Fu Jingyou grinned and directly "praised" Chen Guifen with joy.

"Auntie, where is my wife? Someone from the county is here! She passed the exam!"



"Isn't there a mistress in the admission notice? Why did you say you were admitted?"

Not only Chen Guifen was shocked, but the members who had no choice but to hear the news were even more shocked.

"Wait a minute...are they the Huites? What about those people?"

Finally, the people watching the excitement turned their attention to those people who had just turned the corner of the pond and were getting closer and closer.

"Are those people here to find Xiao Liu's wife?"

I saw people coming over holding bamboo poles and banners, and someone shouted:

"Where are the literate people? Where are the educated youth comrades? I just saw those here... who of you can read? Can you tell me what's written on that banner?"

There was a commotion outside the door.

Fu Jingyou in the room had already let go of Chen Guifen, and listened to Chen Guifen's instructions and went to the backyard to find Lu Miao.

There was a lot of noise and noise in front.

Lu Miao took the child to the backyard to feed him.

A group of educated youths were in the backyard, playing with Dabao and Erbao while doing some trivial tasks with Lu Miao.

Everyone got together and chatted, having fun, and the atmosphere was quite good.

Full of joy, Fu Jingyou entered the backyard, pulled Lu Miao and walked out.

"What are you doing!"

Lu Miao almost spilled the porridge in her bowl.

Fu Jingyou took her bowl, pushed it on the kitchen table casually, and continued to pull her out.

"I told you that you can't fail the exam! Someone from the county came and held up a banner!"

Regardless of whether anyone would see it, Fu Jingyou held Lu Miao's face and gave her a "snap" in excitement.

"The provincial champion, Miaomiao, you are the provincial champion!"


Lu Miao was stunned and was led out of the door by Fu Jingyou.

"Provincial No. 1 Scholar!"

Geng Xiaoyun and others heard the commotion and followed behind with their children in their arms to see what was going on.

The people from the county had already arrived at the door, and Hu Zhiyuan had already spread the word without He Hongjin asking questions.

First, he introduced the leaders who came this time one by one, then pointed to the big characters on the banner and read them word by word.

"Provincial No. 1 Scholar!"

He Hongjin's eyes widened.

"Yes, Uncle Captain! I was still confused when there was no admission notice from Comrade Lu Xiaobao last time!"

"The news just came from above yesterday that there are good comrades with outstanding achievements in each province, and the top three provinces and counties will purchase additional rewards, so the comrades will be paid later!"

Hu Zhiyuan explained with a smile. He looked so happy that others who didn't know it thought he was the one who got into college.

That’s what happened!

The members of Dahe Village showed realization, tilted their heads and started talking in low voices:

"I'm just saying, my sixth daughter-in-law can endure it! How could she not pass the exam?"

"That's right, and you heard me, save the number one scholar! In the past, the number one scholar wanted to marry someone like a princess!"

"Xiao Liu is really lucky to marry such a capable person!"

The members of the club were talking a lot. He Hongjin was listening, his head was buzzing, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like to be the provincial champion.

Chen Guifen reacted quickly, took out the New Year firecrackers bought by Fu Jingyou, set off several of them, and shouted with a smile:

"Oh, what a great event! What a great event!" The village woman pulled Chen Guifen and complimented her:

Auntie, your family is lucky to have raised Xiao Liu so well and married a daughter-in-law like this! "

People around gave thumbs up.

Chen Guifen waved her hands and smiled from ear to ear, "Where are you talking? A child's abilities are all his own!"

The county leaders looked around and thought that the He couple were Lu Miao's parents-in-law. They stepped forward to hold He Hongjin's hand and congratulated him again and again:

"Old comrade, you are a talented person! You have cultivated great talents for the country! You have made great contributions!"

He Hongjin laughed dryly, his old face turning red with shame.

This was all the fault of that stubborn girl, how could it have anything to do with him?

However, we are all a family. When outsiders complimented and praised his children, He Hongjin became truly happy again, grinning and rubbing his head and laughing:

"Haha, everywhere, the children can do it themselves!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Fu Jingyou and Lu Miao coming out of the room, and He Hongjin quickly waved.

"Xiao Liu, stubborn girl, here! Come here quickly!"

Fu Jingyou led Lu Miao closer.

He works in the county and the leaders are all familiar with him.

Seeing him holding Lu Miao, several leaders immediately knew that this girl was the provincial champion they were looking for!

"Comrade Lu Miao, this is your admission notice. Congratulations on being admitted to Beijing North Military Region University with a score of 381!"

There were five subjects in the exam. The liberal arts exam that Lu Miao participated in included Chinese language, mathematics, politics, and history and geography.

History and geography is a minor subject, and the two subjects are combined into one test paper, with a full score of 100 points.

Several other subjects also have a perfect score of 100 points.

The total score of the five subjects is 400 points. Lu Miao's score is 381 points. Even if the 12-point math abacus question is not removed, her total error score is only 19 points in the four test papers.

The results are really excellent.

Lu Miao didn't recover for a long time.

Fu Jingyou took the admission notice and handed it to her.

The little leader opposite handed the big leader a thick red envelope.

After the senior leader took it, he handed the thick red envelope to Lu Miao:

"This is what the province means. It is a reward for the provincial champion, three hundred yuan!"

The crowd took a collective breath.

Three hundred dollars!

All the club members were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

Three hundred yuan!

That’s three hundred yuan!

Life has been better for the production team in the past two years.

The members participated in collective work, plus the money they saved from raising chickens and pigs. By the end of the year, after converting it into enough food rations, they would be able to save about ten yuan.

But three hundred yuan!

How many years will it take them to save more than ten yuan to reach three hundred yuan?

Twenty or thirty years!

But these three hundred yuan alone are not enough.

Lu Miao accepted the first red envelope, and the junior leader on the other side stuffed a smaller and relatively thin red envelope into the senior leader's hand.

"Just now that was what the province meant, now this is what the county means."

The big leader handed the envelope to Lu Miao again and said with a smile:

"The county originally wanted to reward you with a bicycle, but considering that your family already has one, we compromised the reward and cashed it in."

"There are two hundred yuan in it, and there are also some industrial coupons and foreign exchange coupons. You can buy whatever you want. This is a reward and assistance from the county organization!"

"When you go to university and become adults and build a country, don't forget that you started from our small place here."

The big leader spoke and patted Fu Jingyou on the shoulder.

"In the long run, those old and young in the countryside may have to rely on your generation to change their destiny in the future!"

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