Anne tried to contact her, but the intercom was out of range and there was no response from the other party.

"Maybe I got dizzy from playing. Let's go to sleep. It should be fine." Professor Pan Sen comforted and asked the others to go to bed first.

Ai Moye and Su Qi looked at each other and went to rest.

Before dawn the next day, Ai Moye was awakened by the sound of rumbling thunder.

She opened the curtains and saw that the sky in the distance was still cloudy, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt as if the huge black cloud was drifting here.

While I was wondering, another melodious and charming song came from the sea.

It was a fishing boat that got up early for fishing. The simple and hard-working seafarers had returned with their full load and started a new day with traditional and ancient singing.

Ai Moye also wanted to exchange for some raw fish, but she didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so she put on her shoes and ran downstairs.

Anne heard the movement and quickly followed.

There was a strong wind on the pier, and the sea water was swept up high and slapped against the river bank.

Ai Moye walked past the fishing boat and saw the seamen unloading the cargo.

Oysters, fish, crabs and prawns, etc., are very similar to the earth's seafood species, many of which even Amoy Ye can name.

She suppressed her excitement and tried to deal with the bosses, but it was busiest in the early morning, and the bosses had no time to pay attention to her, an individual customer.

Helpless, Ai Moye had no choice but to sit nearby and wait quietly.

Seeing how windy it was, Anne took a coat and put it on her.

"Sister Anne, have you contacted the two scientific researchers?"

Annie shook her head slightly, "Lieutenant Colonel Jushan has gone out to look for him. There has been no movement all night."

Ai Moye was also a little worried, "I hope they are lost and not in trouble."

Annie smiled and said nothing, only looking at the dark clouds in the distant sky.

In the morning, the bosses finally had some free time. Ai Moye followed the same method and got a lot of fish and shrimp, a specialty of Azure Star.

Annie followed behind her. Because she didn't understand the local language well, she was basically useless in bargaining.

At the same time, she was also curious about how Ai Moye could communicate so cheerfully with the locals.

Faced with doubts, Aimoye explained, "Uncle Di taught me. You know he is very boring. He forced me to learn the language of the Blue Star when he had nothing to do."

Anne did not respond with doubt, after all, the marshal was really good at it.

After the purchase was completed, Ai Moye classified the various fish, marked them and put them in the space.

Annie pointed to a kind of fish and asked, "Can this kind of fish be eaten too?"

"Well, this is called sea bass. There are two types: fresh sea bass. This one is sea bass. It's delicious and tender. Steaming it is the simplest and most delicious way." Ai Moye's mouth watered when she thought about the taste of sea bass.

Anne was amazed and asked, "Do you know these fishes originally, or did you hear them mentioned by fishermen?"

Ai Moye collected all the fish, shook the water drops on his hands, and said, "Of course the fishermen introduced them. The aquatic products here are close to the unevolved version of the earth, and I don't recognize many of them."

After saying that, she glanced at the distant sky again and said strangely, "Is that cloud really getting closer?"

When the vendor next to him heard it, he opened and closed his lips and spoke very fast, "It's a common storm in this season, but it doesn't matter. It won't come here, and our queen will keep it out of the sea."

Ai Moye asked in surprise, "Is the Queen so powerful?" The cloud covered most of the sky visible to the naked eye, and countless tornadoes raged and roared on the sea surface, as if it could overturn the entire sea surface.

The gills next to the vendor's ears twitched a few times, and he said proudly, "The Queen is omnipotent, even the Zerg from aliens will be driven away, so we will always be happy here."

Aimoye said sincerely, "Then you are lucky to have such a good queen."

The vendor smiled happily.

Probably the queen of the ocean country plays the same role as Emperor Lie in the Holy Lolidia Empire. Her mere existence can give the people the greatest sense of security.

On the way back to the hotel, Aimoye still wandered from stall to shop, changing her clothes when she saw something interesting.

She exchanged the diamond for a blood-red coral ornament, which resembled a burning flame and was very similar to Annie's blood fire.

"Sister Anne, I'll give this to you."

Just when Annie was about to decline, Aimoye smiled and said, "It's very similar to your flame, very beautiful."

Seeing this, Annie had no choice but to accept it, "I'm really sorry. I will return the gift when I get back."

"You don't have to be so polite, and I should thank you for troublesome protecting me." Ai Moye took out another bracelet and handed it to Lieutenant Colonel Jushan, "This is for your daughter. I don't think girls can resist beautiful jewelry. "

Lieutenant Colonel Jushan was stunned for a moment, then said, "Thank you, Miss Ai, for your kindness, but I can't..."

"It's not a very expensive thing. Besides, I gave it to your daughter." Ai Moye blinked and said deliberately sadly, "Do you think this bracelet is too cheap..."

"No, no, no, thank you very much. My daughter will definitely like it." Lieutenant Colonel Jushan had a complex look on his face. He took the bracelet and held it in his palms, as if he cherished it.

This bracelet is made up of dozens of crystal clear sapphires that look like crystals of sea water, plus a few beautiful and shiny pearls and pink coral beads. It can be wrapped three or four times around a slender wrist.

The three of them stood at the door of the shop and were about to continue back to the hotel when the intercom rang, the sharpest siren.

Anne immediately asked, "What's going on?"

There was a chirping sound from the walkie-talkie, mixed with the urgent voice of a sergeant, "Scientific examination...break in...get careful..."

Before he finished speaking, the crowd on the street suddenly dispersed, and several convoys came from three roads to block the three of them at the intersection.

Annie and Jushan immediately blocked Ai Moye in the middle, but did not make an immediate attack.

The people in the escort were shouting and saying things that Anne couldn't understand.

After carefully distinguishing the situation, Aimoye took a step forward and said patiently, "We have no ill intentions. If there is any misunderstanding, we hope we can communicate instead of fighting each other."

A captain of the escort said calmly, "Your people broke into the restricted areas of our palace without permission and have been arrested and imprisoned. As fellow travelers, you must also be investigated. If you disobey, you will be executed on the spot!" "

Aimoye conveyed the captain's words to Annie and Jushan. The two looked at each other and expressed their willingness to accept the investigation.

Soon, the three of them were thrown into the prison, where Professor Pansen and others had already been thrown.

There are special magnets in the prison that will affect the abilities of superpowers. Jushan tried to break the prison, but it was possible to open it, but it was very labor-intensive.

In the cell opposite, several people from the scientific expedition team were talking to each other.

"What's going on, those two idiots were able to break into the palace?"

"It's not their problem at all. This is obviously a conspiracy to deliberately find trouble and lock us up!"

"That's right, it's a palace after all. Those two guys can't even hold a gun. Are they capable of sneaking in?"

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