Marvel: Spider-Man?No, I'm Superman!

Chapter 168 The dusty experiment restarts

Chapter 168 The dusty experiment restarts

In the process of fighting endless zombies for several years.

Reed has tried countless ways to defeat zombies.

However, this zombie virus is too mysterious and powerful.

The speed and efficiency of infection far exceeds any virus known to mankind.

Even superheroes with special abilities can't resist it. They are instantly infected and turn into zombies that still retain their abilities but have no relatives and only know how to eat.

Infected by many zombies who retained superpowers, in just a few months, they swept across the entire earth and infected almost most of the human race.

Only a few heroes with special abilities are left, resisting tenaciously.

Reed has also tried to fight zombies with other heroes.

However, their power was ultimately too small to withstand the thousands of zombies that attacked them endlessly.

In the end, Reed's companions were all eaten or infected by zombies during the war with zombies.

After that, Reed could only lock himself in a special underground base, and spent years researching an antidote to the zombie virus.

Until today, he was selected by a special council from the multiverse and realized the mystery and vastness of the universe.

He even saw a special energy that he felt could completely make up for the zombie crisis in his own universe.

"Can this speed force really travel through time and modify the past and future?"

At this moment, Reed, who came from the zombie universe, said nothing, his eyes fixed on the ball of energy in the center of the conference table that exuded a mysterious aura and was like lightning.

There was strong excitement in his eyes, but he couldn't help but have a hint of doubt.

"So now, what do we need to do?"

There is no doubt that almost everyone is attracted by this small ray of speed force in front of them, and it is difficult to believe that it contains such a shocking huge energy.

At the same time, they are well aware that if not solving the crisis sweeping the multiverse.

They will never miss the precious opportunity to study such special energy.

"Since everyone has no objections to the establishment of the parliament."

"Then I hereby announce that the first Multiverse Technology Council will be established!"

"As for the rules to be followed when joining the parliament and becoming one of them, I have presented them to you. Please remember the rules and abide by them..."

"If you have different opinions on the rules, you can raise them. After unanimous discussion and approval by all members, new rules will be established!"

With Reed's excited announcement, Parliament was immediately established.

On the virtual projection in front of everyone, a long list of rules that need to be followed to join the parliament also appeared.

First of all, the first one is that you cannot disclose any information about the existence of the parliament to others at will.

The second is that you cannot use the advanced technology of the parliament to change the technological development rate of your own universe without consent.

The security of each universe cannot be jeopardized by any means.

You cannot enter other universes at will, etc...

There are dozens of rules among cosmic civilizations that need to be followed.

And if any one of them is violated, all memories of the Parliament will be cleared under the witness of all members of the Parliament, and he will be exiled back to the original universe.

If it causes serious consequences and causes the universe to collapse and die, it will be exiled to endless nothingness and endure endless loneliness.

"Everyone, I believe you already understand the rules you need to abide by after joining the parliament."

After waiting for a while, Reed saw that the others did not raise any objections for the time being, with a smile on his lips, and then continued.

"If you can accept everything so far, then place your palms on the conference table in front of you..."

After hearing what Reed said, several people slowly lowered their heads and looked at the silver conference table.

At some point, a luminous pattern on the palm of my hand appeared on the table, waiting for their final confirmation.


Reed, who came from the zombie universe, put his right hand on the table without any hesitation.

The next moment, all his identity information, including his universe number, was uploaded to the multiverse parliament system terminal.


Suddenly, a group of special nano-metal particles appeared on the originally empty table, and instantly gathered into a special silver device on Zombie Universe Reed's wrist.

"Is this? A watch?"

He couldn't help but be startled by the sudden situation, but when he looked at the sudden addition of a watch-like device on his wrist, a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes.

"This is a credential for being a member of the parliament. It has many powerful special functions, such as creating an energy shield that can withstand the impact of a small nuclear bomb explosion for a short period of time, or opening a portal to the parliament, uploading and downloading to the parliament system. information and other functions.”

Reed spoke slowly and briefly introduced this special device.

"By the way, it doesn't need to communicate with language. It can read your thoughts and control them with your thoughts..."

Even though it is small, the functions it contains are very powerful.

"Check my profile..."

Zombie Universe Reid had an idea and was ready to try this special device.

Almost at the moment his thoughts moved slightly, a virtual light curtain appeared on the watch.

[Name: Reed Richards

From: Zombie Universe Number 1…………]

And it also contains all his information, including simple information about his universe.

"View parliamentary technology information..."

The next moment, Reed closed his information and couldn't wait to check the scientific and technological information currently in the parliament.

Almost instantly, the virtual projection in front of him changed accordingly.

Countless scientific and technological materials are divided into various major categories such as energy science, materials science, biology, etc.

Under the big categories, there are countless smaller categories.

At the same time, countless scientific and technological data are eventually connected together like a technological tree to form special achievements, such as spaceships, energy shields, energy cannons, steel armors and other finished technologies.

As a member of Parliament, Reed has sufficient authority to inquire about the technology contained in it.

He almost did not hesitate to skip other powerful scientific and technological information including spacecraft, energy, materials, etc.

Go directly to the biological classification, search for scientific and technological information on virology, and read it carefully.


Seeing the performance of Reed from the Lost Universe, several other people looked at each other and seemed a little hesitant.

"There is nothing to hesitate. I can't wait to learn more advanced technological knowledge!"

Soon, someone couldn't restrain their curiosity and directly pressed their hands to the palm prints that represented consent.

Although Reed, who invited them, was modest enough, he said that all members who join the parliament must share their scientific and technological data and information.

It seems to be to collect the advanced technology of their universe and enrich the technological accumulation of the parliament.

But they all know that since people can span endless universes and invite them from different universes to come here.

It means that the technology of this universe has developed to an incredible level.

The scientific and technological achievements they have studied are almost indispensable for such an advanced cosmic civilization.

Having already taken advantage of such a huge advantage, they naturally had nothing to hesitate. "You're right, we really have nothing to hesitate about!"

Although this parliament still makes them feel very mysterious until now, they have not even left this extremely sturdy special conference room to see what the universe that invited them is like and how prosperous it is.

But they seemed to have nothing to hesitate about.

The next moment, several people all agreed to join the parliament and became one of the first members of the parliament.

Later, with the help of the watch formed by nanoparticles, he began to read and upload scientific and technological achievements and information.


a few days later.

Some time has passed since the first Multiverse Council opened.

During this time, other members of the parliament also uploaded the more important scientific research results in their universe.

Of course, although the technological achievements they have mastered are advanced, they cannot compare with this cosmic civilization that has experienced technological leaps and can even open the passage to the multiverse.

However, science is about exploring the infinite mysteries of the universe in the future.

Some advanced civilizations may have extremely advanced developments and achievements based on certain technologies.

But it does not mean that in the technological development of backward civilizations, there are no scientific and technological achievements required by advanced civilizations.

In short, with the complementary technology of several universes, the multiverse conference can also show its true role.

The collision of countless different technologies can produce more brilliant sparks.

In particular, every member of the Council is one of the smartest humans in their universe.

When encountering technological barriers that are difficult to solve, they hold meetings to discuss new research directions and plans.

Of course, now they have put all their energy on how to create more Speed ​​Force and combine the Speed ​​Force with the multiverse shuttle.

And the research efficiency is far from being comparable to that of only one Reed.

It might have taken Reed several years to perfectly combine the Speed ​​Force with the multiverse shuttle.

However, through the joint research of many members, in just over half a month, some insights have already been drawn.

Corresponding experiments are even already underway.

Perhaps in the near future, gratifying results will appear.

"It seems that he was right to agree to Reed's establishment of a parliament."

After receiving Reed's results report, Peter couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"However, it seems that maybe soon, I will be able to go to the DC universe and explore the situation when that universe crosses the barrier of the omnipotent universe and appears in the Marvel universe."

After being slightly surprised, Peter also knew that maybe soon, he would be able to go to the DC Universe alone.

"But, before going to the DC Universe, maybe I should make some corresponding preparations!"

However, although he can go to the DC Universe, Peter feels a little excited.

But he knew very well that this was not a relaxing trip.

In the DC universe, there is a crisis that suddenly occurs without knowing when, just like the Marvel universe.

Moreover, there are even more powerful beings in the DC universe than in the Marvel universe.

There are even more terrifying beings out there who secretly seek to destroy the entire DC multiverse.

And the source of the crisis that Peter wants to explore may be someone secretly trying to destroy the multiverse.

This also means that his journey to DC will never be peaceful.

" seems like it's time to start that plan!"

Peter suddenly remembered a special being he encountered not long after he arrived in the Marvel Universe and had just awakened the power of Superman.

The original special and crazy plan, but so far, it has never really started.

Thinking of this, Peter didn't hesitate at all, and his whole body disappeared in an instant.


in a blink.

Peter's figure appeared on another secret space station far away in space.

During this period, they not only helped Tianjian Bureau establish a space fortress base, but also secretly built several space stations.

Thanks to the development of optical stealth materials, some of their space stations hidden in space are undetectable by almost all human countries.

Even except for Peter himself, no one else knows how many secret space station bases belong to their company in space.

At this moment, what Peter came to was a special space station that few people knew about except him.

In this space station, there is not much scientific research conducted.

There is only one, and that is the continuous exploration of biological and genetic science.

The scientist who leads this mysterious space station is none other than Professor Connors, who has not been seen by humans for a long time!
As Peter suddenly appeared on the space station.

Professor Connors, who was concentrating on scientific experiments, received the news and completed the experiment as soon as possible and recorded all the information.

Ten minutes later, he hurried over to meet Peter.

"Mr. Superman, long time no see. Why did you suddenly come to my place today?"

Connors, wearing special protective clothing, walked quickly towards Peter, extended his right hand and greeted Peter.

It is worth mentioning that at this moment, Connors's originally lost arm has long since regenerated, and the whole person looks no different from a normal person.

"Long time no see, Professor Connors, how was the previous experiment going?"

Peter asked slowly, although he had not been to this mysterious laboratory in person for a long time.

But contact with the outside world is not completely lost here.

With the establishment of the Multiverse Council, biological technology shared by various other members was shared here.

Especially the zombie virus that can infect the entire universe is what Connors is trying to crack at the moment.

"Sorry, Mr. Superman, the experiment is not going well."

"Without the pathogen of that virus, it would be difficult for us to truly understand the information about the mysterious virus, and we would not be able to produce corresponding therapeutic agents."

Speaking of the experiment, Professor Connors had a disappointed expression on his face.

Peter was cautious enough not to actually bring the zombie virus pathogen into their universe even as he was researching an antidote to the zombie virus.

"In this case, let's give up that experiment for now..."

Peter said without any hesitation that he could not put his own universe in danger for the sake of other universes.

"This...Mr. Superman, please stop thinking about it..."

Connors was a little hesitant. As a scientist, what he was most excited about was exploring the unknown.

"No need to think about it, not to mention, you will start to conduct more important experiments next!"

Peter had an undoubted expression on his face, and then he spoke slowly, causing the already somewhat disappointed Professor Connors to instantly show an expression of expectation and excitement on his face.

"Mr. Superman, are you talking about...that big guy?"


(End of this chapter)

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