No one knows which direction the fork in the road of destiny will go after a certain move.

For example, if you pass by an overpass and give ten yuan to a homeless man, and he uses the ten yuan to buy dinner, but is hit and killed by a car while crossing the road, who should bear the responsibility for this?

The disaster has happened, and we can only try our best to make up for it.

Long after Cen Chengcheng left, Ai Moye was still holding Da Da and standing under the night sky.

She looked up at the moist sky full of stars, sighed for a long time, and returned to the villa.

It rarely rains on military satellites. In the morning, Ai Moye looked at the wet ground and was astonished as if stars were falling from the sky.

"Uncle Emperor, it turns out it will rain here?"

The marshal was fully dressed, holding a black umbrella in his right hand and Ai Moye's coat on his left arm.

"Not only will it rain, but it will also rain. I will do it myself." Seeing that he was about to be late, a certain little quail was still enjoying the rain slowly, and the marshal had to give him a warning.

Ai Moye obediently closed the window, then went over and put on her coat, "But the temperature drops when it rains, and it drops so much, how can you bear it?"

"That's why there are automatic temperature-control suits."

Afterwards, the two got on the energy vehicle together and rushed to the military headquarters.

As soon as he stepped into the infirmary, Yan Si pinched his watch and said, "It's rare to be fifty-six seconds late."

"So the marshal is also late? Will his salary be deducted?" Aimoye asked curiously.

Yan Si asked enthusiastically, "You came with the marshal? The marshal is actually late too?"

This is simply more novel than the stars falling from the sky.

Ai Moye was embarrassed to say that it was because she stayed in bed because of the cold in the morning and enjoyed the rain leisurely that she went out a little late.

Di Lie could have left her alone or asked her to stay at home to rest, but she refused. She always felt that once she rested for a day, she would become even more lazy later on.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, you must not be so indulgent!

Aimoye also has a lot to do today. In addition to researching and cultivating new varieties of lilies, she also has to create a specific environment for Tai Sui to grow. In the afternoon, he will have class with Su Qi and set aside another two hours to study the attack formation.

I had to go to the canteen in the evening, because tens of thousands of people at the military headquarters requested her to use her "magic cooking skills" again and instruct the canteen chefs to cook a delicious meal.

It was such a fulfilling and busy day, Ai Moye felt her blood boiling just thinking about it.

During this period, Suchi ran over, held up the photo on her phone and asked her, "What kind of flower is this?"

Ai Moye looked up dizzily, "Ah, it's blooming?"

In the photo, she is raising poppy-like plants in her medicine garden.

It was also found on Megastar. It was thrown away in a corner of space as a weed. It was not until it was almost dead that she found it. After some stimulation, it was improved and then planted in the medicine garden.

Under her care, the soil of the medicine garden is very fertile, so the weeds grow vigorously. Not only are they slender and green, but now they are blooming with small orange-red flowers.

Putting down the matters at hand, Aimoye came to the medicine garden with Su Qi first.

In the corner, a small plant is fluttering in the wind.

Its flower shape is very monotonous, but its colors are rich and gorgeous, but it does not have the strong fragrance of roses.

Su Qi came to the medicine garden in the morning and saw it blooming at a glance. He searched a lot of information but couldn't find its specific scientific name. “Junior sister, what kind of flower are you talking about?”

Ai Moye took out the needle and inserted it into the diameter of the rod, extracted a little juice, and said, "I don't know, I'll go back and do some research."

If I guessed correctly, this should indeed be a poppy.

Poppy is known as the flower of sin on earth, and laws in many places stipulate that growing poppy is illegal.

But in the interstellar age, poppies have long since disappeared, so there is no question of whether it is illegal or not.

After Ai Moye checked, he confirmed the existence of poppy and contacted Shan Delin immediately.

Shan Delin was so excited that he was about to have a cerebral hemorrhage, "Poppy? Are you sure it's poppy? Teacher Ai, it is recorded in documents from the Earth Period that poppy was a very valuable medicinal material that was often used in medicine at that time, but was strictly controlled. Surveillance, is this true?”

Ai Moye said, "According to the data, it is indeed true. The poppy itself is not a scourge, but humans use it to cause evil. In the Earth era, people used poppy to make poisons, which made people addicted and caused many bad effects."

Shan Delin had only seen some records from ancient collections of documents. He did not expect the situation to be so serious. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Then, can it still be planted in large quantities?"

"My suggestion is that the empire officials should strictly control it. It should be controlled and supervised like a star currency. It must not fall into the hands of the people." Ai Moye solemnly explained, and added, "Poppy has high medicinal value and can treat coughs and malaria. , diarrhea, anal prolapse and other problems.”

There are very few natural medicines, and poppy is a rare medicinal material. It would be a pity if it were left unused.

As for toxicity, there are actually poisons in the interstellar era, but the raw materials are not poppies. Therefore, as long as the control and supervision are proper, the positive effects of poppy will be great.

After the discussion, Shandelin said that he would discuss with the relevant departments of the empire, and Aimoye continued to cultivate poppies, trying to produce as many small plants as tough and powerful as possible.

The original plan was interrupted, and Lily's matter could only be put on hold for the time being. In the evening, Ai Moye went to the cafeteria to instruct the chef, and the rich aroma of food wafted.

She was tasting rabbit dices when Lin Jiahui called.

"Ye Ye, I haven't seen you for almost two months. How was your internship?"

Aimoye said happily, "It's not bad. Although we encountered all kinds of troubles and problems, we have solved a lot of them now. How about you, are you enjoying your internship?"

Lin Jiahui complained, "It's okay, everything else is good, but my internship salary is so low, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to pay for the tuition."

Ai Moye's eyes widened, "Is there any salary for the internship?"

"Yes, they are all there, don't you?" Lin Jiahui asked in surprise.

Ai Moye slapped her forehead, forced a smile and said, "Forget it, it's not important."

Lin Jiahui asked again, "The internship ends in one month, should we stick to the original plan and stay for half a month to play?"

"Okay, where to play?"

"Well, let me think about it." Lin Jiahui racked her brains and said distressedly, "I have thought of several places, but you are pregnant with a baby, so those places are not suitable. You want to play in the city, and the cost is good. high."

Ai Moye said generously, "Don't worry about the expenses. I still have some savings recently. I will make up for it when I don't have enough."

Lin Jiahui thought about the luxurious single presidential suite where she lived, and asked mysteriously, "Could it be that your fiancé's family is rich?"

Aimoye thought to herself that she is her husband now, although it is not because of love.

"It has nothing to do with him. I made some money myself, and it's okay to play for half a month. I'm not familiar with all the places. It's up to you to decide where to go and how to play."

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