In a spot check exam, some people were happy and some were worried.

Yue Fuli's rewards and punishments were equally simple and crude, with silver being directly awarded and work being punished.What work do you do?
Now the family is opening up wasteland, and the children are too young, so naturally they cannot go.But you can go to the mountains to collect firewood.

Yue Fuli not only set a number of days for them to pick up, but also set a daily quantity.

That is, if you don't do well in the exam, you have to pick up a basket of firewood every day.Of course, since the children were too young, Yue Fuli would not let them go alone, but would have people follow them secretly.As long as the children are not in danger, the person following them secretly will not appear.

The amount of silver rewarded is based on ranking. No. 1 gets one tael of silver, then No. 2 gets 900 coins, No. 3800 coins, and so on.

Neither Yue Zhenhe nor Yue Zhenjiang had any objections to the children going up the mountain to collect firewood.However, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Hu felt sorry for their children and followed them up the mountain when they went to collect firewood.

People with Yue Fuli were watching secretly, and Wu and Hu couldn't help their children cheat even if they wanted to.

At night, Yue Fuli found Yue Zhenhe and Yue Zhenjiang and told them about her plan to form a caravan.

The two of them wanted to go on a business trip with them, but unfortunately their status didn't allow them.After all, they are exiled prisoners and cannot leave Qianzhou Mansion.

If you can’t go there by yourself, then you can only invest money.They have confidence in Yue Fuli and feel that they can definitely make money by following her.

Although Yue Fuli was happy about the trust between the two of them, she also told them that doing business could not be smooth sailing, nor could they make money all the time, but they might lose money.So let them be cautious when investing, and it is best to leave some money for emergencies.

The two of them still listened to Yue Fuli's words.Therefore, I only took part of the money to invest, and kept the rest in my hands.

On the other hand, Yue Lingxue and Yue Lingjia, two siblings, after learning that Yue Fuli was going to form a caravan, they took all the money they had earned on the road and said they wanted to invest.

Yue Fuli didn't refuse. She ate meat herself, but also asked people to drink some soup, right?

Therefore, she collected the money from the two siblings and wrote a deed to them.

There is money, and there are people to invest.The candidates for the caravan were also available, and Yue Fuli went to look at the land reclamation area again.

Ten acres of wasteland have been cleared, and Yue Fuli thinks it's almost done.So, he directly told Yue Yi to stop them from coming.

Yue Yi and the brothers were very panicked when they heard that they would no longer be used to open up wasteland.

Not working means they have to eat and drink for free, which makes them feel useless and useless.

Seeing everyone with sad faces, Yue Fuli knew what they were thinking, so she smiled and said, "I have other things for you to do."

"Miss, is it true? Do you really have something else for us to do?"

"Yes, I plan to let you form a caravan."

"What, let us form a caravan. No, no, we don't know how to do business. What if we lose money?"

Yue Yi and the brothers waved their hands to express their refusal.They are all rough people. Apart from dancing with knives and guns, and doing some labor-intensive work, they really can't do anything else.

"If you don't give it a try, how will you know?" Yue Fuli understood their concerns and didn't realize that it was a bit overwhelming to let them do business rashly.

However, Yue Fuli felt that Xingshang not only protected them, but also helped her collect some information through Xingshang.

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