"Yeah, let's go, follow us and have a look." Yue Fuli said as she walked towards the independent courtyard.

The group of people soon arrived at the independent courtyard. Yue Fuli was the first to jump on the wall and looked into the courtyard.

But I found that the yard was empty and very quiet.

"It's strange, I just saw someone coming in, why is there no one here?" Yue Fuli muttered, feeling the atmosphere in the yard. But no matter how she felt, there was no one in the whole yard, not even a cat.

Obviously, the woman who just entered the yard left again. Then there is only one possibility, there is a secret passage in this yard. She went to another place through the secret passage in the yard.

This time it was troublesome. Not only did they have to find the secret passage, but they also had to do it without others discovering it.

"There should be a secret passage, let's look for it." After Yue Fuli finished speaking, she took the lead in entering the yard. Yue Yi and others followed closely behind her. After entering the courtyard, they began to look for the secret passage.

Generally speaking, the secret passage will be in the room. Therefore, Yue Fuli, Yue Yi and others' first target was inside the house.

There was no padlock in the house, which made Yue Yi very happy, so he reached out and pushed the door open. After pushing, I found that the door was locked from the inside. Obviously, the woman entered the house and locked the door before entering the secret passage.

When she comes out of the secret passage, she can go out directly from here.

I have to say that this woman still has some brains. There was actually an empty courtyard set up for them here.

If it weren't for their luck, they happened to meet that woman, and Yue Fuli's memory was good enough to remember her appearance. Otherwise, it would be easy to miss it.

Speaking of which, Yue Fuli knew that the woman from Yue Zhen Lake lived in this town, thanks to the information given by An Lou.

Before, when she took over the Anlou, she issued an order to ask the Anlou's help to find out the truth about her father Yue Zhenhai's collaboration with the enemy and treason. As time went by, the people in the dark building lived up to her expectations and found more and more things. Although it is still a little far from the truth, Yue Fuli believes that with her own arrival, the truth will soon come to light.

"Young Master, what should I do?" Yue Yi looked at Yue Fuli and asked. It's easy to open this door, just a kick.

Just in this way, it is easy to attract other people's attention.

It would be easier if the woman's place was far away from this courtyard, but I'm afraid it would be too close. If there was any movement on their side, she would know about it.

If so, then their trip was in vain. Moreover, this place is so mysterious that it may have a big secret.

"Yue Qi, it's your turn now." Yue Fuli turned her head and glanced at a subordinate beside her, and said with a smile.

Yue Qi's martial arts is not very good among these people, but he knows a lot of things, especially those from all three religions.

And unlocking is one of the things he knows how to do. This is also the reason why Yue Fuli chose him and took him with her.

Although these little tricks may not be popular, they can come in handy at critical moments.

"Yes, young master!" Yue Qi responded, immediately walked to the front, took out a thin piece of iron, inserted it into the door bolt, and started fiddling with it gently.

After a while, there was a soft sound, and a smile appeared on Yue Qi's face, and she said to Yue Fuli, "Young Master, it's done!"

Yue Fuli glanced at Yue Yi, who immediately stretched out his hand and pushed, and the door opened with force. (End of chapter)

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