Annie saw her embarrassment at a glance and asked with a smile, "Miss Ai, are you lost?"

Ai Moye sighed, "Sometimes I feel like I'm really a road fool."

"Life Code is almost equivalent to a small city. If you are new here, you will find ghosts only if you can find your way." Cen Chengcheng comforted.

However, both of them were on guard and had to leave the conference room with the marshal later, so they could not send Aimoye back to the dormitory.

Seeing that Ai Moye was in low spirits, Anne whispered, "The marshal's bedroom is upstairs. You can go there and rest."

Just when Ai Moye was about to decline, Cen Chengcheng also said, "You are newlyweds, why do you have to sleep separately? Did the marshal snore too loudly and disturb you?"

Before Ai Moye could explain, he chuckled again, winked and asked ambiguously, "Or are you afraid of the gun going off?"

Before his imagination could run wild, Ai Moye immediately laughed, "Don't you want to talk more about shopping with my senior? It's okay. I'm going to rest now and go to the Marshal's bedroom."

Under the scorching gazes of the two men, Ai Moye bravely came upstairs.

Don't worry too much about whether you are in the wrong bedroom. One look at the minimalist cemetery style of black and white and gray, and you will know that it is the decoration layout that the marshal loves.

Ai Moye was so sleepy that she couldn't even open her eyes. After closing the door, she fell into a dark sleep.

The Life Code walked in the universe at super-light speed, passing through dark star fields. It was also harassed by Zerg on the way, but the powerful firepower eliminated the threat in an instant.

After an unknown amount of time, the starship stopped over a planet.

Ai Moye was woken up by Wen Liangyan's phone call, and she was going to explore the planet with the military later.

She sat up in a daze, rubbed her eyes and sat there for a long time. Her chaotic mind finally became clearer.

Di Lie pushed open the door and came in. When he saw her, she looked like a wretched dandelion.

"Sleep again?"

Ai Moye shook her head, yawned and asked, "How long have I slept?"

"Eight hours based on Interstellar Unified Standard Time."

"...Then I can still sleep." She felt that it was only half an hour, why did she fall asleep for so long?

Di Lie came to the bedside and sat down, explaining, "This Life Code uses warp engine technology and travels at super-light speed, which is equivalent to a leap forward in space, and the perception of time is deviated."

Ai Moye heard from Lieutenant Colonel Bader that the so-called warp speed is super-light speed, which uses the distortion of space and time to create a strong gravitational field and reach a predetermined speed countless times faster than the speed of light.

But to achieve this kind of technology, it needs to be supported by huge energy sources, so the empire has been exploring new energy stars, and this is also the significance of the life code.

When he was about to land on the Desolate Star later, Ai Moye went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water and dressed as neatly as possible to facilitate movement.

Di Lie asked outside the bathroom, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Ai Moye quickly gathered up her black curly hair and tied it into a fluffy and lush bun.

"No, I'll be with the seniors and the others. If you, Uncle Di, are here, everyone won't be able to let go."

Di Lie said lightly, "That's really a pity."

"What are you sorry about?"

"It's a pity that we can't see a little prisoner screaming in fear."

Aimo Yehu asked, "Am I such a timid person in your heart?"

Emperor Lie smiled and said nothing.

Preparations for the exploration operation were in full swing. Several airships slid out of the warehouse. Military personnel waved flags to direct the rise and fall. Several exploration teams in batches were waiting to board the airships. An airship slid along the track to the waiting area. Wen Liangyan took Ai Moye and Suchi onto the airship and found seats to settle down.

Today he was the one taking care of the two little ones, and the others had other things to do.

The accompanying scientific expedition teams entered the cabin one after another, led by Lieutenant Colonel Bader.

He asked his assistants to distribute protective clothing and said, "The desert planet we are going to next may encounter many cosmic disasters, and we are not sure whether the planet's gases are harmful to the human body. Especially you two medical school interns, don't go with the large army. Scattered. If unfortunately lost, stay where you are and wait for rescue."

Running around on the deserted star is equivalent to dying.

The airship sailed out of the starship and flew towards a certain coordinate on the Desolate Star.

As it passed through the atmosphere, lightning and thunder continued, and the airship seemed to be torn apart, almost disintegrating under the violent jolts.

Ai Moye's ears were also buzzing, and even wearing protective clothing didn't help.

Su Qi was even more uncomfortable. He was so jolted that he couldn't vomit. Ai Moye quickly applied an anti-fainting circle on him to prevent a puddle of filth in the cabin.

After finally landing on the Desolate Star, Su Qi's legs felt weak when he got off the escalator.

On the vast and desolate sand, the Zerg race rustled towards them, but they were swept away by the military in an instant.

Zerg are also living creatures. If there is Zerg living in a certain place, other life may be found.

Wen Liangyan reminded, "Plants may not grow in this place. Don't be discouraged if you don't harvest. You will go to other places in the future."

Due to wearing a fully enclosed protective suit, it is difficult to see the opponent's face smoothly. All communication relies on the military optical brain in the protective suit.

Aimoye replied, "I have detected life forms."

The protective suit comes with a Sky Eye detector. Aimoye said on the public channel, and the team headed for the target location despite thunder and lightning and dry sand.

A huge abyss similar to the East African Rift Valley, like a beast opening its mysterious dark eyes, stretches across the dry and cracked wasteland, and the depth cannot be measured with a detector.

But there are living creatures in the abyss, and there are quite a lot of them. They may be insects, star beasts, or the plants that Ai Moye wants.

Lieutenant Colonel Bader asked several of his subordinates to detect the depth first. If there was no danger, he would let the weak scientific expedition team members go down.

This planet is often disturbed by cosmic rays, so many high-tech equipment cannot be used. Only the most primitive communicators and detectors can be used, and the layout and installation are relatively troublesome.

Ai Moye and Su Qi were waiting aside. A doctor in the team noticed that they were young and asked in the communication, "Intern? From the Agricultural College?"

"We are from medical school." Suchi replied.

The other person may have smiled, with a relaxed smile in his voice.

"Is this your first time to come with the team for detection? It's okay. We have the military to protect us, and there are satellite radars on the starships for positioning. Once we encounter danger that cannot be suppressed, we will directly strike with firepower from the universe."

Those who travel with the Life Code are mostly top talents from all walks of life, so there is no room for error.

Su Qi has actually traveled with the team several times, but he has never been to outer space far away from the empire. Because Ai Moye was pregnant, Di Lie did not allow her to leave his sight, let alone come.

Suddenly, the sergeant's exclamation came from the public channel again, "Lieutenant Colonel, there's something going on!"

Lieutenant Colonel Bader stopped Aimoye and others from approaching the abyss, moved closer to the edge of the abyss, and said sternly, "Return immediately if there is danger!"

The sergeant's voice was a little weak, "We encountered... it seems that the detector failed..."

The sergeants have scanners on them that will transmit the actual situation to the ground. At this moment, the screen showed that it had descended more than two thousand meters, quite deep into the core of the planet.

The monitor flickered briefly with snowflakes, then quickly resumed, showing the underground scene to everyone's eyes. (End of chapter)

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