The end of the year is getting closer, and people in the production team are killing pigs every day.

Although the sound of the pigs' braying is too loud, it is noisy every day and the atmosphere of the New Year is quite good.

According to the target pig quota, the pigs submitted for the task must be at least 120 kilograms.

In the past, when food stations came to collect pigs, they would do so based on the whole head.

Half a slaughtered pig, there really is no precedent for this kind of standard for collecting pigs.

The food station said it wouldn't work, so Fu Jingyou went to the He family.

The He family also had two pigs this year, and Fu Jingyou took one from the other side to hand over the task.

When he killed his second pig later, Fu Jingyou gave half a fan to the He family.

The weight of half a pig is definitely not as much as that of a whole pig, but it is better because it has more fat and is good meat. The He family also has a mouth-watering New Year.

The back-and-forth between my family members is nothing to lose.

The food stations also charge money for collecting pigs, ranging from 6 to 7 cents per catty depending on the grade of the pigs.

The pig that Fu Jingyou brought from the He family weighed 132 kilograms, which exceeded the basic standard for pig weight. It was certified as a second-level pig, and each kilogram was counted as six cents and three cents.

That works out to eighty-three dollars and six cents.

The sausage I made before was quite successful. Whether it is sliced ​​and eaten with green garlic, or placed on the side of the pot and simmered with rice, it tastes very good.

Fu Jingyou ate so deliciously that he kept the pig farm when he killed the pigs, and made some with Lu Miao.

On New Year's Eve, Fu Jingyou and Lu Miao finished dinner, cleaned up, and carried the stove into the room.

Nuts, candies and other things prepared in advance were laid out.

Dabao and Erbao were sitting on the inside of the bed, grabbing candies and playing with them. Outside, Fu Jingyou and Lu Miao were nibbling on melon seeds. They took out all their accumulated income and calculated the profit and loss of this year's income.

Fu Jingyou participated in the work of the county equipment team in early March and worked from March to the end of the year, a full ten months, not counting subsidies, with a bare salary of thirty-seven dollars a month.

After ten months, there are still 370 yuan.

At the end of the year, the two pigs earned 216 yuan and 4 cents. Added up, the annual income was more than 580 yuan.

After excluding daily expenses, I still have 76 yuan left in my hand. These are all my income in .

This does not include the ticket subsidies Fu Jingyou received.

Some of those tickets were for my own family use, and some were exchanged for three or five yuan to others.

Some hard-to-get industrial coupons and the like are very popular on the black market...

"It cost almost three hundred yuan a year. I guess the combined expenses of several families in the team can't keep up with ours."

Lu Miao put the counted money into a small bulging pocket.

There are deposits from the past family.

It was originally more than 400 yuan. During the time when she was comatose after giving birth, she spent more than 180 yuan.

Now there are all kinds of people, with a total deposit of 600 in hand.

Fu Jingyou saw that her small pocket filled with money was almost full, and she felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in her heart.

"It's all spent on children and family, and you haven't even bought anything yet."

Lu Miao glanced at him angrily:

"You buy a complete set of my things every time you go out, what else can I buy?"

Fu Jingyou laughed, with a handsome and soft face:

"You can save money slowly, and these are the things that should be spent."

Lu Miao nodded and counted out a handful of scraps alone.

"This is ten yuan. I will go out to pay New Year's greetings tomorrow. Minmin and Minjie's New Year's money will come from here... I gave you one yuan last year, please give me one yuan this year!"

"You can take the rest and start working after the new year. There are children among my colleagues. It's only 20 cents and 50 cents. You can make up your mind."

Lu Miao whispered:

"They are far away, and my colleagues don't even move around. You, the team leader, take the time to invite them to a state-owned restaurant for a meal."

"With the layout laid out, it can be considered a good start to the new year." "Okay."

After putting the money away, the young couple held a baby between their legs. They cracked a few melon seeds, peeled one and pressed it into the baby's mouth.

Dabao and Erbao were waving their hands like "babbling" and scattering melon seeds everywhere.

There were delicious melon seeds in the back. The two boys picked them up gropingly, one hugged their mother's neck and stared at her mouth while eating the melon seeds.

One of them grabbed his father's clothes and pulled at him, opening his little mouth and waiting to be fed.

"You brat, the reincarnation of a greedy cat."

Fu Jingyou patted Dabao's buttocks, peeled two melon seeds and stuffed them into his mouth.

The little guy was chewing melon seeds like a little mouse.

Even though there are only a few millet teeth, when people eat, they can slip away.

Fu Jingyou's peeling speed couldn't keep up with his eating speed.

In the end, there was nothing he could do, so Fu Jingyou stuffed a red date into Dabao and let Dabao hold it and nibble it.

Dabao was also easy to coax, so he just took the red date and sat down to gnaw it.

Lu Miao shook her head inaudibly, and was amused by the father and son, who made her laugh softly.

The two babies fell asleep one after another. Lu Miao stayed with Fu Jingyou until after eleven o'clock, but she couldn't hold it anymore.

Fu Jingyou coaxed her: "Would you like to sleep first? I'll be fine in a moment."

Lu Miao asked him in a daze: "What else are you going to do?"

"When the clock turns twelve, I'm going to go out and set off some firecrackers."

The custom is this.

I used to be poor and couldn't get even half a penny out of my hands, so no one would let me go.

This year, most of the people in the team got some money for their assignments, so there should be quite a few people setting off firecrackers.

Lu Miao nodded drowsily. In just over half an hour, she wanted to hold on, but she still couldn't. She tilted her head and rested on Fu Jingyou's arm and fell asleep.

Fu Jingyou hugged her and listened to the clock in the main room ringing twelve times before carefully pulling out his arm.

He put on his clothes, took the firecrackers and went to the area near the threshing floor in front of the door to set them off.

Many people in the team don't have clocks at home, and Fu Jingyou is considered the leader.

He was the first to set off firecrackers, and the production team also followed suit one after another.

A new year and a new atmosphere, 1977, officially begins at this moment.

Not only on New Year's Eve, many people in the production team set off firecrackers. On New Year's Day, they went door-to-door to pay New Year greetings, and there were many more firecrackers than in previous years.

Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou held each other in their arms and went to He's house to pay New Year's greetings.

Along the way, I met other uncles in the team who came to pay New Year's greetings. They all praised the Dabao and the Two Treasures when they saw them.

"Look at this little face, this little chubby baby, he's so rare."

"Both little babies will grow up. Xiaoliu, Xiaoliu's wife, will be carved out of the same mold as you!"

"Haha, it's..."

While walking and chatting, they arrived at He's house. He Hongjin set off a large bunch of firecrackers outside the door. Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou were well prepared and covered their ears in advance.

Most of the large package of things that Tang Mei asked Fu Jingyou to bring back were children's things.

For example, tiger-head hats, tiger-head boots, little red coats, etc. are all in duplicate.

I came here today to pay New Year greetings, and I wore the same clothes.

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