Marvel: Spider-Man?No, I'm Superman!

Chapter 142 Star-Lord refuses to become a god

Chapter 142 Star-Lord refuses to become a god

The moment the black spot appeared.

An extremely powerful gravitational force suddenly emitted.

The terrifying gravity is constantly tearing at everything around it.

The two closest planets that had just split were the first to be affected by such a strong gravitational pull.

Soon, the powerful gravitational force emitted by it surpassed the gravitational force emitted by the two planets.

The earth above the planet was lifted directly from the ground due to the stronger gravitational pull.

Countless pieces of gravel and land were pulled by the strong gravity and flew into the void.

And that black light spot is also growing.

In just a few moments, it had grown to the size of several meters.

The ultimate darkness, as if even light can be pulled against it and become distorted.

Countless rays of light revolve around the ultimate black spot.

Everything that enters the black hole's horizon, even light, cannot escape and can only be completely swallowed by the black hole.

"Is this guy still... human?"

At this moment, in space, Yondu and other crew members looked at the horrific scene on the screen, their hearts already numb from shock.

Just now, Thor split a planet in half with an axe. They thought it was because he belonged to the Gods and controlled the powerful power of the Gods.

However, now, a seemingly ordinary human being can actually create the most terrifying celestial body in the universe, a black hole, with his hands.

This is completely beyond their understanding of human beings.

"Perhaps, from now on, there will be a legend spread in the universe: don't attack the earth if you hit anyone, and don't mess with humans if you mess with anyone!"

At this moment, Yondu and others finally fully realized the horror of the earth.

Any random human being has the terrifying power to destroy the powerful interstellar empire in the universe.

"Farke, is that a black hole? Start the spacecraft quickly and get out of here as soon as possible!"

However, compared to Yondu and others, the distance is still far enough, and there is no need to worry about being pulled by the strong gravity of the black hole and being unable to escape.

Rocket and others, who were floating not far away and observing the situation, hurriedly started the spacecraft as soon as the black hole appeared, and moved away from the black hole's range as quickly as possible.

"Damn it, who are those two guys? They can even create a black hole!"

Gradually, the rocket drove the spacecraft away from the gravitational range of the black hole, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, slowly stopped the spacecraft, and couldn't help but exclaimed with some relief.

"Damn it, Puppy Bear, Quill's still in there, we forgot to take him out."

Suddenly, Drax seemed to remember something and shouted to Rocket.


Hearing Drax's words, Rocket was stunned for a moment, as if hesitating, and didn't even care when Drax called him a bear.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go back and save him!"

Drax shouted, about to sit in the driving position of the spacecraft and drive the spacecraft back.

"Sorry, I deceived you before. Your friend may be... gone!"

At this moment, the girl with tentacles on her head, who had been silent next to them, slowly opened her mouth and said something that surprised the two of them.

"What? Quill is dead? This is impossible!"

Drax looked disbelieving.

"What exactly is going on? Why did you suddenly find Star-Lord? And is that old guy actually Star-Lord's biological father?"

As if Rocket had expected it, he directly took out the energy cannon and pointed it at the girl, suppressing his anger and asking.


"No, it's impossible, you can't be so powerful!"

At this time, as the black hole is created, it releases a powerful gravitational force.

Ego, whose body is as huge as a planet, cannot easily escape the gravitational range of the black hole.

In just a short moment, the body of his planet was continuously torn apart by the powerful gravity.

The size of the entire planet has shrunk by one-tenth.

And the black hole that was constantly devouring the remains of his body was growing stronger after devouring things.

At this moment, its diameter is already tens of meters in size.

The terrifying darkness almost completely enveloped the skies above the two planets.

Even the light of stars shining in the distance is pulled by the huge gravity and is immediately swallowed by the black hole.

At this moment, there is no doubt that Egg is facing the most powerful crisis since his birth.

The body of the planet that originally gave him almost eternal life has become his greatest weakness at this moment.

Because of his huge body, he could not escape the black hole.

At some point, his body will be completely swallowed by the power of the black hole.

Unless he can give up this planet that brings him great power and give up his eternal life and power.

"No, there is absolutely no way I would give up my power and life."

"I have found a descendant who has inherited my power. As long as it is swallowed and integrated with me, my great plan to swallow the entire universe and become an eternal existence will be completed."

"There's no way I'm giving this up."

In the center of a planet, Egg's brain was beating like a heart.

This is the source of his power and the core of everything he is about to accomplish in his great plan to devour the universe.

If this brain is destroyed, then everything about him will be completely terminated at this moment.

The planet shell surrounding the brain is the last line of defense for his life.

If the black hole with strong gravity is allowed to continue to swallow up, the entire outer shell of the planet will be swallowed up.

Then his fragile brain will be exposed and then completely destroyed.

"No, I still have a chance. As long as I have enough time, when my unfilial son is completely devoured, I will no longer need the protection of the planet's shell."

"I am the true eternity!"

Suddenly, Egg realized that he had another chance, which was to completely devour his child who had inherited his power as soon as possible and merge it with himself.

At that time, with the power of the two gods, he will instantly devour the planets in the entire universe where he has planted the seeds of power.

And by then, he will no longer be threatened by anything.

Thinking of this, Yi Ge instantly gathered his strength, manipulated his consciousness, and came to an illusory space, surrounded by endless starry sky, and the bright stars were looming in the endless starry sky.

In front of him was Star-Lord with a look of shock and disbelief.

"My child, we should have a good talk now!"


"Farke, what is going on? Where are we now? What happened just now?"

"Also, what did you say before about merging with me, ruling the entire universe together, and becoming eternity?"

Star-Lord's memory at this moment was still about his father being suddenly killed by an intruder.

When he was angry, he discovered that his father not only did not die, but also wanted to become one with him.

However, as his consciousness suddenly awakened, Star-Lord also instantly realized that the reason why his father found him did not seem to be simple.

"Dear child, I have not told you my true identity before."

Egg looked at Star-Lord with a kind face, but his heart was already filled with eagerness.

However, in order for Star-Lord to cooperate with him, accept his own power, integrate with himself, and conquer the universe, he must patiently explain everything to him.

He believed that no one could refuse to become a true god, and he was the supreme god who controlled the entire universe and had eternal life.

"Tens of billions of years ago, this universe was just born, and I was an ancient existence that existed when the universe was born." "As the endless years of the universe passed, I gradually awakened to my self-awareness."

"However, I found that I have no body, and my self is a planet that has existed for countless years."

"However, I possess unparalleled potential and the most powerful power in the entire universe, which I call the power of the gods."

"Gradually, I took control of my divine power and created everything. I made the originally bare planet covered with beautiful plants."

"I filled the lifeless planet with vigorous life."

“In the end, I realized that this wasn’t really what I was after.”

"My divine power can do more things. It can make me stronger, and even control the entire universe."

Speaking of this, Egg gradually concealed the strong excitement and ambition in his heart, forced himself to calm down, and continued.

"Until, I met you, my child, you were really lucky."

"In the endless years, I have left my seeds on countless planets, but only you have truly taken root and inherited my divine power."

"Your existence will be my greatest help in controlling the entire universe."

"Working together, you and I, father and son, will become the masters of the universe and the eternity of everything."

"Join me, control the entire universe with me, become the most supreme god in the universe, and enjoy eternal life."

After saying that, Egg couldn't help but open his hands, as if he wanted to embrace the entire universe.

At the same time, he smiled at the stunned Star-Lord, waiting for Star-Lord to fall into his arms excitedly.

"Becoming a god in a human body? Am I really... okay?"

Star-Lord's tone couldn't help but tremble.

And this is not surprising, no one can refuse the temptation of becoming a god and eternal life.

What's more, Star-Lord is just an ordinary person who has lacked father's love since he was a child and has been wandering the universe for countless years without a destination.

"Of course, as long as you agree to merge with me and share our power."

"Then, you will have everything and become the true master of life, a god!"

Looking at the unconcealable longing in Star-Lord's eyes, Ego seemed to have foreseen every second of the scene where he would fall into his arms in the next moment.


"Is this what you mean by divine power?"

Star-Lord slowly raised his hands, and a blue energy spurted out from his hands. Perhaps he was close enough to the source of Ego's power at this time, so he could easily control this powerful divine power.

The divine power was in his hands, constantly twisting and transforming based on his thoughts, and finally, it slowly transformed into the shadow he remembered most, the most beautiful appearance of his mother when he was a child.

"Yes, that's it. Feel that power and stimulate the hidden potential in your body."

"Then accept me and merge with my power."

Seeing the divine power inspired by Star-Lord's hands, Ego's excitement was beyond words and he couldn't contain himself.

If it weren't for maintaining his own image, he might have been completely unable to control himself and pounced on Star-Lord.

"This power seems to make me the master of everything. It's really fascinating."

Star-Lord stared unblinkingly at the palm of his hand. To be precise, he was staring at the figure of his mother transformed by divine power.

"It's just a pity that although this power is powerful, it cannot resurrect the person I love most."

Star-Lord slowly dispersed the power in his palm, his face full of regret.

"No, no, that is eternal power and life. Are you giving up your qualifications to become a god for that insignificant person?"

Watching Star-Lord dissipate his divine power, Ego's expression suddenly changed, and he spoke unscrupulously to stop him.

"Insignificant person? That is my mother, your former love! Now, you actually call her an insignificant person?"

Upon hearing Ego's words, Star-Lord instantly became extremely angry and glared at Ego.

"Uh... we'll talk about this later. The most important thing now is that we need to integrate as soon as possible..."

Egg didn't expect Star-Lord to react so much. He showed a loving smile again and wanted to continue to be kind.

"Haha, in the past few days, I have indeed experienced a father's love from you that I have never had before."

"Unfortunately, everything is just false."

Star-Lord looked at Ego calmly, but his eyes no longer had the expression he had when facing his relatives before, and were full of calmness.

"Unfortunately, there was no trace of love for my mother in your eyes just now. In other words, you just seemed to be looking at a stranger."

"In your endless life, you have had countless partners. Perhaps you have already become numb, right?"

"And you, despite being numb to love, are still reproducing offspring."

"Your purpose is just to give birth to a lucky person like me who inherits your divine power among countless descendants, right?"

Suddenly, Star-Lord's eyes when looking at Ego became fierce, and his tone gradually became more serious, until finally, he seemed to be questioning.

"Hahaha, it seems that my guess is absolutely correct. You were happy not because you found your descendants, but because you found the descendants who inherit your power!"

Star-Lord suddenly laughed loudly, as if he was using laughter to cover up his inner sadness.

From the beginning to the end, he did not fully believe this biological father who suddenly appeared. It was not until the moment he saw the other person's indifference to seeing his mother's figure that he finally confirmed everything he was thinking in his heart.

"Sorry, no matter what, I can't leave the future of the entire universe in the hands of an emotionless person like you."

"No, you can't even be called a human, you're just a cold stone."

Star-Lord's unabashed words finally made Ego's face turn cold.

"Hmph, I should have let you die of cancer like your mother did."

"What did you say?"

Originally, Star-Lord thought that it was unacceptable for him to accept that the father in front of him did not love his mother.

But at this moment, when he learned the truth, his face was filled with anger.

"You die for me!"

The next moment, Star-Lord suddenly wanted to take out his weapon and kill the guy in front of him who killed his mother.

"Where's my gun?"

However, soon, he found that his gun disappeared.

"Haha, it's a pity that this is not reality. You can't cause any harm to me at all."

Egg looked at Star-Lord with an excited smile on his face.

"You'd better accept your fate and completely integrate with me. That way, you can at least survive and don't have to be like your mother..."

However, Egg didn't finish speaking yet.

But suddenly a blue beam of light penetrated his body.

It turned out that Peter was angry and unleashed his magical power.

"Hahaha, the more you awaken your divine power, the happier I will be."

Egg's body slowly dissipated, but his voice lingered in Star-Lord's ears like a magic spell.

"Since you don't want to merge with me and become the god who dominates the universe, then you can become the nourishment of my divine power and help me conquer the entire universe!"

The next moment, before Star-Lord could react, blue energy tentacles suddenly emerged from under his feet.

Without him reacting, it wrapped around his whole body, spreading over his body like a rapidly growing vine.

"Oh no!"

Star-Lord roared unwillingly, but found that the next moment, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

The surrounding starry sky has disappeared.

The reality around him was that he was surrounded by blue energy, surrounded by red steaming magma.


(End of this chapter)

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