Fu Jingyou regained consciousness and got up.

There was a bunk bed in a six-person room with iron frames. He and Wang Xiaohu slept face to face on the bottom bunk.

Now except him, everyone else got down from the upper bunk to wash up and wait.

Fu Jingyou stood up neatly and washed up.

Wang Xiaohu muttered beside him:

"Brother Fu, did you dream yesterday?"


"Then I heard you wrong? I slept in a daze last night, and I seemed to hear you talking about something."

Fu Jingyou spit out the foam and washed his face with water, then washed the towel and said:

"I bet it's you who's dreaming."

"Is that right?"

Wang Xiaohu scratched his head suspiciously.

I can’t say, but it’s really possible.


I said I was going to attend a half-day class, but in fact I only spent half an hour in the temporarily vacated classroom.

There is no learning content.

Several old masters said some inspiring words.

I encourage everyone to go back and use their technical knowledge, work diligently and contribute to the country.

The words spoken by the masters spoke from the bottom of their hearts, which made everyone feel excited.

Fu Jingyou is like this.

In addition to taking care of their families, these people also have to contribute to the country.

The country's strength cannot be separated from them.

And only when the country gets better and better, will the next generation get better and better and become more and more hopeful...

After leaving the small classroom, students from several neighboring counties were walking and chatting, thinking about packing up and going home.

In the Xixian team, Fu Jingyou asked Wang Xiaohu and others for their opinions, and they all made a unanimous decision and planned to take a look around.

There are many uncles and aunts in the countryside who have never been to the city even a few times in their lives, let alone the city.

Although they work in the county, they don't have many opportunities to get out.

It's a rare opportunity to come here, and it's a big iron bull that comes at public expense, and you don't have to pay for travel. Why don't you go around and see more of the world?

Wang Xiaohu and others had the same idea as Fu Jingyou.

Fu Jingyou also planned to go around.

He saves his own expenses and doesn't like to spend money much, but he always likes to buy things for his family.

Last time I was in Jinmen, I bought local authentic twists. They were crispy, sweet and salty, and some were dipped in white sesame seeds.

Lu Miao loves to eat.

Fu Jingyou enjoyed feeding them and wanted to see if there was any place to eat in Han City and bring some back.

He and Wang Xiaohu and others had different purposes, so they made an appointment to meet in the dormitory before four o'clock in the afternoon, pack up and go home at six o'clock at the latest, and then they went their separate ways.

Fu Jingyou went out of his work unit in Laozheng District, Han City, and asked people along the way. The first place he went to was the nearby department store.

As a result, I was a little disappointed when I arrived.

The food and other items sold in department stores are similar to those seen in the past.

But apart from food, there are obvious differences between department stores in cities and department stores in small rural areas.

The green plaid fabric I bought for Lu Miao was already a very fancy and bright style, and there are even more fancy ones here in Han City.

What kind of polka dots, diagonal lines, printed bamboo leaves, floral flowers, peonies, etc.

Both beautiful and unique.

Either the colors are too bright or the prints are too dazzling, which are not suitable for Lu Miao.

Fu Jingyou didn't have any tickets in his hand, so he didn't read much.

There are headbands for children for sale in the window on the second floor.

Thinking about the fine, soft, dark hair of the second child in the family, Fu Jingyou became interested. She leaned against the glass cabinet and looked at it for a long time before choosing two pairs.

A pair of pink duckbill clips with small beads and a pair of blue silk gauze duckbill clips with small flowers.

Even though it’s for children, it’s really not cheap. Two pairs cost an octagonal buck. I bought it for my second baby, so of course I can’t leave out the eldest baby’s.

There was a seller selling wind-up frogs in the glass cabinet, and Fu Jingyou got a new one.

There are also people selling marbles.

I originally wanted to buy a box for Minjie, but because Minjie was young and ignorant, I turned around and gave the marbles to Dabao Erbao, who then swallowed them.

Fu Jingyou didn't buy it, but bought a small wooden top with a drawstring.

It cost exactly three yuan to buy all the things for the three little ones.

Lu Miao gave her twenty-five yuan when she went out this time. She ate in the cafeteria, the food was cheap, and she stayed in a dormitory arranged by her boss, so she didn't spend any money at all.

The money in Fu Jingyou's hand was basically untouched. After buying gifts for the children, he turned around and took the remaining money to look for the mother of the children.

The fabric doesn’t fit, what should I buy?

Fu Jingyou wandered around randomly.


The equipment team drove the Big Iron Bull back at six o'clock.

At this time, it was not like later generations, where there were wide roads and highways everywhere.

It takes several hours to take a small train from Xi County to Han City, let alone drive around in a big iron cow.

We started back at six o'clock and didn't arrive at the county until one o'clock in the morning.

Wang Xiaohu and others went upstairs to rest. Yuan said that Fu Jingyou would stay for one night. Anyway, they would have rest tomorrow and the day after, so Fu Jingyou would come back early tomorrow morning, which would only be a few hours away.

Fu Jingyou couldn't wait any longer.

It's already at the doorstep of his house. He didn't go out for just one or two days, and his family didn't even know what was going on!

Where can he stay?

After locking the big iron bull, Fu Jingyou went upstairs to take out the bicycle from Wang Xiaohu's house and asked for a rope to tie it up.

He pedaled his bicycle, following the path home in his memory, and merged into the darkness in two clicks.

Wang Xiaohu stood on the second floor and took a look, then turned and entered the house.

His wife Yang Cuilan held her sleepy three-year-old daughter Niuniu in her arms and said:

"Do you think Team Leader Fu cares about his family so much? It's not like you. He's been back for a long time without looking at anyone seriously."

"What are you talking about? Why didn't I look at the person? Wasn't that the person who was busy opening the door and picking up the bicycle just now?"


"You are such a bitch! Come here, Niuniu, have you missed your father in the past half month?"


"Look what dad brought you back?"

Wang Xiaohu took out a pair of small plastic hairpins.

Niu Niu looked happy, Yang Cuilan hummed:

"Girl, you don't even have a few hairs on your head. Why did you buy this? Where can you wear it?"

“My hair is shorter now, can’t I wear it if it’s longer?”

Wang Xiaohu touched his daughter's little head and said with a smile:

"Brother Fu's girl is only one year and a few months old. She bought several pairs, but they are much more expensive than this one..."

"You compare with others, they get more than ten yuan more than you every month!"

"How can there be any comparison? My salary is not as much as his, and the things I buy are not as expensive as his. After a long trip, why do I come back empty-handed?"

After making jokes for a long time, Wang Xiaohu felt around in his arms and took out something else and stuffed it into Yang Cuilan.

"what is this?"

"Alabaster, Peony brand. I heard that all the girls in the city use this."

"...I'm not like Team Leader Fu's daughter-in-law, who is as young as a flower. Why did you buy me this? It's a waste of money..."

Yang Cuilan cherished the box of cream, mumbling words of waste.

Wang Xiaohu didn't like hearing it, scratched his head and said:

"You are you, and others are others. Why do you always compare yourself to others? If you are no longer tender, then you are not a woman anymore?"

It’s a new month. Can you give me this month’s monthly pass?

~(Star Eyes)~

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