Ai Moye couldn't understand what it would be like to face the Prajna catastrophe again.

Su Qi was more straightforward - his face turned pale, indicating that he never wanted to see this thing in his life.

But the Prajna catastrophe at this moment was hidden in the black clouds, occupying the entire sky, and a larger figure was connected to the universe behind the clouds.

Its size is so huge that the entire Blue Star may not be able to move around freely. If it is willing, it can directly smash the entire planet into pieces.

Su Qi couldn't imagine that besides Di Lie, anyone else could go head-to-head with this thing.

Ai Moye subconsciously touched her belly. She came here for the scientific examination, hoping that there would be no irreversible effects.

Annie gently pressed her shoulders and whispered: "The army in the universe can detect the fluctuations of Prajna catastrophe, and reinforcements will arrive soon."

But after arriving, this ocean nation no longer had any reason to refuse the "assistance" of the Interstellar Federation.

At this moment, the defensive shield over the country was opened, Prajna Catastrophe opened its ancient and thick eyes, and did not launch an attack immediately.

It opened its mouth, and countless bugs flew out densely, like blood-sucking leeches attached to the defensive cover, constantly biting and impacting, trying to penetrate this layer of protection and enter the country to hunt and kill.

The local sea dwellers have fallen into great panic.

This is the biggest crisis we have encountered since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Prajna catastrophe, even the sea people who are isolated from aliens know the power of this thing.

There used to be an ocean kingdom on the Blue Star, but it was just because of the Prajna Catastrophe that passed by the edge of the planet. The sweeping airflow hit the territory of the country, causing tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and was destroyed by natural disasters caused by the Zerg.

Now, the sea people can only kneel down and pray helplessly, begging their queen to once again descend from the sky with a sharp blade to drive away this world-destroying disaster.

Only Aimoye and Suchi knew that the queen could not wake up yet.

She is now at her weakest, and her body that has been eaten away by amoebas and magic circles has not yet been completely repaired.

Before the queen wakes up, the country must do everything possible to support it.

The entire ocean country was in emergency preparations for war. The guards and the army had actually expected it. It was just that the ordinary people had been living a stable and happy life, and they relied too much on the queen, so they did not make enough psychological preparations.

In the panic, fear, pessimism, and the most negative atmosphere, the sea people did not give up immediately. Even ordinary sea people without super powers were armed with weapons and wanted to fight for their country until the last moment.

A few hours later, the old and weak who were unable to fight were moved to the shelter. The adults, regardless of whether they had powers or not, were assigned to corresponding positions to contribute their strength in this life-or-death moment.

The originally lively and peaceful outer city area was quickly emptied out, leaving only the waves whipped up by the hurricane lapping at the empty buildings and coast.

In the room, Suchi and Aimoye used the auxiliary healing circle for the queen.

The witch doctor was leaning on a cane, with worry hidden in his sharp and deep eyes.

"When will she wake up?"

"It's hard to say," Ai Moye stared at the pale queen and replied, "Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe half a month. Her power is too powerful, and the auxiliary magic circle of my senior brother and I can't do much. It has a great effect." It can only be said that she is worthy of being the queen who protects an entire country and cannot be interfered with by external forces.

While the Queen repaired her body, the kingdom was in turmoil and violently devastated for hours.

The protective shield was once deployed by the Queen. It has resisted storms and foreign invaders countless times, and also bought time for the domestic army.

However, as countless Zerg gnawed and attacked with self-destruction one after another, this protective shield that had protected the country for many years was crumbling.

When night fell, the protective shield was completely broken, and tens of millions of Zerg invaded the country and fought fiercely with the sea dwellers.

The scientific expedition team was placed in the shelter. At this juncture, they were still able to take pictures with their cameras, recording the brave and fighting figures of the sea residents and the living habits of ordinary people.

Ai Moye and Suchi stayed in a relatively safe place. They stood by the attic window and could overlook the civil war in the country from a height.

Without high-tech weapons, the sea people relied on hand-to-hand combat against the Zerg, and a variety of supernatural powers continued to blossom throughout the city.

Aimoye had never experienced a war, and this was the first time she witnessed such an aggressive battle.

The Zergs are more terrifying than the tireless beasts. They can devour exhausted sea dwellers in one bite. A flick of their tail can cut the sea dwellers into two pieces. Their powerful aggression forces the sea dwellers to retreat.

The Prajna Catastrophe in the sky always kept aloof from the incident, aloof and indifferent to the wars of the sea people.

No matter how many bugs the sea dwellers destroy, it can replenish them in an instant. A steady stream of bugs uses its body as a medium to come directly to the ocean kingdom from a certain area in the universe to massacre them.

The coastline has long been lost, and both the outer city and the middle city have been occupied by the Zerg. The remaining soldiers retreated to the inner city and clung to the last line of defense.

Suchi used a night vision telescope to observe that the Zerg had a strong sense of community, as if there were highly intelligent creatures directing them behind them, causing them to attack in an orderly manner.

"They are not fighting blindly. They will also form their troops," Su Qi put down his telescope in a sweat and said, "It is a purposeful attack. I suspect there is a pusher behind it."

Ai Moye turned to Annie and asked, "Do Zerg have this kind of consciousness?"

Annie said calmly: "The relationship between the major races of the Zerg is not harmonious. Such a joint attack by multiple races is quite rare in interstellar history."

The Zergs repel each other. In order to compete for territory or dominance, two races of the same branch will fight to the death. It is really unbelievable to have all the different groups of Zergs jointly attacking.

Ai Moye was thinking when suddenly a more violent shaking came, and with a loud explosion-like sound, the entire inner city was shaking.

She subconsciously looked up at the sky, thinking that the Prajna Catastrophe had finally moved, but found that it was just a huge monster knocking down the queen's statue.

The statue that stood between heaven and earth, symbolizing power and protection, broke and collapsed under the horrified eyes of the sea dwellers.

At the same time, the inner city was also breached, and more Zergs poured into major squares, shelters and even the palace halls. The tiny army of the Sea People was not worth mentioning in front of the successive Zergs.

The sea dwellers suffered heavy casualties, and the screams of being slaughtered by the Zerg seemed to twist into a storm and hover in the sky. Just hearing the sound made people's scalp numb.

The Inquisitor and Li led the most elite troops to guard outside the building. Even if the soldiers resisted desperately, it was to no avail. More insects rushed towards the place where the Queen was. (End of chapter)

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