Tang Mei had experienced this kind of scene before. She didn't dare to leave Lu Miao's side for fear of delaying things.

Worried, Tang Mei was like a headless fly, busy and anxious as she followed Chen Guifen to the kitchen to boil water.

Lu Miao has been carried back to the bed.

The wet pants were taken off, and there were several female comrades surrounding him.

Lu Miao would have been shy before, but at this juncture, she didn't care about that at all.

The pain was so intense that it was suffocating.

Lu Miao clasped her fingers on the mat under her body, panting rapidly, staring at the dark beams above her head in a daze.

She heard everything that was said outside the house just now.

Too late to go to the hospital...

It can only be given birth at home.

"Wash, wash hands, disinfect!"

With a slight withdrawal of thoughts, Lu Miao squeezed out a few words through her teeth.

Several female comrades leaned close to her mouth and listened for a long time before they understood:

"You little girl! When do you think you care about this?"


Lu Miao cried and shouted, her chest rising and falling violently.

Zaohuaniang had no way to deal with her, so she quickly shouted:

"Get some water! Wash your hands!"

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. It's very hard to give birth. Inhale... exhale... save some strength..."

Zaohuaniang gently stroked Lu Miao's chest, trying to calm her down.

His forehead was twitching, and Lu Miao couldn't calm down at all.

The throbbing pain in my lower body was unlike anything I had experienced in the past.

She clasped the mat tightly with her fingertips, and the thorns from the bamboo strips piercing her fingertips were not even one-third of the pain in her abdomen.

Moreover, the pain is still increasing...

Tears were like amniotic fluid at that time, uncontrollably flowing out.

This is not a good sign.

"Good boy, you have to listen to my aunt's advice. You can't cry at this time. You have to save some strength!"

Zaohuaniang wiped Lu Miao's face roughly:

"Don't be afraid, my aunt's delivery skills are among the best in the brigade and she will definitely keep you and your child safe..."

"It's still early before the baby is born. Auntie will ask someone to get you some food. You should rest for a while after eating."

Lu Miao nodded, closed his eyes, and tried to clear his mind to relieve the pain.

Zaohua Niang hurried out and gave instructions:

"Do you have any brown sugar at home? Hurry up and boil two brown sugar eggs and let your daughter-in-law eat it!"

"A girl brought up in the city is always squeamish...why did she suddenly fall down?"

"...it doesn't look good."

The sound in my ears was intermittent.

The contractions seemed to be slowing down a bit.

Lu Miao felt weak, and her eyes were closed, and her consciousness was a little drowsy.

The whole person was exhausted from all the tossing, and in a daze, Lu Miao seemed to have fallen asleep.


Fu Jingyou ran all the way back, squeezed the people at the door, entered the courtyard, and ran to the house on the right.

Zaohua Niang stopped him, "What are you doing when a woman gives birth to a baby? It's bad luck!"

"She is my wife! She gave birth to a child for me! What's the point of being unlucky?"

Fu Jingyou couldn't listen, but wanted to go in.

Zaohua Niang was stunned by what he said.

Fu Jingyou is tall and strong, how can Zaohuaniang stop him?

In a matter of seconds, he squeezed into the room.

The whole family takes good care of Lu Miao's emotions and preferences.

Although Lu Miao didn't have much flesh on his body, his face was rosy and he looked very healthy.

At this moment, the pain was so painful that her face turned pale and there was no blood at all. Fu Jingyou felt heartbroken inexplicably, took Lu Miao's hand and shouted softly:

"Miaomiao? Miaomiao?"

The squeamish girl closed her eyes and frowned, as if she didn't have the strength to open her eyelids to look at the person.

The hand held by Fu Jingyou moved, and his fingertips lightly touched his palm in response.

Fu Jingyou's eyes were red, he swallowed the sour water in his mouth, sniffed and wiped his eyes.

Fu Jingyou saw Lu Miao's discomfort.

But she didn't know how to relieve her pain. He held her hand tightly, holding her heart to the side of his face.

Lu Miao fell into a deep sleep, and he was watching silently from one side.

When Chen Guifen brought a bowl of eggs in brown sugar water from the kitchen, Zaohuaniang pushed him aside, gently shook Lu Miao awake, and called her to eat.

Lu Miao put a pillow behind her and reluctantly stood up.

Her hands were too weak to hold the bowl or chopsticks, so Zaohua Niang told her not to move and told her to feed her.

Fu Jingyou is skilled at this job, and of course he will not leave it to others.

Fu Jingyou took the bowl and chopsticks and fed Lu Miao half an egg.

Lu Miao swallowed the egg yolk and said she was choking and wanted some soup.

Fu Jingyou quickly changed the chopsticks into a spoon, scooped out the sugar water and fed it to her.

Lu Miao took a few sips, frowned, shook her head and pushed the bowl away.

Fu Jingyou wanted to persuade her to eat the eggs, but before he could say anything, he saw her sliding down along the curve of the pillow.

His breathing also became faster.

The pain that had subsided a little now was throbbing, and the pain became more obvious and severe.

Lu Miao suddenly opened his eyes.


She cried out in pain, and the veins on her forehead bulged.

Fu Jingyou was startled by the situation and pushed the bowl aside. Brown sugar and eggs were scattered all over the table.


He reached out and squeezed Lu Miao's hand.

The hand that was usually weak and boneless was now surprisingly strong.

Fu Jingyou was a little hurt from being caught, which showed how much pain Lu Miao was suffering at this time.

Fu Jingyou's Adam's apple slipped and tears burst out.

Lu Miao shouted and he cried.

A big guy was crying like something.

Zaohuaniang came in after hearing the commotion, went to the end of the bed and took a look at Lu Miao's condition, then quickly stepped forward and pulled Fu Jingyou out:

"It's about to give birth, it's about to give birth! It's about to give birth. Get out quickly and don't cause trouble here!"

"I have to be here with her!"

"There's no room for someone as big as you here!"

Giving birth is no joke, Zaohuaniang suddenly became more energetic.

He pushed Fu Jingyou out of the house forcefully and started shouting at the top of his lungs:

"Hot water, is the hot water ready? I can't wait!"

"Someone come quickly and take action!"

"Don't be anxious, don't scare yourself too much! Breathe in and breathe out, listen to Auntie, listen to Auntie!"


My legs were pushed into an irregular M shape, and my abdomen hurt as if my intestines were twisted and knotted.

The sound in my ears seemed to be amplified, and I didn't know if it was the sound of heartbeat or pulse.



Clear and rhythmic.

It almost changed the voice of the person delivering the baby next to me.

Lu Miao tried hard to listen to the midwife's voice, but the harder she tried, the more severe her stomach pain became.

"It hurts, it hurts... Fu Jingyou, Fu Jingyou!"


Lu Miao couldn't speak a word, and her whole body was soaked with sweat.

Someone pressed her belly and shouted loudly:

"Breathe in! Breathe out! Use your fists and push down! You can see the child's hair!"

Coming out?

Lu Miao took two quick breaths and tried to find the feeling to keep up with Zaohuaniang's rhythm.


"That's it! That's it, come again! It's coming out!"

The pain in her body was still there, but when she heard that the baby was about to come out, Lu Miao seemed to be greatly encouraged, and she clenched her hands tightly. (End of chapter)

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