The old lady was still a little angry at first, but after hearing Fang Jiu's words, her anger dissipated a lot.As for whether Fang Jiu is here to take care of her or control her, we will know after a long time.

Moreover, the old lady felt that even if she really wanted to do something, Fang Jiu might not be able to control it.No matter what, as a person who earns wages, she has to listen to her boss, right?

Yue Fuli watched Fang Jiu calm down the old lady's temper with just a few words, and became more and more satisfied with her.

Before, she was worried that she would mess up the matter and give the old lady a bad impression of Fang Jiu, fearing that the two would quarrel.Looking at it now, she was completely worried.With Fang Jiu's level of speaking, the old lady would definitely obey her words.

Fortunately, Fang Jiu was from the dark building, otherwise I really wouldn't know whether he was looking for trouble or a helper.

Later, Yue Fuli introduced Fang Jiu to her family, and then personally arranged a room for her.

Originally, Yue Fuli wanted Fang Jiu to live next door to her, but she refused. She offered to live in the room next to the old lady, saying that it would be more convenient to take care of the old lady.

Yue Fuli did not object and asked Sanniang and Xiuwan to help clean up the room.

Bedding and other items are all ready-made at home, and other things were bought in the city yesterday.Therefore, Fang Jiu settled down quickly.

Yue Fuli stayed at home for a few days and was sure that Fang Jiu could handle the old lady. Seeing that the relationship between the two was getting better and better, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

Things at home were settled, and Yue Fuli also made arrangements for business in the city.Whether it was a workshop, a shop, or another property, Yue Fuli inspected it and made sure there were no problems before returning to the village, preparing to have a meal with his family and then leave.

Everyone in the family knew that Yue Fuli was going on a long trip.

Now that I see that she specially asked people to buy a lot of vegetables, I know that this meal must be a practical one.

During the meal, the children felt preoccupied. They were worried about their sister, but they were powerless to stop it.

Seeing that her younger brothers and sisters were unhappy, Yue Fuli talked to them for a while after eating. Not only did she tell them what she was going to do, but she also told them about her future plans in case something happened and she couldn't come back. said.

The escape route mentioned by Yue Fuli is, first, Magistrate Yang's side, and second, Yin Xin's side.Yin Xin came to Qianzhou with Butler Lin, but she did not do business with Butler Lin, but went to prepare a way out.

Not long ago, she just received a letter from Yin Xin, saying that she had found a place and was arranging for people to start building a house.If there are no accidents, it is estimated that Zhuangzi can be built in two or three months.

Yue Fuli didn't go to that place, but Yin Xin drew a map and token for her.If something happens to her, the younger brothers and sisters can take the token to find Yin Xin.

Knowing that her sister had arranged everything, Zhang and his brothers and sisters felt very uncomfortable for a while.They suddenly felt that they were useless. Not only could they not help their sister with such a big thing as rehabilitating their father, but they had to ask her sister to arrange a way out for them.

No, they have to work harder and harder.

After talking to her younger siblings, Yue Fuli went directly to her room to rest.Early the next morning, she planned to leave quietly without disturbing everyone.

But she didn't expect that when she went out, not only her younger brothers and sisters were up early, but also the old lady and the others were standing in the yard waiting for her.

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