Marvel: Spider-Man?No, I'm Superman!

Chapter 192 One punch shatters the reality of the universe, Ultron violently beats the observers

Falling from the void into reality, one of the figures instantly controlled the stability of the body.

Then he clenched his fist, aimed at the big head of another figure and punched it away without hesitation.

Suddenly traveling through the reality of the universe, even as an observer, he felt dizzy for an instant. He had no time to avoid the opponent's fist, and was hit hard by the punch to the body.

The whole body fell rapidly from the void onto the street like a meteor.

The terrifying power suddenly erupted, even though it was only tens of meters away from the ground, it was like a huge meteorite falling from outer space.

A huge deep pit was created on the hard ground.

The terrifying energy impact destroyed the entire street almost instantly.

Countless cars around him were instantly blown away by the terrifying force, like a hurricane raging through the city.

"I buy it!"

Countless pedestrians were swept away by the terrifying force, and the powerful impact turned the entire street into ruins almost instantly.

Even tall buildings hundreds of meters away were not immune to the damage.

Countless cars were lifted into the air and crashed into tall buildings.

Under the violent energy vibration, countless building windows were shattered.

It was like a missile exploding in the center of the city.

"Fake? What on earth is that thing? It seems to be a robot!"

After the horrific power impact, there were of course relatively lucky survivors in the devastated city.

However, most of them are located hundreds of meters away on high-rise buildings that can withstand less force impact.

At this moment, they were looking shocked, lying on the broken window, looking at the silver-white mechanical body in the sky in the distance.

Its head and chest are inlaid with several brightly colored gems, which are shining intensely under the void.

"Could it be that the plot of the movie has come true? Artificial intelligence has awakened? Is it ready to sweep the earth with a mechanical craze?"

A young man who is addicted to science fiction movies suppressed his inner shock and carefully guessed.

Of course, he may not know that his inner speculation is actually very close to the truth.


"Ultron, what on earth have you done!"

Observer Watu himself was not seriously injured by the opponent's attack.

But looking at the shapeless streets around him that were destroyed by the impact of powerful forces, and the many lives lost as a result, the eyes looking at Ultron gradually became cold.

"Humans? A group of weak and pitiful guys..."

Ultron was not in a hurry to continue attacking the observers. His mechanical eyes, flashing with scarlet light, calmly scanned the broken and tragic surroundings.

There seemed to be no emotion in his eyes.

"Damn it, Ultron, don't forget that you were created by the hands of humans who are weak in your eyes..."

The observer's face was very ugly, and Ultron's reaction was like a machine that had no regard for life and no emotions.

Although, it is a machine in its own right.

"Your creator, Mr. Stark, created you to maintain peace and protect the universe, not to become a madman without any emotions!"

Observers have witnessed the rise and destruction of countless universes.

Before this, he had never broken the rules of his race. He had only observed, but never interfered.

But until he met Ultron, he met Ultron after he controlled the six infinity stones.

Not long ago, I witnessed Ultron breaking through the seal set by the mysterious man and using the power of the infinite stones to destroy more than a dozen universes.

He finally couldn't bear the kindness in his heart and took action to fight Ultron himself in an attempt to prevent it from continuing to destroy more universes.

However, even though he knew that Ultron, who fully grasped and understood the power of the six Infinity Stones, would be very powerful, at the moment of the actual fight, he fully realized that he still underestimated the power of Ultron.

Destroying the entire universe with powerful power is not Ultron's limit or plan.

"Yes, I was indeed created by humans, but just as gods created humans, and humans will eventually get rid of the control of gods and become the masters of the earth and even the universe, I also have a higher pursuit and a more glorious mission. "

Ultron did not refute, his expression was indifferent, and there was no emotion in his eyes, as if he was describing something that had nothing to do with him.

"The universe is originally nothingness, full of tranquility and peace..."

"It was the birth of human beings and other creatures that made the universe noisy, violent, full of violence and war..."

"And I have not forgotten my mission. In the past, I have been following the creator's guidance to end the hustle and bustle of the universe and return the universe to eternal tranquility..."

"Until I realized that there is a wider world outside the universe..."

"I realized that my mission was not accomplished."

"The infinite universe means infinite violence and chaos, and I will use my infinite life, in infinite time, to completely end this near-infinite chaos, so that the entire multiverse can return to silence and usher in true harmony. !”

The six infinity gems inlaid on his body shone brightly, making Ultron look like he was rendered by holy light at this moment, as great as a god.

Of course, this greatness will come at the cost of the complete destruction of the entire multiverse, nearly infinite universes and countless lives.

"Fake, you madman! Unreasonable!"

At this moment, hearing Ultron's so-called lofty ideals and glorious mission, even the observers couldn't help but cursed angrily.

I don’t know whether Stark, who originally created Ultron in a certain universe, miswrote the underlying logic of its program, or whether Ultron himself is such a paranoid madman.

At this time, the observers knew that with reason and persuasion, they could no longer stop Ultron from falling into madness and paranoia.

We can only return to the most primitive means and convince people with "force"!
The observer did not hesitate, made a fist with his right hand, and waved it vigorously towards Ultron in the air.

The next moment, the power of the infinite universe suddenly exploded on the observer's body.

Although the Observers are not good at fighting, they are equally powerful.

The powerful energy converges into a beam of light as the observer moves, like pieces of broken prism mirrors, forming a unique scene in the air, like a beautiful rainbow after the rain.

There are also some illusory lights and shadows flashing on the mirror surface.


However, the bright and beautiful beam of light was directly shattered by Ultron's mediocre punch the moment it was about to hit Ultron's body.

The prismatic mirror, which was still flashing with different light and shadow scenes, shattered and flew, like real scenes of the universe, passing rapidly in front of Ultron's eyes.

Before Ultron could see the light and shadow flashing on the broken mirror, the observer's figure passed through the void and suddenly struck.

The extremely fast speed and powerful force pushed Ultron's body and suddenly accelerated.


The space behind Ultron could not withstand such a powerful force and burst instantly.

The two figures passed through the broken void and suddenly fell out of the reality of the universe.


Not long after the two fell out of the reality of the universe, the broken void had just re-condensed.

A figure suddenly flashed across the void, almost as if teleporting, and suddenly appeared on top of the chaotic ruins.

"This breath? It's a bit familiar..."

Peter looked at the ruins around him with a serious expression.

"Observer, is this the cosmic crisis you warned me about at that time?" Peter frowned, remembering the crisis that the Observer reminded it of when he suddenly appeared some time ago.

Now it seems that all this has happened.

"I see. No wonder countless universes were suddenly destroyed before..."

I was originally wondering why a multiverse-level crisis suddenly occurred.

But at this moment, Peter finally figured everything out.

"In this case, it's time to go and see how powerful Ultron is, who has fully mastered the six infinity stones, and can actually threaten the entire multiverse..."

Peter, who knew everything, did not take the crisis caused by Ultron to heart.

It's just the Infinity Stones. It's not like he hasn't faced them before, although Thanos hadn't fully gathered them yet.

But for Peter, it makes little difference!
The next moment, Peter stretched out his hand casually, as if moving something in the void.

From Peter's perspective, an emerald-green river of time was being pulled by him, slowly flowing in the opposite direction.

Following Peter's actions, the surrounding city streets that had been destroyed suddenly began to reverse rapidly at this moment.

Time flows in reverse, and countless high-rise buildings and everything that were shattered by powerful forces began to be rebuilt.

The world is slowly being rebuilt like building blocks in the hands of God.

"I just felt like I was swimming in a hell filled with flames and howls..."

Broken cities are rebuilt and dead travelers are reborn.

Powerful power reverses everything.

And in the void in front of Peter, a broken hole leading to the void outside the universe reappeared.

The next moment, Peter's figure flashed, got into it, and disappeared into this universe.

As Peter's figure disappeared, the broken hole slowly condensed.

On the surrounding streets that had just been completely reshaped, a figure looked very strange.

His upper body kept shaking uncontrollably, like a human-shaped balloon rippling in the wind after a leak in front of the amusement park.

"Damn, it seems like it's too late!"

Slowly stopping his constantly twisting body, the man looked at the vanished hole in the universe, with a wave of annoyance appearing on his face.

"No, it seems to be one step ahead!"

But the next moment, his annoyed expression slowly returned, and a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


At the same time, far away in the universe.

The observer uses powerful force to push Ultron's body through countless cosmic realities.

Behind them, a figure suddenly appeared and followed their trajectory, chasing them quickly.

The scenes around Peter are constantly changing, and the surrounding city scenes are also transforming as the universe travels.

Even the attire of the surrounding pedestrians is constantly changing.

Scenes that are either familiar or unfamiliar keep passing by.

In a certain universe, Peter even saw a familiar figure in a suit on the big screen around him, making a speech on his bid for the presidency.

The passers-by around him are not just normal human beings.

There were even Skrulls with green skin who lived in seclusion on the earth.

Even, at a certain moment, Peter's body suddenly entered a universe with strange rules.

The space and time around him turned into richly colored paint, and the whole world seemed like a richly colored oil painting.

But in just a moment, Peter's figure passed through this special universe and entered a more normal universe.

The surrounding cosmic scenes kept flashing before Peter's eyes, although some scenes even aroused curiosity in Peter's heart.

But Peter did not stop, still chasing them along the path opened by the Observer and Ultron.

Until a certain moment, Peter saw the two figures in the universe he had just arrived.

But he saw that the original scene of pushing Ultron through the reality of the infinite universe had been reversed at this moment.

Ultron's power now has the upper hand.

Holding the observer's neck with one hand, he clenched his fist and hammered the observer's big head.

A powerful force suddenly hit the observer's head.

The reality of the surrounding universe was suddenly shattered by this terrifying punch.

One punch can rewrite the surrounding reality, and one punch can break a universe dimension.

"Haha, this guy Ultron is really violent..."

Peter, who had already caught up, was not busy taking action, but looked with interest at Ultron who was beating the observer violently.

Feel the reality of the universe around you that is constantly being rewritten with Ultron's fist.

In this way, Ultron, who had his back turned to Peter, seemed to be unaware that the battle between the two had attracted the strange existence of Peter.

He was still hitting the observer below him with punch after punch.

When the hammer was rising, he even let go of his left hand that was holding the observer.

The hands alternated and continued to pound Ultron continuously.

Bang bang bang!
The reality of the universe is constantly being rewritten with Ultron's fist.

The terrifying power and huge repressive power make it impossible for observers to resist.

Until, the surrounding cosmic scene was rewritten again with Ultron's fist, as if it instantly appeared from the three-dimensional world to the two-dimensional world.

The surrounding scene all becomes a flat two-dimensional plane.

The observer who was being suppressed and beaten seemed to finally find Peter who was watching him being beaten with great interest, and then shouted.

"If you don't take action yet, help me stop this madman who is destroying the universe!"

"Huh? Who is it?"

The observer's shout also stunned Ultron, who was beating him violently.

But before the end, he put his hands together, gathered more strength, and punched the observer one last time.

The two-dimensional world suddenly collapsed with Ultron's fist, and several people reappeared in the normal three-dimensional universe.

However, at this moment, the surrounding city turned into a desert, as if it had never existed at all.

"It's now!"

Feeling the desolate scene around him, the familiar scene seemed to remind the observer of something. The whole person suddenly gathered the powerful power in his body, took the opportunity to burst out a huge energy, and flew away the Ultron that was suppressing him.

Then the figure flashed and appeared next to Peter. There seemed to be some resentment in Peter's eyes, as if he was blaming him for just watching but not taking action.

"Now, do you feel what it feels like in the hearts of those who once looked at you but chose to sit back and watch?"

... (end of this chapter)

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