entire Time Management Bureau to be destroyed together with the infinite universe.

And here, he met Loki, who was constantly traveling through time, trying to save all timelines and the entire universe.

Like a ghost, Peter follows Loki's footsteps and from Loki's own perspective, constantly traveling through the timeline to save the Time Administration and the entire universe.


"We failed!"

However, no matter how hard Loki worked, he tried his best to perfect the entire process of saving the time gravity machine.

But in the end, Victor, who was wearing a time protective suit, was distorted into noodles by time radiation and howled, and finally failed.

After every failure, they could only watch as the time gravity machine was exploded by the infinitely multiplying timeline.

And as the infinite timeline withered, the entire universe, along with the Time Administration, was destroyed.

After traveling through time thousands of times, even Peter couldn't help but marvel at Loki's strong perseverance.

With the endurance of ordinary people, I am afraid that after thousands of time travels and countless failures, under the influence of the destruction of the entire universe, they will have already become mentally broken and unable to continue traveling through the universe and save the world.

"Now, I finally experience the real scene in the movie Women's Federation III, where Doctor Strange uses the time stone to browse the future tens of millions of times."

"No wonder Gu Yi would sigh that Doctor Strange is the most outstanding of their many supreme mages."

Just follow Loki and travel through time thousands of times to save the world.

Peter could feel the oppression and mental impact of constantly traveling through time.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of devastating time travel process Doctor Strange went through.


"Damn, failed again!"

With Victor wearing a protective suit, he was about halfway to the multiplier when he was once again torn apart by the ever-expanding time radiation and became a noodle.

"It's useless, this is bound to happen!"

The female Loki Sylvie, who was standing behind Loki, looked with shock in her eyes at the time gravity machine that finally couldn't bear it and collapsed as the timeline expanded rapidly.

At this moment, Sylvie had realized that it was his insistence on killing the remaining people that caused the current scene of destruction.

However, Sylvie will not regret this. Even if she is given another chance to choose, she will still kill the remaining person without hesitation and completely liberate all timelines.

"Is the collapse of the time gravity machine and the withering of the timeline really destined to happen?"

After all timelines once again failed due to the rescue operation of Loki and others, Peter, who was thinking hard about how to save all timelines, could not help but ponder after hearing the words of the female Loki Sylvie. Whether everything was indeed meant to happen.

After Sylvie killed the remaining people, all timelines were freed and developed independently.

Perhaps even the timeline where Peter is located is an extension of this and is the key to existing independently of the divine timeline.

There is nothing wrong with liberating the timeline. What is wrong is how to sort out the infinitely doubled timeline?

"Perhaps, the method of repairing the time gravity machine is itself a wrong direction."

Peter looked at the time gravity machine that had collapsed and exploded, with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

Thinking of some special memories just extracted from Ultron's mind.

Ultron is a special existence that transcends time and space and exists on every timeline.

It was also the emergence of Infinite Ultron that caused the already rapidly growing timeline to suddenly double.

The endlessly growing timeline exploded the time gravity machine with limited capacity, and Ultron destroyed almost the entire multiverse on the infinite timeline at almost the same time.

Perhaps due to some coincidence, two originally unrelated crises of destruction occurred together.

The emergence of Ultron intensified the collapse of the time gravity machine, and the collapse of the time gravity machine truly contributed to Infinite Ultron's plan to destroy the entire multiverse.

"It seems that if you just solve one of the crises alone, it will be difficult to save all timelines and infinite universes."

"Two different crises must be resolved separately to completely save the timeline and the universe."

"Then it seems that I really need a helper now..."

Peter figured out the key to saving the universe and the timeline, and couldn't help but look at Loki, whose face was numb from seeing the timeline collapse countless times.

"Loki, once the god of tricks who was selfish, violent, cruel, and deceitful, never expected that he would now be the hope to save the entire universe!"

At this moment, even Peter couldn't help but sigh, Loki's fate and life were really amazing.

However, Peter did not hesitate to put his hope of saving the universe in Loki, the former god of trickery.

He slowly manipulated time, causing countless green time lines to spread out on Loki's body.

And this is Peter's special understanding of time that resulted in some strange ability.

At this moment, he could see all the time branches that occurred after Loki continued to travel through the timeline.

Nearly thousands of green time branches spread out from Loki's body.

Almost most of them flow into the boundless dark void.

Representing those branches of time, there is no future that can be observed.

Suddenly, Peter saw a timeline among the many branches of time that led to the past and continued to spread, creating more branches of time. His eyes flashed.

This proves that Loki at this moment is constantly traveling along this timeline and trying to modify the past, thereby affecting the future that will eventually be destroyed.

"Going to the past where the remaining people are still alive, and trying to modify the future where many timelines have been liberated?"

Peter understood almost instantly the real reason why Loki would do this, but he would never let Loki truly eliminate all timelines after liberation.

Because it itself represents endless hope.


Peter once again turned into a time ghost, traveling along the timeline that Loki traveled through, and came to the past that he was trying to modify.

Representing the end of infinite time, this place has been reduced to ruins.

A purple cloud, which seems to be brewing with endless power...

The ultimate creature that represents the supreme time, Elios, who exists in a gaseous state, is the most powerful overlord here.

Devouring everything that is exiled to the end of time.

Peter's figure is like a ghost, traveling rapidly through the end of time.

The huge cloud-like Elios in the sky seemed to be able to detect Peter's appearance, hidden in the clouds, as if the dazzling light of his eyes suddenly turned and looked in the direction Peter passed by.

Immediately, he seemed to feel something that made it extremely terrifying. He ignored the things that had not yet been swallowed up, and the entire cloud-like body surged rapidly, moving away from the area where Peter was as quickly as possible.

"Is it afraid of me?"

Peter looked puzzled, but didn't pay too much attention.

He has also transcended the time dimension at this moment. Perhaps in the eyes of this special creature that exists in the time dimension, it is a wild beast that can destroy time.

Peter continues to travel like a ghost in time, rapidly traveling through the end of endless time. Until we saw a huge palace, where the remaining people were.

The next moment, Peter's figure flashed and he was already inside the palace.

And in front of him, three figures also appeared.

"Sylvie, you can't kill him..."

At this moment, Loki, who traveled from the future, was trying his best to prevent Sylvie from killing the remaining people.

However, because of some special feelings towards Sylvie, Loki was completely unable to let go and try his best to stop Sylvie.

"Unless you kill me, I will never stop..."

As a variant of Loki, Sylvie has almost the same power as Loki, but at this moment, she will not stop until she kills those left behind.

With one side holding back at every turn and the other side trying its best, Loki certainly couldn't stop Sylvie.

After being hit by Sylvie many times, he quickly rushed towards Kang, the remaining man who was sitting there and seemed to be watching everything with interest.


The blade in Sylvie's hand had successfully penetrated Kang's chest countless times.

It was he who let out a particularly ecstatic cry of pain.

Then he looked at Loki not far away for the last time, left his last words "See you later!", and then fell down successfully.

Kang, who controlled all time, was like a baby at this moment, being easily killed by Sylvie.

"Damn it, why don't you resist!"

After experiencing hundreds of time travels again, Loki, who still couldn't stop Sylvie from killing Kang, the remaining man, seemed to finally collapse.

He immediately stopped fighting with Sylvie, turned around and looked at Kang, the remaining man, and shouted.


The remaining people looked at Loki thoughtfully, and then finally had reactions and actions that were different from other timelines.

Picking up the time control device on the table, Sylvie, who looked strange, was instantly placed in a time cage, and then started talking to Loki for the first time.

"You haven't learned this skill by now, right?"

Facing Loki's surprised eyes, Kang, the remaining man, looked at Loki with a look that already understood everything.

"what have you done?"

Loki turned to look at the frozen Sylvie, and then turned to look at the remaining people again, with a trace of seriousness on his face.

"how do you know……"

"Is time slipping away? Hahaha, who do you think gave you this ability?"

The remaining man suddenly laughed and said that Loki himself was just a pawn in his plan.

It was precisely because of his plan that Loki mastered the ability to continuously travel through the timeline.

"Could it be..."

"What exactly are you going to do?"

At this moment, Loki's expression was full of shock. It was difficult for him to accept that he was constantly traveling through the timeline in an attempt to save the world, but he was actually under the control of the people left behind.

"Hahaha, do you think I will catch you without mercy and be stabbed to death by her so easily?"

The remaining man smiled and pointed at Sylvie who was frozen.

"I am the great legacy, the controller of all time!"

"If I don't want to die, even if the universe is destroyed, I can still survive..."

The people left behind control all time and personally created the Time Administration to manage the timeline.

Maintain the sacred timeline, let the sacred timeline develop in the direction set by him, and eliminate all time branches.

Of course, he is not really a sinful person, and everything he does is to protect all of this.

Protect the sacred timeline, and protect the entire universe.

As time branches evolve, endless variations of Kang the Conqueror will be born on countless branches.

Most of them are very evil and want to trigger a war between multiverses and destroy the entire multiverse.

Kang, the legacy human, is one of the few variations among the many Kangs that considers the multiverse.

He won the battle with other Kangs, and then personally founded the Time Administration to eliminate all branches of time except the sacred timeline.

Suppress the birth of other variants of Kang the Conqueror and maintain the harmony of the multiverse and timelines.

However, as Sylvie killed him and the timeline was liberated, countless variants of Kang the Conqueror were born, and the war engulfing the multiverse will be staged again soon.

"In fact, the collapse of the time gravity machine was not an accident, but was destined, because its role is to protect the sacred timeline and eliminate all time branches except the sacred timeline..."

As the people left behind narrated, Loki finally knew everything, and finally understood that the plan to save the time gravity machine was doomed to fail from the beginning.

"And you now have two choices. One is to let her continue to kill me, liberate all timelines, and then eliminate every timeline due to the collapse of the time gravity machine."

"The other is to become a new legacy person, inherit my will, and continue to protect..."

An extremely serious expression appeared on the face of the man left behind. At this moment, he gave Loki two choices. Only in this way can the entire multiverse be saved.

"No, he actually has more choices..."

Just as Loki was digesting everything the people left behind said, and faced two different choices, he felt extremely embarrassed.

But a voice suddenly came from beside them, causing their expressions to change.

"who are you?"

Especially the person who was in charge of everything, he stood up from his seat in shock and looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

At some point, a figure appeared beside them.

"Impossible. I am the controller of all time. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to escape my perception... Who are you!"

The remaining person looked at the sudden appearance. Even though he controlled the time, he didn't realize how it appeared, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Is it you, Mr. Incredible? What's wrong with you?"

Loki, who recognized Peter, was also shocked, even though he knew that Peter had very powerful power.

But I never thought he would appear here.

"The person who is in charge of the legacy of all time, it seems you don't know everything..."

Peter looked at the shocked remnant Kang, shook his head slowly, and then turned to look at Loki next to him.

"He doesn't even know about the crisis of Infinite Ultron. The so-called elimination of all timelines and saving the sacred timeline is just the most helpless way!"

"And we have more and more perfect choices!"

... (end of this chapter)

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