Ai Moye noticed that the marshal's eyes were gradually dying and asked cautiously, "Is this tea expensive?"

She saw that there was only a mini jar and thought it might be a gift for tasting.

Di Lie took a deep breath, and after a long time he calmed down and said, "It's not very expensive."

After all, this value cannot be measured in money.

Ai Moye felt relieved and took the remaining half of the can from his hand and said, "I'll make another pot. Seniors and seniors like it very much. Uncle Di, you haven't drunk it yet."

She took the tea can and turned around to leave. The great marshal looked at her back and stretched out his hand several times, but hesitated to speak.

There were so many black tea jars in the window, how could she accurately select the rarest and most precious one among the several kinds of tea?
  This is truly a special skill that is unparalleled.

The next day, Su Qi drank milk tea in the infirmary and felt refreshed.

"This tea is so fragrant. When combined with milk, it's indescribably perfect."

In particular, the faint fragrance of roses covers up the light fishiness of milk and the bitterness of tea leaves. The blended taste flows between the lips and teeth, leaving people with endless aftertaste.

Ai Moye was busy checking information on Star 2B, and also supervising the progress of the food processing factory and ranch. It took a long time to say, "I'm tired of drinking the black tea from Uncle Di's place. Is there only black tea, not green tea, black tea, and white tea?" ?”

Su Qi asked seriously, "Is Green Tea the kind of person mentioned on the Internet who does one thing on the surface and another on the other?"

Ai Moye was helpless.

Interstellar has inherited the Internet language, but it has not been able to pass down the tea leaves.

No, at the Imperial Conference before, the Minister of Agriculture seemed to have made green tea for her, saying it was a new variety that had not yet been opened to the outside world.

She checked again, and it seemed that black tea was indeed the main food in the major star regions of the empire.

This is of course limited by climate, water and soil. The once popular green tea and white tea have almost disappeared, and only a few varieties of black tea have survived.

What a miserable interstellar person, I can’t even drink tea.

Su Qi has no research on tea, and he doesn't have the habit of drinking tea. To him, the tea was too bitter and not as delicious as plain water.

But milk tea is different, very suitable for young people like him.

"If you can break into the milk tea market, I guarantee that you will soon become a leader in the milk tea industry." Su Qi believes that no matter how many flavors are added to the milk tea on the market, it will not be as good as the pure natural milk tea of ​​Aimo Ye.

Ai Moye said worriedly, "That will have to wait until we open up pastures and raise more cows to ensure sufficient milk sources. There are also tea leaves. I want to plant more unusual tea trees."

Milk tea, milk tea, in traditional milk tea, milk and tea are essential. With the evolution of social choices, various milk teas were later developed, and the demand for tea was greatly reduced.

Even so, tea is indispensable.

Suchi said, "Aren't we going to train with the marshal this time? We can also go to more dangerous places that no one has ever visited and find more undiscovered plants."

Maybe you are lucky and find the tea tree?
  However, Su Qi couldn't recognize the tea tree, and he didn't even know what black tea looked like.

In the afternoon, Aimo Ye Meimei took a nap, and after getting up, she received another message from Wen La.

Wenla had been drinking traditional Chinese medicine, and her husband was also forced to drink a lot. Although she resisted a little, she never drank it secretly.

Wen La is now full of confidence, always feeling that after drinking the bitter medicine, good results will surely come.

Aimoye asked her to send the hospital's physical examination report, reconstitute the traditional Chinese medicine according to the couple's health condition, and then have the courier deliver it.

After finishing this matter, Fei Jianan appeared sneakily at the door of the infirmary.

"Senior sister, is that pig edible?" "What kind of pig?" Ai Moye was stunned for a moment, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry after she came to her senses, "Senior, that pig has only been raised for a long time. It can be eaten, but it is not as big as a suckling pig. the difference?"

Fei Jianan wiped the corners of his mouth, his eyes glowing green, "You don't know, every time I see them jumping around, I always fantasize about roasted suckling pig, pork chops, braised pork, shredded pork with green pepper... If I don't eat some... Big meal, I gnawed them alive sooner or later.”

Ai Moye imagined the scene of Fei Jianan chasing the pig butt and biting it, which was a bit miserable.

In order to prevent Fei Jianan from actually doing such a bad thing, she said, "That night, I'll come over to see what's available to eat and cook you a meal. I'm going to train soon, so it's time to catch up."

"Senior sister, you are simply an angel!" Fei Jianan was excited.

So after get off work, Aimoye and Su Qi came to the intern dormitory together.

Except for Fei Jianan, everyone else is not here and will have to come back later.

Ai Moye walked around the vegetable garden and livestock pen, thinking about what to eat tonight.

Vegetables, fish, meat, and eggs are not as abundant as those in the Gobi Prison, but there is still a lot to eat.

Arriving at the seafood pool, Ai Moye looked into the pool and said to himself, "I don't know if these seafood are edible. If there are crabs, they would be good for steaming."

Fei Jianan rushed to her side and said, "Every two days, we take turns to go to the sea to get seawater to replace it with living water. Of course, the seawater has been filtered and purified, and there is no heavy metal elements or nuclear residues at all. I think, You can definitely eat the seafood!”

God knows how much Fei Jianan wanted to have a seafood dinner. Every day when he saw the seafood swimming in it, his saliva would turn into sea water.

Ai Moye said with a smile, "Then senior, go catch some seafood. I remember that the varieties put in are all edible. When you catch them, I will test them to see if they are edible."

Fei Jianan immediately took off his coat and fell into the pool with a thud, causing water to splash high.

The surface of the pond is very shallow, half the size of a basketball court, but it is dug extremely deep.

At first, Aimoye planned to dig only a few meters to raise some fish and shrimp. But Zi Dao and the others wanted to eat more, so they kept digging deep with their mechas.

With a mecha and a superpower, it was no problem to dig a pool of more than ten meters.

Several people often work together to bring sea water for replacement, and worship the seafood inside as ancestors.

Nowadays, the seafood pool has changed a lot. It is full of plump seafood, and our ancestors can finally eat it.

After a while, Fei Jianan turned the seafood pool upside down and fished out several buckets of seafood.

Octopus, crab, shrimp, shellfish, conch and various fish.

Some sea fish are interstellar mutated versions. They enter the seafood pond to breed when the sea water is filled. Even Aimo Ye can't recognize their names.

She searched online again and found that some fish had names and numbers in the interstellar, indicating whether they were edible or poisonous.

When Zi Dao and others arrived home, they could smell the strong fragrance from afar.

In the kitchen, Su Qi and Fei Jianan were helping, chopping garlic and onions to prepare sauce for Aimoye.

Ai Moye holds a spatula in her left hand and a kitchen knife in her right hand. She uses her bow left and right to perform her skills, and her knife skills are dazzling.

The few people who had just returned didn't have time to put their luggage, so they washed their hands and joined in the cooking.

Two hours later, a delicious seafood dinner was served.

Ai Moye introduced one by one, "Spicy squid, garlic scallops, five-spice conch, strange-flavored razor clams. Steamed fish, braised hairtail, shell kelp soup, octopus balls, mussels in black bean sauce, black pepper shrimp balls..." ( End of this chapter)

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